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AF21: Mister Alhazred & Krypto vs. Vega & Isabel Stone

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
Chaos is afoot in this mixed-bag tag team match up. Alhazred and Krypto are both coming off strong wins this past round, but the two have been at each other's throat, or should we say hand, for the last couple of rounds. On the other side, the self-proclaimed Monarch of Mayhem must shed his "singles" skin and team up with a returning Isabel Stone. With so many variables, no one can possibly predict what the outcome will be in this match.

Deadline is Wednesday, 10th of April - 11:59pm Central Time.
Chapter Three: Return​

Alhazred is losing it. Anyone can see that. And yet they put him as Krypto's partner?

And yet you're the one who said that two crazies in a match was the best thing to happen to wrestling since submission holds.

Well, I guess so.

Justin and I sit together in my room, poised over my laptop watching old promos for fun. Vega is facing Mister Alhazred and Krypto in a handicapt match. I finished physical therapy and have been told I can go back to work soon. But now I'm getting an itch. Krypto is a moron. A moron I would love to pound.

Krypto sure does like pain...

That look. I don't like that look. Isabel, you haven't been cleared-

Haven't been cleared officialy. Come on Justin, you know I can do this. I've been training for weeks and weeks. Plus I would have Vega by my side.

Before he can start an argument I jump up and start getting my bag ready. Then I stop. No. I can't let people know I'm coming. But I do need to look my best. I grab my bathrobe.

Izzy you're nuts! You're not ready for this type of match! Alhazred or what ever his name really is more likely to eat you than tap out to any of your submissions, and Krypto is more likely to laugh while you beat him and cause you to fall and get hurt again. Vega can take care of himself.

This isn't about Vega. I need to come back sometime. Don't I? And I have an itch to beat up that "alien".

Runn will be there... shoots thru my mind as I start to undress. Justin wraps his arms tightly around my waist.

Izzy, stay here tonight, make your return next week.

We can do this tomorrow Justin, don't worry.

I pull away and walk into the bathroom. A good thirty minutes is spent standing in the shower cleaning myself off and belting My Chemical Romance songs (so yeah, they broke up... Who cares? I have their tunes). Half-way thru imagining a beautiful wedding with Justin as I belt "Summertime" I hear something. I finish the song and listen. There it is. A voice. I brush the conditioner out of my hair and turn off the water.

Failure... Disappointment...

I'm about to ask if Justin is out there when I realize I know that voice. I've known it my whole. I step out, wrap myself in my robe then wipe off the mirror with a towel. There he is. His teal eyes meet mine and he glares.

I called you daughter. I taught you everything I know. And what do you do? You lose the majority of your matches. You lose a competition to a man who thinks he's an alien. You are a failure Isabel.

I stare at him for a moment. When I speak, my voice is a choked whisper.

I defended you against my own mother...

Because punching the woman who gave birth to you is so brave. You hate pity but you make it seem like anyone who doesn't feel sorry for you is a demon from Hell itself. You're pathetic.

I'm trying Dad! It's not easy being only the second woman to-

Don't you dare use that as an excuse. You are stronger than half the men on this roster. Being a woman has nothing to do with it.

Have you tried it?

A hand reaches out and slaps me. I feel it and damn it hurts. My hand stings a bit but my cheek is on fire.

Isabel? Are you okay in there?

Justin knocks and his voice is slightly muffled thru the door. Dad glares at me.

And that boy. You have let him take control of you. And what you let Ricky Runn do to you? No one felt pity, you showed the world how you really are. Weak, lazy-

I'm not weak.

Pathetic, insulting-

I'm NOT weak.

Disrespectful, disappointing little-

I'M NOT WEAK!!!!!!!

My fist slams into the mirror, shattering the glass. The pieces fall every where, slicing open my hand. Justin bursts in and stares at me as I calmly walk out, dress myself, grab my gear and tape up my hand.

What the hell is wrong with you!

