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AF13: Arashi vs. Krypto

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
Celeste Crimson will accompany Arashi to the ring.
Saboteur/Action Saxton will accompany Krypto to the ring.​

An altercation happened during the end of the Triple Threat match last week on Aftershock and the new GM Chuck Myles has decreed that these two mentees should settle any differences they have on the unlucky 13th episode. Celeste and the Tag Champs will be looking closely at Arashi and Krypto respectively to see how they handle an opponent they have to face on a repetitive scale.

Deadline: Wednesday, 5th of September (11:59pm Central Time)
Signal Panic, Inc. presents
Action Saxton & Saboteur
The Misadventures of Krypto
Krypto and friends vs. The Homeless

We see Action Saxton and Saboteur dragging and trying to restrain Krypto backstage after his match on Aftershock. Krypto is unusually vicious and aggressive after seemingly almost winning his match but ultimately coming up just short in stopping Arashi from pinning Isabel Stone. Krypto didn’t even realize the match was over, he continued to attack Arashi until Saboteur and Saxton were able to pull him away.

Krypto: Put me down! I want him! I know I can take him!

Saboteur: He’s pretty loud and fierce for a guy whose 5’4

Saxton: Saboteur this sucka is crazy! Why did we agree to do this again?

Saboteur: Jared really made it seem like a good idea at the time.

Krypto continues to kick and scream and attempts to maneuver his way out of the clutches of the tag champs but Saxton says he has had enough; he puts his right hand around Krypto’s neck and uses his manly, kung fu strength and picks Krypto off his feet with one hand, puts him against a wall, and begins to stare deeply into his eyes. Krypto his mesmerized by Saxton’s pure badassery and begins to calm down.

Saxton: Now listen here Krypto, the match is over, you lost. Now are you going to calm down or do I have to lay the Saxton smack down upon sorry behind?!!

Krypto nods his head in compliance while trying to breathe through Saxton’s massive hand.

Saxton: That’s what Action Saxton thought fool.

Saboteur: Maybe this was a bad idea.

Saxton: Of course this was a bad idea, we’re the tag team champion of WZCW and we’re currently stuck babysitting some E.T. wannabe rookie on AfterShock.

Saboteur: Well he isn’t that bad is he?

Saxton and Saboteur both look to Krypto who is still gasping for air high up against the wall and then look back to each other and simultaneously agree that he is.

Saxton: Is there any way we can get out of this? We have things to do, like wiping the floor with Strikeforce again, or maybe embarrassing that new team of religious suckas.

Saboteur: Don’t you think I want to embarrass Strikeforce again, talk about how Stormage needs to cut out those burgers and tell Howard how much MMA sucks. But I’m here, because Saboteur never runs away from an important task. By the way what’s over there?

Saxton looks behind him for a split second while Saboteur tries to tip toe away.

Saxton: Get back here sucka! Trying to ditch me with this fool.

Saboteur: I think he can learn a lot from you Saxton, him being scrawny and you being buff and all.

Saxton: I just don’t know about this fool, it’s not only Krypto. Something seemed off about all those rookies back there, and you know I always get that uncontrollable sensation around that Celeste Crimson. And don’t even get me started on that weird looking sucka that’s her rookie.

Saboteur: Yes I know Crimson’s got fantastic breasts and that Arashi guy has a stupid mask, but that’s not our problem right now. We need to deal with this Krypto situation…..where is he anyway?

Saboteur and Saxton look up to see Krypto literally clawing at the wall gasping for air still being restrained by Saxton.

Saboteur: Yeah….maybe you should let him down Saxton.

Saxton lets down Krypto who is coughing and holding his neck taking in all the air he can unable to speak.

Saboteur: Well uh Krypto, we need to think this whole Mentor Program thing over….. well uh see you tomorrow pal.

Saboteur and Saxton leave the arena while Krypto struggles to make to his feet.

The Next Day

Krypto is eating lunch in Lars’s apartment.

Lars: So you actually met Saboteur and Action Saxton? And they are going to be your mentors?

Krypto: Yeah it’s a part of the whole AfterShock mentor program.

Lars: That’s awesome man, do you know how cool they are, how much they can teach you? They’re the best tag team in the WZCW.

