AF17: Saboteur/Saxton vs. Cooper/Bowen (Battle Bowl Semi-Finals)

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
The winning team of this match will advance to the Finals that will be contested at All or Nothing for the vacant World Tag Team Championships.

The main event attraction for the stacked Aftershock card will feature the second of two Battle Bowl Semi-Finals where former champions Action Saxton and Saboteur will be looking to reclaim the gold as the challengers Alex Bowen and Justin Cooper (known as the Empire) want to cement their names as the next greatest thing in wrestling. These four men know exactly what each other are capable of and it will provide a competitive match but with the Empire's recent attacks on SHIT & Barbosa as well as Saxton & Saboteur having an on-going rivalry with the New Church, these guys will have a lot of their mind with one eye in the ring and one eye on the entrance ramp.

Deadline is 11:59pm Central Time, Tuesday 22nd January. Extensions as per thread.
A long stretch limo is waiting in a sea of yellow taxi cabs, slowly moving forward, it's been like this for about fifteen minutes. Cooper and Bowen sure picked a good time to go shopping for a new suit. Someone slowly rolls down the window, a head pokes out and looks down the street.

Cooper- Dude, Bernies is down the street not even fifty feet. Screw this, I'm not waiting anymore.

Alex- Alright, lets go.

Cooper slowly opens the door, luckily the traffic has slowed to a crawl. It's nothing more than a huge log jam. Cooper is shaking his head as he walks up to the front of the limo. He beats on the passenger side window, and the driver slowly rolls it down. Cooper reaches in his pocket and throws out a large wad of cash into the limo.

Cooper- We're going to Bernie's, I'm sick of waiting like this. Just call me when you've found a spot.

Justin grabs Alex by the arm, and pulls him in the general direction of the store. Cooper is dressed in a nice, but kind of plain black suit, and Bowen is dressed in his usual Sunday best. Last time, Bowen was in a real suit that was probably ten years old, and last worn to an old court case. With money comes the ability to do whatever you want though. Cooper suggested that he get a new suit, and with a blank check, Bowen agreed. Mr. Twist, and Iris have been hard at work in the last month to secure new funds for The Empire to use. Starting with measly savings that the Duo had collected over time, they flipped, and hustled, and loaned, to collect a fund large enough to support the tag team. The men walk through a revolving door to enter the Clothing store. Bowen looks kind of shocked, but goes with the plan. After all you have to look the part.

Alex- What is all this stuff?

Cooper- Suits dude! You can't look like trash when you have the power we do!

Alex- I tell you one guys name and you think we are the most powerful group ever in WZCW.

Cooper- WE ARE... first you get the money, then you get the power, dude. Iris hasn’t even told me how much they've made yet.

Alex scoffs.

Cooper- What? I'm great with money, you don't even know, brother.

Alex- Yes, I'll go talk to the former members of the High Society and ask them!

Cooper- Oh, that’s cold! What about Twist!? Has he spilled the beans yet?

Alex- Maybe down his shirt, but he's keeping it under wraps to.

Cooper- Oh well, Iris said we could go all out today. That we were covered fully in anything we wanted to do. So lets get this suit, and then we can figure out what else we need to do.

Cooper waves over an attendant with a long tape measure around his neck. He looks at Bowen, possibly wondering why this man is in his store, a thought to call security crosses his head. But he gives Bowen a chance.

Attendant- Can I help you, gentlemen?

Cooper reaches in his pocket and pulls out a massive roll of cash. Shoving it almost in the mans face he starts to look at the wall in front of them. He points to a fabric, it's black and has sort of a greyish pinstripe on it.

Cooper- You like that one?

Alex- I guess.

Cooper- Good, Alex we are no longer just rungs on the ladder. You deserve nice things my friend, this leather coat, and trashy clothes just wont do.

Alex- What’s wrong with my clothes? I've always wore this stuff.

Cooper- Exactly, you aren't just Alex Bowen anymore. You have money, you can do whatever you want. This isn't a joke anymore, you can pay people to lose the match, pay off refs if you want to. I don't care, but first you need to look the part. Iris told me to get you something that looked nice. That's what I'm going to do, don't worry about it.

The attendant is still just looking at the wad of money that is now in his hands. Cooper snaps his fingers at him.

Cooper- You can have a suit made out of that by tomorrow right?

The man looks at Cooper and just shakes his head. He takes the long tape measure, walking over to Bowen he takes all sorts of measurements. Around his neck, chest, and biceps. Going down his sides, and more. All standard to have a custom suit made. After he is done taking measurements, he reaches in his pocket for a small note pad. Like a machine he slowly writes down numbers from his memory. After finishing, he looks up at Bowen, and smiles. Bowen only shoots him a scowl back.

Attendant- Yes we can have all of this done by noon tomorrow. That I can promise, we have more than enough in this fabric, and we are accustomed to making orders on short time like this.

Cooper- Good, see you then.

Alex- Did he call you yet?

Cooper- No but I saw a bench outside, in that park across the street, lets go talk, and people watch.

Alex- You're like a big kid sometimes, I swear...

Cooper starts walking to the door, looking back he motions for Bowen to follow. Alex rolls his eyes, reluctantly following. They both make their way out of the store, and after about five minutes of cussing, flipping off drivers, and once where Cooper had to hold Bowen back, they make it across the eight lanes of traffic. Slowly they make their way through a sea of people, and into the park. Bowen reaches the bench first, and sits down, he leans forward pulling his hands over his head. Letting out a big sigh, he looks up at Cooper who has pulled out a small personal sized bag of corn chips out of his suit. He's eating chips as if they were popcorn, and he was at the movie theater. The movie? The wonderful people of this city are his entertainment today, Cooper points to an older man and laughs.

Cooper- Look at him, Dude! Look at that cowboy hat!!!