Ignoring that, and without a goodbye or simple accknowlagement, I leave. I walk to the arena, letting every moment give me more thought. Runn will be there. But I can't just be a part of a tag team. I pull out my cell and call Becky Serra.


It's me.


Yes genius. I need you to tell who ever the hell is in charge that I'm Vega's tag team partner tonight. I'm coming now, so "no" isn't an option. Tell Vega even if you want but no one else, got it?

But why no-


Becky squeaks and I hang up. I know she'll listen because she's afraid of me. Five minutes later and I've thrown my bag into a locker room where no one will touch it. I go into the bathroom and put on my gear then put my clothes with my other stuff. Then I go on my search. As I walk I hear the sound of argument between Sandy and Celeste.

I should be the leader! I've been here longer!

Like that means anything? I worked with Steve Kurtesy for God's sake!

I'm better at this job than you!

I've lost more!

Bull shit! Come say that again when your husband cheats on you with some random skank!

You have as much chance of being leader as Isabel Stone has of...

I stop and stare Sandy down. She and Celeste get full view of me. Me. Strong, ready to fight in my ring gear. On the verge of running late for a match.And daring them to come say anything to my face. They stare at me blankly, not believing I'm here. Not only walking, but more dangerous than before.

With no answer I turn away and find Runn. He sits in front of a moniter, looking tired. But so full of himself. I come up behind him and put my hands on his shoulders.

Yoko? Is that you?

I pinch down as hard as I can, making him cry out. Then I wrap an arm around his throat and yank his head back by grabbing a handful of his hair. When I speak, I sound scary even to myself. Runn is pissing his pants, afraid I'm mugging him. He'd be damn close to the truth.

I've been waiting a long time to see you again Ricky. I don't have the pleasure of inflicting on you the pain you inflicted onto me this particular week. This week I get the physco and the alien. But next week... Next week be scared Ricky. Because next week is the final chapter. REVENGE!!!!!

I punch his forehead and storm to the curtain to wait for my music. As I walk away I hear laughter mixed with Runn's pitiful whimpering.

On the road to doing something right.
The Khronicles of Krypto

Get your head in the Game!​

Krypto can be seen sitting on concrete ground in front of the post office doors eagerly waiting for it to open so that he may gain the package he has been so obsessively thinking about the last week. The resident alien’s wait is actually cut short this morning as a postal worker soon appears at the front door with a bulky rectangle shaped package, he sighs at the sight of Krypto but grudgingly unlocks it.

Krypto: Do you have it yet?!

Post Man: This time I actually do but before I give it to you, let me ask you something. For the last week you’ve been the first one in here and the last one out pestering me and my employees, invading our personal space, even following some of us to our houses all for this package, what in here is so important that you’ve wasted the last seven days of your life in a Post office?

Krypto: An Xbox 360 of course!

Krypto proceeds to snatch the package out of the postal workers hands and begins to shake it near his ear as if it’s a Christmas present.

Krypto: My copy of WZCW 13 is encased as well correct?

Post Man: I think, maybe, I don’t know…..you’ve seriously been waiting here for a video game? You realize you could have bought this at a Target or Best Buy right?

Krypto: This system was specially made; it’s the Krypto and Mister Alhazred Best Friends of Doom edition, with Kung Fu grip!

Post Man: Who?

Krypto: You know, Mister Alhazred: The Mad Professor, Krypto: The Extraterrestrial Sensation. Newly formed tag team partners who will soon defeat Mayhem champion Vega and Isabel Stone and rule the tag team world!

Post Man: I don’t watch wrestling.

A look of disgust slowly appears on the alien’s face.

Krypto: Well excuse me ignorant Post Man, I must now go home and play with my joystick.

Post Man: They call them controllers now.

Krypto: I didn’t ask you!

Krypto proceeds to then sprint away in glee carrying his new game system.

Twenty Minutes Later

The intergalactic sensation can be seen entering the loft/apartment left to him by his dear departed friend Lars. He quickly begins organizing the Xbox’s setup; it’s almost like second nature to him.

