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AF15: James Howard vs Krypto

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WZCW's Mr Excitement
Chuck Myles has decreed that all pairings in the Mentorship Program will be taking on each other in singles competition. The one problem though is that Krypto has two mentors and cannot fight in a handicap match. To solve this problem, James Howard from Strikeforce will be taking the tag team champions place in fighting Krypto. Bad blood has been spilled considering the tag team titles as Howard's partner Stormrage has been put on the injured list and will be looking to find out who committed the crime... starting off with the quirky Krypto.

Deadline is 11:59pm Central Time, Wednesday 24th October. Extensions as per thread.
James Howard Promo 001 - "Vengeance"

Scene opens on a dark room, with JAMES HOWARD sitting, cross-legged in the middle, a spotlight shines down from above his face is in silhouette, holding a bent steel chair on his lap and with his wrists handcuffed.

Vengeance is a monster.

We see Strikeforce walking down the corridor interrupted by static. What follows is a quick (2-3 second) edit of the aftermath of the attack. Focus is on Mikey Stormrage’s unconscious body and JAMES HOWARD’s bloody nose.

Vengeance doesn’t care about good or bad, right or wrong.
Vengeance only cares about anger and rage, about finding
the one responsible and causing them more pain than they caused you.


We see JAMES HOWARD walk onto the stage, face covered in blood and steel chair in hand. Quick edit of Derek Jacobs running towards him

Derek Jacobs

Quick fire CRACK, CRACK, CRACK of the three chair shots to the spine of Derek Jacobs

James Howard isn’t in the mood for talking!

Mason Westhoff is shown in the ring, scurrying away from Howard

Mason Westhoff

The sickening CRACK of the chair bouncing off Westhoff’s skull is left to reverberate as Saboteur dives off the top rope


Once again, a loud CRACK as the chair bends around the ribs of Saboteurfollowed by footage of JAMES HOWARD being led away in cuffs

JAMES HOWARD is psychotic!

Howard has leant forward, his face more clearly visible.

Three men who know why I’m dangerous. Three suspects, and a fourth hides behind his ward

As JAMES HOWARD says fourth, footage plays of ACTION SAXTON both backstage and in the ring at Apocalypse.

We see Krypto winning his match by pinning two men in the middle of the ring. He is celebrating his victory

A damaged man, an insane man, a deliberately placed obstacle

A fast-paced highlight reel from the relay match at Apocalypse plays, focusing on Krypto

A man that SAXTON and Saboteur are happy to indulge so they can use him as a shield.

A repeat of the aftermath of the attack on Strikeforce. Focus is on Mikey Stormrage’s unconscious body

I don’t care about innocence or guilt, all I know is that someone...

Images flash on screen of ACTION SAXTON, Saboteur, Derek Jacobs, Matt Tastic, Constantine and finally Krypto

...is going to pay, or everyone is going to pay


Vengeance is a monster


JAMES HOWARD (Angrily, almost shouting)
And I am vengeance

The steel chair whips through the air, smashing the light and plunging the room into darkness

ACTION SAXTON (V.O. – edit from Apocalypse, heavy echo)
You look like you’ll be emitting some steam shortly HOWARD
Signal Panic, Inc. presents

Action Saxton & Saboteur

The Misadventures of Krypto​
Trick or treat, smell my feet; please give Krypto something to eat!

Krypto: What is going on?!

Krypto struggles but to no avail as he is tightly in the grip of the bounty hunter known as The Reaper in the backseat of a limo. Across from them is republican presidential nominee Clint Romney, his running mate John Ryan and his wife Sarah Romney who seem to be a little shocked at an up close glimpse of Krypto.

Romney: It’s nice to finally meet you Krypto.

Krypto: You…..you are that human that wishes to cause harm upon me and my masters!

Romney: Krypto I don’t wish to cause harm upon anyone, especially you. In fact you’re my ticket to the white house. The more chaos and anarchy you and your idiotic friends cause the more the public begins to lose faith in Obama’s control over maniacs such as yourself.

Krypto continues to squirm and begins to slightly cry like a lost infant at the situation at hand.

Reaper: You might as well not fight it you freak.

Krypto: You’re that one human who tried to put me in that scary bag.

