AF 9: Masked Gentleman vs. Derek Jacobs

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
We have ourselves a mysterious gentlemen making his debut in the opening match of Aftershock where he will take on Derek Jacobs, the bodyguard who will be looking for revenge after losing his debut. Although not knowing his opponent, can Jacobs be able to defeat the Gentlemen or will everyone be in for a shock as to who this guy is?

Deadline is Tuesday, May 1st at 11:59 PM Central Time
Stacey Madison has a slight look of disgust on her face as she goes to interview the newest roster member, the debuting Gentleman Masque, who she stands next to.

Stacey: *a-hem* Hello there, and with me today is none other than the newest member to the Aftershock roster, a man who calls himself what translates out in french to "The Masked Gentleman". For a debut, he's going up against "The Mercenary" Derek Jacobs. So, Masked Gentleman, can you please tell us your mindset going into your debut match?

Stacey looks to hand Le Gentleman Masque the microphone, but as she hands it to him, he looks a tad shocked by it. After a small pause, Stacey takes the mic back to talk to him.

Stacey: Pardon me, is something wrong?

Gentleman Masque does a slight bow to Miss Madison before speaking up.

The Gent: I apologize for that. It was rather rude of me, I must have been taken aback by the situation as we hardly know eachother, but it appears a woman of your nature is very kindly to strangers. You hand me a microphone with your unmasked hand. To think you barely know me, and yet you are willing to let me hold your microphone. I shall prepare accordingly to accept your offer, and I promise, it shall not happen again.

Stacey seems a tad confused at the man known as Gentleman Masque, but regardless, hands him the microphone again, with a bewildered look upon her face, and rolls her eyes.

The Gent: Those of you out there in WZCW, hello. My name is "Le Gentleman Masque". I've come to rid WZCW of any, dare I say it, "bozo", who happens to pick on the weaker in this company. My mindset is focused and I'll let the word get out now.

Gentleman Masque takes from out of his suit pocket his calling card, a small replica of his mask.

The Gent: feel free to combat every word I have. I come, I conquer those who think because they can, they should be a menace to those who can't defend themselves, then I take them down and leave this.

Gentleman Masque puts his calling card back in his suit pocket before continuing the conversation.

The Gent: It seems as if tonight shares no difference. My first opponent, a man by the name of Derek Jacobs. Around 5 inches taller than me and comes from one of the toughest parts of America, a place called Chicago. His offense? controlled by money and willing to take on anyone if the price matches the catch. Treating humans as animals to hunt.

Gentleman Masque raises up his fist in anger.

The Gent: Such an act is unforgivable. So, Mr. Jacobs, if I'm going to start cleaning WZCW of ruffians of your nature, I need a good start. There's no better start on this brand then a man such as yourself. Take me as a joke, and you'll be surprised. I'll teach chivalry to those it lack it one man at time.

Gentleman Masque throws his calling card up before handing Miss Madison back the mic, saying one last word and dashing off.

The Gent: ......adieu.

Stacey still somewhat in shock, snaps out of it to deliver one last message.

Stacey: Le Gentleman Masque, everyone.
A familiar scene to many, as Leon Kensworth, esteemed reporter for WZCW, finds himself outside of the popular Chicago nightclub that Derek Jacobs works for in his spare time. He doesn’t have to wait long this time, as Jacobs is immediately seen bringing 2 more troublemakers outside the club. A quick scuffle ensues, but Jacobs quickly overpowers them and they run like hell away from the club.

Mr. Jacobs, is it possible to catch a quick word with you?

Jacobs looks at Leon, and breaks out into a smile.

What’s up ol pal Leon? What questions do you have for me this week?

Well Derek, your debut match in WZCW didn’t exactly go as planned, as Mr. Butty got the pinfall, many people saying that you became too trusting in that situation. What are your thoughts on that match?

Well Leon, there’s an old saying, “Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.” And I can promise you and everyone else in WZCW this; I won’t be fooled again. And Mr. Butty, don’t think that I’m going to forget about that either. You made a mistake with making an enemy out of me. Even though I can appreciate why you did it, you did it to me and I won’t let that go very easily. I can promise you that you haven’t seen the last of Derek Jacobs. The next time, the teacher will learn the lesson of what happens when you cross Derek Jacobs.

Well Mr. Jacobs, you can prove that to the fans and everyone here in WZCW at Aftershock next week, because I’m here to let you know you have a match with a newcomer, The masked gentleman. What are your thoughts on this match and your opponent?

The masked gentleman. This guy is pretty interesting Leon. I really don’t know that much about him, except that he thinks he’s a hero. This guy goes around like a vigilante doing what’s right, and “punishing those that do wrong”. What was it he called me? Bozo? Let me tell you something, hero boy, I’m not a clown, I’m not here to make you laugh. I’m here to beat people up, and collect my paycheck. Let me tell you a little story; give you a little insight on my background. When I was about 19, I used to mug old ladies in my spare time, to make a quick buck. One night, there was a guy that tried to play the hero and fight me. What happened to that guy? He ended up paralyzed from the waist down, and I’m not sorry that I did that. Not sorry at all, because I believe that if you stick your nose in someone else’s business, you deserve to get it broken. At Aftershock, I’m gonna prove why I should be the most feared man on the roster. I’m going to hurt you, and I’m going to enjoy every. Single. Minute of it.

You don’t seem very concerned with your opponent this week Derek, aren’t you afraid that you might be getting too cocky?

Too cocky Leon? No, I don’t feel like I’m being too cocky. I said I don’t know much about the guy, I didn’t say that I don’t know anything about him. I know that I have about 100 pounds and around 5 inches on him so I think it’s gonna be a massacre if you want my honest opinion. It’s real simple Leon, I’m big, and I’m pretty pissed off. Unfortunately for hero boy, he’s in my crosshairs. So fans of WZCW, if you want to see unbridled violence, tune into Aftershock, because I promise, there’s going to be blood. And I’m going to make little man wish he never even heard of WZCW. Bank on that.

Is there anything else you would like to add Mr. Jacobs?

As a matter of fact Leon, there is. It has come to my attention that there's alot of people gunning for the Mayhem Championship, saying why they think they deserve the title. The fact of the matter is, I want the title for the same reason that motivates me with everything else-money. But its more than that this time Leon. I want to prove to the whole world that I'm as good as I say I am, and plus, I can charge about fifty bucks more an autograph if I'm champ. So I'm putting everyone on notice that's gunning for that championship, after I'm done with the masked midget, I'm gunning for the Mayhem Championship, and I dare anyone to stop me.
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