AF 9: Daniel Dela Cruz vs. Mr. Butty

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
Two winners from last week will be looking to face-off against each other on Aftershock this week. Mr. Butty made an impressive statement in his debut match whilst Dela Cruz managed to defeated the missing Hollywood Jameson twice in a row very quickly. The two will be looking to continue their momentum and winning streak, despite no sign of making the Kingdom Come card.

Deadline is Tuesday, May 1st at 11:59 PM Central Time
"Old Friend"
The video opens up with Daniel Dela Cruz making his way back from ringside after two straight wins over Jameson. A couple of backstage workers congratulate him on the impressive showing he gave the fans tonight. As he enters his locker room, his eyes go wide as he sees an old friend, Jake Aquino. Jake is an old friend from the indies where him and Daniel started off and have now gone their separate ways. The two embrace after seeing one another.

Daniel: Jake?! What are you doing here man?

Jake: Decided to check on an old friend. I saw your match tonight, impressive, I must say.

Daniel: Yeah well, I probably was motivated after my debut loss.

Daniel motions for Jake to have a seat as the two chuckle after the last comment from Daniel.

Jake: How's the big leagues treatin' ya?

Daniel: Man, it's pretty tough out here, I'll tell you that. All the guys seem larger than life, it was just really different for me since I came in. But I'm getting a hang of things.

Jake: That's good to hear. I'd kill to have a spot on here man. You know I'm always up for the challenge! So you are now at a record of 2-1, any idea who your next opponent will be?

Daniel: No idea man, I just came from ringside, and saw you here. But anyway, It'll probably be a newcomer as well, Mr. Butty, I'm guessing?

Jake: Ah, the teacher guy?

Daniel: Yeah, that's him.

Jake: You ready for him?

Daniel: Ehh, I've never been too good in school but hey, it's a challenge that I'm looking forward to. Besides, how hard would it be to beat a teacher? I've always been the rebellious type so from one teacher to another, he won't stop it.

Jake: Ha, good to see some things never change. Anyway, by the way, if it's not too much to ask, how's the family going?

Daniel's mood seems to have gone as the mentioning of his family seems to be the cause. However, he lets out a small smile to signal that some things have been going good actually.

Daniel: The family, well...I haven't heard too much from them recently. I've talked to Celine before my debut here and everything with her seems to be going fine. But when I asked about how dad felt about me being in this company, she just let out a sigh and that was the end of it.

Jake: Looks like pops isn't too keen with what you're doing huh?

Daniel: Looks like it. I don't blame him. But I just wish he could see that I'm trying to make things right again and I think that WZCW can help me with that. I can't undo the past, but I can definitely change the future.

A knock on the door is heard as Daniel and Jake turn their attention to a backstage worker who informs Daniel that his opponent next week on Aftershock will in fact be Mr. Butty. The two look at each other in amazement but just nod their heads as if they saw it coming.

Jake: Well, looks like it WILL be you against that teacher. Again, I ask, are you ready?

Daniel: I gotta be ready Jake. I've seen what Butty can do in the ring and I'm impressed, you yourself have to be impressed too. For a teacher, he moves pretty well in that ring. But I'll tell you what, if I use my advantage, my speed and quickness, I'm sure we'll put on a show for the fans. I just gotta have a plan and if I execute that to perfection, then well, another victory for me. If not, it's back to the drawing board.

Jake: Ha, what a guy. Always looking at the bright side of things.

Daniel: That's me. There isn't a lot of bright spots in my life, but where there are bright spots, I gotta enjoy it. So this is me enjoying what I have here in WZCW. But enough about that, my best bud is here in town. How about you help me get ready for my match? Ready to spar?

Jake: Haha, hell yeah I'm ready! But can we get something to eat first?

The two share a chuckle once more. With that, Daniel packs some things in his gym bag and motions for Jake to follow him leave the arena. Seems the two really are going to eat out. The video fades with them exiting the arena as the door closes behind them.
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