Krypto: Since trying to be his friend and beating Ricky Runn didn’t work, maybe I must understand Alhazred physiologically by gaining access this virtual world known as video games. But I must think of a user name, I can’t use Krypto though, if all the WZCW fans no my virtual identity I’ll never get done signing internet autographs to master my gaming prowess. I’ll go incognito using ID of SpaceInvader666, yeah that’ll trick them.

After finishing the user control settings, Krypto soon pops in his copy of WZCW 13, puts on his headset and decides to enter an online tag team tournament of sorts. He is randomly paired up with a user named Sploogemaster92 who is conveniently using Mister Alhazred, and they are match up against two players using Ricky Runn and the super-secret unlock able Austin Reynolds. Krypto of course subconsciously picks himself.

Sploogemaster: You better not suck SpaceInvader, I hate picking up the dead weight of you newbies.

Krypto: What exactly is splooge and why are you a master at it?

Sploogemaster: Ask your mother.

Krypto: Huh…I didn’t know she had the answer to such a human conundrum.

Sploogemaster: She better have the answer to this dic….

Krypto’s online partner is cut off by the abrupt start of the match where they both begin to be dominated by the opposition. This soon changes however as Sploogemaster definitely has had practice and is a seasoned pro. He seems to know to use all of Alhazred’s signature moves extremely efficiently and furiously taunted their opponents with the pelvic thrusting.

Krypto: You’re really good with Alhazred.

Sploogemaster: Because he’s the best wrestler EVAH!

Krypto: Can you tag me in?

Sploogemaster: You can tag this dic…

He is once again cut off this time by the player using Ricky Runn who seems to be using the comeback mechanic in one last ditch effort to win for his team. He begins whipping Alhazred all around the ring and hitting his entire signature moves. Spoolemaster doesn’t seem to be fast enough to counter. Just when Runn is about to go for his finisher Krypto tags himself in, Runn doesn’t realize it and the alien rolls him up, Reynolds doesn’t have enough stamina to break up the pin 1….2….3!

Krypto: Yeah just like I did on Meltdown….I mean just like that cool Krypto guy did on Meltdown.

Sploogemaster: You’re not as bad as I thought, but Krypto is still the worst character in the game.

Krypto: I’m not…I mean he’s not that bad, I hear him and Alhazred might become a tag team and win the titles.

Sploogemaster: There is no way in hell he would ever team with that green freak and turn on him halfway through the match.

Krypto: Really?

Sploogemaster: Stop your whining you fan boy we got matches to win.

Krypto: Do you think Alhazred and Krypto could ever be friends?

Sploogemaster: Krypto can be friends with my dic…

The game begins and to Krypto it feels almost instantly they win. It goes on like this for a while actually. As reluctant as they are about teaming together, Krypto and his online partner begin mowing through the other randomly paired teams, then they even start non-random teams using characters such as Saboteur and Saxton, Bearded Gentlemen, even the Empire fell before the infinite skills of the Sploogemaster and his lesser known, slightly less talented partner SpaceInvader666. But finally they get the final matchup of the tournament. One of the players is using Isabel Stone and other is using Mayhem Champion Vega.

Sploogemaster: Isabel Stone, now she can be friends with my dick.

Krypto: Ah yes Isabel, the woman never in control of her emotions. I remember beating her for the Mentor Program, good times. And Vega, I remember losing to him, bad times…

Sploogemaster: Wait is that you Krypto?

Krypto: No….why would you think that….do you want an autograph?

Sploogemaster: You’re the green bastard trying to steal my Power Glove.

Krypto: Mister Alhazred?!

Alhazred: Damn straight, I can’t believe I got paired with a freak like you.

Krypto: Well you know we are going to be on the same team at Aftershock conveniently taking on Vega and Isabel Stone.

Alhazred: No way, I’m not teaming with you then and I’m definitely not now. Time to exit the game….wait….no exiting online games in session? No!