Krypto: That’s kind of what I’m worried about, I don’t think they like me or the idea of having to teach me.

Lars: What makes you think that?

Krypto: Well they said I was weird, and I’m pretty sure Saxton almost choked me to death.

Lars: Well I think you need to realize you are a pretty peculiar guy Krypto, and even though Saboteur and Saxton calling you weird is kind of the pot calling the kettle black they are two of the most dynamic and popular wrestlers in the WZCW and having them as your mentors can be a huge career boost. Maybe with them on your side you can even win a match.

Krypto: Oh yeah that reminds me, I have a match against Arashi this week.

Lars: Oh yeah he won that triple threat match you were in.

Krypto: He pinned the girl after I laid down the Kryptonite.

Lars: Kryptonite?

Krypto: You know how Saxton has the smack down and Saboteur has the sweep? Well I thought maybe if I came up with my own catchphrase for my beat downs maybe they’ll think I’m cool. So you what do you think of the Kryptonite?

Lars: Yeah let’s just focus on the match for now.

Krypto: What is there to focus on, I know I can beat him. He won because of my hard work. Yes I may have underestimated him a bit I finally have a sense of direction. I finally have a goal to strive for instead of just mindlessly hoping for something good to happen every week. I have to win the mentorship program. And that starts with showing that women hating bully that I can beat him.

Lars: He does have Celeste Crimson as his mentor and she’s a legend.

Krypto: Did you hear what he said he thinks about women, did you see the way he disrespected his own mentor who happens to be a woman? Back on my home planet we don’t speak of women in that manner and we certainly don’t try to cause physical harm to them.

Lars: But your last match was against a girl, and you stomped her in the chest pretty bad...

Krypto: Well I don’t wish to cause women harm outside of the ring, let’s just go with that.

Lars: Look I know you want to beat Arashi but you’re becoming a little more aggressive than usual. You even attacked Arashi after the match.

Krypto: It’s better than letting people walk all over you. I’m ready to fight, I’m ready to get angry, and I’m ready to win. And I refuse to let some Wasabi Toyota generic clone who probably thinks this match will be easy pickings because he pinned a girl stand in my way.

Lars: You’ve been doing a lot of research haven’t you?

Krypto: Yeah, I also know that unlike my mentors Celeste Crimson has never won any titles, though I keep finding websites with very suggestive photos calling her biggest MILF, whatever that means.

Lars: Just be careful with that Ashanti okay.

Krypto: Ashanti? You mean the famous R&B artist? When did she join WZCW?

Lars: No my bad I meant Arash….

Krypto: By god, it’s just like last time, not only do I have to worry about Arashi but I also have to face another girl in Ashanti.

Lars: Dude…..seriously?

Krypto: Ever since I came to this planet I’ve never joked about my R&B Lars. Her smooth silky voice might be all that’s needed to beat me, or is it? Maybe I too can become a pop star and beat her with my own funky jams.

Lars: (Sigh) I’m going to take a shower.

Krypto: I don’t suppose you know what Stevie Wonder is doing these days do you?

Lars leaves the kitchen to take a shower while Krypto finishes up his meal.

??? : I like this new found confidence you have Krypto, although is a bit out of place seeing as you haven’t done anything to deserve it.

Krypto turns to side of his chair to see his robot pal RJX9 sitting on the kitchen counter glaring at him.

RJ: You’ve been avoiding me for a little while now, why is that?

Krypto: I don’t exactly like the way you’ve been acting lately RJ.

RJ: Well I certainly like the way you have, on AfterShock you may not have won but you stomped that poor girl right in her chest and the way you attacked that other guy after it was over, just brilliant Krypto. It seems you are finally taking my advice.

Krypto: I’m not taking anything of yours anymore you understand, the only reason I haven’t thrown you in the trash is because you’re an invention of my father and I’m afraid if I did you would just go haunt someone else.

RJ: You don’t have to deny it anymore Krypto, you are going to need all the anger you can get. You might have two mentors opposed to everyone else who has one but it’s not like they care if you win or not. Action Saxton and Saboteur are bigger than you will ever be. Plus they don’t even like you, they think your weird, you friend Lars over there, he thinks your weird. Everybody does, so if you were smart you would take my advice and take this opportunity to not only beat Arashi, but try to take him out permanently.