Alex- That's funny? Dude I think we need to focus on this tag team match. I've beat Saxton twice before, and I know they can be beat. But sometimes it feels like you are just here for the ride.

Cooper- Whatever man, we just both do things different. I'm just trying to relax, and not let my nerves get to me. You should try that once and a while. You walk around in the back and people are afraid to talk to you. You're all red faced, and look like you're about to blow a stack. Just chill out with me here, we can talk about the match, I don't care.

Alex- It's been over a year since I've been a champion, and I'm just nervous. They are the big road block here, do you think that anyone will watch The new church in their match? They aren't the threats, whoever wins this match will win the Battle Bowl, Justin. You have to know that's the truth. They are doing it again, they are giving us the short end of the stick. Why are we the ones facing the former champs? What have The Gent and his pet dog done in the past six months? Nothing, we've taken whatever we could get and went to the top with it.

Cooper- I know that's what I was trying to do.

Alex- Drake Calahan was right, dude. Wzcw is shady, they do their best to keep people out of the spotlight. You and I are both good examples of that. Always been work horses, and try to be the best. But how do you be the best when they put road block after road block in front of you.

Cooper- You beat the best to be the best. They were the best, now we are. How many times have they taken out a tag team in less than a minute? How many people have they demolished? What you said was right, The Bearded Gent, and The New Church have no chance against us. When we beat Saxton and Saboteur, they might as well crown us the new champs.

Bowen looks sternly at Cooper, and shakes his head in agreement.

Alex- That's why we have to focus, I like having money, I love the power. But what's that going to get us if we can't win a match? We need to win this match, to cement The Empire! that is the only way that people will take us for real. Another thing, I'm just plain sick and tired of Team funny ha ha. I'm sick of the jokes, I'm sick of the skits. I'm sick of the mockery that they've made the titles. The reason Saxton could never beat me for the Mayhem belt is because he wanted to turn it into a joke, just like they did with the tag team titles. He would have brought in blow up dolls, and plastic baseball bats, I wouldn't stand for it then, and I wont stand for it now. This company isn't a place for fun anymore, and we are going to show two comedy jobbers that lesson.

Cooper leans back and puts his empty chip bag in his coat pocket, he puts his arms behind his head and looks at the crowd of people in front of him.

Cooper- Saxton and Saboteur are really just like all of those people. Jokes, running around like chickens with their heads cut off. How can you claim to be one of the best tag teams of all time when you are pampered like them. They didn't have to fight for the spot that they're in right now. When they lose on Aftershock...

Cooper points at the crowd of people that are standing in a big huddle waiting to cross the street.

Cooper- Saxton will have to drop the gimmick, and Saboteur will have to drop his body suit back in his grandmother's closet. It's The Empires turn to shine, Wzcw made a mistake and forgot to hold us down again. They gave us a chance this time, and it's about time Saxton and Saboteur's luck runs out.
Signal Panic, Inc. presents
Action Saxton & Saboteur
"Hair Scare!"

It was another fine Winter's day in the city that Saxton/Saboteur Tower called home. The sun shone, the breeze blew, the birds sang, the icy sidewalks and roads caused passerby to trip and fall head-over-heels and drop whatever secret government documents they may have been holding. Yes, all was right with the world, at least on the outside.

On the inside, the mood in Saboteur/Saxton Tower was one of profound mental struggle. You see, the duo had some very important decisions to make, decisions that could affect their future, and the lives of those they cared about. Hell, these decisions were the type of decision that science fiction wrote as the turning point towards a bright future or a desolate end of days. Action Saxton and Saboteur may have been no strangers to making the difficult decisions when it came down to it, but these decisions, man, these decisions were profound.

"Now should I use the blue shampoo," mused Saxton, "or the red shampoo?"

Inside the official Saxton/Saboteur Office & Shower Complex™, Action Saxton stood in the shower room, naked. Luckily, the scene was tastefully shot so you could see only his top half, much to the disappointment of WZCW's female fans across the globe. That said, even Action Saxton's top half is panty-dropping delicious. But still, the implication was there. Not only was he naked, Action Saxton's luxurious afro looked quite worse for wear, covered in condiments from his match on Ascension. Many differently-colored bottles of shampoo littered the shower shelf, all upturned and clearly empty. Action Saxton glared at the last few remaining shampoos and reached out for the red one, pouring it in his afro, turning the water back on, and scrubbing vigorously.

The condiments still did not come out.

Action Saxton roared angrily and pounded the wall with a fist.

"Don't break the wall!" came Saboteur's voice from the other room. "I already spent our New Wall budget for this month!"


In the Office portion of the official Saxton/Saboteur Office & Shower Complex™ was Saboteur himself, and he was not alone. You see, he was in the process of making incredibly important, life-changing decisions as well, and for that, he called upon some help from his friends. Or perhaps they inserted themselves into the equation. Nevertheless, Saboteur was flanked by Jerry Fogel and Garrett as he pored over some important legal documents all bearing the WZCW logo. Saboteur wore a large pair of horn-rimmed glasses and his mask was clearly sweating as he stared at the number on the form.

"They want us to pay for damages!" he moaned.

"Yes, we heard you the first time," Garrett responded.

"It's not even a small number!" Saboteur continued. "It's a big number! A really big number!"

He slumped in his chair and allowed a strangled groan to escape his mask. Jerry clapped him on the shoulder.

"C'mon, Sab-Bro-Torres!" he said, smiling. "Don't be so glum, chum! C'mon, I'll talk to these bigwigs and knock off a few zeroes."

"But it's a really, really big number," Saboteur replied.

"And I've got a really, really big wallet!" Jerry said. "Look, what you need to get focused on is competing in this battle bowl and showing Ally McBeal and Just Cooped Up what you are made of! C'mon, think about it - Saboteur and Action Saxton, two time tag team champions. Whaddya say?"

Saboteur tapped a pen against his mouth area. "That does sound pretty nice..."

