AF15: Steven Kurtesy vs Isabel Stone

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WZCW's Mr Excitement
The main event of Aftershock will highlight the only male/female pairing in the Mentorship Program facing off against each other in singles competition. Stone and Kurtesy have gotten closer as a unit over the past few weeks due to this program and forcing them to compete against each other will definitely test their relationship. Can Stone defeat the former champion or will the Master overcome the student?

Deadline is 11:59pm Central Time, Wednesday 24th October. Extensions as per thread.
The scene opens in the women's locker room after Apocalypse has ended. Isabel lays on the floor staring at the ceiling. Steve Kurtesy walks in and stares down at his mentee then rubs his eyes sighing.

What in God's name are you doing now?

What does it look like?

It looks like you're getting ready to plot mad revenge on someone or something.

Where ever would you get a thought like that?

Knowing you? Plausible. But you must be a little happy at what you did to Arashi.

A smirk of satisfaction crosses Isabel's face.

That felt good. And what's better is that he was fired too!

I figured as much. However, you still lost. And do you know what that means?

Isabel lifts her head and blinks at him a few times.

Time to go out for a drink.

Isabel, hold it-

Without waiting for Kurtesy to finish his sentence Isabel jumps up, pushes him out of the room and gets dressed. Then picking up her bag she pushes past Kurtesy who continues to argue with her.

Isabel, you're not going out and getting drunk, that's stupid and dangerous. You could get fired if you're not careful. What if you punch someone?

Good God Steve, stop acting like my damn mother.

Seems like someone has to when you pull the childish crap.

Excuse me for wanting to blow off built up steam.

Isabel makes it to her car and gets in. Without warning Kurtesy slides in the passenger's seat and buckles himself in.

Okay, that's not fair.

You'll have to take me with you.

Out of my car Kurtesy.

Not a chance.

Isabel sighs and starts driving. Instead of driving to the bar however, she drives to the mall where she parks near the front.

What are you doing? Is there a bar in there?

I need to pick up some shit, hold your horses.

I'm staying in here then.


Isabel turns off the car and goes into the mall. She goes into one of the stores and buys a few things then sees a Halloween costume on a rack. She goes over and looks it over. The bag is marked "Angel of Music".

Hmm, cliche, but what a damn cute costume. And with a tad bit of sexiness thrown in as a bonus. I should wear this, it would drive Steve up the wall. Or make him pant like a dog.

Isbael pulls out the costume then walks over to a refridgerator and pulls out a large botle of liquor. She purchases both items and hides the bottle in a bag. After hiding the bottle she walks out to where her car in and puts the bags in the back seat of her car.

What did you get?

A few light bulbs, three large Gatorades, a Halloween costume and some other stuff.


Isabel gets back in and drives them to the parking lot at Apocalypse.

And why are we here?

To drop you off at your car. Now get out of mine, I'm going home.

Kurtesy sighs and gets out of the car. Isabel waits until he's out then drives away. She drives to her house and takes all of her things inside. She goes and takes a shower then gets dressed and pulls a long trench coat from her closet. Slipping it on, she slips the bottle of liquor from her bag and puts it into one of the large pockets.

Putting her keys into her jeans pocket, Isabel leaves her house and walks to a nearby park and sits on a bench.

Well, well, well. Didn't think I'd see you here.

Isabel's head snaps up as Arashi approaches up. Her fists clench and she stands.

Fiesty aren't we? Relax, I didn't come here to fight. I came to say so long.

And why would you care?

You got your first win off of me, didn't you? If anything, you should be thanking me-

Yeah, thanks for giving me a challenge that not only tested me and made me sweat, but was still easy enough to beat.

Arashi blinks at her then reaches out a hand and slaps her. Isabel is knocked off the bench onto the ground.

This is why women stay in the kitchen. You are nothing.

He turns and walks away, leaving Isabel on the ground. She gets up and rubs her battered cheek which has turned red. A couple walks by and gawks at her.

The hell you looking at?

Before the couple can answer she hacks back and spits at them, catching the women on the forehead. She and the man yelp and run off, leaving Isabel to laugh on her bench. Still giggling she takes out the bottle, uncaps it and takes a long swig.

Cheers to me, myself and I.

She takes another large gulp, winces at the slight bitterness. People walk by off and on and ignore her. When the bottle is three fourths empty, Isabel begins to giggle. The giggling continues even as a cop car pulls up.

A tall, young cop pulls up to the curb. He studies Isabel then steps out and walks up to her, kneeling down so they're eye to eye.

Ma'am, are you drunk by any chance?

With a small hiccup and a drunken giggle, Isabel twirls the bottle in the air.

Guilty. I'm just heading home officer.