Krypto: Guess you’ll have to be my partner.

Alhazred: Screw that.

The next fifteen minutes Alhazred spends attempting to run around the arena and abandon Krypto while he is being assaulted by Vega and Isabel. During this time his pelvic thrusting button has been mashed so furiously he’s gained three finishers. Vega notices this momentum and decides to put an end to it and attacks Alhazred on the outside. Meanwhile Isabel goes for her flying head-butt on the inside but Krypto moves out of the way just in time. The resident alien sees Alhazred in need of help and nails a suicide taking out Vega! He then proceeds to help Alhazred up only for the Mad Doctor to hit him with a Level 5!

Krypto: What are you doing? We’re on the same team!

Alhazred: No we’re not and we’ll never be Krypto.

Alhazred then throws Krypto into the ring and he looks to use his next finisher on the resident alien again. He signals for another Level 5 but Krypto is able to dodge it and Alhazred hits a recovering Isabel, he instinctively presses his taunt after his finisher not allowing himself enough time to stop Krypto who hits a flying saucer on her 1….2….3!

Alhazred: No! I didn’t want you to win.

Krypto: Face it Alhazred, we’re just too awesome as a tag team to lose even when you turn on me.

Alhazred: I don’t want to team with you and I want to destroy your worthless body and eat your brains!

Krypto: Alhazred you won a match against former Elite X Champion Mick Overlast on Ascension. Do you know why? Because of the burning hatred and passion you have for me. You ended a long losing streak because of the motivation I’m giving you. Use that but instead pretend I’m your former tag team partner James King, or SHIT maybe.

Alhazred: You’ll never be as good as them.

Krypto: Regardless I’m the best thing to happen to you in recent memory, and as a team we could rule WZCW, maybe even share the power glove.

Alhazred: For the last time I’m not sharing the Power Glov…

Krypto: Don’t worry about Isabel, I’ve beaten her before and she’s just an overrated bully with a barely recovered neck. Plus she’s all obsessed with Ricky Runn who I beat by the way.

Alhazred: What about Vega?

Krypto: I was hoping you could deal with that actually, he’s pretty tough. But was that good enough motivation?

Alhazred: You can motivate this dic…

Krypto turns off the Xbox and begins plotting away about how he will try to steal the power glove in his upcoming match.

New York City
Vega's Penthouse
Present Day


Vega sits on a stool in front of his kitchen table wearing a white tank top and black track pants. Nothing else. His bare feet rest on the pegs beneath his stool, holding it steady. He leans over the table as he eats a bowl of cereal that Alexis just put out for him. She walks over to the refrigerator with the opened carton of milk and opens to door to place it back inside. As she does so, she looks over to Vega before closing the door shut.

Orange juice?

No, thanks.

Alexis closes the door shut. Before she can say anything else, a ringing can be heard coming from another room.

That's my cell.

Vega, already knowing this, barely acknowledges her statement as he continues to eat his cereal. Alexis casually exits the room to go answer her phone. It's silent in the kitchen. Only the sound of Vega's spoon clanking against the bowl is heard, followed by the muffled crunching noises coming from Vega's mouth as he chews on his cornflakes. He's basically emotionless, almost as if it's too early in the morning for him to feel anything worth getting animated about.

We can hear Alexis talk on the phone in the distance, but she's too far away for us to understand what she's saying. Vega couldn't seem to care less about the conversation she is having, even as her voice begins getting louder the more she gets closer to re-entering the room. The look on her face seems a bit confused as she is now listening to the other person on the line. Alexis looks over at Vega with a facial expression that alerts him that the conversation is indeed about him.

No, he's not with me at the moment.


A tag team match?

Now Vega furrows his eyebrows as Alexis' phone conversation has drawn his interest. He continues to eat his cereal, but his eyes remain focused on Alexis.

Uh... okay. I'll tell him.