Romney: Yes he’s an associate of mine who I’ve asked to get a one on one meeting with you Krypto. His services weren’t being fully utilized so I decided to hire him. But that’s not what I want to talk about right now Krypto.

Krypto: Then what do you want sharply dressed human?

Romney: Give me your alien technology.

Krypto and Reaper simultaneously stop their struggle and look up at the corrupt politician.


Romney: You heard me, tell me where your futuristic alien machinery is hidden now!

Reaper: You….you actually think he’s an alien?

Krypto: I am an alien; I’m from the galaxy nebula…..

Romney: Hired guns are paid to be seen not heard Mr. Reaper. And yes I have reason to believe Krypto is indeed from outer space. You think I actually care about running for president? I don’t care if I win, sure it makes my job easier but it’s not number one priority, as of now Krypto is. My running mate, my supposed “wife” and I are from the Global Alliance of Radical Bioterrorism Assaults of Geographic Entities.

Krypto: So your organizations name is G.A.R.B.A.G.E ?

Romney: Sigh….if your one of those types of people then sure, but that’s not the point! Krypto here has done a very good job in fooling the millions of fans in WZCW that he is indeed not an alien and just some lunatic in a costume, but the leader of my organization knows better.

Sarah: We have reason to believe Krypto’s species has sufficient weaponry that can be useful in our um…..future endeavors.

Reaper: Are….are you guys serious?

Krypto: We are a peaceful race, we don’t wish harm upon you humans nor shall we help any of you destroy each other.

John: Bring us to your leader Krypto!

Romney: Calm down now John, you know the boss has firmly stated we can’t physically hurt him until we know where his spaceship is.

John: I’m sick of waiting, I’m sick of this presidential election I’m sick of Fox News, and I’m sick of this alien pretending to be cute and innocent when we all know he’s helping his planet prep for an invasion! If he doesn’t tell us what we want to know he’s going to be harmed.

Right as Ryan snaps out of his seatbelt to attack Krypto a huge muscle car slams into the limo sending it crashing and flipping on the other side of the street. All passengers seem to be unconscious. Krypto is soon pulled out of the wreckage by a blonde haired buff looking man wearing what seems to be a soldier’s uniform. Krypto begins to stir after the crash as he is met by the soldier.

??? : Krypto are you okay?

Krypto: Maybe, I think, I don’t really know what you humans consider pain anymore. Who are you anyway?

Chris: My name is Special agent Christopher Stone, I’ve been sent by the International Corporation for Universal Protection Program. We believe your species is being hunted by a dangerous organization who wishes to use your weaponry for harm against the planet Earth.

Krypto: So your initials are are I.C.U.P.P?

Chris chuckles a bit.

Chris: I guess if you want to call it that then yes. But that’s not the point; we have to get you to a safe area before…..

Romney: Christopher Stone….

Romney, Sarah, and Ryan all emerge from the wreckage unscathed as if it almost didn’t even happen.

Chris: Clint Romney

Sarah: You’ve gotten in our way long enough Chris, hand over the alien or else we’ll finally finish you once and for all!

Leon: I’ll never let you destroy this planet, run Krypto!

Still with the relay match on his mind Krypto proceeds to sprint for blocks thinking there is a finish line ahead. He turns around to see Leon being stomped by Romney, Ryan, and Sarah and proceeds to continue running.

About 24 hours after Apocalypse

Krypto: Oh yeah all in your face what’s up all through you waist!

Krypto is seen at Saxton/Saboteur tower jumping all over place after his Relay match win badly attempting to sing the lyrics of Saboteur and Saxton’s theme song while the tag team champions discuss other matters.

Saxton: Will you sit down fool!

Krypto: Master Saxton you seem angry, but did you and Saboteur not retain your championships and I not beat all the other rookies?

Saxton: Yes fool you did beat those sucka rookies and we did walk away with our championships, but not in the way we intended.

Saboteur: That maniac MMA lover James Howard interrupted our smackdown of the New Church and hit me pretty good with a steel chair.

Krypto: Let me sooth your pain Saboteur with this beautiful melody off this piece of human technology you people call a cell phone.


