AF 6: Darren Bull vs. Hunter Jackson vs. Joe West vs. Blue Lightning

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
WZCW welcomes a new talent to the roster in the form of Hunter Jackson. His first match is in a Triple Threat match against Joe West and Darren Bull, two men who will get to showcase how tough this company really is. Can the debutant topple over the competition or will experience take this contest?

Deadline is Tuesday, March 20th at 11:59 PM Central Time.
Joe West is seen in his private lockeroom speaking on his cell phone. Becky Serra tries to interview him

West: Im finally going to show them I won’t be ignored, Im going to…hold on I call you back.

West then turns off his cell and turns his attention to Serra.

Serra: Jo…

West: Shut your face Becky!

Becky Serra stands in shock over West’s sudden eruption of anger

West: I want Leon Kensworth to interview me!

Serra: But he’s currently interviewing one of your opponents Hunter Jackson.

West: I don’t care if he’s interviewing his one legged grandmother I want him here now!


Leon Kensworth is finishing an interview with Hunter Jackson in his lockeroom. Jackson is seen meditating in a circle of candles with Leon standing on the outside.

Leon: Well Hunter Jackson, good luck in your first match in the WZCW. Im glad you have such a happy and positive and respectful outlook on your opponents, it’s something very rare here.

West then barges his way into the lockeroom.

West: Leon! You little prick, so you’d rather interview some rookie rather than your old pal Joe?

Leon: I’ve only met you once you lunatic! Plus this is like your third match in the WZCW.

West: Well Im sorry that Im so damn sentimental Leon, I mean who is this anyway? Hunter Jackson? I thought that Hiro Kota Koji loser was the only white guy who secretly wished he was Asian. Buddhist Monk are you? Think your Bruce Lee? Come on try give me a one inch punch, you’ll get my size nine boot straight up your ass.

Leon: Leave him alone Joe

West: Im sorry Leon was I talking to you? No? Then how about sticking that thumb of yours in your pathetic mouth till I decide I feel like speaking to you. You think Im joking Kensworth? Put your thumb in your mouth before I break not only that but your whole body!

Leon reluctantly puts his thumb in his mouth; West then turns his attention back to Jackson. While West has his focus on Jackson Leon takes his thumb from his mouth.

West: Your one of my opponents tonight right? Oh yeah! I have a fatal four way match against two worthless rookies, you and Blue Lighting, and the party obsessed, fist pumping, probably gets a tan every day, jacks off to his own reflection in the mirror, waste of space Darren Bull. I’ve already beaten Darren before, he’s garbage, nothing but BULL-shit. I even threw him over the top rope in a qualifying match for the Lethal Lottery, a match I should have one but I was robbed of even entering thanks to a man who constantly loses but is getting a shot at the mayhem title tonight Johnny Scumm. And speaking of the mayhem title I was robbed of my rightful shot at it by a no talent comedian Queen Stevens, im sorry Ace Stevens. People keep overlooking me, calling me a generic jobber, a lonely loser, a forgettable face. And now Im stuck against three guys who aren’t even close to my level. Blue Lighting, a guy who thinks he’s all that because he was considered big in a no name non important company. As far as I am concerned you were a teeny tiny fish in an even teeny and tinier pond. Joe West is a whale in a children’s Sippy cup bitch.

Hunter Jackson continues to meditate as West rambles on

West: And you Hunter Jackson, your apparently this Shaolin master who has the patience and wisdom of god himself. To me you just seem like a kid who grew up watching too much Jackie Chan and decided it would be cool to learn martial arts.

Jackson continues not to respond and meditates

West: What you’re not going to say anything? You just going to sit there pretending you don’t hear me?

Jackson continues to ignore Joe. Joe then knocks over a couple of candles and gets right in Jackson’s face, still Hunter ignores him.

West: Come on! Get angry! Say something you bitch! Oh so you’re going to ignore me just like everyone else does? You know what you are? A fried rice eating, Bruce Lee wannabe little coward!

Joe then slaps Jackson right across the face. Jackson then finally stops meditating and opens his eyes and gives Joe a menacing glare, but still keeping his cool.

West: Yeah you’re a coward.

West then turns around to Leon but right before he does Leon moving as fast as possible puts his thumb back into his mouth over fear of what Joe said earlier.

West: Leon if I ever see you blow me off for some coward (West specifically turns his head to look back at Jackson, who is still staring at Joe but has not moved a muscle) who thinks he’s Jet Li or whatever Asian guy who was in Enter the Dragon no talent rookie who doesn’t realize that the WZCW is My Town, I will seriously hurt you Leon.