Alexis hangs up the phone with a perplexed look on her face. She continues to look down at her cell, trying to make sense of what she just heard. Vega swallows a mouthful of cornflakes and breaks the silence.


Alexis looks up from her phone and back towards Vega.

Do you know a Becky Serra?

No. Should I?

Alexis shrugs as she walks over to the table.

Maybe. She just told me what your match at Aftershock is gonna be.

And it's a tag team match?

She sits down on a stool on the other side of the table in front of Vega.

Yeah. Your partner is Isabel Stone.

Who the hell is that?

She's the girl that came in second in the Mentor Program.

Vega emphatically closes his eyes as he silently laughs to himself, all the while shaking his head in an almost expected disbelief.


Alexis bites her lips as she nods her head.

Isn't that the same broad that Ricky Runn put out of business?


This gets another subdued laugh out of Vega. He holds his spoon in his hand, sort of waving it around, almost as if he doesn't even know what to do with it at this point. He's just confused.

So you're telling me that I have to team with Isabel Stone?


A girl who lost to Krypto?

That's the other thing.


That's who you're facing.



Vega tosses his spoon into his bowl of cereal as he throws his hands up into the air, as if he's giving up on trying to make sense of this. Milk splashes up from the bowl and onto the table. Vega doesn't even acknowledge it, but Alexis notices the mess. She doesn't try to clean it up, though.

I have to beat Krypto, again!? Wasn't beating him in his own match enough? I defended my Mayhem Championship against him, one on one, in a damn Flying Saucer match for God's sake... and beat him! I put him to sleep with my triangle choke. I dragged his sorry little carcass up that freaking ramp. I dragged him into the damn saucer, I picked him up, and I planted his stupid, E.T. Go Home, alien face into the cold steel with The Killswitch. Then walked out and shut the door on his own flying saucer, simultaneously shutting the door on any dreams he had of becoming the Mayhem Champion... just as I've done over and over again to so many others. I crushed his spirit. He's been a shell of himself since I disposed of him. Krypto now has to mask his defeats with the notion that he loves to endure pain.

If that's the case, Krypto and I should be best of friends. I am a man capable of things that make my peers crawl to confessionals in search of divine mercy. There isn't a single man, woman, alien, or robot in this company that is capable of being as evil as I am. I have eyes that have seen sights none of them even dare conjure up in their worst nightmares. I've stared into the eyes of men as I took their last breaths away from them. For me? Most of my matches are just another weekend. But for my enemies? For my victims? It's a night that they never ever forget for the rest of their lives. Krypto obviously wants another memory engrained into his microscopic brain once again.

I used Krypto to show WZCW the error of their ways. They ignored me at first, looked over me and chose 8 other wrestlers they saw more potential in. They put all of them in the Mentor Program, and their crowning achievement was... Krypto. A damn pea brained waste of skin who thinks he's a freaking alien. I remember that night, too. After Krypto won his match, he had his little backstage segment where he finally gained both of his mentors' respect. It was supposed to be this big deal that Krypto gained Action Saxton and Saboteur's respect? Seriously? That's the exact hypocrisy I'm talking about. Krypto's mentors, a tag team that has done nothing but lose for the past two months, get more air time than I do. They went from being tag team champions to watching the Bearded Gents walk around with their titles. They lose titles, lose matches, and yet... are all over WZCW. Maybe I'm not funny enough. Maybe I should think I'm a hero, or say "sucka", or dress up like a damn alien to get some attention thrown my way. Instead, I get garbage.

Vega shakes his head, growing more frustrated the more he thinks about this match.

That's the other thing. I have to beat Krypto again, but this time with the help of somebody who already lost to him!? Not only that... but Isabel effin' Stone, who hasn't wrestled in 2 and a half months!? And I can't even remember the last time she's even won a match. Do you realize, she was seriously injured at the hands of a man I made my bitch? I mean... Ricky Runn? Seriously? Ricky Runn was as much of a threat to me as the cockroach I accidentally stepped on this morning. Ricky Runn is less then a damn afterthought to me. But for my partner? Ricky Runn nearly cost Isabel Stone her career. If she wants to obsess over him, that's fine. I get it. She can do that on her own. There's no need for me and her to even be in the same room, much less the same match as partners. I mean, I would even understand if they had me face her one on one. I mean, I've disposed of garbage in this company before... I have plenty of space on my boots to step on more cockroaches.

