AF18: Saboteur vs. The Masked Gentleman

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WZCW's Mr Excitement
Both Saboteur and the Gent were apart of the winning teams on last week's Aftershock who are heading into All or Nothing to compete for the World Tag Team Championships thanks to the Battle Bowl. This week, Chuck Myles has booked these teams in singles matches against each other to get warmed-up for their tag team match at the PPV. Who will gain the advantage in momentum heading into AoN?

Deadline is 11:59pm Central Time, Tuesday 5th February. Extensions as per thread.
Saxton and Sabotuer are waiting impatiently in the line at their local McRonald’s burger joint and they seem to be engaged in a spirited debate about a serious topic, possibly politics or theology.

Saboteur: The Big Stac is way better than the Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese! It’s got secret sauce on it!

Saxton: Action Saxton don’t want all dat sauce and lettuce and funky junk; I want me a burger, some cheese, and enough catsup to drown a miniature army of catsup adverse soldiers!

Saboteur: That’s ridiculous, the Big Stac is the penultimate combination of flavors resulting in what can only be described as a flavor orgasm in your mouth.

Saxton: Do you know what they call a Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese in France? A Royale with Cheese, because it’s so good it’s practically royalty!

Saxton and Saboteur’s attention turns to the customer in front of them in line.

Customer: I’ll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today!

Saboteur shoves the man out of the way and makes his way to the register.

Saboteur: Get out the way, wimpy, we got some burgers to order!

Cashier: Welcome to the McRonald’s, home of the McRonald’s, can I take your order?

Saxton: Say, aren’t you the sucka that used to work at that burger joint that was all that in the 90s?

Cashier: Duuuuuude, that was like, soooo long ago.

Saxton: Whatever, we gon’ take 20 Double Quarter Pounders with Cheese.

Saboteur: Like heck we are! Change that to 20 Big Stacs with extra special sauce.

Cashier: Okay, so 20 Double Quarter Pounders with Cheese and 20 Big Stacs…

Saxton: No sucka! We just want 20 Double Quarter Pounders!

Saboteur: No, 20 Big Stacs!

Cashier: Okay… so like, 40 fish fillets?

Saxton: Maaaaan, forget this sucka, let’s go to the other guy.

Saboteur shoves yet another customer out of the way and the hungry duo once again tries to place their order.

Saboteur: Hi, we’ll have…

Other Cashier: Cheese burger cheese burger cheese burger PEPSI cheese burger cheese burger cheese burger FRIES cheese burger…

Saboteur: Uh, I think this guy had a stroke…

Saxton: Who come he’s allowed to say Pepsi but when I say Fanta on WZCW television it gets bleeped out?

Saboteur: Because we have a sponsorship deal with Pepsi Co, because much like Pepsi, we are the choice of a new generation.

Saxton: Whatever man, we ain’t getting any burgers here, let’s just roll out this joint.

As Saxton and Saboteur start to leave a large man with a trench coat slides up next to them and speaks in a very soft voice so as not to be overheard.

Vendor: Yo, you boys lookin’ for some burgers?

Saboteur: No, we came to McRonald’s for their gourmet pasta dishes. Of course we want burgers!

Vendor: Well I gots the patties that make you batty. I got the cheese that makes you squeeze. I got the buns that make you run. I got the burgers that… well… I just got burgers.

Saxton: So what, you just buy burgers at the counter and then sell them off at a marked up price since the service here is about as bad as Armando Paradyse’s new smooth jazz album: Armando in Paradyse?

Vendor: Nah man, I’ve got the hookup in the kitchen with Peter Pepper.

The vendor points to the burger chef behind the counter as the chef jumps from ingredient to ingredient to create burgers.

Saboteur: That’s gotta be a health code violation…

Vendor: So what’s it gonna be man, you want these burgers?

Saxton: Sure, we’ll take 20 Double Quarter Pounders with Cheese.

Saboteur: No… we’ll take 20 Big Stacs!

Saxton: Double Quarter Pounders!

Saboteur: Big Stacs!

Saxton: Saxton Tower!

Saboteur: Saboteur Tower!

The Cheeseburger Vendor slinks away as Saxton and Saboteur continue to bicker.

Saxton: You know, I’ve had it about up to here with your “my way or the highway” bologna!

Saboteur: Well if that isn’t the black calling pot a kettle!

Saxton: You know what fool, I’m done with you! I’ll see you during our title shot.

Saboteur: Not if I see you first, jerk!

Saboteur kicks open the door to the McRonald’s and storms out of the restaurant. As he walks out, a small cat walks in and approaches Saxton.

Cat: I can haz cheezburger?

Saxton: What the Fanta is up with this joint?


