AF14: Krypto vs. Scott Williams

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
Saboteur & Action Saxton will accompany Krypto to the ring.
Matt Tastic will accompany Scott Williams to the ring.

Aftershock will feature another exclusive Mentorship Program match as the Tag Team champion's mentee Krypto will be looking to take on Matt Tastic's mentee of Scott Williams. A win for either competitor now will be vital if they want to continue the program as possible elimination processes and dates have been circulating the backstage locker room.

Deadline 19th of September, 11:59pm Central Time. No extensions allowed
Signal Panic, Inc. presents

Action Saxton & Saboteur


The Misadventures of Krypto

Political Alienation

We’re at the Republican National Convention, thousands upon thousands of voters awaiting their supposed savior: Republican Presidential nominee Clint Romney. He appears on stage to a thunderous ovation from his peers. He waves to his fans, kisses his middle aged wife Sarah Romney on the cheek, shakes hands with his running mate and potential vice president John Ryan. The applause soon dies down as Romney approaches the podium and begins his speech.

Romney: Mr. Chairman, and delegates I accept your nomination for President of the United States. I accept this with humility, honor, and I’m deeply moved by the trust you have place with me. And unlike the Obama administration I do not plan to misuse this trust. I do not plan to take your votes for granted; I plan to finally do what this country needs!

Romney receives another ovation not quite as thunderous as before but still loud. He signals for the crowd to quiet down as he continues his speech.

Romney: A lot of bad things have been allowed to happen during Obama’s term that cannot be forgiven, loss of jobs, the Chicago Public School strike, the possibility of the fact that he may not even be from this country. But above all that there is something that is not well known that has been allowed to continue way too long. A problem that has affected our children’s mind and has brainwashed them into believing they go around and smack each other with steel folding chairs, and slam their friends through tables. And that is the professional wrestling organization of WZCW.

The crowd seems slightly confused at the sudden change of topic but continue to listen on intently.

Romney: Most of you have never heard of WZCW and I’m not surprised. It’s a terrible company that promotes unsafe physical combat on our children, its run by maniacs, for maniacs. My staff and I have unfortunately had the displeasure to examine this federation over the last month so allow me to give you a brief explanation of what has happened lately. A man named Ty Burna was electrocuted possibly to death in a coffin. There are people such as The Angel, Derek Jacobs, and Mason Westhoff who openly mock the bible and spit in the face of God with their mockery of religion. Celeste Crimson is one of the few women in this sport who try to trick our young girls into thinking it’s cool let men beat on them; some might even call her a masochist. And don’t get me started on the bi-polar mental wreck of a man known as Barbosa. This is a person who needs professional help yet the officials over at WZCW have allowed this man to hurt innocent people, cause endless destruction and is currently now trying to destroy two men also in need of psychiatric help in Mister Alhazred and dare I say it the man who thinks he’s a robot S.H.I.T. These are the kinds of people the WZCW allow to influence our children. These are the kinds of people the Obama administration have allowed to parade around on our television and call themselves legends and heroes. But you want to know the thing that angers me the most, the thing that has seemingly gone unnoticed until now, the thing that is just so despicable that it wants to make you lose all faith in being an American.

Romney turns around from the podium and points to a screen that is now playing a video from a security camera. The video is of Action Saxton, Saboteur, and Krypto attacking homeless men. The crowd is shocked at the huge muscles of Saxton smashing across the faces of two homeless men. They gasp at the glimpse of Saboteur colliding into a group of homeless people. They are utterly disgusted at the sight of Krypto slinging CD’s into the faces of homeless guys.

Romney: These men are known as the tag team champions of WZCW Action Saxton and Saboteur, and their mentee Krypto, a man who is so messed up in the head he thinks he’s from outer space. Saboteur is maniac who wears a full body suit and thinks a superhero. Action Saxton is a man who refuses to accept the fact that the 70’s are over. As cool as they are he continues to use out of date catchphrases and haircuts and deludes our children into thinking…..thinking whatever those black….African American….. That those types of people are cool and above the law, these are the types of people that we call champions now. People that beat up homeless men. These men aren’t Americans, they’re monsters. If Saboteur and Saxton are this horrible I can only imagine how ruthless, evil, and disgusting their mentee Krypto will become. Well I for one won’t wait to find out! I promise that if I make it into office I will personally destroy Saboteur, Saxton, and Krypto. I will destroy the WZCW!

The crowd gives a standing ovation to Romney who pulls out a WZCW replica belt from under his podium throws it in a trash can held by his Vice President John Ryan.

Ryan: You have them in palm of their hands sir.

Romney: They’re not going to know what hits them….

24 hours later…..