"What about Mikey Stormrage?" Garrett asked.

"What about him, Gar-Bear?" Jerry asked.

"Please don't call me that..." muttered Garrett.

"Gary Busey? Garrett Barrage? The Big GT?"

"Look," Garrett interrupted Jerry's string of nicknames and looked at Saboteur, "all I'm saying is that sure, you guys can focus on the tag team championships, but I think helping Mikey with his revenge is just as important!"

"What's a revenge?" Saboteur asked.

Garrett sighed and rolled his eyes. "Re-wen-gey."

Saboteur's mask lit up at the recognized word. "Oh, right, yeah, I mean those New Church jerks did mess us up as much as him."

"But the championships, Sabo L. Jackson!" Jerry pleaded. "You'll never have to worry about the big numbers again!"

Saboteur slumped onto the table, holding his head.


Meanwhile, in the shower, Action Saxton whistled his theme song jauntily as he poured a healthy amount of shampoo from the final bottle into his hair. It was the special super shampoo he saved for special occasions, and it was going to give the condiments in his hair the workout of a lifetime.

The Badass Brother reached up to massage the shampoo through his fine afro. He sunk his fingers through the hair, scrubbing and humming, giving his scalp a full once-over. He cleared his throat, and reached out to turn the water on again.

Or at least, he tried.

"What the hell?" exclaimed Action Saxton as his hands tugged his afro forward, resolutely stuck to his head. He tried again, yanking his arms and head left and right, this way and that, but to no avail.

"Dammit," he swore. "Who the hell put superglue in my best damn shampoo bottle?"

Suddenly, from above his head, there was a loud crash. Action Saxton looked up to see a ninja dressed in pink come smashing through his ceiling. The ninja made a loud "HIYAH" noise as he assumed a fighting stance.

"You may not remember me, Action Saxton," the ninja said, "but I remember you. You defeated my master, El Habanero, in combat, and you backhanded me to the tune of U Can't Touch This! Ever since then I have been training to finally find you and defeat you! This time, I have the advantage!"

The ninja withdraws holds up a palm, ready to strike. Action Saxton stared at the ninja, naked and with hands stuck in his afro, and groaned.

"Aw, hell no."


In the office, the debate of friend vs. glory was still raging.

"Think of the money!" Jerry said. "The prestige! The ladies! C'mon, Sabba-Dabba-Doo, you like ladies, right? Ever wanted to score with one of those hot mamas Saxton pulls?"

"Well, I..." Saboteur mumbled.

"But think of Mikey!" Garrett interrupted. "I know you guys had problems with him in the past, but think of what he could do for your team! Think of how he can help you with re-wen-gey! Think of how great you guys worked together!"

"Yeah, I guess you're..."

"But c'mon, Sable!" Jerry pipes up. "You could ignore him! You have your main man Sax-mo by your side! Two-time champs! Don't you want to hold up your spandex in style?"

"It is getting cold with my other spandex around my ankles..."

"But Saboteur, you have a duty!" Garrett pleads. "You could get your re-wen-gey and work with a guy you've worked with and maybe even show some common human decency to help out a guy's cause."

"Yeah, he was helpful, I guess..."

Suddenly, their conversation was interrupted by a loud banging from inside the bathroom.

"Don't break my Wilma toothbrush!" Saboteur called.


Inside the bathroom, Action Saxton and the ninja were locked in hand-to-hand combat. Or rather, foot-to-hand combat. Through years of training, Action Saxton managed to train himself in the art of flying feet, and it was damn lucky he did as this pink ninja was giving his legs a workout.

"You are a formidable foe, Action Saxton!" the ninja said as Saxton's foot kicked away one of his shuriken, "but you cannot last forever!"

"That's what all the ladies say to me, sucka!" Saxton barked, catching the ninja's shin with a foot-jab. "And you know what they say next?"

"What?" asked the ninja.

The ninja emitted a high-pitched scream as Action Saxton responded with a quick kick to the ninja's groin. Action Saxton's other foot connected with the ninja's skull, causing him to do a backflip and crash into the wall.

"Now listen up, sucka," Saxton said, looming over the ninja's body, his voice emitting waves of calm rage. "I ain't exactly the happiest man in the world right now. I am not a tag team champion. I got suckas left and right tryin' to take me out. I am sick and tired of dealing with those fools in The New Church. I have to face those goofy-ass m'suckas Bowen and Cooper on Aftershock. I am naked in the bathroom of a public skyscraper, fighting a pink ninja. And my hands are stuck in my afro."

He kicked the ninja again, but the ninja rolled to one side and stood up.

"You will die with your hands in your afro," he said, and lunged forward.


"Okay, Sab-bro-na the Teenage Witch," Jerry said, "it looks like I'm going to have to bring out the big guns to get my point across. I didn't want to have to do this, but you have left me no choice."

He reached under the table and grabbed his briefcase. He opened it and dug around for several minutes. When his hands emerged from inside, Saboteur's eyes lit up.

"I love finger puppets!" he exclaimed.

"Of course you do!" Jerry replied. "Okay, check this out, this one on my pointer is you. Look you can see he looks just like you. You with me?"

Saboteur nodded. Jerry continued.

"Okay, this one, on my middle finger, is Saxton. Look, he has the headband and everything, and he's black. Looks just like him. Okay, this other puppets on my other hand are Blowen and Blooper. Your opponents. It's funny because they suck. You still following?"

Saboteur nodded even faster. Garrett buried his face in his palms.

"So here's what you do. You beat them, like this..."

Jerry smushed the two sets of puppets together so that Saxton and Saboteur pinned Bowen and Cooper.

"And then you beat whoever is next in line, like this..."

Jerry retrieved two question-mark-shaped finger puppets and had Saxton and Saboteur pin them as well.

"And then you two win the championships and start making the big bucks again, like this."