She stands up and almost falls over. The cop catches her and tries to surpress a smile of humor.

I can tell. Come on Miss Stone, I'll give you a ride to your place.

I don't need any help from no damn wrestling-watching cop!

She pushes out of the cops arms and proceeds to take a few successful steps before wobbling on one foot. The cop rushes over and grabs her before she falls again then half carries her to his car. He opens the passgener's door and helps her sit inside then sits in the driver's side.

I'm not like Norman from Rose Madder, I won't hurt you. Where do you live?

Isabel studies this young cop who is no older than she is. She takes in his features before telling him her address. He looks over and smiles at her, a confident spark in his eyes. Passing it off as drunkness she giggles.

You look hot through beer goggles.

So I've been told.

He pulls away from the park and drives slowly down the street, patrolling for any misbehavers. The couple Isabel spat at earlier is walking down the sidewalk. The cop grins at Isabel then flashes his lights and sirens to scare the couple who run away.

The hell'd you do that for?

Well Miss Stone, since they're probably firing me in a few days, I figure have some fun and be a little dick head while I can get away with it.

Isabel grins, impressed.

Well ain't you clever.

The cop chuckles as they pull up to her house. He helps her up then not only opens the door but half carries Isabel up the steps, then writes a number on a piece of paper.

Here's my number. I'm off tomorrow so you can call me if you need anything.

The fuck's your name?

Justin. Justin Davis. Sleep tight Miss Stone.

He smiles and turns off the light then goes downstairs. Isabel listens as he locks and closes the door, then smiles as his lights flicker to let her know he's going. She looks over at the number as she starts to fall asleep.

Justin huh...

Next Day​

Isabel sits in a coffee house, a steaming mug of expresso sitting in front of her. Her hands are on her forehead as she practically lays on the table top. Justin walks in and sits across from her.

You alright Izzy? You look a little pale.

Hangover. A big one.

You should really look into devouring that expresso in that case.


She takes a sip from her mug and leans back in her chair to look at Justin. She takes in his good looks and soft brown eyes. His carmel hair is crew cut short, the look of mischief still in his eyes, but more confidence.

So you follow WZCW.

Was it obvious?

Considering you already knew my name when you found me last night, yep, pretty obvious. So who's your favorite?

His eyes glide over the half of her body visable above the table and rest on her eyes. He smiles. Isabel rolls her eyes.

Charming. Aren't you happy that I've got a mentor who can clean up my shit for me.

Well yeah, I loved watching Steven Kurtesy before you came along. But man, watching your first match was amazing! If Connor Reese hadn't been such a moron and knocked Burnside into you, you would've won that match no problem. Wtaching you kick Arashi's ass was better though.

Too bad he made it so damn difficult and had to be a sore loser about it.

Justin's eyes trail over her cheek where a small bruise has formed. He frowns.

Did he do that?

Isabel blushes and puts a hand over her cheek to hide the bruise.

Isabel, I can help you. They haven't fired me yet. Please, that asshole deserves justice to be served for that.

He reaches across the table and clasps Isabel's hand. They look at each other a minute in silence. The crackle of a walkie-talkie breaks the silence. Justin answers and frowns.

I have to go. Can I see you again?


They smile at each other and Justin leans over the table and kisses her cheek.

Good luck Isabel. I know you'll be great.

He gives her hand one last squeeze then leaves, beeping his horn for her. Isabel smiles and watches him drive off then glares at people who were watching. Her cell phone rings.


You got drunk last night, didn't you?

Guilty boss. But I didn't get into trouble.

Thank God for breaks.

Isabel rolls her eyes.

What do you want Steve?

I just found out your opponent for next week.

And who would that be?


Isabel processes this for a moment and then smirks wide.

Game on old man.

She ends the call, picks up her stuff and leaves to go to the gym.
It's the usual routine for Sandy on a weekday: she is inside of her office, finishing up the paperwork for the day before she is able to lock up the premises and make the journey home where she'll probably have some dinner, watch television and go to bed, ready for the next day. This is the time that annoys and frustrates Sandy as she'd rather be hacking away at minds of the people to solve their mental dilemmas than signing some papers. Sandy sighs as she looks over to her unfinished pile and sees a couple more patient files to review before she is able to leave. She goes to pick up one of them but she hears a knock at the door. She hesitates for a moment.


At this time, this could be one of two options: someone who has broken in or...

Hey Sandy, its me.

... Steven Kurtesy, the only other person with keys to the building. He enters the room and approaches Sandy, giving her a hug as she continues her paperwork.

Catching up, I see?

Sandy smiles at him.

Yeah, I'm almost done though. I had to do extra because I went out with a couple of people from work last night for some drinks.