Saboteur: Oh god stop! For the love of all that is holy please turn that off. What type of heartless monster would ever enjoy that type of music?

Krypto: I believe it’s the human known as James Howard’s theme music.

Saboteur: Oh, well that makes sense. Only wannabe mixed martial arts emotionally disturbed former champions listen to that.

Krypto: Well if you didn’t enjoy that how about this.

Krypto struggles to use and understand the phone in his hands and after a couple of seconds that seem like forever and impatient and irritated looks from both Saboteur and Saxton Krypto is eventually able to turn on the intended music.


Saxton: What is this garbage sucka?!

Krypto: This is your awesome theme music isn’t it Saxton?

Saxton attempts to grab Krypto and shut off the Cosby parody of his song but Krypto cartwheels and shuffles around the room jamming out to the song. Eventually Saxton swears and give up and the music is interrupted by an alert going off on Krypto’s new phone.

Krypto: Oh, it looks as if I’ve gotten something called a text message from Lars. He says that it was announced on the human social media palace of WZCW.com that I have been schedule for a match against James Howard this week.

Saboteur and Saxton shoot each other a confused look conflicted about whether or not they should be happy that Howard has the possibility of the seriously injuring their not wanted rookie due to his anger issues as of late or sad they don’t have a chance at Strikeforce this week.
Before either of the tag champs can utter a word Krypto interrupts them with a badly executed front flip leading to him falling on his face but immediately returning to his feet like nothing happened.

Krypto: Don’t worry master Saboteur, I shall avenge you! I will defeat this James Howard and I will show him nobody messes with my masters!

Saxton: We’re not your masters you small, weird looking sucka.

Saboteur: Where is this confidence coming from Krypto? I’ve never seen you like this.

Krypto: I don’t know, ever since my first win and then when I beat all the rookies I guess it’s just….

Krypto’s words are cut off by the rumblings and a noise coming from what seems to be his stomach.

Krypto: What is this tingling sensation I’m feeling?

The noises continue to get louder and angrier.

Krypto: It feels so weird, it’s controlling my midsection!

The grumblings and noises continue and Krypto begins freaking out.

Krypto: Am I doing what you humans call “giving birth”? I’m not ready to be a mother….or father, I’m only twelve!

Saxton smacks Krypto on the back to get him to calm down.

Saxton: Calm down sucka, that feeling in your stomach is what us humans call hunger. And I’ll feed you a nice Saxton knuckle sandwich!

Saxton develops a sick grin as he clenches his fist and launches his hand right at Krypto’s face but just before it touches him Saxton is stopped by Saboteur.

Saboteur: Wait I’ve got an idea, Krypto’s hunger has reminded me it’s Halloween! Therefore why not use him to get the maximum amount of candy this year! I can see it now, an alien, a superhero, and a muscular black man step to your door; you have no choice but give up all your delicious treats!

Saxton: Fine, but after you’re done with your candy adventure I’m going to deliver my own special treats to any foxy ladies who open their front door if you know what I’m saying.

Saxton then yells in pain as Krypto bites the still clenched fist that is just hanging in front the hungry alien.

Saxton: Krypto!!!!!!!

Krypto: Sorry, I can’t control this hunger, it makes me do evil things. I apologize

Five minutes later……

Saxton, Saboteur, and Krypto arrive at the front door of a home on a suburban looking street, Saboteur with a huge shopping cart looking to be filled with candy, Saxton still nursing his bitten hand, and Krypto crawling behind them almost dying of hunger. Saboteur rings the bell and begins jumping up and down excited for candy. The door opens up to a housewife with a huge bowl of candy smiling until the sight of a creepy, watering at the mouth Saboteur, a disgruntled Saxton, and a half dead Krypto appear on her doorstep.

Housewife: Aren’t you two a little old to be trick or treating?

Saboteur: Oh, we’re just here to supervise our uh child here, he’s the one dressed in an alien costume.

Housewife: Awww, it’s nice to finally have a homosexual couple in the neighborhood, my name’s Patty what’s yours?

Saxton: Listen here Patty, Action Saxton has never been and never will be a man lover, Saboteur is not my wife and this half-dead alien weirdo is not my son, now give my friend here his candy so I can come inside and make sweet love to you like your husband never could!

