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AF13: Isabel Stone vs. Jacoby Capone

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
Steven Kurtesy will accompany Isabel Stone to the ring.​

Following Stone's loss last week in the Triple Threat match, Stone will be slated to take on newcomer Jacoby Capone. Kurtesy will be looking closely at how Stone reacts in this match as she is known for her hot-headedness and she hasn't been able to pick up a win recently, understanding how she deals under pressure.

Deadline: Wednesday, 5th of September (11:59pm Central Time)
Black out

A TV screen appears in the darkness showing the triple threat match from Aftershock on mute. Arashi pinning Isabel Stone to steal the win is unmuted. A close up on Arashi grinning is shown as Stone is tended to by her mentor and Arashi's mentor. Steve Kurtesy's voice comes from behind the TV in the same room.

Kurtesy: Isabel, stop watching that, it's unhealthy.

He flips a switch and the lights come on, reveiling the scene to be in Kurtesy's office. He walks around the front of the TV and turns it off, then turns to Isabel who is sitting on the edge of the couch, hands clamped together tight enough to make her knuckles white.

Arashi stole an oppertunity from you. It happens. Your next match is singles though so I suggest you focus on your one-on-one training.

Isabel doesn't answer but stares at her knuckles.

If you let this control you there is no way you'll be able to control your temper against Capone.

Isabel looks up at him with a slight pout. Kurtesy ignores it and continues, sitting in his chair.

Your entire problem is your ego. Your first match you wasted too much time sitting and watching and were caught off guard. Your second match you ignored S.H.I.T. who disqualified you almost instantly. Last week you let yourself forget one of your two opponents and paid the price. The numbers show that-

Isabel: You know where you can stick your numbers.

She rubs her eyes. The window shows that it's late night, though no clock is visable. Letting go of her hands, Isbael leans back on the couch.

Every time I was caught off guard. Thus none of my losses are my fault.

It's only with the second match that I agree. The other two, I don't quite agree. You focus too much on wanting to hurt your opponents, rather than beat them in the match. I honestly felt from you cartwheel punch that you would dominate the match from there but ego once again got in the way.

Stop talking about my ego like it's the cause for humanity's destruction.

It possibly could be...

Isabel springs to her feet, angry at the comment.

What's that supposed to mean?? You think because you're my mentor you know everything about me? Why do I even need a mentor??

Steve looks at her calmly.

You just answered your own question. You get mad too easily. And you over think your abilities. You think you're flawless, but in truth you lose respect every time you twirl that red bang around your finger. Losing matches has lessended whatever doubt of beating you crossed through the minds of the locker room. You need help from me because I have experience and I know you have potential. Now please sit down.

Isabel's mouth twitches at the blunt facts. She sits down and crosses her arms, defeated.

Thank you. Now, your last match was almost as impressive as your first match, but you let numbers get the best of you in both. I noticed there was different sort of anger running through you last match. It was mixed with fear. What is that fear Isabel?

Nothing, I'm not afraid of anything.

I doubt that. Everyone has a fear. We're in my office. What's said here stays here. Don't be afraid to open up to me.

I told you, nothing.

Please Izzy, I promise never to use any of them against you-


Isabel jumps up again, this time knocking the coffee table in front of her on its side. Steve ignores it and looks at her.

I don't need your help, I just need to get home and get to bed. Got it?

Without waiting for answer, Isabel grabs her coat and storms out of the office. She leaves the building and begins to walk down the street. Two thugs appear and begin following her. Isabel ignores at first then tenses, sensing danger.

Thug1: Hey sugar, looks for something sweet?

She ignores and walks faster. The second thug grabs her shoulder.

Thug2: Hey, he was talking you.

Get off of me.

They begin to corner her when a car pulls up. The window rolls down and Kurtesy pokes his head from the window.

Isabel, need a lift home?

Isabel scurries into the other side of the car. The thugs walk away and Isabel lets out a breath.

No fears huh?

Shut it.

Kurtesy chuckles and begins driving.

We'll start actual training tomorrow but for now, tell me where you live and I'll take you home.

You seriouslly think I like you any better because you chased off two thugs I could've beaten up myself?

Considering they were a foot and a half bigger, yes, I do.

For a doctor, you sure are a shmuck.

He chuckles and drives her home.

-next day-​

Isabel is in the gym practicing her signature and finishing moves. Kurtesy walks in and watches her.

Your footing is off.

Whose move is this? Yours or mine?

A bit early for attitude Isabel. You never told me your fears. You owe them to me since I saved your butt last night.

Isabel sighs and stops as Kurtesy gets into the ring with her.

Fine... But only because I hate owing anything to anyone.

She takes a deep breath and flips her hair back.

Failure is my biggest fear. Being fired and thrown on the street. Being weak and hurt. Losing my dad above everything.

Common fears, nothing to be ashamed of. You're strong enough to not let them control you.

So far, two fears are really close to me.

So fight back against them. I know you can.

Isabel shoots him a mean look.

Shmuck. I can't fight my dad's cancer for him. You don't know what it's like for me right now.

So help me understand.

Isabel considers for a moment then swings his legs out without warning. With a smirk she leans down to his face.

That about sum it up?

With a huff of frustration, Kurtesy gets up and they continue training.
Jacoby Capone was walking into the parking lot of the venue for Aftershock 12. Sweat glistened on his forehead and exposed chest, his jacket was zipped half-way up, and the hood was over his his head. A small gym bag is slung over his shoulder and he is walking at a slow pace with his eyes focused on the distance.

