AF22: Ricky Runn vs. Krypto vs. Isabel Stone vs. Mister Alhazred - Over the Top Rope

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the Frog
In this Over the Top Rope Challenge, we will see a preview of the Lethal Lottery match that is to come. This match is extra exciting with the added elements of tension between Runn and the woman, Stone, whose neck he broke, and the pesky Krypto who is obsessed with Alhazred's power glove.​

Deadline is Wednesday, April 24th 2013, at 11:59 P.M. (Central Time Zone)​
The Khronicles of Krypto

One Year Ago, One Year from Now

The new Eurasian champion and very popular superstar Triple X can be seen taking some much needed down time after the triple threat war on Meltdown. With his newly won title by his side X leans back in his recliner and looks to take a nap. However he is not afforded that opportunity as he is quickly awoken by a loud, screeching, and annoying sound coming from the other side of his house. After a bit of investigating it is revealed to be Krypto scratching and clawing at the window attempting to get the attention of X. The new champion hesitantly opens to window only for the alien to quickly squeeze his way in and Krypto seemingly begins tearing the house apart inspecting, analyzing, and observing everything.

X: Krypto? Why are you here and basically destroying my house?

Krypto: Forgive my intrusion Mr. X, I found your home address in the WZCW database and proceeded to travel within the required human distance, I promise this will only take a short time. This is very important.

X: Is there something specifically you’re looking for?

Krypto: Your four leaf clover, horseshoe, and or pot of gold.

X: What?

Krypto: The human objects of luck, you must have obtained them all to have been able to avoid not being thrown over the top rope.

X: Wait a second, rewind here Krypto, what is this about?

Krypto: I’ve done my research, one year ago on the Aftershock before the Lethal Lottery you won a four man over the top rope battle royal against Armando Paradyse, Darren Bull, and Joe West.

X: They sound familiar but I can’t say those guys exactly ring a bell.

Krypto: The important thing is that you managed to somehow not be thrown over the top rope in a match in which you had a twenty five percent statistical chance of winning. I’m in the same situation on the upcoming Aftershock except the humans I’m up against are actually relevant. I have to face Ricky Runn, Isabel Stone, and Mister Alhazred. Teach me your skills Mr. X.

X: I don’t think it’s that simple Krypto, it’s all about luck. Not falling over the top rope isn’t something that can be learned, especially with competitors such as you, I, and even Ricky Runn have such high risk offense.

Krypto: Any advice you can give would be appreciated please, I just need to win, and I need to know I can win this match; I need to win and go onto win the greatest prize of them all on the biggest stage of them all.

X: You are aware that this specific match isn’t the Lethal Lottery and no world title shot will be awarded upon your victory right?

Krypto: Of course, I do however still plan on winning the greatest prize known to all organisms of my planet: Respect and triumph, and I shall do it on the biggest stage of them all: Earth.

X: I honestly don’t know what to tell you Krypto, I won a battle royal once, I don’t see how that qualifies me as the king of the match.

Krypto: You can’t fool me Mr. X. Winning that match led to you entering the Lethal Lottery, in which you had a spectacular performance, which led to your shot at the Elite X title against Steven Holmes in which you beat him gaining the title, which of course then led to you becoming one of the most popular superstars on the roster, and a year later you’ve defeated one of the toughest competitors on the roster and are now the Eurasian champion. I need to win this match, I’m not expecting all my wildest dreams to come true and match your success but I need something, just a tiny bit of that luck to lead me to accomplish something in the future.

X: It’s not like your career up until now has been a bust Krypto, you’ve won the Mentor Program and……and other stuff too I’m sure.

Krypto: I won it and then subsequently lost the title shot I was awarded. I’m not going to try to hide it that loss to Vega at All or Nothing took more of a toll on me then I’d like to admit. I talked to one Steven Kurtesy through your human communication system known as email and he says my recent urge to inflict pain upon myself might stem from my psyche angry that I couldn't accomplish my goal. I told him I had no idea what a psyche was and asked why others refused me in my needs but he hasn't responded yet. It’s just making me begin the question whether I feel the pain I desire on a deeper level or will I ever accomplish anything again besides the Mentor Program, whether upper management even has any faith in me to be anything besides the comedy relief. I mean I know I’m not the most attractive creature in the galaxy, I’m certainly not as well-known with the humans as Saboteur and Saxton but does that mean I can’t amount to anything?