The scene changes as Saboteur steps to the plate in the Saxton/Saboteur Tower batting cages, located in the basement of Saxton/Saboteur Tower. Saboteur is donning his baseball attire including a yellow batting helmet, black paint under his eyes (but still on top of his mask, naturally), and a Savannah Sand Gnats jersey.

Garrett: You’re a Sand Gnats fan?

Saboteur: Sand gnats are the bomb! Plus, I’m pretty sure I did a stint in a Savannah jailhouse for public indecency. Now turn that pitch machine on, will ya?!

Garrett is standing on the outside of the cage when he flips a switch as the pitching machine whirs to life. It takes a few moments to warm up before a red cylinder drops into the machine and is quickly thrown Saboteur’s way. Saboteur swings the bat…


And connects with the can of Pepsi that the pitching machine threw at him. The exploded can hits the mesh at the back of the cage but not before spraying it’s sugary payload all over the place.

Garrett: So what’s wrong, Saboteur? You only come to the soda-batting-cages when you’re upset about something.

Saboteur hits another soda can, this time a Sierra Mist grounder that bursts as soon as it hits the turf.

Saboteur: Saxton and I had an argument and it got pretty heated. I think the team might be in danger!

Garrett: You guys argue all the time, what makes this one any different?

*SMACK* A particularly well-shaken Mountain Dew can explodes on contact.

Saboteur: This one was about something really important. This one was about… cheeseburgers!

*SLAP* This time it’s not a bat striking can noise, but a palm hitting face noise, specifically Garrett’s palm hitting his own face.

Saboteur: This is exactly the type of thing that started off down the road to Kingdom Come last year: an argument over something super duper important, and it ended with us literally at each others throats. I can’t do that again, Garrett, I spent all my frequent flier miles on my last brawl around the world!

*CLANG* Saboteur whiffs on the next pitch as a Diet Pepsi blows by him and crashes into the back of the cage. The collision still creates the desired effect of a soda explosion.

Garrett: I think you and Saxton have been through enough together at this point that small things like breakfast cereal prizes and cheeseburgers aren’t going to be enough to break up the team.

Saboteur: We did send out a team Christmas card this year…

Garrett: Yes, but even more importantly you were tag team champions together! You fought off guys like New Church, Strikeforce, and have even pinned former World Champions during your time as a team. People already regard you two as one of the greatest tag teams in WZCW history, and it’s gotten to a point where even the most prolific wrestlers have their doubts when they step into the ring with Saxton and Saboteur.

*BOOM FZZZZZZT* Saboteur only gets a piece of the Orange Crush tossed his way, but it still has an entertaining effect as it helicopters off the bat spraying carbonated orange liquid in every direction.

Saboteur: That’s true! The list of names that Saboteur and Saxton have beaten individually is impressive, but when we team up we become a combination that rivals ketchup and peanut butter!

Garrett: I’m pretty sure it’s chocolate and peanut butter.

Saboteur: But what if we can’t put apart our differences to keep on kicking butt in the ring?

*POOSH* Saboteur drills a can of Mug root beer back at the pitching machine.

Garrett: You guys have had each other’s backs for almost a year now! You were able to pull together through therapy and beat Team Australia just a few weeks after your KC match.

Saboteur: True…

Garrett: And you guys always have a blast when you play Star Wars or Batman.

Saboteur: We weren’t playing, we were creating mental simulations that prepared us for our upcoming matches! It was fun though.

Garrett: And most importantly you two were able to pull together and agree on enough to take a goofy little alien like Krypto and make him into a legitimate WZCW star!

*SMACK* Saboteur connects with another Pepsi can 100% as he launches a homerun hit into the roof of the batting cage as Pepsi rains down on the ground.

Saboteur: Oh my goodness, Saxton is not only my tag team partner, but he’s also… my friend. Having strength from my friends must give me an advantage over Le Gentleman Masqué this week!

Garrett: Actually, Masqué is good friends with his tag team partner, The Beard, too.

Saboteur steps out of the batting cage, quite damp from the soda that splashed him during batting practice.

Saboteur: Oh so it’s a battle of friendship this Gentleman Masqué fellow wants, eh? Well then it is a battle he shall get! You see, he may have The Beard in his corner, but I have friends out the wazoo! My roommate, Garrett; my agent, Jerry; my favorite WZCW intern, Alvin; my Canadian girlfriend that I met on the internet that is totally real; Dick Cheney’s lesbian daughter; that little alien dude that I used to hang out with; and of course, my tag team partner, Action Saxton!

You know, over my WZCW career I’ve wrestled for many different reasons. At first it was for the money, then it was for the fans, but this week I’m wrestling for my friends! As long as I have this cast of characters helping me along my journey I can never lose because I’ll always have them to help me get back on my feet should I ever fall!

