AF 6: James Howard and Mikey Stormrage vs. The Local Talent and The Beard

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
James Howard & Mikey Stormrage have decided to test the waters as a tag team and have been approved to compete this week in 2 on 2 competition. However, due to a scheduling mishap, they will not be facing any members of the WZCW roster. They will compete in a match against local talent who will have their chance at the big leagues.

WZCW Management would like to apologise for any inconveniences.

Deadline is Tuesday, March 20th at 11:59 PM Central Time.
The Lethal Lottery was a bust. Ace eliminated me fair and square, when I slammed down on the mats outside I realised I couldn't sit and wait in the Gorilla position, I jumped in the shower, threw my bags in the car and joined Dinah in the crowd for the main event. I managed to catch the end of Kurtsey v Barbosa and I saw fragments of the other matches on the monitors.

Watching the lottery match itself was great. Disappointed as I was to not be involved, counting down with the crowd and cheering on Triple X as he evaded elimination time and time again was fantastic. I even joined in with the crowd booing Burna when he won, for a night I got to be a fan again.

As Dinah and I left the arena, a couple of kids noticed me; they looked at me, surprised to see me in my civvies as I tried to find the exit of the Staples Centre. I was disappointed when their mother spoke to them and they backed away. It seems like people will never forget what happened to Alex.

The journey home felt twice as long as the journey there. Before we'd even left the car park Dinah was asleep on the passenger seat. We checked into a hotel round the corner rather than risk it. I decided at 1am to head back to the Staples Centre, I sat with the crew and helped them strike the set for the arena and remove the WZCW logos from everything. An hour later I was sat on the remains of the entrance area when I thought about the Mayhem division. The sheer volume of people involved, they had a battle royal with nine people all of whom were competing for the chance just to get a title shot. Between Justin Cooper, Johnny Scumm, Stevenson Marquel, Myself, Mikey Stormrage, Darren Bull, Joe West and the new champion Ace Stevens it was comfortably the largest division in WZCW, aside from the world title, but that division was made up of the guys who regularly headline shows or pay per views, the guys who didn't need a title to fight over because they had history. The mayhem division was full of guys who are almost literally climbing over each other to get their shot at the big time and I needed out. Reduce the competition there and boost the competition elsewhere.

I had an idea; as soon as I got home I needed to make some calls.

I tried not to wake Dinah when I got back to the hotel room, but I didn't manage it. After the customary bible rebounded off the wall and hit me on the back of the head me and Dinah had a chat, she was furious, but she eventually calmed down.

The following afternoon I got back to my house just outside San Francisco, only took around five hours, which was good. Clear roads and no cops most of the way there. I called up Vance and told him my plan; I even managed to get some other numbers from him. I dialled the first on the list hoping that they'd like my idea.


"Hey, is this Mikey?"

"Who's asking?"

"James Howard."

"Oh, hi buddy, what can I help you with?"

"You still in California?"

"Yeah, decided to stay here for a day or two. My girl wanted to see Disney Land."

"Excellent, you fancy heading to San Francisco for a day? Got a suggestion for you."

"Oh yeah, what?"

"Tag team."

"Hey Rose, we're going to Frisco!"

He hung up. That went better thanI had expected. I kind of relished the thought of being in a tag team, I'd never wrestled before a few years ago and I'd only ever been in a handful of tag matches full stop. It gave me the opportunity to work on my flaws.

Mikey agreed to visit the next day and I noticed on that they had recruited a couple more new guys, “The Local Talent” and “The Beard”, a tag team. They called themselves BLT. Typical, within hours of deciding to join the Tag division they go on to sign another one.

The brief news piece was interesting, for what it was. The bearded guy was drinking wine and spouting Chaucer and Wordsworth. As for the other guy, called himself the Local Talent, he was older, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t be a threat. Sometimes even the goofiest looking guys have a mean streak a mile wide. As I continued reading about the two new wrestlers the phone rang, it was Alex.