Patty: Um….okay.

Patty attempts to dump the bowl of candy in the shopping cart but a muscular ten year old with a Mohawk and a Strikeforce t-shirt swoops in and steels the bowl and runs off.

Saboteur: Who was that?

Saxton: That sucka looked like a midget James Howard!

Krypto: Need human consumption……

Saboteur looks devastated but Krypto still aching in pain urges him to continue his quest for tasty treats as Saxton shrugs and puts Patty on her shoulders and walks up the stairs in the house to what we can only assume is the bedroom. Saboteur and Krypto continue on house after house but the large Strikeforce loving child continues every time to thwart their plans for candy when he steals it and runs off. Eventually Saboteur and a struggling to breathe Krypto who’s being pushed around in the empty shopping cart catch up to the child while he’s on the prowl for his next theft.

Saboteur: Hey!

The child turns around and stands up to Saboteur with no fear.

Saboteur: Who do you think you are stealing candy from people?!

Butch: My name’s Butch, and I do what I want, and you better respect my authoritah!

Saboteur: Who are you even supposed to be for Halloween?

Butch: I’m James Howard, one half of the best tag team in WZCW history, Strikeforce. Wait a minute….you’re Saboteur!

Saboteur: Yup, I’m one half of the tag team cha….

Butch delivers a stiff punch to the gut of Saboteur and he falls to his knees.

Butch: It’s because of you Strikeforce aren’t champs anymore! I hate you!

Saxton arrives on the scene sweaty from what we can assume is a sexual encounter with Patty. He sees his tag team partner and rookie seemingly at the mercy of a ten year old but ignores it when he seems another hot housewife giving candy away on her front door.

Saboteur: But we beat Strikeforce, how are they be better than us?

Butch: You might’ve beaten Mikey Stormage to steal the belts but you’ve never beaten James Howard, the captain of team Strikeforce.

Krypto: Hey I’m facing James Howard this week aren’t I?

Butch quickly kicks the shopping cart down the suburban hill sending Krypto crashing into a huge group of kids leaving their candy scattered but a huge chunk somehow landed in Krypto’s mouth.

Saboteur: Hey, only I can do that to my rookie!

Butch: If you think that was bad just wait till you see what James Howard does to him, there’s no way a creepy freak who thinks he’s from outer space will ever beat a former champion. And when he’s done with your pathetic friend Stormage will be back and Strikeforce will take back the Tag team titles!

Butch shoves Saboteur into Saxton who’s chatting up a lady on the front porch and they both are sent hurtling into the bushes.

Saxton: Move sucka!

Saboteur: I can’t! There’s a thorn in a sensitive area!

Butch chuckles and looks to do more damage to the trapped tag team champions but suddenly Krypto becomes rejuvenated after swallowing down the candy and the wrappers whole. He sprints up the hill at an amazing speed and tackles Butch to the ground. He delivers a stiff kick to the face of the ten year old sending his face crashing down on the pavement.

Other Housewife: Oh my god, that kid in alien costume just assaulted that child!

The housewife runs inside the house to call the police as Krypto picks up Butch’s basket of candy and chugs it all down while his mentors watch from the bushes.

Saboteur: No, Krypto no! That was my Halloween candy!

Krypto: I’m sorry masters but I have an insatiable hunger now. After I beat Scott Williams I was ready for more competition, and then after beating all the other rookies and proving how much better I am then them, I’m hungry for better competition.

Krypto looks down at the fallen and most likely unconscious Butch.

Krypto: This small human’s calculations were right, people thought I couldn’t do anything and would never go anywhere when I first came to planet but now after beating all the other combatants at the Relay match I know I can do better, I’m going to what you and Saxton couldn’t and I’m going to beat James Howard. And after that I want more, I’m hungry and I want more!

Saxton: Help us out of this bush you fool!


The tag team champions are still stuck in the bush as Krypto continues eating candy bars and wrappers in the middle of the street as it seems he is being watched from a far, through binoculars.

Romney: Target confirmed sir, shall I proceed?

??? : Of course, I want him secured this time. And if he doesn’t tell us where is advanced technology is, I want him disposed of, permanently!
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