X: It’s not healthy to think that way Krypto, you can’t go into this business second guessing or doubting yourself at every turn or else you will never have the confidence to succeed. How do you think I upset Holmes, overcame Rush and Westhoff? You don’t have to be cocky but feeling down on your luck all the time is inexcusable. Plus you’ve beaten two thirds of your opponents in your match anyway right?

Krypto: While that is true it’s different now, I’ve beaten Runn before and he knows this, he is also well aware that Alhazred has beaten him and Isabel Stone is gunning to break his neck as he did hers. He also knows he’s on possibly the worst losing streak of his life, he’s got nothing to lose and just like me he’s desperate for win in hopes of gaining momentum towards Lethal Lottery and of course Kingdom Come. And yes I’ve beaten Isabel Stone but something is different about her, she’s not the same as before, I sensed it during our tag team match last week; she’s angrier, fiercer, and more determined than ever. Then there’s Alhazred, I just don’t understand why he won’t just let me see the Power Glove.

X: Why is that thing so important to you anyway?

Krypto: It’s not it’s just, after losing to Vega I needed a goal to set for myself so I can boost my confidence and potentially sell it on the intergalactic black market. So I targeted Alhazred because he was lazy, not very successful at the time, he was doing nothing of relevance, and it seemed like his best days were behind him. But instead of being treacherous and just attacking Alhazred for the glove I tried to be a caring friend and share it but it seems like my existence and fascination with his glove has lit a fire inside of Alhazred and his hatred and determined destruction of me has somehow lead him to become more revitalized then he’s been in months. All of my opponents have strong motivation for this match, while my time on this planet has unfortunately led me to develop desires those of a selfish organism.

X: Success and acclaim is something we all hope for Krypto, I’m sure one day you’ll get to where you feel you need to be.

Krypto: Well it needs to be soon, waiting around for these once in a lifetime chances aren’t getting me anywhere, so I’m making the statement now: One year from now if I haven’t accomplished one thing of importance whether it’s winning a championship or snapping somebody’s long undefeated streak I think it’s in my best interest to return to my home planet.

X: I don’t think you need to be hasty….

Krypto: But being slow and steady just isn’t working for me, you’re a human of great skill and wonderful opportunity Mr. X but people not of this world such as me must work a bit harder is all. I guess that is going to start on Aftershock. I must prove I can still beat Ricky Runn and Isabel Stone, and I must finally stop letting that worthless sack of bacteria ridden flesh known as Alhazred bully me around. These next twelve months shall be known as the year of the Kryptonite.

X: Well….that’s good for you Krypto, just be careful, Isabel is more dangerous than ever, Runn is still no pushover, and Alhazred as creepy as he can be is still a veteran within the company.

Krypto: While that is true a year ago Ricky Runn was riding high as one half of potentially the greatest team in WZCW history but now he’s on one of the worst losing streaks of his life and can’t stop hurting innocent people. A year ago Isabel Stone and I weren’t even a micro blimp on the radar of WZCW fans and now we may very well be its future. A year ago Alhazred was riding high and causing destruction with the Apostles of Chaos but now he’s reduced himself to pelvic thrusting and male genital jokes because he’s reached his peak. A lot of things can change in a year; my influence on this planet shall be one of them.
Chapter Four: REVENGE (part one)

When I get home, I know instantly Justin isn't there. I know because the house is silent. No one is here but me. And I do feel sad inside, because I do love Justin. But I don't think he understands what this means for me. Ricky Runn almost ended me. I don't care how sorry he is, he nearly broke my neck. Once I get him into my hands I'll be done, back to normal. Dad will still be there in my mind but I can control him. Justin is kind of being a hipocrite right now. Because I get myself mentally focussed on a goal doesn't make me crazy, it makes me a predator.

Or was breaking the bathroom mirror a turn off?