Joe then tries to shove Leon’s whole hand down his throat and ends up just smashing Leon’s head against the wall. He then slaps Leon repeatedly; Jackson just looks on across the room.

West: I will not be ignored; I will not be made a fool of, this place is just like highschool. WZCW needs to realize that there are people who are sick and tired of being treated like idiots. Blue Lightning, Hunter Jackson, Darren Bull, you will soon realize im one of those people. When I am angry I am a seriously dangerous monster, not only in the bed for all you sexy ladies out there but also in the ring. More than any monster you’ve ever encountered wherever the hell you’re from Lightning, more of a monster than any Shaolin monk who has ever trained your pathetic ass Jackson, and especially more of a monster than that cowardly father of yours who butchered your mother to death Darren. Oh in case anybody was wondering Darren Bull comes from a family of Hannibal like killers. ( West then winks into the camera.) All I ask is that nobody holds me personally responsible when I lay such a beating upon these forsaken men that they will never be the same. I am fueled by the hatred of others, for the longest time I thought ignoring it helped me through life, but using that anger and hate is what now drives me to become nothing but the best. Remember my damn name, Joe West: Dr. of Disrespect

West turns around one last time to see Hunter Jackson still staring at him. Joe then smirks and walks off attempting to intimidate others in the hallway.
The camera turns on and we see a circle of candles in a WZCW locker room. A man is sitting cross legged in the middle of the circle with his eyes closed and his hands are on his knees and he is breathing evenly when all of a sudden a knock on the door causes him to slowly open his eyes and a man comes into the locker room.

Leon Kensworth
Mr. Jackson are you busy? I was sent to Interview you for you fatal 4 way match on Aftershock.

Leon looks around the dimly lit room for a chair but finds the room completely empty so he slowly sits on the floor outside the circle in front of Jackson.

Hunter Jackson
Call me Hunter, please. Sorry there are no chairs Mr. Kensworth, man's penchant for material goods weakens the mind and prevents them from finding true enlightenment.

Leon gets comfortable and takes a look at his notes and then looks up at Hunter.

Leon Kensworth
Ok Hunter, Well to get started 2 of your opponents in Darren Bull and Joe West are current WZCW Superstars and have the experience. How do you plan on counter acting that experience of these 2 men?

Jackson closes his eyes and meditates some more while Leon sits there twiddling his thumbs waiting for an answer. Hunter opens his eyes and starts talking in a calm voice.

Hunter Jackson
I've studied both these men and each brings to mind a different quote from The Buddha. Darren Bull brings to mind this quote from The Buddha: You will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by your anger. Darren your anger will always get the best of you unless you can get in under control. Until then you will never be at peace and you will lose this match I promise you.

Leon get's a look on his face like he is thinking about something and after a minute or 2 starts talking.

Leon Kensworth
That's very profound Hunter. Do you have any words of wisdom for Joe West?

Hunter takes his hands off his knees and gets a thoughtful look on his face.

Hunter Jackson
As a matter of fact I do. Mr. West bring this quote from The Buddha to mind: The tongue like a sharp knife... Kills without drawing blood. Mr. West you pride yourself on being disrespectful and saying hurtful things to everyone that crosses your path because they did the same to you. What you need to know Joe is that you are killing them just as much as a slow knife thrust to the heart. Word stick with people for a very long time and as they dwell on them it just get's worse and worse until they are dead inside just like you are.

Leon Kensworth
Very good, now your 3rd opponent is another newcomer like yourself named Blue Lightning have you heard of him and do you have anything to say to him?

Hunter puts his hands back on his knees and meditates again while Leon just sits there.

Hunter Jackson
I do know who he is, he's a wrestler from another promotion and he was considered on of the best. He's here in WZCW getting a biography written about him and that does bring a quote from The Buddha to mind: Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. Blue you are concentrating so hard on what is being written your biography set to be published that your mind & body is not in the present moment and because of that I know you will lose this match. Something will happen you want in your book and you will be distracted and that will be your downfall not just in this match but WZCW.

Jackson opens his eyes and takes his hands off knees.

Leon Kensworth
I have 1 more question before I leave. You have said each of your opponents aren't going to win and have backed it up so does that mean you think you will win?

Hunter looks at Leon and smiles as he answers.

Hunter Jackson
I don't dwell on the future i follow the teaching of The Buddha and do my best to live in the present moment. I do want to win but hatever happens during the match was meant to happen.

