AF17: Darren Bull vs. The Angel (Deadwood Match)

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
Note: If any competitor in this match does not RP, they will be subsequently kicked from the fed (i.e. Deadwood Rules).

One of the matches billed for the Aftershock card features Darren Bull taking on the returning Angel. It is being reported that the Angel has recovered from his injuries and will be looking to wrestle and getting himself back on track. We'd like to welcome back Angel and hopefully he stays healthy enough to continue.

Deadline is 11:59pm Central Time, Tuesday 22nd January. Extensions as per thread.
Scriptures of an Angel
Verse 1:

Rebirth of an Angel

Sirens are heard. An amublance blares through the highway heading away from the arena. After the attack from Steven Holmes that left my body scarred and broken, I awake on the road to the hospital. I try to move but I'm strapped in. As I'm lying there staring into space, the paramedic is trying to keep me calm. I look right at him and notice my mask is gone. He sees the man that I am. Broken. I feel ashamed. Nothing is more disrepctful than to have your mask ripped off. I can't even call myself a luchador anymore.

I guess I passed out because I woke up almost two weeks later in a hospital bed. Tubes and wires running out of me like I was some kind of machine. The nurse runs into the room with a few doctors and they began to examine me. Hours go by and they begin to leave. All but one has left me now. Doctor Truman is his name.

"So, is there anything I can do for you to make your stay here a little more comfortable?"

The thought of staying here made me sick. I know he is just doing his job but I honestly just wanted my life back. I wanted to fly off the ropes again. I wanted to go to church. I look up at the blank t.v in the corner of my room.

"What is today"?

It's December twenty-third. Why?"

"Well, today a friend of mine is competing to win the world title against the man who put me here. I want to watch it, if it's not to much to ask."

"I'll get that ordered for you Angel."

And with that, he left out the door. I'm alone. Well, kinda. My lord is always with me. I turned the t.v on and waited for Unscripted to start. About thirty minutes later it played. Sam Smith climbing the ladder to defend his Elite X title, Justin beating both Constatine and Chris K.O. I saw my friend Krypto winning the Mentorship Program. He deserved it and for a brief moment I caught myself laughing with Krypto. Strikeforce made history. I saw all of it. Finally it was time for the main event. I watched and even jumped out of my seat a few times. I thought Titus had it but David had his eye on retaining.

The T.V went blank afterwards and my heart felt hurt. I felt like I was missing out on everything. That's when I decided to push myself to get back there. I was going to do whatever it took to make it back to that ring.

I remember like it was yesterday. My first day of phyisical theropy almost killed me but I worked harder than I ever have done before. To my surprise I had no serious injuries but mostly a couple of bruised ribs. Still I had trouble walking, which is why I had to be in theropy to begin with. But I pushed through it. Weeks go by and my walking gets better. I can walk and even run just fine now.

I'm lying in bed and I get the greatest news ever. I am cleared to leave ths hospital. I was only in physical therapy for a little over three weeks. I did it. I'm able to go back. On my way out of the hostpital the nurse said I had a package. I looked at her funny and went to open it. It didn't way who it was from. My eyes started to tear up and I saw what it was. My mask. I sighed as someone was looking out for me. I put it on and I felt like me again. I wore it with pride which is kind of funny. After a luchador gets his match taken off, he isn't suppose to wear it. It's bad luck. But when I put that mask back on I felt different. I felt stronger. And now I'm ready to face the challenges ahead in WZCW.

Word got around that I was ok and a few of my friends from WZCW called me. I'm walking around, soaking in the sunlight in my small New Mexico town, and I get a phone call from Chuck Myles. He told me about the Aftershock Awards coming up and asked me to attend. I told him I'll be there.

I wasn't used on the show but I got to hear the crowd again. It put a great feeling in my heart knowing that when I do get to come back, they will hopefully have the same reaction they just did but for me.

While talking to a few other stars, Chuck Myles came up to me and said he wanted to talk alone. I asked the guys to excuse me and I left with him. I followed him to his office and we shared a few laughs.

"Well, I got news from our docters and you are cleared to compete. I don't know many men who can take a beating like you did and still be alive. You are one tough S.O.B Angel."

He took out a stack of papers. He bgan to expain when I looked at him confused.

"It's your contract. I still have it and you are still employed here by WZCW. I can sign you a match on Aftershock if you want. Against Darren Bull. If you are ready?"

I looked at him and nodded yes. He smiled and did some paper work. He looked up to me.

"It's official. You will be facing Darren Bull on Aftershock next week."

I didn't know what to say and he knew it. He extended his hand to me and grabbed it.

"I'll see you next week."

I stood up and left. So many things went through my head. Am I ready? The crowd popped once more and right there I knew I was ready. I was ready to go for the gold. I was ready to face any challenge ahead of me. I was ready for Darren Bull. I hope he is ready for me.
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