Jerry mimed the Saxton and Saboteur puppets doing a wild victory dance that looked like they were dying of a seizure and going to finger-puppet-Heaven.

"You got that- Hey!"

Before Jerry could finish his sentence, Garrett grabbed the question mark finger puppets and the Saxton and Saboteur finger puppets and put them on his fingers.

"Or," he said to Saboteur, who was still entranced, "you could do this."

He held up a third finger on each hand.

"You could help Mikey to take out the New Church..."

His hands wrestled with each other.

"And get the same fame and fan-adoration you'd get if you became two-time tag team champions!"

Garrett started making loud faux-cheering noises with his mouth.

"So many choices!" Saboteur cried, and buried his head in his hands.


Inside the bathroom, the foot-to-hand fight raged on.

"It's a shame that your next opponents won't be able to take you on!" said the pink ninja. "You are a formidable opponent, but once I kill you, you will be nothing but a memory!"

"I can't die, sucka!" Saxton replied. His foot was struggling to repel the ninja's chop. "Ain't nobody got time for that!"

The ninja broke the stalemate and regrouped, relaxing into stance. "You're pretty confident you're going to walk out of here alive."

Saxton's foot snapped forward, knocking the side of the ninja's head.

"There's a very simple reason for that, sucka," Saxton said. He kicked the other side of the ninja's head. "I ain't going to die until I have kicked that sucka Alex Bowen's ass!"

His feet flew faster and faster, punctuating his sentences

"I have had it up to my black ass with his goofy-ass antics and his goofy-ass existence. Just because he's some big shot angry boy wannabe and that he moved out of that hospital he was always in, he thinks he bad. But you know what?"

Kick after kick.

"He ain't bad! And he sure as hell ain't bad enough to take out Action Saxton!"

Bang after bang as foot after foot connected.

"Maybe once upon a time he was, but dammit, sucka, the times have changed! It don't matter if he has that sucka Cooper by his side, I still hate him, and I refuse to be remembered as the man who couldn't beat Alex Bowen!"

The ninja spun around Saxton's foot like a broken yo-yo as the Badass Brother continued to rant.

"I'm finally given one last damn chance to kick his ass, and I'm not letting some ninja take it away from me. Because this time, sucka, I know I'm going to win, and not just because I'm Action Saxton."

His kicks have cornered the ninja, whose backed up against the open toilet.

"I'm going to win-"


"-because there's a big damn difference between him and me-"


"-and that difference is-"


"-while I have spent my time training like a m'sucka, teaming up with my boy Saboteur, and actually winning-"


"-he is still-"


"-the same-"


"-goofy-ass sucka-"


"-he has always been!"

A final kick sent the ninja headfirst into the toilet. Action Saxton angrily stomped on the flusher, the ninja gurgling as the water swirled around his head.

"Wash your hands!" Saboteur called from the other room.

Action Saxton kung-fu kicked the wall, opened a window, and threw the soggy ninja out.


In the Office, Garrett and Jerry stared at Saboteur expectantly, awaiting his decision. He sighed.

"Look, I just don't see why I can't do both," he said.

"Don't you want to be tag team champion again?" asked Jerry.

"Yeah, I-"

"And don't you want re-wen-gey?" asked Garrett.

"Well, yeah, but-"

Garrett and Jerry both started talking at once. Saboteur held up a hands and removed his horn-rimmed glasses. He stood up.

"Look, I have a plan," he said. "I hate to choose things if I don't have to, so you know, I'm going to do both. I'm going to recruit the fat one to help me spy on Cooper and Bowen to prepare for our match. How about that? Eh, guys? Eh?"

Garrett and Jerry stared daggers at each other, a stony silence between them. Saboteur shrugged.

"Well, I thought it was a good idea."

A crash echoed throughout the Office as Action Saxton kicked the bathroom door down. He stood in the doorframe, chest heaving angrily. Saboteur looked over at his naked partner.

"Oh, hey, Saxton," he said. "I was just going to spy on Cooper and Bowen. Want to come with?"

"Where the hell did you put the superglue remover?" barked Saxton.

Saboteur shrugged. "You'll have to ask Janiteur, but I'm pretty sure last time I talked to him he said he put it in the basement."

"Thanks, sucka."

Action Saxton walked out of the Office and down the stairs. Saboteur turned back to Jerry and Garrett.

"Thanks for your help, guys," he said. "Jerry, talk to the WZCW management, do the thing you said you'd do. With the zeroes. And the numbers. I have a match to prepare for."

And he walked out of the office. With Saxton and Saboteur gone, Jerry and Garrett sat across from each other at the table, staring intently at one another.

Jerry spoke up.

"I don't like you."

He grabbed his briefcase and left.
As you would have grown to suspect this interaction is very different to most. One by one young children make their way into the classroom in an orderly fashion. These children range from ages of five all the way through to a strong eight. Young minds yet to be sculpted into the future generation. Toward the back of the classroom two female teachers signal the children to the front for this presentation. Once the classroom is full and the students have settled, the two female members of staff make their way to the front of the room.

One of the teachers begins to wave as a signal and into the classroom walks Alex Bowen and Rev. Cooper. To no surprise the little children welcome the guests with a chorus of juvenile booing. It’s comical in a sense and even Cooper sees a funny side as he walks with a smirk on his face. They duo stands at the front of the room in front of all the children. Bowen looks unamused while Cooper seems to be enjoying the attention he is getting.

Bowen: Can we get this over with quickly?

Cooper: You don’t love this stuff? It’s the kiddies man, the little ones. These are the future leaders of the world right here.

Bowen: You’re kidding right?

Cooper: Of course. I could smell these disgusting creatures from the car. This is Iris’ fault you know. He’s the one that signs me up for these appearances. While David Cougar is running around on breakfast television, we get stuck doing this. Why doesn’t Cougar come and entertain the five to eight demographic for once?