Isn't it funny that the first two people who thought they had entrance into Lethal Lottery are the two people I defeated to defend my Mayhem Championship for the very first time? I took out Ricky Runn to win the title, then I took him out a second time, as well as Connor Reese, at Unscripted '12 to defend it. In fact, that's all I do is defend the Mayhem Title. There isn't a single wrestler in this company that was forced to defend their championship three consecutive times since All or Nothing except me. Not "Showtime" Cougar, not Sam Smith, not Rush, not The Bearded Gentlemen... it was me! Vega! Three times in a row I walked into the ring as Mayhem Champion, and three times in a row I walked out as Mayhem Champion. Down went Krypto, down went Thrash, and down went Sandy Deserts. Isabel Stone is no different then all of these peons that actually thought they belonged in the same ring with a man like me. I don't care if she's my opponent, or my partner. She doesn't deserve to be in the same ring as me in any capacity.

Why are you talking so badly about your partner? Shouldn't you be focusing on your opponents?

Don't worry, there's enough anger and fury to go around. I'm focused me, myself, and I. I'm better off taking Isabel Stone out myself, and then taking on Krypto and...

Wait, who is his partner?

Mister Alhazred.

For the first time today, a smile creeps across Vega's face. He sits up straight as he takes a deep breath.

Well, at least it's somebody new. That's the perv with the power glove, right?

That's him.

Nice. I'd love to get my hands on him. Fresh meat. New blood for me to spill. See, with Krypto? That's old news to me. Kind of boring. I'll take him out just to show this company he's simply not on my level. Krypto is somebody whom I've already shown can't hang on my level. But, I've never faced Mister Alhazred. At least there is one thing in this match that intrigues me. The funny thing is, pretty soon, I'll be bored of him as well. Just like every other victim on my hit list.

You can't trust anybody, Alexis. There is no honor among thieves. It's a lesson I've been trying to teach you since day one. I have only suffered two losses in this company. Just two, and one of them was in a tag match. My partner was that pathetic reject Jacoby Capone. Look at him now. He's out of the company. Walked away. Quit! And me? I'm currently the most dominating force in this entire damn company.

Vega stops for a moment, and smirks once again as he think of something.

Maybe that's why I was booked in this match. They gave me the weakest partner they could find... a woman 2 months removed from her last match due to injury. I mean, look at all of the singles champions in this company. "Showtime" Cougar, Sam Smith, Rush, and myself... Vega. "Showtime" has been this great champion, yet I recall seeing him get his shoulders pinned to the mat last week by Drake Callahan. Oh, and Sam Smith? Same exact thing. Pinned. Defeated by Constantine. And don't get me started on Rush. That old bastard decided to take a damn vacation with his title after All or Nothing. He sits back at Sandals Resort in Jamaica sippin' on strawberry daiquiris with his Eurasian Title nestled gently against his sun bathed chest... all the while I'm here, busting my ass defending my title by spilling my blood show, after show, after show! Three damn times in a row! And for what!? What do I get for three consecutive title defenses? What do I get for going undefeated for 5 and a half months?

A random throwaway tag team match.

Vega remains seated on the stool. The only motion he makes is when he breaths. In fact, he's breathing rather heavily at this point. The anger is apparent in his eyes. We can hear the air enter and exit his mouth rapidly. He's worked himself up just thinking about his current situation within the company.

Where is my respect.