“Hello Mr Howard.”

“Hi Alex, how are you?”

“I’m doing very well thank you, I paid a lot of money to see you in the ring. I was disappointed”

“You’re not alone; I was in the dark match though so that was something.”

“Ah, I see, you really are back at the bottom of the barrel eh?”

“Yeah you could say that. You know me though, give me something to prove and I’ll step up.”

“Very true, I have learned that the very hard way.” There was an awkward pause. “That Comedian, he is not very funny.”

“I think that’s the joke.”

“You Westerners have a weird sense of humour. Anyway, I will call you after you win your next match, train well and fight well my friend.”

“Speak soon bud.” The phone went back on the desk, Alex sounded well and his English was coming on, probably too formal to be a commentator, but he did OK. He wasn’t there to be flash or fancy; they just wanted someone who can correctly identify every variation on an armlock at a moment’s notice.

I thought back to the two new guys as I sat in front of the TV that night. The Local Talent looked like he knew his way around a ring, hell he probably knew enough to go into MMA if he were ten years younger. I think I may have encountered him during my time in the Indies, but for a while I was working with different people at every show, especially in the early days. I’d definitely never been in the ring with him before.

The following day I was woken by the doorbell. Dinah had gone back to work and left me in bed. Mikey was staring through the window hopping up and down like a kid in a candy store, looking at him in his civvies I almost wanted to ask him to do the truffle shuffle. I opened the door and invited him in.

“Hey man, can I get you a drink or anything?”

“Got any Gatorade?”

“Probably, let me check the fridge.” I walked out and left Mikey in the lounge, I could hear him sizing up my TV and talking about playing Call of Duty on a really big screen. When I returned he was sat on the sofa with his DS.

“No Gatorade. Grabbed you some water.”
I flicked the bottle in his direction. “Mikey, we need to talk about our Tag Team, we need a name and we need to work out how we’re going to work together.”

He stared intently at the screen. I didn’t know what he was playing but he was engrossed. The water bottle was by his side upside down, he hadn’t even noticed it.

Still no response, I thought I saw his eye twitch but I realised it was involuntary, his tongue was sticking out of his mouth, he may as well have been a zombie.



“Tag team names.”

“Oh yeah.... um....” He trailed off mid-sentence. I walked over and grabbed the DS. Pokémon. He was playing Pokémon. “I was thinking of something game related, like N7.

“What the hell is N7?”

“In Mass Effect its...”

“Stop right there, how many people will get that name?”

“Everyone who has played Mass Effect is in with a chance.”

“In with a chance?”

“Yeah, not everyone will know about it.”

“Not really what we’re going for here, we need something that sounds like a tag team name, N7 sounds like a haemorrhoid cream.”

“What about Black Dragon? It’s one of the factions in Mortal Kombat.”

“It’s also the name of the Eurasian Champion.”

“Oh yeah, never realised that before, I wonder if that’s where he got his name?”

“I highly doubt it.”

“What about Rage Quit? Or Ultimate Kombo?”

“They sound like finishing moves.”

“What about music? I was thinking of using a chip tune from a fighting game.”

“A what?”

“Chip tunes, guys making music with gameboys.”

“I was thinking of something a bit less nerdy, but whatever.”

“There is always Japanese music.”

“You mean like Polysics? Did a few shows in Japan and they were pretty popular.”

“Yeah along those lines.”

“Ok. Let’s have a look.” I opened the laptop and went on YouTube. After being distracted for a while watching videos of people getting hurt by being idiots we found our theme.


“I think this will work.”

“You see those new guys? I heard they’re a tag team, they might be our first match.”

“Yeah I saw them. That beard guy is weird, to see a guy so in love with his own facial hair. I think it’s the most surreal thing I’ve ever seen. Honestly, it’s ridiculous. When I saw he was called the Beard and that he had a massive beard all I could think about was beards. I’m just saying beard over and over again aren’t I?”


