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AF16: Jacoby Capone vs. Ricky Runn

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
Ricky Runn had his sights set on the Mayhem championship and thanks to Connor Reese, that opportunity has slipped through his fingers. Although Reese is out of action this week, Runn will get the chance to blow off some steam against Jacoby Capone who has been flying under the radar recently. Expect Runn to still pursue the championship whilst Capone will be looking to make an example out of Runn and show why he should be considered a contender more than Ricky.

Deadline is 11:59pm Central Time, Wednesday 28th November. Extensions as per thread.
"Hey, I just met you, And this is crazy, But here's my number, So call me, maybe?"

Ricky, are you singing?

The voice of Leon Kensworth broke the terribly off key singing. Ricky Runn stopped walking and sat down on a nearby bench. He motioned for Leon to sit next to him.

Of course. I'm facing Jacoby Capone this week, the guy is a total hipster. What better way to be hip than to sing the hottest song in the world?

Leon shakes his head in awe, not sure how to respond.

Actually Ricky I think that song has fallen down the charts a bit. I'm pretty sure there are hotter songs right now.

Leon pulls out his phone and spends a few seconds typing something before showing the results to Ricky.

See, the song isn't even in the top five anymore.

Ricky snatches the phone and scrolls through the results. After about a minute he stands in excitement. He takes a few steps away from the bench and begins to sing again, this time his singing is accompanied by dancing.

♪Eh- sexy lady
Oppan gang-namseutayil
Eh- sexy lady

A crowd gathers around to watch. As more people gather Ricky gets more into his dance, throwing Leon's phone during his routine.

My phone!

Ricky realizes what he has done and stops dancing and walks back over to Leon.

Not a problem man I can get that.

How are you going to get it? It landed in the ape exhibit! Which makes me wonder why you wanted to have the interview in a zoo anyway?!

As Ricky begins to scale the fence into the exhibit he takes a minute to look back at Leon.

All of my opponents see me as nothing but a monkey, why not conduct an interview in my natural habitat?

With that Ricky vaults over the fence into the exhibit. As he tries to locate the phone, Leon continues to talk to him.

What would make you think a zoo is a natural habitat? Most monkeys live in the jungle.

Ricky turns back around to face Leon. He notices a couple of security guards approaching as he does.

Over the summer Mikey Fatrage promised to take me to the zoo, but he never did! I tried calling him but his fat ass is in a turkey coma!

Ricky turns back around to see one of the gorillas pick the phone up off the ground.

Holy shit, you are big!

Ricky stops to ponder his next move. All the while the security guards and Leon are yelling at him to get out of the exhibit.

I've got it!

Ricky snaps his fingers and runs full speed at the gorilla. He takes a leap...

...Where am I?

Bright lights shine down into Ricky's face. He can only make out the dark silhouettes of two men against a white background.

He looks fine, just some cuts and bruises. He is pretty lucky. Of course he is banned from the zoo for life.

Ricky sits up rubbing his jaw. The doctor says something to Leon that Ricky can't make out, before walking away.

What happened?

You tried to RickyRana a gorilla.

Ricky continues to rub his jaw.

He started it!

Leon looks at Ricky confused.

How did he start it? You threw my phone into the exhibit, then scaled the fence to try to get it back, before you ran full speed at a gorilla, only to get laid out.

Ricky shrugs as he stands.

Oh, by the way, you got a message while you were out.

Ricky checks his phone. A Youtube video entitled Dancing Monkey starts to play of earlier in the day with Ricky doing the Gangnam Style dance, followed by the resulting fight with the gorilla. When the video finishes a text comes in. Real hip buddy

Hang on Leon.

Ricky types out a message before placing his phone back into his pocket.

Stormrage can't even dance, how dare he make fun of me.

I'm pretty sure he has never been beaten up by a monkey either. Well not outside Donkey Kong.

Shut up Leon, no one even likes you.

Leon just shakes his head.

Are we going to do this interview, or are you just going to waste my time?

Walk with me bro.

The two begin to walk and talk. Ricky limps at first, still sore from the earlier fight.