The self-proclaimed greatest duo of professional wrestling is not happy at all. While they continue to talk between themselves the crowd, we’re talking about the children, are getting restless.

Bowen: Justin we got a match-

Cooper: Please Alex, it’s reverend in front of the grubs.

Bowen: We’ve got a match with Action Saxton and Saboteur this week and we can’t afford to be messing around here. We destroyed the STA last week and that brings us one step closer to the tag team titles. If we beat those two then we’re in! We’ll have our shot at All or Nothing and those titles will be coming home with us. We’re just one win away from being champions. You know those other two teams can’t beat us.

Cooper nods in agreement.

Bowen: So how about we get out of here and go focus on our match-

One of the children speaks up.

Child: Are you two gonna do anything? We had a magician in here last time and he was doing this sick trick with a bird and a rabbit!

Bowen gives the kid a harsh look. It’s like he’s shooting daggers right through the kid as he finishes speaking. The child lowers his head slowly and retreats, possibly fearing for his safety. Alex turns and faces Cooper.

Bowen: So are we going or what?

Cooper: Once upon a time…

Immediately Bowen sighs, he isn’t going anywhere for the moment. Instead Cooper begins to do what he does best… tell a crazy story which he swears is true.

Cooper: In a world that contained kings, knights, pirates, robots, poorly dressed superheroes and even a single black man. This world was held hostage by a fierce and evil dictator named David. He stood on top of the highest mountain with a big gold belt to hold up his pants because he had an unusual large backside.

The little children laugh at the bum joke.

Cooper: Now you’d think David was the man problem in this world but you’d be wrong. In fact even though David held top spot, he was no match for the combined power of the two most loved warriors in all the land. These two warriors were called heroes by the children and hailed as legends by the adults. They toppled the biggest of challenges on their path to greatness. Each villain fell down and crumbled before their mighty strength. Upon destroying all in their path the duo was awarded with two gold belts and from then on were called the greatest to ever fight across the land. People spoke of the duo for over a year and said nobody could ever defeat them.

Bowen: And then-

Cooper: Within the kingdom it became clear that nobody could stop the duo. Soon enough the word spread of the duo seeking a challenge. They became known as Action Saxton and Saboteur. Together they had wild adventures. In this world it was like Saxton and Saboteur were leading a revolution. They were symbols, they were the fun side of life. The side of life where you run around and play with bubbles in the park. Such fun they had. Step by step Saxton and Saboteur climbed higher and higher, eventually reaching the step just below the evil David. They reached up, ready to take his spot when suddenly they were pulled down to the depths of the coldest of places. They were pulled from the top and left to fail at the bottom.

In dramatic fashion Cooper drops to his knees.

Cooper: Like a woman Saxton cried as birds picked away at Saboteurs ridiculous body suit. Unfortunately this wouldn’t be the end of the duo. In fact an angel would appear just a week later and save them. Yes, even in this world those who don’t deserve it will get all the benefits. This angel lifted Saxton and Saboteur up and placed them just a foot lower on the mountain then they were before. He spoke to the duo and told them that they would need to overcome just one challenge before they could take their place as the greatest duo in the land. The unintelligent two replied with the usual what must we do and the angel responded by telling them that a new duo had risen.

Child: Was it Beared Gentlemen? Oh, I know, The New Church! What about STA with Reese Connor, that’s the terminator guy right?

Cooper: Shut up child, I’m telling my story.

Bowen: Kids these days.

After a small cough from Cooper, he continues.

Cooper: This new duo was of course Alex Bowen and the ever so handsome Rev. Cooper. We stood up against the powers that be; we stood up against the clock that constantly runs the world both here and in my story. You see children stories don’t stray that far from reality and like many, this was based on truth. We represent a division of professional wrestling that has for a long time been neglected by egotistical and arrogant men. These men believe that they are better than the rest and they share some kind of sick happiness in the misfortune of others. We stand against it. We look out for those who are suffering in the pathetic excuse for a mayhem division. We are the good guys children. People like Action Saxton and Saboteur have an image as your heroes when really you should be looking up to us. We are the future of the professional wrestling and the tag team division. We are the ones you should have the posters of, the ones you should be dressing up as at parties. Saxton and Saboteur are misguiding all of you into a life of misery and unhappiness. Worshiping us is the best thing you can do for your young lives. It’s our gift to you.

Cooper stands and begins to walk over to one of the children. He places a hand on the desk in front of him and leans forward.

Cooper: I can see fear in your eyes child. Fear that your teachers cannot help you to escape. They can’t help you by placing a hand on your shoulder. You need someone like me to take you by the hand and pull you from the depths just like the powers that be did for Saxton and Saboteur. Unfairly they were pulled from the bottom and given a chance to become champions because of the past. This is 2013 my friends, not 2012 anymore. The time for free passes has come and gone. Now it’s time for a new duo to take the spotlight that was ruled by the superhero and the black man. It was cool for a bit but the time for laughs is over. Believe me children; you’re all sick of it. Each and every one of you is sick of laughing every time you turn on professional wrestling. You’re all sick of seeing the same old thing from those two idiots. You’re bored of seeing them pretend to fight with each other when you know they’re cuddling behind closed doors. I can see it in your eyes children. I can see what you’re all thinking right now. I see it!

In a somewhat sadistic manner Cooper places his arm around the child in front of him. He begins to whisper in the child’s ear.

Cooper: Reality is not just the things we want to see. Reality is both the good and the evil of our world. You can’t escape the things that cause you pain. If you could then they would be pointless. Everything he has a purpose. Action Saxton’s purpose is to continue to hide behind a stereotype of the African American man and humiliate an entire race. Saboteur’s purpose is to play the little games that people your age want. He’s the guy that the company wants on the cereal boxes. He’s the guy you’ll see on the television doing the flips and dips.