“Maybe that’s part of the plan, fool people into thinking he’s an idiot with a beard when he’s really intelligent and dangerous. I've seen smarter people do dumber things, and for that matter dumber people do smarter things. I can’t decide if he’s a cunning idiot or a redneck savant.”

“Yeah, that beard guy is crazy.”
Mikey said, I’d been talking for less than a minute and his DS was already back in his hands. “The Local Talent looks interesting though”

“I would agree if we could see his face, he seemed to be trying to hide it a lot of the time. Like he was ashamed of being a wrestler or something. Maybe he’s on the lam. The Local fugitive would probably give him away though. He seems like someone who loves the sport, but is hiding from something. I don’t like it, not one bit. We can work out a plan for them tomorrow though, we still haven’t decided on a name.”

“Tomorrow? I can’t tomorrow man I’m busy.”

“Busy doing what?”

“Well Mass Effect 3 comes out tomorrow so I’ll be playing that.”

I sighed heavily. “Mikey we need to hit the ring, work on tag team moves; do some resistance training. We need to work at it if we’re going to make an impact.”

“We have a week off though, we can relax, calm down, enjoy ourselves.”

“It’s a week off from TV, not a week off full stop. We’re hitting the gym. Get UPS to ship your games here overnight and stay here for a few days. MMA purses can buy you a few spare rooms.”

Mikey picked up the phone and dialled. “Hi honey, are you OK to stay out here for a few days? We’ve got a lot of work to do.” I could hear the voice on the other end of the phone. “No, no hotel rooms, we can stay with James and uh...”


“Dinah.” Mikey looked at me with a wry grin “Okay, see you soon.” He placed his phone back in his pocket and instinctively reached for his DS. I coughed loudly and he looked up. “Oh yeah, that’s fine.”

“Where is she anyway?” No response, I swear he had ADD or something. “Mikey, where is she anyway?” Still no answer, I got up and grabbed the DS from his hands for the second time that day. Mikey groaned like a kid who was told that he was going to the dentist. “We need a tag team name, and you need to learn some more techniques in the ring. Training is going to be impossible if you won’t put the damn DS down.”

“I don’t need to learn anything more, I learnt from the best. I know how to remove someone’s spine.”

“Oh yeah, how?”

“Forward, down, forward, y.”

“That’s from a videogame Mikey.”

“I learnt my best moves from games; I don’t need any more real world training!”

“Mikey, I used to do MMA fighting for a living, I can teach you more than fucking Tekken.”

“Mortal Kombat.”


“Mortal Kombat; the spine rip is Sub-Zero’s fatality in Mortal Kombat. Respect for knowing about Tekken though.”

“Mikey I swear to god when we train I’m going to hit you so goddamn hard you’ll forget games even exist. Worst of all we don’t even have a name!”

“Calm down bro, we’ll find one. If we don’t we can always think of a name later.”

“I suppose, let’s just get going shall we? I have a gym in the basement, there’s a ring there too.”


I showed Mikey to his room and gave him a tour of the house. I had a contract on the wall for Strikeforce; it was sent to me the day before the incident. Mikey talked about an old game called Strikeforce, and how it sounded like something from a game.

“Hey Mikey, what about that as our Tag Team name?”

“What? Strikeforce?”

“Yeah, why not, if they hate it we can always change it. I like it though, makes us sound strong and it has a gaming connection. I think it’ll work.”

“Yeah, you’ve got a point. Strikeforce, got a nice ring to it.”

We finished the tour in the kitchen. I told him not to worry about what he ate or used, as long as he replaced anything we ran out of. We agreed to meet in the basement in an hour to give him time to move his stuff in. I looked at the clock. Mikey had been here for two hours and I was already exhausted. This was going to be long week.
Maybe its for the best I didn't get a shot at the Mayhem title. I really have no desire to beat a guy with a stop sign or a 2x4 for a win. It just feels cheap. It was kind of fun, being in an over the top rope match. I mean, yeah it would have been way better if it was the Lethal Lottery but everyone has to start somewhere. I can feel myself getting a little better in the ring. To be honest when I made the decision to become a professional wrestler I didn't think it would work out. I can still remember telling Rose about the idea. I start to daydream about that day.

