AF17: Brent Blaze vs. James Carter

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
WZCW is excited to welcome Brent Blaze to this extensive wrestling family who earned his contract with a win over Darren Bull on the previous Aftershock. Now, he stands as the WZCW star taking on the newcomer James Carter who is being billed as a Human Highlight Reel and someone who needs both eyes to watch at all times. Will the newbie Carter be able to impress or will Blaze start off a winning streak here in WZCW? Either way, we wish both competitors good luck.

Deadline is 11:59pm Central Time, Tuesday 22nd January. Extensions as per thread.
We open to a scene of Brent Blaze on his Galaxy S3 cell phone.

Brent Blaze
… Oh, wow. Long time no talk.

Blaze pauses for a moment. Then continues.

Brent Blaze
I know… I know. But, hey why don’t we meet up soon. Like, tonight?

Brent stops and thinks for a second.

Brent Blaze
I can go ahead and send someone after you. Where are you?

After getting an answer, Blaze tells the mysterious person on the phone goodbye. He quickly sends a text that we do not see. Moments later he begins walking. The camera follows.

Blaze… Blaze!

Brent stops and turns toward the voice. It turns out to be WZCW’s Leon Kensworth.

Leon Kensworth
Can we have a few moments of your time?

Brent looks at him for a few moments.

Brent Blaze

Leon Kensworth

Before Kensworth could continue, Brent walks off. He begins to strut down the hallway. He looks into the camera and commences his own version of an interview.

Brent Blaze
You thought this was going to be a customary interview, didn’t you? Well, as typical, you were wrong.

Blaze continues his apparent ritual of walking while completing a sort of self-interview. A glimpse of this was seen last week, but with more of a flair to it. Brent begins to speak, as he turns the corner.

Brent Blaze
I am like no other man. I am myself, and I am what all of you strive to be. I am the perfection of what any human should be. You shall strive to be what I have become. It is not destine for any of you, but purely optional. You still have a chance to be like me; to be like Brent Blaze. I want that for all of you. I doubt its ever going to happen, but a man can dream right? That’s right, I am here for you. It seemed that way last week, didn’t it? That was just a glimpse of what I can do. I mutilated that man with such vigor that even those at home were temporarily dazed. I displayed the exact passion I previously spoke of.

As the speech continues, Blaze slows his pace. As he walks down the halls of the backstage area, other individuals are seen, but ignored.

Brent Blaze
This word, option, it is the key: the key that all of you need to turn the lock. That lock will open a door; and the door will open new opportunities. These opportunities, these chances, will drive your ambition forward. You can be everything you want to be. All you have to do is listen to me. All you have to do is listen to “The Addiction,” and everything you want will be delivered. Believe in me.

Brent’s phone dings, a sound that many recognize as an incoming text message, but he ignores it.

Brent Blaze
The belief you all now have, or will have after the following Aftershock, will stimulate you. It will ignite your passion. An aftershock will be left with you, and you will feel this aftershock just as you would a drug entering your repulsive bodies. But now- now I am that drug. I am the drug that you are compulsive to. Irresistible. Overpowering. Relentless. That’s me. That’s the real deal. I am the real addiction.

Another ding from the phone goes off, and Brent acts as if he doesn’t here is. The interrupting sound clearly aggravates him.

Brent Blaze
James Carter? Who is this man? He is a nobody. He is a prime example of every one of you. He just needs a bit of help- or guidance. I can provide this assistance. I will provide this assistance in the form of a beating. If that is what it takes, that is what I will do. James Carter is about to enter no mans land. My weaponry- The Overdose, Pain Killer, Substance Abuse, The Physco Effect, and The Screamo- whatever it takes to put this South Carolina nobody down. The battle is imminent- the attack is oncoming. I will take this so-called “Aerial Assassin” out of the air. I will ground him. This human highlight reel will be shut off! I will not stand for a man who lives his life by the pill just to get over the self-sustaining injuries he has caused! This high-risk life style is no way of living. All you are doing is harming your body. James Carter needs my help. And help he will get!

After going off about a man he knows little about, Brent Blaze calms down. Blaze smirks as his long walk continues. Things are about to get personal.

Brent Blaze
What will happen once I bring down the next Johnny-come-lately? His life is going to change. Not only am I going to defeat him in the ring, I am going to destroy his entire life. Nothing he currently knows will stay the same. James Carter will be hospitalized- and maybe there he can receive the help he needs.

Brent stops off at a coke machine. He studies it, and then nods in disapproval. He turns and walks away.

Brent Blaze
Cassidy, right?

Blaze pauses once again, with his sick grin showing.

Brent Blaze
You poor thing. Your daddy isn’t coming home, honey. Your daddy has gotten himself into a mess that he isn’t going to be able to get out of. I hope you can understand. I hope you can comprehend that things aren’t going to be the same. Lets just hope you can grow up and be nothing like your dad. Maybe, just maybe, I can be your role model.

Blaze mentioning James’ daughter was a low ball. But, Brent doesn’t seem to care at all. His phone now goes off once more, but this time it’s a phone call. He is obviously frustrated, but now answers to the ring.

Brent Blaze
… What!?

Blaze listens.

Brent Blaze
Oh, sorry- Okay, I’ll be right there.

The scene fades out, and then we catch back up with Brent. He has rushed to the parking lot, where he now stands with a woman.

Brent Blaze
Alexis… good to see you. How are you?

Alexis Jade
I’m fine Brent. Thanks for letting me come here tonight. It means a lot that you are still here for me after all this time.

Brent Blaze
Of course I am, why wouldn’t I be. We have been friends forever. You were there for me when I needed you growing up. I must return the favor. But, why did you want to come all of a sudden? Is something wrong?

Alexis looks worried, but she keeps her cool.

No… everything’s fine. I just wanted to see you again. It’s been so long. I watched you last week, and I thought to myself “wow, he is really doing it.” You are doing everything you ever wanted. I know this is just the beginning, but I wanted to say congratulations and good luck.

Brent Blaze
Thanks. Everything’s happening so fast. I just have been getting so caught up in everything that I’ve had no time to call. How are things back at home?

Alexis acts as if Brent struck a soft spot. She gets a little emotional, but still remains calm.

Everything’s… well it’s all fine.

She quickly tries to move the conversation on.

I hope all goes well in your next match. Who is it your facing?

Brent Blaze
Some loser from a place called Rock Hill. That’s got to be smaller than Owensboro, right?

Alexis laughs.

Brent Blaze
Well, I hope all is well with you. And, I’d love it if you would stick around town and watch my match. Maybe we could go grab a bite to eat afterwards, and catch up more?

Sounds great, but I have to run for now. It was good seeing you, and I can’t wait for dinner.

Alexis give Brent a huge hug, and she gets back in the car provided for her. Brent looks shocked to see her. He noticed she wasn’t looking good, but didn’t want to bring it up just yet. It looks like “The Addiction” has a long background of addicts in his life. It’s obvious that Brent wants to help out his friend, but will have a lot of work ahead of him.
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