AF20: El Califa Dragon vs. Donny J

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW

WZCW would like to welcome its newest addition to the roster in the form of Donny J. This regular Joe Dirt will be looking to make an impact early in the company as his draw this week is none other than the Mexican star, El Califa Dragon, who looks to be using this opportunity to lick his wounds from the loss he sustained on Ascension. Although Callahan has his work cut out for him, he'll definitely be watching out for this contest and watching it intently at any hints that Donny J could be his next convert.

Deadline is Tuesday March 26, 2013 at 11:59 PM (Central). Extensions as per request thread.
The camera turn on and we see Donny J sitting at his kitchen table with small scale, 5 bottles of oregano, sandwich baggies, a large brick of weed and a box. He takes a small bit of weed and weighs out 1/4th of an ounce and then takes s bottle of oregano and pours in enough until gets to a full ounce and he puts the baggie in the box and repeats the process. He's working for about 10 minutes when all of a sudden the front door slams open and his girlfriend comes pounding in drinking a beer screaming at the top of her lungs as she spot him at the table

Donny J what the hell do you think you're doing? You just joined the biggest wrestling company in the country and you are still selling this dirt weed mixed with oregano? What you need to do is make some real money and get us out of this trailer and into a proper house and put a ring on my finger. I watch WZCW 3 times a week so I know you are in for one hell of a fight. Someone in WZCW doesn't want you in the company and they are trying to get you to quit so they don't have to fire you. Do you have any idea who they put you up against? They put you up against one of the better men on the roster and do you know what else? He just lost a submission match to S.H.I.T and that means he is ripe for the picking. There is no way he is 100% and you may actually be able to win.

Stella sits down at the table as Donny J stares at her with a blank look on his as he grabs her beer and takes a swig, setting it down right next to him as he continues bagging up his weed so he can sell it at a later date. Stella narrows her eyes at him and goes to the fridge to grab another beer.

Donny J
Stella you know people expect things of me this town. They want things only I can give them and I'll be damned if I am going to give up on them. As for WZCW I don't care who doesn't want me there, the money is to good to pass up. I don't care who I face I will not quit, win or lose the money is way to good to just get up and walk away. I don't care who I have to face be it the World Champion or all 3 members of The Empire in a no DQ Tornado handicap match. I will work my way up and soon I will be making the big money. Then we can talk about everything you want and until then I will still be doing exactly what I am doing now to get as much money as possible to keep you living in the lap of luxury.

At that Stella looks around the dirty double wide trailer and takes another swig of beer and grabs Donny's arm pulling him up out of his chair and dragging him through the living room with the 1 falling apart recliner with the beer cans, through the painfully small hallway past the bathroom that is covered in mold and mildew and into a bedroom barely big enough for them to stand in let alone sleep in. She looks around at the dirty clothes thrown everywhere and even more beer bottles just thrown all over

You call this luxury? If this is your idea of luxury Donny J you are stupider than you look and that's saying something because you look like you don't have the brains God gave a tree stump. You need to stop drinking, stop selling your dirt weed and take this seriously. You are up against El Califa Dragón. This man beat Rush his first match in WZCW and Rush is the Eurasian Champion. He has everyone wondering who he is under that mask of his because he is that good.

Donny pulls his arm out of Stella's grip and walks back to the kitchen table and sits down taking a big swig of his beer. He starts bagging his weed/oregano mixture as Stella comes stomping back into the kitchen and sitting down grabbing her own beer. She narrows her eyes at Donny who has yet to say anything as she lights a cigarette and takes a drag. As Donny goes to take another sip of beer she grabs it out of his hand. Donny grabs the beer back and downs the rest of it slamming the empty bottle down on the table.

Donny J
Do not touch my beer again woman. I know who I am facing and I know what he has done and I don't care. I will get in that ring and face whoever they put in front of me. Win or lose I will get paid and that is what makes me happy in the end.

Donny goes back to making his weed baggies and looks at Stella then his empty beer bottle. Stella goes to smack him but gets up and gets him another beer, slamming it down on the table. He grabs it and opens it, he takes a big swig as it over flows all over his hand and onto the floor. He wipes his hands dry on his wife beater and goes back to bagging his weed.

it looks like you won't be able to do this on your own so it looks like I have to save your ass again. There is a man on the roster very interested in El Califa Dragón and I will be going with you to Aftershock this week to make sure you don't fuck it up and to see if I can talk to Drake Callahan.

Donny looks up at Stella and still bagging weed he starts arguing with her telling she is staying in this house and not going anywhere.

The Hell I am Donny J. I am a grown woman and there is no ring on my finger so I will go where I want, when I want and talk to who I want. You are obviously to stupid and to worried about money to do this right so you need me. I am going and there is nothing you can do about it.

They continue arguing, getting louder & louder as the camera fades to black.
The world is in a constant conspiracy against the brave. It's the age-old struggle: the roar of the crowd on the one side, and the voice of your conscience on the other.