I think the thing on nearly everyone's mind is, how do you feel about your career in the last year? You were part of one of the greatest tag teams in WZCW history, co-main evented Kingdom Come in the company's first ever TLC match, you beat your partner and mentor Austin Reynolds in a grudge match, all in the first half of the year. Now you have been bumped down to Aftershock, and are struggling to find consistency.

Ricky is clearly thrown off by the question. He takes a moment before answering, even stopping in his tracks at one point.

I'd be a liar if I said I was happy. You are right though. The first half of the year I was on cloud nine. I was on the cusp of main event status, Austin Reynolds and I were cleaning out the tag division, and things were good. Since then, well you said it.

Ricky clears his throat.

The worst part though, the doubters are starting to pop back up. In the beginning those who called me a sidekick got to me. Then I started picking up wins for the team, I was growing as a competitor. Hell I beat Austin. I proved I was no Robin. Since then though, its been all downhill, and they are starting to stir again.

Leon takes a few notes down before he continues.

Despite that you are in contention for the Mayhem title. What are your thoughts on some of your fellow competitors and the Mayhem division in general?

I can't lie to you bro, at first I was bummed out when I heard the news. Mayhem Title shots have been given to some of the lowest guys on the card recently, and Ricky Runn is no curtain jerker. Then I thought about it, I'm the Second City Daredevil dude, I can cause mayhem.

What about the others in contention?

Well I lost to Vega straight up. I'm not happy, but that night he came out on top. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut from time to time though. I'm going to get my shot and I'm gonna prove who the better man is.

Ricky takes a moment to clean a spot on his glasses.

Connor Reese though. Don't get me started. Frankly he doesn't deserve to be in the match. He had his chance and he played some crazy game. He blew it, but he is still getting another crack. Above all he is a coward though. He waits until post match after two men give their all in a brutal Mayhem Title match, then attacks with a chair. He doesn't even have the balls to be here this week either. Face it Leon, you know Ricky Runn has big balls, I jump off ladders for fun or whatever monkey games Reese tries to tell everyone I play, and despite him getting lucky, Vega has some balls too. He could have taken the easy road and rested and planned until the PPV, but he is out there fighting. Reese though, well he probably has the same parts down stairs that your mom does Leon. Next time he is scheduled to wrestle I bet you will find him in the same locker room as Celeste and Izzy Stone.

Leon stops for a moment to take in everything Ricky has just said.

Well it certainly sounds like you have thrown down the gauntlet to Connor Reese. How do you feel about your opponent this week, Jacoby Ca...

Leon is cut off by a fan running up to Ricky.

Oh my God, Ricky Runn! You are so handsome, you are my favorite!

The fan, a girl in her early 20s, throws her arms around Ricky.

Can I get your autograph?

Ricky has a huge smile as he nods at her. He takes Leon's pen and paper and rips out a page.

Who should I make this out to?

The girl jumps up and down excited.

Could you make it out to Virginia?

Ricky quickly scribbles out his name.

To my sexiest fan, Virginia. XOXO Ricky Runn. Here you go girl.

The girl squeals in excitement and hands Ricky a camera.

Who are you facing this week Ricky?

Hey Leon make yourself useful.

Ricky hands Leon the camera and puts his arm around his fan. Leon snaps a quick picture. Ricky is distracted, looking down at the girl's cleavage, and forgets to answer the question.

He is taking on Jacoby Capone.

Oh, that hipster guy. He is pretty good, but I think you can take him Ricky. How are you going to beat him.

Ricky is still distracted. Leon nudges him and snaps him out of it.

Girl all you need to know is I ain't no hipster, but I can make your hips stir.

Ricky lowers his sunglasses and winks at the girl, while Leon turns completely red embarrassed.

You know what, I have enough Ricky, I can throw something together. I'm out of here.

Leon starts to walk off, when Ricky yells back at him.

Hey Leon, I still have your notes!

Keep them, I don't need them!

Ricky shrugs again before turning back around. He walks a few feet with the fan before he stops and turns back around.

Damn it, Leon drove here.

He starts to yell out to Leon, but he is out of sight at this point. He sighs, before catching eyes with Virginia again. He shrugs a final time.