Either way, my hand is soaking the bandage a deep red color. My skin has rebroken and is seeping down my hand. It hurts like a bitch, but somehow, the satisfaction in me overpowers the pain. I came back with a bang. Sure, Vega took care of the green gremlin and crazy, but I helped and showed I wasn't some broken little doll. Plus, I scared the piss out of Runn. Big plus there. Now I'm here in my home. Alone. Ah, the loneliness is mixing with the pain and I shed some tears. Oh wait... That's real crying.

I should probably rebandage this hand.

When I get into the bathroom, the glass shards are gone. Good thing too, sharp objects seem very friendly right now. I pull out the first aid and take off the bandage.

God DAMMIT, the fear of needles is shitty to have right now. The skin is ripped and bleeding. It probably hasn't stopped since it was cut. I pull out the needle and thread, suck in a breath and slowly stich myself back up.

It takes an hour due to the pauses of running to the toilet to puke due to the image of a needle going in and out of my hand happening before my eyes. I really don't like needles. When I finish, I rebandage myself and go downstairs to get an icepack. By this time, the show is probably long over, but I don't give much of a shit.

Until I see Justin walking in the front door. Holding a beautiful red rose.


You could say I'm a bit shocked to see him here. I mean, he thinks I'm nuts. Right? Why is he back here with a rose???

Justin looks up at me, his beautiful eyes sparkling and he says:

I wanted to give this to you after the show. But you were gone, so I came back.

I am really numb. This guy just made himself Boyfriend Of The Year. Any other girl would be tackling him and telling him how wonderful he is, how awesome he is, how much they love them, how they wish they had stayed, blah, Blah, BLAH.

You get the idea. I'm not like that. So me and Justin stand there staring at each other for a while.

You think I'm nuts.

You just got out of the hospital. And you're... You. Plus there's something in there driving you.


So it's sexy. Especially when you use it.

You just want sex tonight, don't you.

His cheeks become red and I know I've hit the jackpot. Men. And yet I jump off the steps and tackle him to the floor, sitting on his chest to hold him down. Justin groans and looks up at me defeated. I pick up the rose and run over his face, starting at his forehead and moving it over his eyes and lips.

I missed you too.

I lean down and kiss him softly, breaking from my obsession for just a short time. Hey, crazies need to relax too.

Two Days Later...​

My phone buzzes and I answer it. First I check the caller ID and when I see it's Becky, I feel the need to ignore her. But I answer, wondering what the hell she wants.

What the hell do you want Becky?

Hey, look at that. Took the words out of my mouth!

I wanted to tell you congrats on the win. And management was impressed. They put you in a fatal four way over the top rope match.

Is Runn in it?

Yep. Him and the two you faced last week.

It's not complete payback on Runn, but it's a start. But ew, the gremlin and crazy again?

Psch. I can handle this.

I want Runn alone, got it?

I'll do what I can, but no promises.

Hey... Why are you being nice to me?

... Because you don't take crap.

There is silence between us. No woman hired in WZCW takes crap, not even Becky. She gets a lot of it, and I have dished it out quite a bit. But here she is, helping me and saying I don't take crap. A normal person would thank her for this kindness.

I'm not normal.

I just give it to you. Runn. Alone. Make it happen.

Before she can respond I hang up and look in the mirror. Dad is staring back. A memory of the last time Runn and I were in a ring together flashes thru my mind and I punch the wall, imagining his face there. A blood stain appears after I pull my hand away. I don't care.

Run Ricky Runn. I'm coming for you.
???:"Okay Ricky, what is the first rule in driving?"

The camera enters in to the sight of the younger Ricky inside a car, with his father, Richard Sr. The car was Richard Senior's pride and joy. A brand new Mercedes, which was a manual transmission car. The two were at the very top of a parking garage. Where it was only the two of them in a empty lot. Perfect place to learn how to drive and park.

Ricky:"Ummm, you start the car, right?"

Richard Sr.:"No son, you need to always put on your seat belt."

The teenage Ricky turns his head and then questioned his old man.