Vega gets up off the stool and slowly begins to pace around the kitchen and into the living. Alexis calmly gets up and grabs a paper towel. She returns to the table and cleans the little bit of mile Vega had spilled earlier in his diatribe. She tosses it into the garbage and follows him into the living room. Vega is standing there with his back towards her. He looks out through his sliding glass door which leads to his balcony overlooking the park. The sun is bright this morning. The light is shining right on Vega, as he stands there just basking in it. Alexis realizes he seems to have calmed down a bit.

So, whatever happened to you being patient?

Vega turns around to look at Alexis.


Remember, a while back? You told me you had no problem being patient. That you knew people would take notice of you sooner or later. I think they have.

Who have?

Well, the fans for instance. They seem to be aware of how dominating you've been in the Mayhem division.

Vega's facial expression is as confused as he's been all morning.

Who... gives a shit... about the fans!?

Alexis can't help but laugh at Vega's animated reaction.

Here's the thing, Alexis. There's a difference between being watched, and being noticed. See, the guys in the office making all the decisions for this company? They couldn't help but notice me. I made it so that "Vega" was impossible to ignore. But! They're still not watching me. They're too busy watching "Showtime" Cougar and Sam Smith and Rush and Action Saxton and Saboteur and Steven Holmes and Drake Callahan and Triple X and Chris K.O. and S.H.I.T. and Barbosa and El Califa Dragon and Constantine and pretty much every other God damn superstar in the freaking company before they ever dare give Vega a piece of the spotlight.

Vega turns back around, facing the sun again and away from Alexis.

I wanna feel that light, Alexis. That spotlight? I wanna know what it's like to have a piece of it. What this company is doing to me... is a very dangerous thing. See, they're making me hungry. They're making me want to take this place over more and more with every day that passes by. So far I have mostly kept to myself. I've only unleashed hell on my opponents in matches. I'm not one of these people that walks around the hallways attacking people, or running in on other people's matches. All I've done is win. But, it's not enough.

I am a very... very dangerous man.

The mayhem I've created in the ring is nothing compared to the evil I'm capable out of the ring.

Soon... I unleash hell.

The lights are off, the only light coming from the TV screen. Alhazred sits on a couch that you can tell has various stains and holes on it, even in the dark. He himself is sitting in just discolored whitey tighties, XBOX 360 controller in hand, Cheetohs and Funyons surround him.


Alhazred sits and waits for his loyal minion to come. Nothing.


He waits again but hears nothing.


He pauses to breathe.


He shrugs and puts on his headset.

Alhazred: I’ll just get a damn random partner then, can’t rely on anybody for anything these days.

He logs onto the tournament and selects random partner. He gets paired up with a username: PoopyGreenFace.

Alhazred: PoopyGreenFace? Sounds like that little alien that’s been stalking me.

He laughs to himself and checks the player’s stats.

Alhazred: Damn it he’s a noob, I’m going to have to carry him the whole tournament.

They enter the character selection screen and he of course chooses himself, his partner chooses Krypto.

Alhazred: So he’s a noob and he picks Krypto? I’m going to water board the crap out of Fats for forcing this on me. This cretin doesn’t even deserve to hear me speak.

He takes off his headset and they start their first match against Ty Burna and Showtime. Alhazred dominates the entire match, not letting his opponents get any offense in or tagging in his partner. The match ends in less than two minutes.

Alhazred: This game is very realistic, that’s exactly how it would happen in real life.

The next match starts and they are facing Saxoteur. As soon as the match starts his partner force tags himself in. Alhazred throws his head set on and turns the volume all the way up.

Alhazred: What the hell are you doing?! Just let me handle this and we’ll win, I don’t need your help.

PoopyGreenFace: I can help!

Alhazred: No you cannot help, you’ll just get in the way! Now tag me back in!

PoopyGreenFace: NO!

Alhazred in game runs around the ropes to force tag himself in but his partner runs away and right into a grapple by Saboteur. PoopyGreenFace reverses it into a rolling cradle and gets a surprise quick pin.

PoopyGreenFace: I won!

Alhazred: You got lucky, now next match if you pull that again, I’ll track your IP address, find where you live and cave in your skull with my Power- er uh my fists!