Slowly Cooper returns to a vertical stance, he looks over the classroom.

Cooper: You all doubt us! Each and every one of you doubt us as both competitors and as men. You all think we’re going to be destroyed this week. Not a single one of you believes in us at all. It’s fine because we’ve been the underdogs our entire careers. You see everything has a purpose and our purpose is to prove you people wrong. Alex Bowen and Rev. Cooper are here to be the World Tag Team Champions! We will be the champions and no amount of power playing will stop us. Nobody on this planet has the skills to defeat us and that’s fact. We have beaten legends! We have beaten the best in the business. My partner has faced off against the biggest superstar of all time and he took that guy to the limit. I’ve defeated the current King for a Day and I beat that fluke Chris KO, both on the same night!

The greatest duo in professional wrestling stands next to each other at the front of the classroom. Their eyes locked, both men believing everything Cooper has said. The children listening may not but that’s not going to bother either man.

Bowen: Put simply, we’re going knock their heads right off their shoulders.

Cooper: Poetic my friend.

Bowen: Yeah, thanks a bunch.

Cooper: See children you truly can’t find a better team than us.

Bowen shakes his head, Cooper laughs and the scene comes to an end.
The scene opens with Mikey Stormrage walking into his living room with a bowl of hot soup. It’s a cold Indiana day, and there’s nothing like a bowl of steaming hot soup and Game Show Network reruns to keep Mikey Stormrage warm and cozy. He places the bowl of soup on his coffee table and plops down on his couch. A few clicks of the remote later and an old episode of Password from 1978 is on his television. It truly is a perfect afternoon for The Prince of Pwnage.


“Let me in! I’m freezing my nads off out here!”

Mikey is not expecting company, but the voice outside sounds quite distressed, and Mikey is not one to turn away a soul in need. He walks briskly to the door and opens it up.

Saboteur: Hey buddy! Long time no see!

Saboteur doesn’t wait for an invitation inside. He pushes his way past Stormrage and sheds his giant fur parka on the floor. He plops onto Mikey’s couch before Mikey can make heads or tails of what’s going on.

Saboteur: Ooooh soup!

Saboteur picks the bowl up and takes a big slurp.

Saboteur: Mmmm tomato! Say, do you have any crackers? Maybe those oyster-shaped ones?

Stormrage: Saboteur… what the hell are you doing here?

Saboteur: Saxton and I decided to come visit you and help you and your quest for rewengay!

Stormrage: But Saxton isn’t here...

It’s at that very moment that Saxton walks out of Mikey’s bathroom.

Saxton: You gonna need some toilet paper. And seriously sucka, two ply? Real men use three or higher. Have some self-respect man!

Saboteur: Hey Saxton, Mikey made us some soup! Mikey, go get Saxton a bowl.

Stormrage: Guys, I’m flattered that you want to help me on my quest to get revenge on Grand Mystique, but I don’t need your help, I can do this one by myself.

Saboteur: That’s what you think. You think you would have stood a chance last week if we hadn’t chased those New Church dummies to the concourse?

Saxton walks over to Stormrage and puts his arm around Mikey’s shoulders.

Saxton: Look Stormrage, I know a lot about revenge, and even more about South Japanese cuisine, but that’s neither here nor there. Even the baddest mothasuckas need some help from their friends from time to time. Even the great Action Saxton sometimes wishes he had a sidekick when he has to fight an army of ninjas.

Stormrage sighs but begins to nod in agreement.

Stormrage: Well, I guess if you guys want to accompany me to the ring and make sure Grand Mystique and his New Church goons don’t try to interfere in my match, that would be cool.

Saboteur: Accompany you to the ring? Ha! We got our own stuff going on man. No, what we’re going to do is help you strategize. And all we ask in return is that you come with me and help me spy on Bowen and Cooper so I can figure out their weaknesses. Deal?

Stormrage: I don’t know guys, I’m kind of...

Saboteur: It’s a deal then! Saxton, find a way to figure out how this rewengay thing works. Mikey, come with me!

Saboteur grabs Mikey by the arm and whisks him away into the cold Indiana afternoon leaving Saxton alone in the living room.

Saxton: Hmmm, I know all there is to know about getting revenge for a badass brother like myself, but not about how a fat nerd would get revenge.

Saxton looks towards Stormrage’s massive videogame collection when he gets an idea.

Saxton: That massive videogame collection gives me an idea! Maybe if I play a video game about revenge, I can understand how a geek like Mikey Stormrage can go get some revenge.

Saxton stars digging through the collection of games, tossing aside anything he deems unfit to help him complete his task.

Saxton: Super Plumber Man? No. Fairy Boy Sword Fighting? No. Shoot Aliens in the Face and Yell at Twelve-year-olds? No! Awwww here it is!

Saxton pulls out a game titled, “Kung Fu Warrior’s Revenge.”

Saxton: Now that’s what I’m talkin’ bout, sucka!

Saxton opens Mikey Stormrage’s XBlock 361 and pops in the game. Saxton flips from the Game Show Network over to the XBlock input, and it’s time to start gaming. The screen goes dark and shows a few words to explain the game.

Saxton: “Warning, use of motion sensor technology can cause dizziness, damage to property, and explosive diarrhea.” Oh snap! If this game uses motion sensors then I won’t need to worry about this damn controller.

Saxton tosses the XBlock controller out of one of Stormrage’s unopened windows.

Video Game: Level 1… FIGHT!

Saxton immediately unleashes a flurry of punches to the air followed by a jumping spin kick and finishes the combo with a palm thrust to the throat of the virtual bad guys.

Video Game: Level 1… COMPLETE! Record timing!

Saxton: Damn, virtual revenge is easy!


Indianapolis XBlock HQ

A slender Asian man with glasses sits at a cubicle desk. The nameplate on his cubicle wall says, “Yoshi Mitsu, director of gaming records. He seems about ready to nod off when a message pops on his computer.