Ricky:"Says who? I mean, wouldn't you want to start the car up before you put on your seat belt? What if there was a bomb in the car when you started it up, and the difference between escaping the explosion, or dying was all thanks to your seat belt? "

Richard Sr, was not amused by Ricky and sighed and rolled his eyes.

Richard Sr.:"Ricky, driving is no joke and if you do not learn how to drive, you could end up killing someone. Do you want to be a murderer? If not just listen to my rules, okay?"

Ricky shook his head and climbed out of the car and shouted at his father.

Ricky:"Shut up! You're not my real dad!"

Ricky then slammed the door and walked away from the parked car. In a sudden turn of events, the car exploded. Shrapnel flying all over the place, and before the teenage Ricky could react, a giant alien monster made a bee-line path to Ricky. To which the Daredevil punched in the face and then took his wings and --

Rob:"Woah woah woah, okay that is so not how that story went. Don't listen to him. It is the first time he's had sugar in three months."

We are now taken back to the real world. Where Ricky and his agent, Rob were in a T.V Studio in Los Angeles, California. Prior to Rob butting in, Ricky was telling the story of the epic conclusion on why he does not have a drivers license to a loosely dressed lady outside the studio. Ricky turned and with a bummed look and said to his friend.

"Okay okay okay, the explosion wasn't true, but I am telling you, I wrestled the hell out of a giant alien bug, I'm telling you, it had some pretty massive wings. I think it was Krypto's mom. It was ugly enough to be."

Rob let out a sigh and shook his head.

Rob:"You are never going to change, are you? Well I hope you're excited, you are got casted to do some insurance commercials. More exposure is never a bad thing."

Ricky sighed and nodded his head and began to walk with Rob to the studio they were suppose to be, as they walked Ricky mentioned.

Ricky:"Yeah man I guess, commercials are cool and all, but I haven't been able to get and solid footing in the ring."

Rob than slid in a side comment.

Rob:"Or outside the ring either."

Ricky:"What was what?"

Rob:"Ohh nothing, anyway man. This is a win/win for you. Trust me, you're branching out. You're transcending not just wrestling, but onto Television, than after that you can get into movies! Think of it man. You could be the first guy to ever star in a blockbuster action movie and be heavyweight champion!"

Ricky:"Yeah, like that would ever happen. I don't man, I feel like I should actually practice, or hit the gym. This week I am facing Izzy again, and if I get sloppy like I did the last time I faced her I could end up snapping her neck, or worse... speaking of which, I am hoping she got my get well soon letter. "

Rob:"I don't think a get well card would change anything brother. From what I have heard in the back, she's been planning to gut you open like a catfish. If anything, you need to watch your back from her man."

In enough time, they reached Studio number 8, where a short, portly man was there at the directors chair. Ricky and Rob approached him. Ricky looked down at the man and said.

Ricky:"Uhh hi, this is studio 8, right? I'm Ricky, I'm here to do the commercial."

The portly man turned away from the script he was reading and looked Ricky up and down before hopping off the chair. He was at least 5" off the ground. Well at the knees of Ricky and Rob. The Daredevil was unable to stop himself from giggling and laughing.

Ricky:"Hehehe, oh my god Rob look, look he's soo short."

At the giggling, Rob nudged Ricky hard on the shoulder and cleared his throat to apologize.

Rob:"Sorry about that sir, my friend here has a bit of a hard time getting serious when he needs to be. I promise during the filming he'll be on his best behavior."

The short man snorted and let out a growl before saying.

Director:"Look kid, I am way too busy to be pissed off, we're behind schedule and we need to get three commercials done before the end of the day or all our gooses are going to get cooked, capeesh? Your agent and I worked out something into the scripts and trust me, it is going to be commercial gold!-- uhh kid?"

When the man was talking, Ricky had wandered away from the short director to a green screen area, which had a suspension cord to which Ricky attached himself to by his belt loop and began to hop up and down on it.

Ricky:"Wooo this is awesome! I love show-business!!!!"

Watching Ricky goof off like a 10 year old caused a synched groan and face palm from both Rob and the director. It wasn't long though until the director walked forward and shouted.

Director:"Okay folks get that stupid monkey into makeup and actors get into places! We're wasting sunlight here people!"