You want to be a what?

A pro wrestler. I think I would be really good at it.

Babe when was the last time you were in a fight...let alone win one?

I beat you at Mortal Kombat like everyday. Plus I kicked your ass at Street Fighter.

Thats a game Michael. Yes you are very good at games but that doesn't mean you could be a pro wrestler.

I think I could do it. Plus you could help me with my outfits and stuff

Do you really think you can do this? Like you can really succeed, not just quit when it gets boring or hard

Yes I do. I want you to be proud of me.

I am proud of you. Always Mikey. I love you, and you support me in my musical career, so I will support you with this.

You know dear I could always afford to burn off a couple pounds before I try out, and I think I have the perfect activity for it.

Meet me in the bedroom you handso.......

A phone call snaps me back to reality


Hey, is this Mikey?

Who's asking?

James Howard.

Oh, hi buddy, what can I help you with?

You still in California?

Yeah, decided to stay here for a day or two. My girl wanted to see Disney Land.

Excellent, you fancy heading to San Francisco for a day? Got a suggestion for you.

Oh yeah, what?

Tag team.

That was all I needed to hear. James was a hell of a guy and in the short time I knew him he had always been friendly. He was a terrific in ring competitor and I think he has a bright future, probably brighter than mine. He comes from a legit background and I remember watching a couple of his fights. Dude was legit. Maybe one day I will ask him about the incident but that would come in time. For now I needed to get packed for San Fran.

Babe do you know where the spare Xbox is?

I rummage through my clothes looking for a particular pair of shorts

Oh and my backup controllers.

Check the living room. I have to get my outfit ready for my audition. Some small record label rep agreed to get me a meeting with the head of the company.

I wonder if James has a big screen. I have always wanted to play Call of Duty on the big screen. I decide to check in on Rose before I start to load the car

Meet me outside when you get your stuff ready, I should have most of the stuff loaded up by then

I kiss her cheek as I struggle to carry the oddly shaped box with my game equipment. I wish I could afford to fly out. Times like this make me wish I could afford nicer things. I drop the box. Fuck, maybe I should stop trying to fit my entire house into my hotel rooms. No thats dumb, I'll be bored and Rose will hate not having her clothes when she travels with me. She slept most of the drive, and aside from my detour to Burger King the trip went smoothly.

James house was amazing. His basement was bigger than my apartment. Hell I think his house was the size of my apartment complex.

Maybe I should have gone into MMA. This place is legit dude.

No offense man, but its a lot harder than it looks. Plus there isn't much demand for super heavyweights and the heavy weight limit is 265. The roster website lists you at 315.

I could still kick your ass

You mean like you beat me in our match a few weeks back?

I laugh You got lucky.

Maybe so but MMA is serious business

I could take you, do you have any extra gear? We can settle this.

Hey if you think you can hang with me go ahead. I won't go easy though.

Give me five minutes to run up to my room and I will be back and ready.

I run up to my room and grab my Xbox, my controllers and my copy of Cage Fighting Unleashed. James had no clue what he is in for

James there isn't a TV down here, how am I supposed to hook this up?

He comes back with shin guards, gloves, and head protectors Mikey what are you doing?

I thought we were going to fight, I can set up your created character in like five minutes its cool.

You are killing me. No a real fight, five minutes.

Oh...uh can't....uhh you know...just play games instead?