Well looks like I'm gonna be spending the night in Virginia.
Tire tracks made their dirty prints in the dirt drive that led up the hill to a home with a, usually described, cozy appearance. Dark brown bricks covered the two floored, simple architecture of the modest, ranch-style home. The ruins of a basketball goal remained barely attached above the garage door which held on by a single nail. The net hung more loosely to the rim than the rotting back board did the garage; it was as if a hefty gust of wind could blow it away as it had done with the many fallen leaves of the season. At the base of the hill in a ditch laid the flattened, color-faded basketball; whoever once played here had obviously moved on to other things. Inside of the house, there was commotion, conversation, and festivities. A gathering of family members gathered around a long table where mashed potatoes, green beans, baked beans, corn, and gravy were being passed around. Two golden turkeys, fresh rolls, peach cobbler, pumpkin pie and other assortments of goods sat there for the eager bodies to help themselves.

“My compliments to the chef,” said a greying man who scraped up the remnants of his plate with a fork.

“Thanks,” somberly replied the soft voice of a middle-aged woman.

She’d been slightly less joyous during the occasion. She’d kept a cordless home phone near her hardly touched plate of food. Her focus remained on it as if she was waiting for the phone to grow legs and walk off the table. She stared at the phone and waited for any signs of life – but there was nothing.


“Sorry, excuse me, sorry ‘bout that, ‘scuuuuse me! And here we are,” huffed a rather large man as he made way down a row of people to finally collapse into his seat. He made a conscious effort not to spill his beer or drop his nachos but made little effort in avoiding making contact with the body of Jacoby Capone with his bulbous ass. “Have I missed much action?” asked the man of Jacoby.

Capone turned to blankly stare at him and merely pointed at the wrestling ring which was about 30 yards from where the two sat. The man could sense Jacoby’s annoyance with him and returned his attention to his nachos. It was at that moment where the sound of spine to metal could be heard crack throughout the arena. Next, the slapping of the canvas by the referee could barely be made out over the chorus of the crowd chanting in unison,


The man next to Capone leapt to his feet yelling spilling drops of beer on to Capone’s leg. Jacoby remained slumped in his seat staring at what had transpired in the ring. A rush of emotion swelled up inside of Capone.

‘Goddamnit, Runn! You’re going to let Vega beat you. VEGA!’ thought Capone.

Capone had always kept harsh feelings for Vega ever since he, as Jacoby felt, cost him his first recorded loss while the two were partnered together. The next week during the Apocalypse pre-show, Capone had positioned himself to win contendership for the Mayhem title, but Vega pulled him out of the ring and went on to win the match himself. Now before Capone’s eyes, on a card that had excluded him, Vega had won the very title he had been chasing. He couldn’t help but feel frustration that Runn, the more seasoned of the two, couldn’t prevent Vega from obtaining a title that he so undeservedly obtained.
Capone so desperately wanted to run down and jump the barricade to crack Vega’s skull with the same chair he’d used to finish off Ricky Runn. But Connor Reese apparently had the same idea as he proceeded to pop out and beat Vega with a chair of his own. Reese began to cut a promo, but Capone didn’t stick around to hear what he had to say, he’d seen enough.

“Where ya going, man! There’s plenty of show left,” said the man who now had a bit of cheese smeared on his chin.

Capone ignored him and scooted down the row and made towards the exits. He had wanted a match at the Supershow but wasn’t put on the card and he wasn’t going to sit and be a spectator any longer. He was roster member after all, and while it didn’t especially bother that he wasn’t recognized as such among the crowd, he felt the desire for them learn who the hell he was.

Besides, Thanksgiving was in a few days, maybe he’d surprise the family who hadn’t seen since flying out for his match by popping in for the holiday.
But he would choose to focus on being ready for his upcoming match. No better way to finally start getting recognition than to work his way toward winning the belt.

No more being left off cards. No more ignorant losses. Of course this was something he did have on the freshly defeated Runn. While he had lost consecutive matches, Capone had yet in his career find himself on the canvas to be pinned. That was still undefeated in his mind.

It was approaching rather quickly in Jacoby’s mind. No time to waste. This was the more important matter for him to attend to.
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