Krypto: I don’t want to permanently hurt anyone.

RJ: Well it’s not like he wouldn’t do the same thing to you. And don’t even get me started on how you’ll never be as great of a singer as Ashanti.

Krypto: Screw you RJ! I know I can be just as good of a singer Ashanti! And I’m going to prove it right now by singing at one of those Karaoke shops I've heard about.

Krypto storms out of the apartment.

RJ: God he’s an idiot.

Krypto exits the apartment building out onto the street looking for the nearest karaoke shop.

Krypto: Maybe if I can sing better than her I can beat her in the ring…

Krypto walks past an alley but immediately does a double take when he sees an open trash can full of thrown out Ashanti CD’s. He immediately runs over to them begins digging through the trash.

??? : Hey….hey!

Krypto turns around to see two homeless men standing behind him.

Homeless Guy #1: This is our garbage you freak!

Homeless Guy #2: Yeah scram!

Krypto: I’m sorry but I need these CD’s.

Homeless Guy #2: Nobody takes anything from our garbage without our say so.

Krypto: Sorry but I’m going to take these regardless of what you say.

Krypto is able to get an arm full of CD’s while still trying to pick up more. One of the homeless men charge at Krypto and shove him away from the can knocking all the CD’s into the air. Krypto delivers a roundhouse kick to head the homeless knocking him to the ground and then tries to catch all the CD’s while they are all falling from the sky. The other homeless man also begins trying to attack Krypto with a broomstick but Krypto tosses some CD’s at him like shuriken striking the man in the nose taking him down.

Krypto: That was easy….

Krypto turns around to see three more homeless men closing in, this time wielding numb chucks. Krypto tries to back away but three other homeless men cut him off on the other side of the alley ready to swing with some cheap katanas.

Krypto: What’s going on here?!

As the dangerous looking homeless men close in Action Saxton and Saboteur jump down from the ladder on the side of the building.

Saxton: Hold up homeless suckas!

Saboteur: We can’t let you hurt our rookie.

Homeless Guy: You’re going to protect this idiot?!

Saboteur and Saxton look down at Krypto and then back up at the gang of homeless men.

Saxton: This sucka may be an idiot, but he’s our idiot!

Saxton then hits two of the homeless men with a double clothesline. Saboteur runs and hits a flying cross body on two of the others, and Krypto continues slinging Ashanti CD’s at the other homeless men until they all run off.

Krypto: So does this mean you guys are going to continue being my mentors?

Saxton and Saboteur both look to each other and then back at Krypto

Saboteur: Look Krypto, while we aren’t really pleased we have to look after you we do realize the importance of helping out the younger stars and future of WZCW. We know you can beat Arashi. We also know you are potentially the most talented rookie out of the bunch, so prove to us by beating him.

Krypto: Don’t forget about the other earthling Ashanti, I’ll make sure I beat her as well!

Saxton: Did that fool just say he’s going to beat Ashanti the R&B singer?

Krypto: You guys didn’t hear? She just joined WZCW.

Saboteur: I got a feeling we have a long road ahead of us Saxton.

Saxton: I do too sucka, I do too.

Saboteur: Come on, who’s up for some Pizza Planet!

Saxton, Saboteur, and Krypto leave the empty alleyway heading for Pizza Planet.
The metal doors of the basements creaked open as Luke pushed his way into the murky room. His cough bounced off the walls, echoing through the tightly packed room. In the center of the with a single chandelier shining down upon him, Arashi stood. His bright blue eyes and yellow face paint shined through the dimly lit room.

“Arashi I know you don’t like this Celeste situation but you need to make the best of it.”

Arashi sauntered his way over to Luke in a none threatening manner. Then out of nowhere Arashi grabbed Luke by the throat and slammed him into the wall. Luke’s brain rattled as his knees buckled looking into the crystal eyes of his client. His hands shook nervously as he swallowed hard trying to figure a way out of this situation.

There was no escape, if Arashi wanted to hurt him he would, in the most vile and vicious ways possible.