Saboteur, Saxton, Krypto and their agent Jerry are watching CNN on a flat screen TV at Saxton/Saboteur tower.

CNN Host: It is still the speech being heard around the world today. Republican Presidential Candidate Clint Romney has declared war on professional wrestling organization WZCW, more specifically three men known as Action Saxton, Saboteur, and Krypto. Not much is known about these three men besides that fact they are fan favorites of the WZCW community. After the shocking footage of their homeless beat down we’ll see how long that lasts. But answer me this, would you want your children to become like them?

Saxton: Who is this sucka Clint Romney to call Action Saxton un-American?! Action Saxton is pure American!

Saboteur: Yeah those darn security cameras didn’t even get my good side!

Saxton: None of this wouldn’t even have happened if it wasn’t for you Krypto!

Saxton and Saboteur quickly turn to Krypto who is confused about the situation and is not yet sure what exactly is going on.

Saboteur: You had to go and get yourself into a fight with homeless people didn’t you Krypto.

Krypto: I just wanted the CD’s…..those homeless people attacked me first anyway.

Saboteur: Good point; I wonder where those homeless people got those numb chucks and katanas anyway.

Saxton: I don’t like my American pride being questioned Krypto, you better fix this sucka!

Jerry: Now guys come on we can’t just only blame Krypto here.

Saxton: Yeah, we should also be blaming you sucka! We never wanted to do this mentor program and now because of it the whole Republican community wants our asses on a stick!

Jerry: Look we need to do damage control, make sure you guy’s image aren’t destroyed permanently. I need to call in some favors but in the meantime I’m sending you guys to help out at the soup kitchen.

Saboteur: Soup kitchen, what for?

Jerry: It’s good PR, something you three desperately need. We got to show the world you don’t hate homeless people. Your twitter followers are dwindling by the minutes, we got to save this gravy train!

Krypto: What is the form of transportation called…the gravy train?

Saxton: Saxton doesn’t serve soup to no homeless suckas ya dig!

Jerry: If you don’t you’re going to be losing your money, do you dig?

Saboteur: Come on Saxton, what’s the harm in helping out some homeless people for a few hours.

Saxton takes a few deep breaths, stares at Krypto and mumbles some swear words under his breath and eventually him, Saboteur, and Krypto head to a soup kitchen.

One Hour Later

Saboteur, Saxton, and Krypto are seen standing next to each other serving soup out of ladles wearing fish nets and apron’s appropriate to each of their sizes. Krypto seems to be enjoying helping out while Saxton and Saboteur look slightly gloomy and are having their own conversation.

Saboteur: You were right Saxton; we got to get out of here. We have separate one on matches against Strikeforce this week, we don’t have time to deal with this nonsense.

Saxton: Yeah I know, but I have a plan. I’m going to spill this boiling hot soup on that alien sucka’s head. Knowing him he’ll probably burn pretty badly and probably have to go to hospital, that’s our ticket out of here.

Saboteur: Perfect… think he’s going to see it coming?

Krypto: See what coming?

Saxton and Saboteur jump back a little at the sudden interrupting of their conversation.

Saxton: Come on Krypto, I don’t know what planet you think you’re from but we don’t just blast our way into people’s conversations here on Earth.

Krypto: Oh, I’m sorry it’s just I feel very happy and proud of myself lately. I feel good helping out people who are less fortunate here. Back on my world everyone lived in equal state of wealth so it’s interesting to see the difference here.

Saboteur: Are you trying to say you’re better than us?

Krypto: Well I have noticed significant differences in our economies; one of them of course being that mine is better but that’s not to say yours couldn’t be just as good. I think the problem you humans have is that you can’t agree on one political party how are supposed to work together to create a better environment for your children. Back on my home planet we didn’t have just one ruler we had six who all had equal say, electing one person to run you’re whole country is just bound to lead to disaster.

Saxton: How dare you disrespect the American government system! Especially with a black man in office!

Saboteur: If you don’t like this planet Krypto you can leave.

Krypto: I do like this planet, I may not fully understand it but I know judging a whole species off a couple of bad experiences isn’t how my father raised me. I know this mentor/mentee thing hasn’t been easy on us with the whole you guys trying to ditch me in the woods and the whole republican party trying to kill us but I still have some real faith in us this week. You guys are 2-1 against Strikeforce so I’m sure you can beat them one on one again and I’m confident I can beat Scott Williams.

Saxton: Just like you were confident you could beat Arashi?

Krypto: Well I definitely would have had a better chance had the both of you at least acted like you actually cared about me instead of just focusing on nothing but yourselves.

Saboteur: Are you trying to say we aren’t good mentors?

Krypto: Well at least Scott Williams has a mentor that cares about him.