Yoshi Mitsu: Level 1 of Kung Fu Master’s Revenge completed in… 5 seconds? Impossibru!

Yoshi Mitsu quickly grabs his coat and hustles out of his cubicle.


Saboteur and Stormrage sit in a white sedan on a busy street. Saboteur his looking through a pair of binoculars while Stormrage fiddles around on his cell phone.

Saboteur: Will you quit playing around with that thing? You can break your high score on Tetris later; right now I need you keeping a sharp eye out for Bowen and Cooper.

Stormrage: I’m not playing Tetris, I’m texting James. He needs cheering up these days, you know?

Saboteur: Yeah yeah whatever, you can cheer him up later, we have more pressing issues right now.

Stormrage tucks his phone away in his pocket.

Stormrage: Fine, but I don’t know why you think Bowen and Cooper are going to be in Indianapolis.

Saboteur: My sources told me that they’re going to be here.

Stormrage: And who are your sources?

Saboteur: I don’t know, some dude I met on the internet.

Stormrage slumps down in his seat.

Stormrage: Great…

Saboteur: Wait… there they are! Right there!

Saboteur hands Stormrage the binoculars and points wildly towards two men that are no more than 20 feet away from the car.

Stormrage: Yeah, I can see them, but I’m pretty sure that’s not Bowen and Cooper. I’m pretty sure those are just two dudes…

Saboteur: Yeah, two dudes named Bowen and Cooper! Where do you think they’re going?

Stormrage: It looks like they’re about to go into that fancy restaurant. I’m like, almost 100% sure that those guys aren’t Bowen and Cooper; Chez Henri doesn’t exactly seem like their scene. Saboteur? What the…

Saboteur has seemingly magically popped into the back seat of the car and is digging through a suitcase.

Stormrage: What the hell are you doing?

Saboteur: If we’re going to spy on them I’m going to need a good disguise. A-ha! This is perfect!


Video Game: Level 4… COMPLETE! Record timing!

Saxton: When’s this game going to get hard? These virtual fools are about as tough as dry wall, which I punch for fun!

*Knock Knock Knock*

Saxton: Door’s open, sucka!

The door slowly opens and Yoshi Mitsu walks through we approaches Saxton cautiously, so not as to disturb his gaming experience.

Yoshi Mitsu: Hello Mr. Stormrage, I am Yoshi Mitsu, director of XBlock gaming records, and I am pleased to inform you that you have set the world record for the first 4 levels of Kung Fu Master’s Revenge!

Saxton: Yeah yeah whatever, but I ain’t no Mr. Stormrage, I’m Action Saxton baby!

Yoshi Mitsu: Ohhh I see. Well Mr. Saxton it appears you are about to play level 5. This level contains one of the most difficult bosses in video game history, you must be very careful if you wish to…

Saxton throws a lightning fast thrust kick and follows it up with a 127 punch combination.

Video Game: Level 5… COMPLETE! Record timing!

Yoshi Mitsu’s jaw drops in wonderment at Saxton’s ability.

Yoshi Mitsu: IMPOSSIBRU!


Stormrage puts down a menu and looks towards a waiter.

Stormrage: I’ll have the Pan Seared Salmon with roasted beets, and the… lady will have the kid’s order of mac and cheese.

Across the table Saboteur, dressed in drag with a Dolly Parton wig, fluffy pink dress, and fire engine red lipstick on his mask, politely giggles at Stormrage’s chivalry. He responds in a high pitched voice.

Saboteur: Oh you are just to kind, darlin’!

Waiter: Excellent choice, sir.

The waiter walks away and Stormrage leans towards Saboteur and fiercely whispers to him.

Stormrage: You look absolutely ridiculous! Why do you have to wear that getup?

Saboteur: So Bowen and Cooper don’t recognize me, idiot! I don’t wanna spook them and make them run away.

Stormrage: Again, I’m nearly positive that those guys aren’t Bowen and Cooper. For one thing, neither of them look like they weigh over 170 pounds soaking wet. They’re also both wearing suits, and I’m pretty sure that Bowen doesn’t even own a suit.

Saboteur: Hmmm it appears that they, like myself, have become masters of disguise. I wonder who their disguise guy is? I’ve been going to Crazy Larry’s Discount Disguises for years now and… wait, we need to stay on task here. I’m going to go use my snooping skills to see what they’re talking about. Maybe they’re talking about their game plan for Aftershock this week…

Saboteur gets up from the booth and walks over to the table where the alleged Bowen and Cooper are sitting.

Saboteur: Excuse me sirs…

Saboteur begins talking in his normal voice before realizing that he is supposed to be undercover. He clears his throat and begins again in his feminine voice.

Saboteur: Excuse me sirs, but I was wondering if ya’ll have any idea what’s going on in the exciting world of Dubya Zee See Dubya?

I forgot to mention, Saboteur’s female voice is apparently that of a Southern belle.

Man 1: I’m sorry, we’re not really wrestling fans.

Saboteur doesn’t take the bait.

Saboteur: But aren’t you Mr. Alex Bowen, record setting Mayhem Champeen? And aren’t you Justin Cooper, famous for some other reason I’m sure?

Man 2: No… we’re Mark and Wallace Thompson-Monroe.

Saboteur: Brothers, a convenient alibi.

Man 1: We look nothing alike. We’re not brothers, we’re husbands.

Saboteur breaks character.

Saboteur: What!? Did they make gay marriage legal here in Indiana? Why wasn’t I invited to your reception? I’m a BLAST at weddings!

Man 2: Um, we don’t know you, and we certainly don’t want to discuss our private life with you. Now if you’d please leave us alone, we’re trying to enjoy our brunch.

Saboteur: It’s 2 in the afternoon, way too late for brunch!

Man 2: Sweetie, when you’re gay, it’s never too late for brunch.