Califa: The blood, it does not stop. El Califa's blood.....

The scene opens to a near barren locker room. Most of the other performers have yet to arrive at the arena, yet El Califa sits alone in his locker room, wearing baggy jeans and a hoodie with the sleaves pulled up while having his left hand grasped firmly around his right arm. Blood is visibly slowly crawling down his arm, falling from the tip of his elbow into a puddle forming underneath him. His breathing is haggard, though one couldn't see past his mask, they could certainly feel the wince of pain ravaging his body at this particular point. He slowly removes his left hand, revealing the deep cuts in his right arm still. He reaches down to grab some wrap, his left hand shaking violently as he does so.

Califa: It was just a dream. Yet why does El Califa bear the scars of nightmares?

He brings the gauze up, placing padding all around his arm before beginning to wrap the material around it. After finishing his work he rips the end off the roll and tapes the gauze tight. He bends his arm, ensuring proper bending and flexibility, streaks of red immediately staining through the cloth. An audible sigh escapes Califa before he reaches into his bag next to him and pulls out black athletic tape. He again goes about wrapping it, but stops and snaps his head towards the door as he hears voices laughing and talking outside. He suddenly sinks deeper into his locker, holding his right arm once more to hide the gauze. A few moments pass and soon the voices disappear and Califa takes a deep breath. He goes back to tending to his arm, finally covering his arm from wrist to elbow. Once more he tears off the end and sticks it firmly.

Califa: Nightmares, conspiracies, El Demonio del Caos (The Demon of Chaos), Aria, what does all of this have to do with El Califa? He wishes to wrestler, yet he is being drawn into something deeper, something, that has absolutely nothing to do with him. Yet I am the one targeted from all sides. El catalizador para la resurrección (The catalyst to the resurrection), yet El Califa doesn't know what it means.

Suddenly the lights go out in the locker room, and pure silence envelopes the luchador. A faint light seems to make a bee line from the corner of the locker room towards El Califa, quickly stopping in front of him. The silver haired woman suddenly appears, her face illuminated by the unnatural light. Califa, also faintly illuminated immediately makes the sign of the cross and begins chanting:

Califa: La Luz de Dios me rodea.
El amor de Dios me envuelve.
El poder de Dios me protege.
La presencia de Dios vela por mí.
La Mente de Dios me guía.
La vida de Dios fluye a través de mí.
Las Leyes de Dios me dirija.
El poder de Dios mora en mí.
La alegría de Dios me eleva.
La fuerza de Dios me renueva.
La belleza de Dios me inspira.
Dondequiera que estoy, está Dios!

(The Light of God surrounds me.
The Love of God enfolds me.
The Power of God protects me.
The Presence of God watches over me.
The Mind of God guides me.
The Life of God flows through me.
The Laws of God direct me.
The Power of God abides within me.
The Joy of God uplifts me.
The Strength of God renews me.
The Beauty of God inspires me.
Wherever I am, God is! )

His head bowed while chanting the prayer, keeping his hands folded in front of him. As he stops he unfolds his hands, looking up at the smirking face of the silver haired woman. She reaches out and caresses Califa's cheek, causing the masked man to pull away from her. Her eyes narrow, but the smile becomes more vicious as she looks at Califa intently.

???: I am waiting for the righteous one
Enlighten us........... the righteous one
I am waiting for....... the righteous one
Enlighten us......... the righteous one
Are you waiting for.......... the righteous one?
With the faith of titans............ with your beauty enlighten us.

Califa: El Califa is not this righteous one!

The silver haired woman shakes her head slowly, her tresses moving slowly with her movements. She suddenly throws her head back and begins laughing maniacally seemingly at the notion of Califa's statement. She lowers her head, her eyes glowing a faint red.

???: The Exalted will rise from his slumber. The balance has been broken. His unbound will shall bring forth the beginning of the end. The cycle shall be preserved, no matter the cost.

Before Califa can respond the woman suddenly let's out an ear shattering scream, forcing Califa to cover his ears over his mask as if a banshee were filling the silence. Califa let's out a loud yell before suddenly the scene shifts and the lights are back on, the silver haired woman now gone. Califa sits hunched over, his hands remain clasped to his head. Just then the door opens and walks in the man himself, Showtime Cougar. Califa slowly looks up as World Champion walks in, dressed to the nines as one would expect of him. Showtime sets his bag down across the room from Califa, seemingly not having seen the luchador. Califa studies him for a few moments, his hand slowly sliding down and pulling his sleeves down, concealing the wrapped up arm.

Califa: Showtime, El Califa must ask you something.

Showtime spins around, a cellphone pressed to his ear. He nods his head towards Califa and motions for one moment. Califa nods his head back and waits patiently. Showtime goes back to his conversation before finishing and hanging up. He turns towards Califa and speaks.

Showtime: Califa right?

Califa: Si.

Showtime: I don't normally see anyone else around here this early. You always come in here like this?

Califa shakes his head, gripping his left hand as he winces in pain behind his mask.