Saxton: That sucka is nothing compared to Saxton and Saboteur.

Krypto: Well he and Constantine did beat you in record time last week on Ascension. Maybe you guys are just nothing compared to Matt Tastic.

Saboteur and Saxton are speechless at the sudden trash talk of their rookie.

Krypto: Look I’m sorry guys, it’s just the pressure has been getting to me lately, people are talking about eliminations and I wouldn’t be surprised if I was one of the people being who is going to be soon eliminated. I know Matt Tastic isn’t a better pro than you guys, if he was then maybe Scott Williams wouldn’t be winless like me. If he was then maybe Scott wouldn’t be a laughing stock. But who am I to judge, all I’m saying is that I wish you guys would be more involved is all. If you can’t I guess I understand….you guys are the tag team champions and all, this isn’t the first time I’ve face Williams anyway, I’m sure I can beat all on my own….

Krypto soon begins walking away from his mentors with a sad look on his face.

Homeless Man: You’re just going to let him do it by himself? What kind of monsters are you two?

Saxton and Saboteur look to each other and then back at the homeless man.

Saxton: I’m not going to let that sucka punk me out and make me feel bad!

Saxton then picks up the huge tub of hot soup and runs over to Krypto who has back turned. As Saxton begins to attempt to pour the soup onto Krypto’s head a homeless man inadvertently walks in front of Saxton and the hot soup drenches itself all over his face. The homeless man rolls around on the floor in pain as Saxton, Saboteur, and Krypto are in shock.

Homeless Guy #1: Hey that guy burned our homeless friend!

Homeless Guy #2: Let’s get him!

Saboteur: Not this all over again…..

Two homeless men attempt to pounce on Saxton but are met with hot soup in their faces courtesy of Krypto.

Krypto: Nobody attacks my mentors!

Krypto then throws the metal pot at another group of homeless men ensuing a full on riot. Soon Saboteur joins the fight attacking men with ladles. Saxton rips off his apron and hair net revealing his bulging muscles and begins karate kicking every homeless person who comes near him.

??? : Freeze!

Saboteur, Saxton, Krypto, and all the homeless men stop the brawling to see multiple police officers pointing guns at them.

Officer: Action Saxton, Saboteur, and um Krypto. You three are under arrest for assault.

Saboteur: Well if our image wasn’t broken before…..

Saxton: Damn you Krypto….

The trio is lead out of the soup kitchen in handcuffs and is met by endless amounts of cameras and reporters.

Krypto: So we are in handcuffs….does this mean we will be met with attractive women just like on the late night Cinemax movies you guys showed me?
It's 11:41 pm on a Tuesday night, and Scott Williams is sitting in Matt Tastic's living room watching television, flipping through the channels.

Matt Tastic walks in as Scott is watching the Baltimore Orioles play the Tampa Bay Rays.

What are you watching?


Who's the orange team?

Are you kidding me?

No dude, only reason I have cable is to watch Toonami and all that stuff.

So you're telling me you pay fifty dollars a month just for some anime?

It's worth it too. So who's the orange team? You never told me.

The Baltimore Orioles.

Dude, put on some Dragonball Z Kai, this is boring and I never got to watch it this last weekend.

Are you serious? Hell no. I'm not subject to watching those childish shows. Why don't you try watching normal TV for once?

Kai sucks anyway.... shouldn't you be working out in the training room?

You know, I would be, if you hadn't been trying to "go Super Saiyan" when I went upstairs.

I almost had it...

Look at you. My pro's almost as bad as the pathetic excuse for a human being I've got to face on Aftershock this week.

You mean alien.

Shut up.

Let's go train.


Because, you need it.

I'm pretty sure I don't.

Coming from the guy who hasn't won a match yet.

Scott is visibly angry at Matt's words, but he controls himself.

Whatever you say.

They go upstairs to the training room.

-20 minutes later-

You need to unlock your hidden chakra, and channel it to become more powerful.

What the hell is chakra?

You're telling me you never watched Naruto?

Never even heard of it. I mean, it's not like any of these cartoons you watch are real anyway. Chill out with all that stuff.



Well, there IS-

Just teach me something damn it.

Today, I'm going to teach you how to use the roundhouse kick. Hit me with one.

Don't you think I'd knock you out?

I don't think you'd hurt the Super Saiyan.

Matt demonstrates a proper roundhouse kick, until Scott looks like he has the motions mastered.

Okay, NOW hit me.

This is going to hurt.

I don't think-

Scott interrupted Matt mid-sentence with a perfect roundhouse kick to the head, knocking Matt to the floor unconscious.

Was that good? .....Matt?

Matt groans on the floor, and Scott just leaves him, complaining to himself about how badly this training session went.
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