No I am going to get you into shape. We have almost no idea what our opponents are going to throw at us so I am going to prepare you for anything

I reluctantly stepped into the ring with him. The first two minutes were fairly uneventful. James throwing jabs and leg kicks, me throwing out jabs and clinching him against the ropes. Finally he got a trip takedown and had me on my back. I was able to muscle him off but he could tell I was tired and he closed in for the kill. He stung me hard with some quick jabs and lightning crosses. I was starting to feel disoriented when I thought back to my karate classes as a kid. James stepped in to throw a giant hook when I jumped and hit him a crane kick, straight out of The Karate Kid. He fell to the ground and I instantly pounced on him. His instincts took over though and he was able to sweep me over and get me in a guillotine choke. I tapped almost instantly not wanting to take a nap. I rolled over onto my back breathing hard

James walked over and extended his hand to me to help me up Mikey where did you learn that kick?

Between deep breaths I tell him I took karate classes when I was a kid. My parents thought it would help me with bullies.

You should show more of that in the ring. He said rubbing his jaw

I walk over to get a drink of water and poor some on my head to cool down.

I don't think I have worked that hard since high school gym class. Can we take a break? I have to go pick up my copy of Mass Effect before the store closes. I pant

You are something else Mikey.

I grin at him while wiping sweat from my forehead.

I was thinking, since we are taking on "The Beard", do you think we should shave ours? You know to avoid confusion and what not in the ring.

Are you serious?

I mean I don't want you to take my head off with a dropkick or me hit you with a clothesline because we get the beards confused.

You are...I can't even...Do you listen to yourself when you talk?

Hey I'm just trying to be prepared. Speaking of that, I want to be prepared to cut a sweet promo on those guys. Where exactly is The Local Talent from?

The website doesn't say.

How am I supposed to make fun of his home town if I don't know where he is from?

Last I checked we were good guys, why do you want to cut a promo making fun of him?

Oh...good point. Maybe I can make fun of him for being out of shape? I look down That probably won't work either. How can I throw this guy off his game and get the crowd on our side? Maybe I can toss my shirt to the crowd.

Try winning the match, that should win over some fans. Plus last time I checked most fans don't wear XXXL Spider-Man shirts.

I really dislike you sometimes. Anyway where ever he is from I will send him back there and it will be game over for him.

Its weird that you have a catch phrase. You rarely get mic time. If you spent as much time working on your in ring skills as your mic skills we might get a win.

Hey I just want to be prepared for when we finally do get mic time. You should work on a catch phrase too.

I'll consider it.

I go over to pick up my phone and check the time Hey the store closes in an hour, are you gonna let me go or not?

Don't be gone all night, we still have to go over the specifics of our tag moves later.

Don't worry dad I won't be gone too late. I'm gonna grab a soda before I head out. You need me to pick anything up?

Maybe a partner with a more serious attitude.

You need to lighten up James. Have a little fun. Strikeforce is going to be a force in the WZCW tag division for years to come

Lets start with getting our first win under our belts before we get ahead of ourselves.

Speaking of belts, do you think those tag team belts will fit around my waist, or will I have to go over the shoulder with it?

James puts his face into his palm but can't help but laugh a little. Just get out of here man.

I will be back shortly dude. Work on that catchphrase while I'm gone

I change and head out to my car. James is a serious guy but I think we have a lot of potential. We just have a lot of work to do. I still have to get my Xbox set up before the end of the evening
The camera cuts into a locker-room where we see The Beard perched on his seat reading famous poems from Edgar Allan Poe as he sips French Merlot from his wine glass. The Beard swirls his wine as he suddenly comes to a stop as his time has been disturbed by a knock at the door. Before The Beard can speak an older gentlemen in a wrestling singlet enters the room. We now see that it is The Local Talent, who has a paper in his hand as he looks around the room. The Beard watches on confused before diving back into his readings, but that doesn’t last long as The Local Talent remains placent in the room. The Beard looks up from the pages below and addresses him.

You look a bit lost big guy and this isn’t the place you wanna get lost in.

The Local Talent looks a bit confused at The Beard’s wording, but daringly TLT begins to speak.

Actually I was looking for a young man named “The Beard”, have you seen him?

The Beard just glares at TLT with a “are you serious” look on his face. You can see The Beard is already annoyed by TLT.