“Ladies and gentlemen, standing at six foot something, weighing in at 200 plus solid pounds of muscle and sexiness, my main dude, the Subculture Savior, Jacobyyyy CAPONE!”

Capone stopped his pace and looked up to see his best friend from high school sitting on the tail gate of a Chevy Silverado. His friend’s head was cocked back from his animated announcing of Capone's arrival.

“You still like to call me that don’t you, Chase?”

Capone had a wide grin on his face and walked over to Chase who slid off his tailgate. The two met with a hug.

“Of course I do, Subculture Savior,” said Chase who laid a hand on the shoulder of his friend, looking him up and down. “I mean look at you, ya little hippy.”

“Ahh, and I see you still like to call me a hippy,” said Capone as he removed a soaked headband from underneath his hood. Capone jokingly hulked over his friend. “Watch yourself, big guy.”

It was apparent that Capone was a much bigger guy than his friend who playfully back-pedaled and slipped into the driver’s seat of the truck.

“Just get in if you’re planning on getting a ride from me would ya? You’ve kicked enough ass for one night.”

Capone followed his order and climbed in the passenger’s seat. He pulled down his seatbelt and clicked it.

“I guess now that I’m here,” the lit up arena was bright in the reflection of the rear view mirror, “then I guess this makes you a groupie.”

Chase chuckled. “Hey now, I won’t be the only one. You’re going to be a superstar. You and I won’t even be able to go to record shops to pick up cd’s without you being bombarded.”

“Hah! Yeah right, Chase. Those people hated me.”

“BS, bro. They’re just never accepting of the newcomers. Come on, man. Give the crowds time, you’ll grow on them. You have natural charis-“

“This isn’t high school anymore, Chase,” Capone’s voice had a fierce edge to it. “Just like in high school, I am not interested in the opinions of other people about me. Sure, I was well liked by girls, the other guys respected my athleticism and size, but I still refused to reward them with my attention because they are all brainwashed by society. They wanted me to be like them. ‘Come to this party, Jacoby. Lil Wayne this, Daniel Tosh that.’”

“I don’t see how our high school class relates to what could be your fan bas-“

“Fan base?!” Jacoby cut Chase off again. “The thought of myself acknowledging those, those people as my fans quite frankly puts me on edge. Did you look at your surroundings in there? Every one of those people, fans, just oil the machine. They show up in their Call of Duty shirts or their Lil Wayne shirt and boast it around because they feel good about themselves for going along the grain of society. I’m going against the grain and I want to feel the tension of it. I can only hope and pray they display their hatred for me. Fans, HAH! If they want to support me, what they need to do is come out to the shows and boo me. They need to cuss me, threaten me, throw their disgusting beer cans at me. Because that, Chase, is what will help me in the long run: to be reminded that what I stand for is necessary.”

“Ok, man, ok,”

Chase was taken aback. He started the truck and a cd began playing. Capone’s hand struck like a viper to turn the radio off. Chase’s anxious grip on the wheel ceased and he brought a tentative hand to ruffle his hair. Chase was very unsettled.

“Well, Jacoby. I’m sure you’ve heard about your next opponent?”

He was trying to lighten the atmosphere. There was no response from Capone who was fixated on looking out of the window. The silence was quite intense.

Capone wasn’t listening but caught pieces of what Chase was saying.

“Isabel Stone..mentor program..you know I think you should peruse that, you could benefit from it.”

“Chase, would you shut the hell up?”

Silence fell upon them once again only to be broken by the unclicking of Jacoby’s seat belt.

“You keep throwing these ideas my way. You want me to build a fan base. You want me to join some program that sees me learn to this someone else’s way. It’s as if you want to see me relinquish my self-dependence. That's the difference between Isabel Stone and the entire roster in general, and myself.Have you forgotten what I’m about? I’m self-dependent, self-reliant, self-made. I am alone in this, it's how I prefer it. I will not be slowed by the deadweight of people’s expectations of me, especially by a mentor. I am my own mentor.”

“Speaking of expectations, I expected to pick up my friend. I expected to reflect on the path that brought you here after your first professional win much less, I expect-“

“Chase, Chase, Chase, look, I know. I’m sorry. I must admit. I do appreciate you coming here to be in attendance. It’s only appropriate that you were here after all these years we’ve dreamt of this night.”

“Exactly, Jacoby. It’s why I don’t understand why you’re so angry nowadays. You’ve made it, yet you’re falling further into seclusion. You’re forgetting about your best friend. You could always use at least one person to talk to. I’m here for you, you don’t’ need to be a one man army.”

Jacoby turned in his seat to look at Chase and removed his hood. The dim lighting from the street, combined with dark truck and Capone’s wild hair made for a maniacal sight of a man. Capone shot a twisted smile to Chase. Chase nervously returned the smile.

“You don’t understand though, Chase. I do!”

Before Chase could muster the word “huh,” he was struck by the fist of Capone.

“ARE YOU CRAZY?” cried out Chase who clutched his purple jaw. He was horrified by the meltdown unfolding before his eyes.

Capone grabbed the back of Chase's hair and pulled his face toward his own.


He shoved Chase who's back impacted with the truck door. He was immediately struck by three more ferocious punches. Capone opened his door and exited the truck, which was still on. Capone threw his hood back over his head and slung his bag over his shoulder. He replaced his hands in his pockets and walked away from the truck and down a sidewalk.

Capone simply could not wipe that maniacal smile of his face.
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