Sure enough, Ricky was removed from the cable, and moved over to makeup. The makeup stand had three different stands all for the different scenes for the Daredevil to perform in. We fade out from the scene of Ricky being swarmed by make-up artists.

The camera faded back in to a sigh of Ricky sitting in a hospital gown, his right arm and his hip wrapped tightly in a cast. Ricky's hair was pulled back tightly and his toned body was digitally altered to look more meek and frail. Ricky looked the camera dead center and began reading off his lines.

Ricky:"Hi, I'm Mister Alhazred, and I'm the in hospital. Today I tried beating the world *********ion record."

Ricky than raised his cast covered arm and said to the camera.

"The record won."

Ricky is then approached by a nurse who has to change his bedpan while Ricky continued.

Ricky:"So instead of making my way to glory and fame I am stuck with paying this entire hospital bill. Once I am out of this cast, I am definitely getting hugs insurance."

The logo for Hug's insurance appears on the screen, while the nurse looses her grip on the bedpan and causes the fluids inside the pan to spill all over Ricky. The camera fades out once again.

The camera faded in again to the sight of Ricky Runn. Wearing a green bald wig and with his skin painted green with scales to match. Ricky was tied down to a wall with his arms and legs spread out He turned his head to the side to face the camera.

Ricky:"Hi, I'm Krypto, and today, I thought it would be a good idea to meet this new Female dominatrix I saw in the classifieds."

The camera panned out a bit to the sight of a tall muscular man wearing giant latex heels and with a horse crop in his hand. The camera then focused back on Ricky.

Ricky:"Turns out, I misread it, she's a new female. This is gonna hurt"

A loud smack is heard off camera and Ricky's face clenched up tight.

Ricky:"I know when I get to the hospital, my bills aren't going to pay themselves. That's why I need hugs--"

Ricky was then cut off with the dominatrix sticking a ball gag into his mouth. Where you can hear whimpering sounds coming from Ricky. The camera fades out again to the next ad.

The camera fades in for a final time to the sight of Ricky sitting the driver seat of her car. He was wearing bright makeup and lipstick, with weaves in his hair to extend them. Ricky was also wearing a neck brace. Ricky is seen driving a bright red car.

Ricky:"Hi, I am Isabel Stone, and I am taking my drivers exam for the 13th time in a row."

Next to Ricky was another actor, who was portraying a driver instructor. The instructor looked wide eyed and said.

Driver:"Wow you're Isabel Stone? I love wrestling, Ricky Runn is my favorite! He is so handsome and awesome in every way!"

Ricky then released a smirk and said to the camera.

Ricky:" That's a problem, because I hate Ricky. After I broke my neck, I had to pay out of pocket for my hospital bill. I obviously needed Hug's Insurance..."

The two drive over a bridge, which was still constructing the guard rails. To which Ricky begins turning the wheel straight for the weak point of the rail.

Ricky:"Well you know what they say? 14th times the charm."

Ricky is then seen jerking the car off a bridge. The camera zooms in and starts recording in slow-motion of Ricky and the driver crashing into the river. The camera fades out.

Director:"That's a wrap! Great work everyone, great job! Everyone get home and congratulate yourselves on a job well done!"

We are brought back to the studio. Where Ricky was relaxing in the back of the makeup room. Wiping off the makeup that stained his face and his lips. Where he was then met by Rob who gave Ricky a round of applause.

Rob:"Hey Ricky great job man. You're a real natural in front of a camera. That one bit with Izzy I nearly lost it."

Ricky cleared his throat with a drink from the bottle of water in his hand before saying back to Rob.

Ricky:"Thanks man, that means a lot... Actually, I do feel a lot better after doing these ads. It help put a lot of things in perspective. Though I don't think that will stop Izzy from trying to turn me into a fur coat or whatever she plans on doing."

Rob:"That's the plan man."

Ricky then took a spit take and looked over confused.

Ricky:"Wait wut?"

Rob chuckled and nodded his head.

Rob:"Think about it man. How do you think you were able to beat Austin Reynolds?"

Ricky:"Ummm, by being crazy awesome, and devishly handsome?"