Garrett: Saboteur, that was surprisingly heartwarming and upbeat!

Saboteur: What can I say, soda batting practice always cheers me up, especially when I’m able to use Pepsi brand soda, the brand that makes you smile! Also, I’m pretty sure some of those cans were back from when Pepsi put ether in their drinks, so I’m pretty buzzed. Say, when did you grow rainbow pigtails, Garrett?

Garrett rolls his eyes and sighs.

Garrett: Come on buddy, let’s get you into a dry pair of spandex.

Garrett and Saboteur walk towards the elevator, Saboteur grasping at Garrett’s non-existent pigtails the whole way there. The scene fades to black.
There are many forms of combat that had gone on through the years. Whether it be fistfights, sword fights, dog fights, sport matches such as wrestling or basketball, there is one form of fight that lives on to this day where girls become women, boys become men, and men become gods......Laser Tag, the biggest and best form of combat. To those unfamiliar with the concept, it’s an elimination tournament that ends in only one man coming out as the victor, the hellish King of the Hill that takes away a man's dignity, pride and confidence. It's here we find the elephant in the darkly-lit room inside of a mall in New York, none other than the masked vigilante of France, Le Gentleman Masque. dressed in laser tag gear, holding one of the many artificial guns.

The Gent: It seems as though my wandering around in the mall has found me into hell itself. It's moments such as these you come to realize just exactly who you are. For example, Gent, it appears you have heightened senses. Fourteen men aged between the ages of seven and likely somewhere in their mid-thirties had entered. Now only two men stay: yourself and a second man. Strange considering I had absolutely no eliminations, yet here I am as the last of my kind. An odd situation that it is, is it not? The only question is where is the mystery man?

Hearing a shuffle, The Gent responds by aiming his Milton-Bradley manufactured pistol towards the direction it came from. Alas, he sees no one. Putting down his pistol once more, he tiptoes through the dark corridors of the claustrophobic arena, until his ears pick up the sound of a man he knows all too well


Rolling out of the way, The Gent looks back towards the red light where the voice came from, pointing the lazer gun in his direction. Though it was dark, he could tell simply due to the light reflecting off of the Gent’s chest and towards the man’s afro and mustache that this man was not just any laser tag player: this was Action Saxton, former tag team champion as well as a hit with the ladies.

The Gent: Do my eyes deceive me or am I looking at the man who I am to be facing relatively soon.

Without putting his gun down, the brotha of WZCW nods in agreement.

Saxton: Well, well, if it ain’t that sucka who’s challenging for the tag team titles…

The Gent: I’m glad to know that I’m popular enough to be acknowledge by a man such as yourself, Saxton. I’ve done my homework on you, You’ve made quite a name for yourself, both inside and outside of WZCW. I never would have thought that we would be meeting earlier than expected in this. In fact, I’m quite surprised that Saboteur isn’t here with you. Was he already eliminated or was he never here to begin with?

Saxton: Saboteur? Let’s just say he and I are waiting to speak to each other again. It’s an incident involving a cheeseburger that I’d rather not talk about right now.

The Gent: A strange thing to get into a quarrel with your partner about, but I shall respect it. I take it you’re rooting for me against your partner, then?

Snickering, Saxton simply shakes his head as they maneuver around the room, both making sure at all times that their laser tag gun were pointed on one other.

Saxton: I never said that. Just that I wanted my damn Saxton Tower. So Gent, I didn’t take you as the type to enjoy stuff like this.

The Gent: Why Saxton, normally I would not, however I had recently lost my first ever poker game. I was looking into sports that I haven’t lost my first time. So far I’ve tried out multiple other card games, competitive skateboarding…not quite my thing, as well as a fiddling competition from some fellow who seemed rather freaked about my red mask and saw me as some evil deity.

Saxton: Sucka, it’s not about how much you win, it’s how strong you are. Now I am 70000 wins and zero losses in this, but if I lost tomorrow, I would just shake it off because to me, I do this to relieve stress. Some take baths, some walk, I shoot suckas…both the big and the little suckas.

The Gent: If you lost tomorrow? The game is still running, Saxton. Who’s to say you won’t lose this game? It’s just you and me, my fine sir.

Hearing the comeback by The Gent, Saxton tightens his eyebrows as he steps closer to The Gent.

Saxton: I like your attitude, kid, but I’m gonna have to ask you to back that up. Y’here me?

The Gent: Quite clearly. In fact, I’m going to have to ask you a question, Sir Saxton…

Saxton: Please tell me it ain’t about whether or not I’m this one luchador people keep talkin’ about, that America guy.