Califa: No, Califa has just found this is the best place and time to find peace even for a few moments.

Showtime chuckles and nods his head, tossing his cell phone up into his locker room. He turns and begins unzipping his bag, but continues to speak to Califa.

Showtime: I don't doubt that. Especially with that nut job Drake Callahan talking about you being Ty Burna and all.

Califa: And what of you Showtime, do you believe El Califa to be the feared Demonio del Caos?

Showtime stops momentarily, his head lifting for a brief moment before looking back at Califa. He remains silent for a brief moment before shaking his head.

Showtime: I don't believe it Califa, but you must admit the coincidences are starting to pile up. The lights, the music, your disapperance at All or Nothing. It's just all too convenient.

Califa: El Califa is not Ty Burna! He has no control over any of that!

Califa springs to his feet and walks towards Showtime. Show puts his hands up and backs away a bit.

Showtime: Whoa, I didn't say I believed you were Ty Burna. All I'm saying is that recent events start to make even those that don't listen to Drake's inane ramblings question your claims.

Califa ponders this for a few moments before lowering his shoulders and his head. Showtime looks ever so slightly hesitant, not in fear, but what he had gone through facing Ty Burna, one could not blame him for showing restrain.

Califa: You know Ty Burna better than anyone Showtime. What was this man like?

Showtime is taken back briefly by the question but he gathers himself and crosses his arms, lowering his chin to his chest.

Showtime: It's no secret Califa that Ty and I were certainly not friends, hell I've stolen his girl in the past just to get to him. He's evil, vile, conniving, and yet, I have no choice but to respect him. He carried the title I hold for so long, defeating everyone in his path. Let's put it this way Califa, while he was arrogant to a fault, he carried himself with a pride that no one else could help to match. He was ruthless. He did what was needed to win. I guess that's what made our rivalry so explosive. Neither of us were ready to back down.

Califa takes this all in for a few moments before nodding his head. He looks up at Showtime and holds his hand out.

Califa: El Califa thanks you Showtime. He now understands Drake's purpose for all this.

Showtime looks down at Califa's hand for a brief moment before extending his own out and shaking it.

Califa: Good luck against Drake Callahan tonight Showtime. El Califa sin duda estará en la esquina del campeón. (El Califa will certainly be in the corner of the champion.)

Califa turns and walks away, exiting through the door of the locker room as Showtime looks on. The scene shifts to the interview part of the backstage area. El Califa stands in his full robe, the hood pulled up over his head. Becky Serra stands next to him, mic in hand.

Becky: I'm here with El Califa Dragon, with an exclusive interview! Dragon, last week you were involved in a fatal four way match where you ended up tapping out to S.H.I.T. Though during the course of the match, you seemed to have changed into a different person. Do you have any comment on that.

Califa stares forward at the camera before turning to Becky and nodding his head.

Califa: Yes, El Califa got caught in a vice by the hombre de metal (metal man). I am not ashamed to say I lost to such a competitor. El Califa does not know what happened. He remembers Steven Holmes corriendo como el cobarde que es escaldada. (running like the scalded coward he is). He remembers being attacked, and left for scraps on the ramp. El Califa remembers nothing more.

Becky: You remember nothing at all?

Califa shakes his head and crosses his arms.

Califa: More importantly amiga, El Califa has Drake Callahan nipping at his heels once more. He grows tired of your treachery Drake. If you wish to settle this once more, El Califa will be more then happy to end it and make you see your theories are just that.

Becky: Dragon, as we saw at the end of Ascension, Drake has found someone that believes him. Does this change the rivalry you two have built up?

Califa stares at Becky for a few moments before turning back to the camera, his arms folded in front of him still.

Califa: It changes nothing Becky! I don't give a damn if Drake Callahan converts the entire locker room to his way of thinking. El Califa will face off against his conspiradores and knock them out one by one. Since this has begun he has converted exactly one person Becky. El Califa does not mind being outnumbered. He has proven himself better than Drake Callahan, and so if someone else wishes to fight El Califa, then he too will fall to the wrath of the Dragon!

Becky: Speaking of fighting, on Aftershock this week you face a rookie in Donny J. What are your thoughts on that?

Califa: Donny J. El Califa doesn't know who you are. He doesn't care who you are. You have crossed the path of the Dragon during his greatest rage. It is unfortunate your wrestling career begins with the Dragon unleashing his wrath upon you, but I will show no mercy. Those that face the Dragon will feel his fiery anger, and they will falter!

Califa takes the mic from Becky and walks up to the camera until his mask completely fills the screen.

Califa: I'm not waiting anymore for you Drake Callahan. The Dragon is ready to destroy everything you hold close to you. The Dragon shall rise above, ready to strike it's prey. I know why you accuse me of being Ty Burna, El Califa can smell the fear on you like the cheap cologne you wear. And so the Dragon will make your ultimate fear become reality. It will devour your soul just as the Demonio del Caos haría! (Demon of Chaos would!)

The scene fades to black.
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