Rob:"Not exactly, you got in his head. You made him angry, and when you made him angry he got stupid. Well stupid enough to doubt your ability. You were able to steal a win right from under his nose. If you can provoke Izzy, you might be able to get her to throw herself out of the ring."

Ricky began to scratch his chin and said.

Ricky:"Hmm, I don't know man. I have a feeling that could turn around and bite me in the ass. The only thing I can really hope for in this match is that the third rope decides to stay latched onto the ring this time."

Rob:"At this point and time man, can we ever hope anything chaotic doesn't happen to you any day of the week?"

Ricky sighed and nodded his head.

Ricky:"I'm telling you man, something happened at Redemption... when I was attacked, I didn't think too much of it. I thought it was just someone trying to make a statement, or someone trying to get noticed. Or maybe it was Joe West, I don't know. I just took the high road and let it go. But ever since Redemption my luck has been bonkers. We need to do some research, some prying, because I think."

Ricky said before climbing up and looking Rob in the eyes with a deadpan expression.

Ricky:"I think we have a luck thief on the loose!"

Rob met Ricky's absurd stare for a moment, he took in what Ricky just said, and laughed.

Rob:"Ohh man, Ricky, you're such an off guy. But you know what, we should really look into this. Maybe if we find out who did it we can get your mojo back or whatever. Let's get home dude."

Ricky nodded and walked with Rob out of the studio. Leaving behind the puddle of spat out water behind them. Shortly after Ricky and Rob leave the room. A stage hand walked into the room carrying a makeup case. Suddenly, she lost her footing and ends up falling to the ground, the large case of makeup flew into the air. Unluckily for the woman, the nose hair trimmer went straight into her eye, where she released a loud scream. A scream so loud, Ricky and Rob heard it from outside of the studio where Ricky looked over his shoulder and went.

Ricky:"Oh Hamburgers, what was that?"

Rob automatically assumed the worst and began to push Ricky away from the studio and said with haste.

Rob:"Forget about it man, lets get out of here!"
Alhazred and Fats are sitting high in a tree, both in full hunting camo. Alhazred is looking intently at something on the forest floor, while Fats is looking around eating a box of rainbow sprinkled, chocolate frosted donuts.

Fats: Do you see him?

Alhazred: No not yet, but don’t you worry he’ll be here.

Fats: Do you really think it’s going to be this easy to catch him? I mean the dude is huge.

Alhazred: That’s why I put enough tranquilizers to take out a herd of elephants in the bait.

Fats: Yeah but do you really think he’s dumb enough to fall for this? Besides we’re in the middle of nowhere how the hell is he gonna know there’s a rainbow sprinkled, chocolate frosted donut sitting in the middle of some random forest? What does this guy have some super smelling sense or something?

Out of nowhere a thunderous noise is heard. Both men leap up and look below. They see a large man with long, flowing blonde hair wearing nothing but a bulging loin cloth looking at the donut on the ground. There’s a small crater around him where he landed. Fats gasps in fear and Alhazred puts his hand over his mouth and shushes him.

The large man below looks around before bending over to pick up the donut. As he does Alhazred whips out a button and pushes it, a large metal box falls from the trees and lands on top of Facecrush, locking him in.

Alhazred: Got him!

Fats: Holy crap, it worked. That big oaf actually bought it. Do you think he can get out?

Alhazred: No way, I built that box myself; Super Saiyan 78 Goku couldn’t break out of that box.

All of a sudden a fist comes through the box and both men scream in terror. The large man rips through the side of the box and looks straight at Alhazred and Fats. In one leap he makes it to the branch where Alhazred and Fats are. Alhazred immediately throws Fats in front of him and towards the man, jumps out of the tree and sprints out of sight. The hulking monster punches Fats in the face, crushing it. He throws him to the forest floor and jumps out of the tree. As Fats hits the ground, the man’s feet land on his spine, smashing it. The large man stands up at looks around for Alhazred.

Large man: Puny humans think they can fool Facecrush.

Facecrush sniffs for a moment. He looks down at Fats stomach and sees remnants of the rainbow sprinkled, chocolate frosted donuts he was eating before. He sticks his hand in Fats stomach and begins eating it. Facecrush stops for a moment and suddenly falls to his side. Alhazred comes sprinting over and stands over his body.