The Gent: No, it’s not that. This one is specifically about how you view me and The Beard. How do you see us? Do you see us as whey you look at us? Do you see us as young rookies who are way over our head? Maybe you see us as legitimate competition by now?

Saxton: Well, I figure you may not be the former tag team champions, but you earned a shot and that ain’t somethin’ to be taken lightly when you’re face-to-face with us.

The Gent: Exactly. I shall be honest, as far as Saxton goes, it’s hard for me to say much or judge you or your partner. To me, he’s no evildoer such as a man like Grand Mystique or Connor Reece. No, I say to such claims. To me, both of you represent the part of WZCW that I feel may not be the nicest people ever; however, no man is Mother Teresa. It’s those who realize their faults and wish to move past them upon realization that I feel are the greatest in WZCW. Compare that to those who cause nothing but harm and simply don’t care about the people. That is my biggest peeve bar none.

Taking gentle step backwards, he makes sure to keep his distance from Saxton to avoid any additional attacks.

The Gent: As for you two as competitors…To me, every single match is a different experience and the fact of the matter is while we may have faced the same opponents, The Bearded Gentlemen and the team of Saboteur and Action Saxon are quite different from most competitors. Are we not?

Saxton: ...I guess so, yeah.

The Gent: I'm not quite sure what to expect as we start our the beginning of our battles, Sir Saxton. All I can say is that whatever will happen, it will be hard fought, respectful and very, very, very strange. Now then, while it may not be a wrestling competition, what do you say we end this back and fourth between us.

Saxton: Sounds good to me, what do you have in mind?

The Gent: There's only one way to be gentlemen with guns, my good friend. Ten paces, turn and shot.

Saxton: Sucka, look where we are. 7 paces in any direction and we run into a damn wall or barricade. This place ain't exactly the best place to do something like that.

Nodding his head, The Gent places his hand on his chin to ponder

The Gent: Very paces. What do you say?

Saxton: Good enough for me.

Nodding their heads in agreement, the two slowly put their weapons before standing back to back in the middle of the dark room.

The Gent: Alright, go...

As they take the first step forward, The Gent slowly starts the countdown.

The Gent: One.

Taking the second step, Saxton grips the Laser gun tightly as he continues...

Saxton: Two.

Taking one more step, The Gent twirls around his laser tag gun in his hand, confident to make the shot.

The Gent: Three.

As the two make their fourth step, Saxton, feeling his adrenaline pumping continues the count yet again.

Saxton: Four.

As they make the fifth step, The Gent stops the count to tell him something.

The Gent: Sax?

Saxton: Dammit Sucka, the number after four is five.

The Gent: No, Sax as in Sir Saxton. I wanted to say something. You mentioned cheeseburgers earlier. Funny thing about Cheeseburgers, do you know what they call Quarter Pounders in France?

Saxton: Yeah, I know.

The Gent: Ah. Okay, I thought it would make interesting trivia. Now then, where were we? ...Ah yes, five.

As they take one more step, Saxton waits in anticipation for the final number.

Saxton: Six.

Finally, they take the last step before hitting the wall. A silence comes before the two announce the last number at the same time, before turning.

Both: Seven!

As they turn to shoot, they come to an unfortunate realization: that being that the lights had turned on and their laser tag guns rendered useless. As they shoot their laser pistols to no avail, they hear the sound of a woman over the Intercom.

Intercom: Attention mall shoppers: All stores are closing at this time as a result of a rabid badger on the loose. Please be aware that the store will close early today. Thank you.

Saxton: Awww hell naw.

The Gent: Drat. Quite an unfortunate situation. Alas, with badgers on the loose, I am needed elsewhere helping the women to be saved from the wild beast. Take care, we shall meet soon.

As he is about to leave, The Gent throws up his trademark miniature mask in the air, this time with a small piece of paper stapled to it. As Saxton catches the mask as it was falling, he rips off the paper stapled to it to look at it.

Saxton: ...Thirty-Nine cents off of rice krispie treats? What's with the coupon?

The Gent: Ah yes, I'm doing my part to help out LOCAL BUSINESSES by attaching coupons to these.

Saxton: Why don't I get on this? They should pay me for these. Then maybe I could get Saxton's Tower on my own.

The Gent: Pay? Why I do this for completely free. Now then, if you excuse me, there is a few lovely ladies and a wild badger on the loose. Adieu, Monsieur Saxton.

Taking a bow, The Gent runs away to action. Putting the coupon in his pocket and throwing the replica mask on the ground, Saxton

Saxton: ...Rice Krispies are all right. I should get some after going to the Paper Gangster...all I wanted was my damn cheeseburgers, though.
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