PoopyGreenFace: Look Krypto is great and so is Alhazred, together they’d be unstoppable. If we work together we can win!

Alhazred: Number one: Krypto is not great, he’s a loser who isn’t going to be around much longer after Alhazred catches up to him. Number two: Alhazred is better than great he’s the best in the world! Number three: They would not be unstoppable, because Krypto would weigh them down so much that even Alhazred’s greatness couldn’t support them. Now shut up and let me win this thing on my own.

PoopyGreenFace: Listen here 18inP3n1$; Krypto would not weigh Alhazred down; he just wants to be friends and share the Power Glove.

Alhazred: Share the PowerGlove?!

He laughs for several minutes.

Alhazred: Oh man, you’re more delusional than Krypto.

The next match starts and it’s against Everest and Hunter Kravinoff.

Alhazred: Now sit back, shut up and watch the master do his work.

Alhazred dominates both of his opponents once again, he hits the Level 5 on Everest and the WVD on Kravinoff then goes for the cover. PoopyGreenFace breaks it up, hits his finisher on Kravinoff and makes the pin for the win.

Alhazred: You are dead, you hear me! FAAAAAAAAAAAAAATS! Get the van started we have a little kid who needs his neck broken worse than Isabel Stone!

PoopyGreenFace: Wait a minute, Fats? Is this Alhazred?

Alhazred: Yes this is Alhazred and you’ve supremely pissed me off. Now you know how severe my threats were.

PoopyGreenFace: Hi Alhazred, it’s Krypto!

Alhazred: You piece of excrement, better fuck right off! You better stay back and let me win this tournament or when I see you I’m gonna punch you in the dick!

Krypto: You won’t do that because we have a match together this week!

Alhazred: Well then I’ll use the same tactics I used in this tournament, kill our opponents, and then punch you in the dick!

Krypto: Come on, why can’t we just be friends and work together? We’ll be great! I can use your Power Glove, you can use my alien technology.

Alhazred: I don’t want your stupid alien technology, my inventions are superior any way. For the last time, you can’t use my Power Glove!

Krypto: Why?

Alhazred: Because you’re stupid, ugly, nobody likes you, you wouldn’t know how to use it, and you’d get your dirty, green, alien sweat all over it!

Krypto: How are we going to beat Vega and Isabel Stone if we don’t work together?

Alhazred: Simple, we’ll come to the ring in a car, which will cause Isabel to have flashbacks and freak out. She’ll attack Vega, put him through the announce table and smash his face with chairs. Then I’ll strut over to her, wrap my arms around her, thrust a few times to calm her down, then when she goes down to give me oral pleasure; I’ll throw her face into the windshield of the car, roll her into the ring and pin her. Then I’ll punch you in the dick, drag both of you out of the ring, throw you into the car, drive to my house, lock you into me laboratory so I can dissect you, lock her in a secret love dungeon and we’ll call it a night. Sound good?

Krypto: I have no idea what you just said.

Alhazred: Good. Now we’re in the finals now, let me do all the work.

They are facing Isabel Stone and Vega in game coincidentally. Krypto somehow starts the match. Vega and Stone beat Krypto all over the ring, not letting him get any offense in or tag in Alhazred. After ten minutes of getting beat down, Krypto finally gets away in time to make the tag. Alhazred easily disposes of both opponents in a matter of seconds. He gets his finisher and hits the WVD on Stone. Vega rushes the ring to help Stone, but Krypto drop kicks him out of the ring. Alhazred grabs Krypto and low blows him. He continuously low blows him while Krypto is down, meanwhile Stone is on her feet now. She turns Alhazred around but he reverses her attack, hip thrusts then Level 5’s her and gets the pin.

Alhazred: You better hope you don’t drag me down this week as bad as you did here or those low blows will become a reality.

Before Krypto can get a word in, Alhazred turns off the TV and leaves the room as the scene fades to black.

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