Alhazred: Ha! Got you!


Alhazred: Wake up you dumb monster!

Facecrush sits opens his eyes and sees he is strapped to a large table. The room he is in is pitch black besides a red light above Alhazred, who is in a white lab coat. He easily breaks through the metal straps and charges at Alhazred.

Alhazred: STOP! I wouldn’t do that if I were you!

Facecrush stops.

Facecrush: Who are you to tell Facecrush what to do?

Alhazred: I am the smartest man in the universe and I’m telling you to stop because if you don’t, I will flush that rainbow sprinkled, chocolate frosted donut down the toilet!

Facecrush spins his head swiftly and sees a donut hanging over the most disgusting toilet ever known to man; it’s overflowing with brown and black liquid. Facecrush falls to the ground and scurries over to a corner, his face covered in fear.

Facecrush: Facecrush has never seen a toilet so hideous in his life, why would you put the best tasting food in the world in the bowl of terror?! Facecrush must know!

Alhazred kneels down next to Facecrush and throws his arm around him.

Alhazred: You see Facecrush; I have a very important match coming up this week on Aftershock. It’s and Over-the-top-rope challenge against 3 imbeciles. I may have be smarter than all of them combined but we are all pretty much equal in strength and speed. None of us are big, strong men like yourself and I thought to myself “Alhazred, you’re going against three people who use their speed and strategy to their advantage, how can you get the edge over them?”. The answer my friend lies in these babies.

He points to his biceps.

Alhazred: Strength, Facecrush, power. I need more power and strength. Sure my precious Power Glove, that that annoying little green pus bag who’s head I sent crashing through the announce table with the WVD, because he cost me that match and my sanity over the last few weeks, um…what was I saying?

Facecrush: Power Glove?

Alhazred: Right, my wonderful Power Glove that I’m going to use to punch the beautifully, crafted neck of Isabel Stone over and over again. Every time it comes down on her neck, I’m going to try to get a scent of that lovely hair and skin that I smelled and grabbed last week.

Facecrush: What does this have to do with Facecrush?

Alhazred: Silence! Now my Power Glove makes my right hand pack quite the punch, but my arms are still quite noodly and need some bulking up. Now a well, muscled man like yourself must know a billion tips and tricks to help me build some muscle mass so I may able to firmly grab Isabel Stone by the buttocks and chest, lift her over my head and toss her over the top rope while thrusting.

Facecrush: Facecrush, doesn’t understand.

Alhazred: I knew you were dumb but I didn’t expect you to be a complete idiot. ME…WANT…YOU…HELP…ME...GET…STRONG!

Facecrush: You want Facecrush to train you to get stronger like Facecrush?

Alhazred: …yes.

Facecrush: Facecrush doesn’t really train, he just constantly running and leaping around the planet lifting large objects searching for his next meal and sexual conquest. The rainbow sprinkled, chocolate frosted donuts and sense of lust from all the females in the world are what gives Facecrush his throbbing muscles and strength.

Alhazred: Sooo… you don’t have any tips at all?

Facecrush: There can only be one Facecrush and Facecrush is the only one who can gain muscle this way Facecrush thinks.

Alhazred: So you’re useless to me than?

Facecrush: Yes.

Alhazred: So I put poison in my only friend’s donut; knowing you would eat his stomach fluids after you kill him and spent all this time trying to capture you when I could be playing Jet Set Radio Future that I just bought at the flea market, for nothing?

Facecrush: Facecrush guesses so.

Alhazred: Well that sucks.

Facecrush: Can Facecrush have that donut before he leaves?

Alhazred: No! You’re never leaving! I may not have use for you know but I can’t let a specimen like yourself go without doing some testing!

Alhazred drops the donut into the toilet; it melts away like the liquid was acid. Facecrush screeches at the top of his lungs. Alhazred pulls a lever next to him, it opens the floor beneath Facecrush. He falls through the hole and into a large, liquid container. Alhazred closes the floor and heads out the door as the scene fades to black.
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