Kurtesy gives Sandy a weird look.

On a Tuesday?

Sandy chuckles.

I'm turning into you, aren't I? Drinking on every night I have available. Take a seat, Steve.

Steven walks over to the patient's couch and drops his bag that he was carrying. The bag hits the ground and tumbles over, spilling out a few items from the bag. Kurtesy swears as he tries to put everything away. Sandy looks at the spill and notices something she doesn't like.

What are you doing with that?

Steven stops packing his bag as he holds his mask in his hand, feeling like a little child who got his hand caught in the cookie jar.

I thought we agreed that you wouldn't wear that.

Kurtesy looks away before looking back at Sandy.

I need this mask, Sandy.

Sandy has a look of shock on her face.

Need it? You don't need anything, Steven. That is only going to cause you problems: its dangerous for your health. We agreed that if you needed any help you'd come to me. You know I won't judge you...

There is nothing you can do to understand what's going on in my head, let alone solve it. You will be judgemental about it.

No I won't, Steven.


She folds her arms, expecting a good explanation from Kurtesy.

I'm not going to wear this mask whilst I wrestle, Sandy. I'm going to wear this mask for every other occasion, mainly for the times that I spend in solitude where I cannot hurt anyone. I feel safe enough to control everything when I'm around people, especially someone like you or Celeste or even Isabel.

Sandy still doesn't look amused.

And you think that's a justified answer? You're still wearing this mask and "splitting your personalities."

Kurtesy sighs.

Yes but it won't be in front of you, just when I'm alone. The time that I use to ponder or meditate are the times that I will don this mask because I have finally channelled my logic and clear-thinking into this mask. I want to be able to have a mindset where I'm not challenged by an evil force whilst I relax, not be mentally conflicted. It's draining for your down-time to be the time of day that my brain works the most. I know it might sound silly to you but it works and it does wonders. I puts this mask on yesterday whilst I meditated and I fell asleep shortly after, having the longest sleep in years. It felt amazing to get away from myself.

Sandy leans forward.

Obviously this isn't a permanent solution to keeping the "evil forces" at bay, only a suppressant. There has to be a way for you to vent everything you suppress: how do you let all the pent-up negative energy go?

Kurtesy smiles.

The same way most normal people do: inside the ring. What better way to relieve everything than to do it whilst I'm wrestling? I mean, I haven't had a win in a while and I've gone pretty cold since the World title so this seems like the perfect opportunity to change the way I wrestle. Everything that I suppress will be let out in the ring which means I'll naturally be more inclined to be aggressive, which I can easily adapt to since I'm a submission specialist and a striker. If I go too far, I've got the fans and the referee to remind me to get back on track.

How do you intend to switch from passive to aggressive?

Kurtesy puts the mask on... then takes it off.

By opening the floodgates.

Sandy looks intently at Kurtesy.

When do you plan on starting this?

My next match.

Sandy cannot believe what she is hearing.

But your upcoming opponent is...

Isabel, I know.

She shakes her head.

Why her? Isn't she your mentee and someone you obviously care about?

Kurtesy detects a different tone in her voice.

I took you under my wing because I cared about you and I wanted to see you get better; because of that, you are where you are today. There's no denying that, Sandy. I'm doing the same for Isabel whether you like it or not as I'm allowed to mentor more than one person... but unlike you when we first met, she isn't broken down into little fragments that I could piece together and mould myself. She's shattered but still in one piece, which normally would be a good thing but she's got an anger problem that I need to address and since I can't get it done verbally, I'm going to have to do it physically.

Sandy looks a bit worried.

Inside the ring, I mean... jeez Sandy, I would never hit a woman outside of sanctioned combat or self-defense. Look: I'm going to implement the idea of this mask so I can build up the rage so when I step into the ring, I can let it all out. Normally, someone like Isabel I'd go a bit easier on or wrestle in a traditional format but under the circumstances, she needs to feel what its like to be hurt just like she did to Arashi. To teach Isabel a lesson, I need to make her feel what its like to make someone suffer the pain she wants to inflict on others. If I make her feel that with the humiliation of defeat from someone like me, maybe she'll realise that its not about the want to hurt others.

Sandy is doubtful.

Are you sure it will work?

Kurtesy looks at her.

I'm not going to like doing it but I've got to try before she hurts someone else. Sometimes you've got to be cruel to be kind, Sandy.

Sandy is hesitant to believe Steven but she nods.

Do whatever you need to do to get better.

Sandy doesn't look at Steven when she says this and doesn't look all too pleased with him. Kurtesy senses this and packs up the rest of his things before bidding his farewells, leaving the office for Sandy to be alone.

I love you too much to see you do this Steven...
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