Well then it seems you have come to the right place. I am The Beard you speak of. Now what can I do for you? You’re kinda are interrupting my relaxation time and that’s never a good thing.

I’m your tag team partner, I am The Local Talent.

The Beard nearly does a spit take with the Merlot that he just sipped. The Beard sets his wine glass down as he takes deep breaths as TLT looks on. The look on TLT’s face is a look of concern as he is unsure as what is going through The Beard’s mind. TLT goes to speak, but is cut off as The Beard’s hot temper begins to boil.

You’ve gotta be kidding me. You?!? You are the guy that WZCW is sticking me with? No offense big guy, but you aren’t exactly what I expected.

The Local Talent goes to speak, but The Beard puts his finger up as he continues.

Before you open your mouth there are a few things you should know. I may look like a big mean son of a gun and there is no doubt that I am, but I’m a man who enjoys a bit of the sophisticated life. I live my life by mottos and if you stick around you’ll live by these mottos as well. First and most important motto, one that has fueled my life since I was a baby beard:

The Beard makes a slight pause as he looks up towards the ceiling and TLT looks around confused as if there is something he is missing. It is as if The Beard is imagining a video playing in the background as he has his hands to the sky and his chest puffed out. After the brief pause The Beard continues his speech, still in this heroic pose.

I’m big, I’m bad, and I’m bearded. Those are the first words to leave my mouth when I wake up and the last words that leave my mouth before I sleep. I reckon you learn them as well buddy.

The Beard slaps TLT on the arm as he goes to walk out of the room, but TLT shouts out and stops The Beard in his tracks. The Beard stops and lashes out a glare at TLT who is gaining confidence as we speak. An awkward silence wafts in the air as TLT finally breaks it.

I can respect that Mr. Beard. I’ve been in this business for years and I’ve heard that you are just starting off, but you clearly have the mindset to compete in WZCW. Wrestling is my life and it will always be my life. I don’t have many skills, but one place I excel is in the wrestling ring. So don’t worry about me being a “scrub”. I too live by some mottos Mr. Beard.

The Beard looks on as it seems he is starting to warm up to his partner for his debut match in the WZCW.

The most important being what happens in wrestling stays in wrestling. I’m a family man and my family cannot find out about this... So, uhhh, you wouldn't mind keeping this on the -- what do you kids say nowadays -- down-low homie, would ya?

The Beard shakes his head as TLT looks on worried that he may have crossed a line. The Beard heads back into the locker-room and grabs his Poe book and flips through until finding the page he is seeking. The Beard points at TLT and begins reading from the selected page.

Deep into the darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.

The Beard slams the book shut as TLT seems confused over the words from the pages of Poe, but The Beard isn’t done.

Poe’s words that you just heard were meant for you. You lay claim to all those qualities in those lines and it spoke to me as you spoke to me. Now don’t take this as me liking you, in fact I kind of want to kick your face in, but tonight is about dreaming those dreams no one ever dared to dream. We go out there with two things in common. One: we are getting a chance to become something in the greatest wrestling company on this planet and two: we are the underdogs. We have a chance to take down two of WZCW’s best in Howard and Stormrage. We go out there and they’ll think nothing of us. But in the end they will learn just how big of a bearded badass we are.

The Beard’s words have TLT fired up as he jumps in the air in excitement for their debut match. TLT is looking for a high five from his new partner but The Beard just cracks a smile and walks away as TLT is still pumped as the camera focuses in. TLT comes out of his trance as he shakes his head.

Hey, dude… wait for me!

TLT shouts out as he goes chasing after The Beard as the camera fades to black.
Aside from being a nuisance, The Local Talent was not a bad guy. Annoying, yes, but a very kind person. That being said, TLT was quite confused by his tag team partner, The Beard. The bearded behemoth seemed intelligent, but he wasn't exactly welcoming to TLT. Maybe he just wanted some space, maybe he was shy, but he definitely wanted no part of TLT at that point. TLT, obviously didn't understand that. He pressed on, wanting to build a bond, a great friendship and take over the tag team division.