Saboteur accepts this fact before he spins around on his heel and sheepishly walks back to his table where Mikey Stormrage is several bites in to his meal.

Saboteur: Come on, we’re leaving.

Stormrage: What? Why? Our food just got here and it’s really good!

Saboteur: I don’t care, that’s not Bowen and Cooper; they’re just two gay dudes.

Stormrage: It’s not nice to use that word derogatory, Saboteur.

Saboteur: No, they’re literally married to each other.

Stormrage: Really? When did they make gay marriage legal in Indiana?

Saboteur: I don’t know, but this just got really awkward and there’s no reason to be here, so let’s go!

Saboteur yanks Stormrage from the booth and pulls him out of the restaurant.

Waiter: But sir, your bill!

Saboteur: Shove it up your butt, Francois!

Waiter: But my name is Rick…


A crowd has amassed in Stormrage’s apartment. What must be a hundred nerds and gamers from the greater Indianapolis area have gathered to see this video game playing phenom throw epic combinations that no geek as dreamed of on his way to destroying the record for Kung Fu Master’s Revenge.

Video Game: Level 19… COMPLETE! Record timing!

The crowd erupts into a rambunctious cheer as Saxton is one level closer to finally getting the Kung Fu master’s revenge in Kung Fu Master’s Revenge.

Yoshi Mitsu: Mr. Saxton, you are just one level away from beating what many have called the most challenging game in XBlock history! It’s moments like these that remind me why I got into video game record recording. But be warned, the final boss in this game will take advantage of your every mistake. You must fight a near perfect battle if you have any hope of winning!

Saxton: Sucka, the only mistake I’ve ever made is not picking a more challenging video game. It’s time to bring the pain!

Video Game: Level 20…

A hush falls upon the crowd as they anticipate what might turn into one of the most historic moments in gaming history.

Video Game: FIGHT!

Saxton launches into combat with a fake left jab/straight right punch. He follows that with a spinning back fist and multiple knees to the virtual gut, and then a karate chop to the cranium for good measure.

Video Game: Fufufufu! It will take more than that if you wish to defeat me!

Saxton: What the hell? That sucka just regained half his health!

Yoshi Mitsu: Yes, this is one of his many powers!

Saxton: That uncool, unjive, unfly fool is gon’ git got!

Saxton starts off with a spin kick that knocks his opponent down and adds an elbow drop to his grounded opponent for good measure. They both jump back to their feet, but his virtual opponent is a little quicker thanks to the lack of physics in the virtual world. Saxton dodges a few kicks by jumping and ducking, and when the timing is right he unleashes a huge uppercut that sends his opponent flying to the other side of the screen. Saxton knows a finishing moment when he sees one, and he senses that the time has come to put an end to this virtual fiend. He takes a running start (by running in place) and then launches into a beautiful flying jump kick that connects squarely with his opponent’s jaw, earning Saxton and the Kung Fu master a knock out victory.

The crowd cheers for Saxton and many of the geeks and gamers that have gathered begin slapping Saxton on the back jumping on him in excitement.

Video Game: Level 20… COMPLETE! Record timing!

The crowd starts chanting Saxton’s name and jump around the apartment, yelling like a bunch of hooligans. Yoshi Mitsu comes up to Saxton and throws his arms around the big man.

Yoshi Mitsu: Mr. Saxton, you have done the impossibru and set the world record for Kung Fu Master’s Revenge! Is there anything you’d like to say?


Stormrage and Saboteur stand in the door of the apartment, and Mikey looks furious. The wild crowd is immediately tamed and sheepishly filters out of the apartment.

Yoshi Mitsu: Sir, I thought you’d like to know that Mr. Saxton here set the world record for Kung Fu Master’s Revenge on your XBlock! That makes you a part of video game history!

Stormrage: Dude… I really don’t care right now.

Yoshi Mitsu looks down at his feet, embarrassed, and sheepishly walks out of the apartment.

Saxton: Damn sucka, why you so cranky?

Stormrage: I’m cranky because you guys totally ruined my day off! All I wanted to do was eat some soup and watch some TV, but of course you guys couldn’t let me have that. You come into my house, drag me out to some crazy restaurant to spy on two random dudes, and while I’m out visiting crazy town with Saboteur, Saxton is apparently throwing a party in my house without my permission!

Saxton: Well when you put it that way…

Saboteur: But we were just trying to help you get your rewengay on Grand Mistake!

Stormrage takes a deep breath to find some center. It works.

Stormrage: Look, I appreciate your help you guys, but playing a video game about revenge isn’t going to help me beat Grand Mystique, and spying on your opponents isn’t going to help you beat them.

Before he got hurt, James helped me both in and out of the ring, but one piece of advice he gave me applied to both areas, and that is that there are no shortcuts. Playing games and spying aren’t going to get you wins, they’re just going to distract you from what’s important: focus. If you guys focus on beating Cooper and Bowen then there’s nothing that can stop you from beating them. If I focus on getting my revenge on Grand Mystique, then there’s nothing that can stop me from defeating him either. So no more plots and plans and schemes to secretly get an upper-hand over your opponents; what you need to do is go home, get some rest, and start training to defeat your opponents.

Saxton: Damn, this sucka is right! I didn’t just set the world record in some hokey video game with cheat codes: I beat it with my own two fists and three feet!

Stormrage: Three feet?

Saxton: I include my… you know what… as a foot.

Stormrage: Dude… gross.

Saboteur: And I’m ready to buckle down and kick Cooper in the keester! Come on Saxton, let’s go do an 80s training montage to prepare for our match.

Saxton: Fine, but this time you have to wear the pink spandex.

Saxton and Saboteur walk out of Stormrage’s apartment, leaving their new friend alone to clean up the massive mess that Saxton and his fans have made of the place.

Stormrage: Well, now that they know where I live I guess I’ll just have to move… again.
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