“The best of it?”

“I just meant she’s been around for a while, maybe if you listened to her and took her advice”

Luke took a deep breath, closing his eyes before feeling the tightening of Arashi’s hand around his throat. Luke tried to fight but it was to no avail and just as he was about to black out Arashi relinquished his grasp on his agents neck.

“Advice from a woman? About wrestling?”

Luke exhaled as he fell to his knees in front Arashi. Luke looked up at Arashi, speaking through his panting breathes he whispered.

“ Why do you hate women?”

Cocking his head to the side Arashi looked down at Luke in a state of shock. After a moment of contemplation a rare smile crept across his face.

“I don’t hate women, quite the contrary in fact. I love women, the feeling of their tits in my hands, the sound of them screaming into my ear, and the fact I don’t have to cook dinner if I have one at home.

No, No, No, I love women...

But you expect me to listen to Celeste, to take advice from her? The only way I’ll listen to Celeste is if she’s telling me to go deeper, and the only advice I’d take from her is how fast I should plow her.

Wrestling is what I do, it’s what I live for, and no bitch no matter how decorated she is knows this business better than me. Celeste will learn her place in time, and that beneath me.”

Luke pushed himself up off the ground and back into a standing position, still struggling to breath.

“Just try to get along with her, she didn’t chose you are her mentee. She had nothing to do with it, it’s just happenstance.”

Arashi turned away from Luke, letting out a muffled groan.

“She deserves this treatment for letting her dreams get in the way of the truth. Her life would be fine if she had just stayed out of this business. Now, she must deal with the consequences of her actions. For not understanding that she isn’t any better than any other woman in this business, worthless"

“She called me”

Luke said as he headed for the door frightened of what Arashi might do to him if he chose to. Arashi shrugged without looking back.

“ She has her place: I understand she has to be in my corner, at least she won’t be out of place there. Even she can manage the role of eye candy.”

With that Luke quickly exited the basement leaving Arashi to his thoughts.

Krypto, we’ve done this before. Our paths crossed just last week. But this is our first true encounter. Our first true fight, one on one. Two rising stars within the ranks of WZCW, and we have the chance to show the world what we are made of.

The result won’t even be that close, the fans will be disappointed, your mentors, and most importantly you will be disappointed.

This isn’t going to be close, I’m not going in to the ring to have an instant classic. I want to make you look as bad as possible. I will walk into that ring and prove last week wasn’t a fluke. I will not only ends this quickly but also painfully.

There’s a deep resentment in me towards you however. Krypto, you have no idea where your place is. After I dominated our match you decided to attack me after it like a coward. You should have the dignity to stand in my shadow to marvel at my greatness but instead you want to fight me.

Krypto, instead of riding my coattails and accepting that you’re inferior, you try to claim that you can beat me. You screamed that you could take me during a cowardly attack on me. I find a certain irony

During a match that I dominated, a match in which I had you pinned if it hadn’t been for the wet cunt that was occupying the ring with us. You proclaimed your ability to beat me?

Krypto, you’re a stepping stone. You’re nothing to me, just a tool that I will use on my way to the top. Realize this Krypto, I have to do more than any other wrestler in this mentor program. You think that rag Celeste is going to help me?

Please, I realize I’m on my own, but I’ll prove that I don’t need anyone. That I’m better than you all without a mentor, without help. I’ll prove to Celeste that not only do I not need her, but she belongs in the kitchen.

The shame is that I need to destroy you to do that. You, who could be a star in WZCW, a hero to the masses. I can see you now as a great superstar, but alas, it will never be. It would’ve been more fun to wait until you hit your apex. To wait until you became a hero to the masses before crushing you like fraud I know you to be. But now? I just get to crush another midget who will never make it.

Who knows what could’ve been, this could’ve been a great match in a year, but now? It’s just a warning to locker room. It’s me putting them on notice, and you being extinguished before getting your chance to shine.

Krypto, you may not know it yet, but this won’t be your big moment, not against me. The outcome is the same as it was last week. I will triumph and you will be left a bitter shell.

I have things to do, a bigger agenda to worry about. You’re demise will be the first, but don’t worry you’ll have plenty of company soon.
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