If only it was as simple as it sounds, huh?

Look, Beardo, we can do great things!

Beard walks away from TLT, turning around to growl at him.

First off, it's The Beard. Not Beardo, Beardinator, Beardonomics, just Beard. Secondly, you need to stop following me.

C'mon man, don't be like that! I really have a great idea!

Beard speeds up, taking off down a hallway.

Winning sounds about right! I'll see you in the ring!

TLT takes off running, nearly tackling his partner, finally able to speak.

GASP -- We -- GASP -- need -- GASP -- couples -- GASP -- therapy.

Beard, angry for nearly being tackled pushes TLT, but doesn't move.


Couples therapy.

Beard cocks his head to the side, before bursting into laughter.

You're not serious, right?

Of course I am! It's perfect for us!

You moron, we're a tag team, not a couple who has problems getting it on at night! Now, get out of my way before I kill you, then we REALLY won't have any reason for couples therapy.

Actually, my cousin Ishmael and his wife went to couples therapy after she tried to kill him and they're happier than ever! They have a nice apartment, a cute little dog named Noodles, i--


Surely. I don't talk when I sleep or --

Beard puts a hand up and cuts TLT off.

Enough. I need my peace and quiet. We'll speak later.

Beard finally walks off, getting his silence.

Good talk, Beard! I hope you warm up to the idea!


After aimlessly roaming the hallways for some time, TLT was struck by the bright idea of studying up on his opponents... He couldn't do it alone though. Beard had gotten his peace and quiet, but it was time to focus on the task at hand.

TLT approached the locker room, finding Beard. Upon seeing TLT, Beard immediately sunk down into his chair, cursing the very earth TLT walked upon.

Look, I know we got off on the wrong foot, but I think we should at the very least speak a little about our match.

Realizing there was no escape, Beard succumbed to the idea. TLT beckoned with his hands, leading Beard to the parking lot and into TLT's beaten up 2000 Dodge Caravan.

Why are we in your van?

I'm comfortable here.

Okay, fine... Let's make this quick.

There you go, buddy! Now we're on the same page!

Beard shoots TLT a look, signaling his annoyance.

Alright, like I was saying, we need a basic game plan. Howard and Stormrage are no joke.

I'm well aware.

We need to take advantage of them being a new team. I understand we're in the same position, but I'm an indy legend, with years of expertise!


...I wrestled for Missouri Valley Legendary Wrestling once. Anyway, with my brain and your brawn, we should be able to take this!

Again, I'm well aware.

Unfazed by his partner's disinterest, TLT continues on.

Howard's dangerous. He's a former MMA fighter and will not hesitate to take your block off. Watch out for him! The thing is, he's weak. There's absolutely no way he can lift us, he's got a pre-existing injury or something.

Wait... You actually researched?

Of course.

I'm semi-impressed.

I knew we'd be pals... Anyway, the other one, Stormrage is the exact opposite. I'm not in great shape, but this guy makes me look like an Olympian. He's not slow, but he's nowhere near as fast as we are. We need to exploit that too.

We have to handle them both very differently, but with an aggressive attack, we should have this in the bag. We should play to our strengths and if we do, I can see us winning the tag team gold. Hell, maybe they'll even name a pay-per-view after us, maybe we'll get a video game, maybe we'll get movies, mayb--

Calm down, big fella. Is that all?

That's it.

Pretty painless. Now let me out of this damn van.

TLT opens the van door, letting Beard out. As soon as Beard is out of earshot, TLT pulls out his cell phone and starts dialing a number.

Hey, honey! How are you? Mmhhmmm, book club... yes, yes, yes. Don't have time... okay, okay.

Just as soon as the conversation begins, it ends, as TLT is left listening to the dialtone.

He puts the phone away, reaching into the trunk of his car, pulling out his ring gear. TLT begins stripping down, when the door of his car slides open, revealing Beard.


Why does this always happen to me?!
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