Leon gets up and goes to the door and as he looks back Hunter is meditating again as the camera fades to black.
Stark slams the ground as he is on the outside as Marquel looks down at him. Stark stands there with his hands on his hips, shaking his head as Marquel turns around and Darren Bull has left Stormrage comes to blindside Marquel, catching him off guard as he tries lifting the big man out of the ring. He is considerably weaker than Stark and has no effect on Marquel. Bull steps back to deliver a few knife-edge chops, doing small damage but not enough to daze Marquel. Stevenson smiles as Bull steps back and tries hitting a spinning heel kick but Marquel catches the foot. He lifts up Bull into the air with both arms, doing some presses that the crowd cheers for and the other wrestlers stop to look at before Marquel throws out Bull over the top.

We are in the backstage area where Darren Bull is full with rage. He is in disbelief at the events that just happened in the ring. Bull starts to walk towards his car in a hurry but he is being called by Leon Kensworth.

Wait... Bull please stop for a moment.

Bull decides to actually wait for Kensworth to come.

*Gasping* Oh thank you for waiting Bull.

(Still in anger)What might you want Leon?

Well, I’ve come here to get some words from you. I want know what are your thoughts on the pre-show battle royal?

What are my thoughts? You are really asking me this question Kensworth?


Fine. You want to know my thoughts? Let me tell you this. The match was mine for the taking, but you know what happened?


Don’t answer that you idiot!

Sorry about that.

You know what, just shut it and listen for a moment. I got tossed over the rope by that gangster wannabe, Stevenson Marquel. If he wins that match then I probably will get sick.

Well actually, I am also here to inform you that Ace Stevens won the battle royal.

You mean the guy that proclaims he sold out MSG three times in a row because people probably didn’t have anything better to do than to see a no talented hack.

I bet you have some where else to go but one more question before you go. We are here in Lethal Lottery but where do you see yourself going from here?

*Laughs a bit inside* Where will Darren Bull go from here? That is quiet simple really, I see myself going nowhere but to stars. Quiet frankly, that is where I belong.

Well thank you for your time Mr. Bull.

Darren has started to walk back to his car but hears something unpleasant to his ears.

What did you just say there Leon?

I said “Thank you for time Mr. Bull.”

Don’t you ever dare to call me that name again! I never want to hear that name because that is my father’s.

Why not Mr.... ummmm I mean Darren.

You see my father is nothing more than a pathetic excuse of a man. I mean who kills their love? But, that's another topic for any other day.

Thanks and good luck with your future Bull.

*At his car's door* Also her's some advice Kensworth. Get rid of those stupid glasses cause you like a stupid clown.

Darren gets in hs car and drives away while Leon is checking out if he does indeed looks like a clown.


Three Days Later...

The scene begins inside a California night club called, The Highlands Hollywood. In the background we hear a partying song. The song is this one:


The song is hear all over the place. We start to get a close up view of a V.I.P section. Inside the section we see Bull dancing inside along with some of his bros, including his best friend Josh King and bodyguard Chris Strongs.

Hey, Darren bro.

What do you want Josh?

Can I ask you something over there. *Pointing over to a couch*

Sure, thing man.

They each walk over to the couch and sit down with a couple of drinks.

Well, fist off I'm sorry about Lottery man.

I deserved that opportunity at the Mayhem title more than that joke of Stevens.

You got that right man.

But, you know what bothers me the most now.

What would that be my bro?

The fact that Johnny Scumm, the man who has gotten half a dozen chances at the Mayhem Title. Then, we have the big ghetto ass dude, Stevenson Marquel. This two are now getting a shot at the title on AF 6.

I know bro. You should be in the title picture rather than those three nobodies.

We start to hear some foot steps coming towards Bull's and King's way.

Bull there is someone here to see you.

Who would that be Strongs?

I'll go check right now.

Strongs goes backs checks go it is, meanwhile Bull and King are drinking. Then, we have Strongs come back.

He says that his name is Joe West.

Dear God, not him at this moment.

Who is Darren?

The first guy who beat me in AF in his debut.

Oh yeah, I think I remember now.

Tell him to come over here but keep an eye on him at all moments.

Ok boss.

Strongs goes back to bring out Joe West.

Nice place you got here Bull. West says coming in closer.

Josh do me a favor and get the hell out of here.

Ok. *Josh starts to leave Bull's eyesight*

What do you want?

I just come here in busniess you fucking brick.

Then, spit it out you ******.

Well, do you know about our coming match at AF.

You and me again?

Not just us two this time but two other awful new comers but maybe not as awful as you.

Well, who are they and hurry it up?

They are Blue Lighting and Hunter Jackson.

I think of heard of both of them. Blue Lighting is this stupid reality TV star wannabe and Hunter Jackson is the Munk who reads some shitty ass scrowll.

So, I see you actually pay some attention but still can't win a match to save his life.

Hey that's hilarious man. Almost as hilarious as your idiotic career so far in WZCW.

Yeah this coming from the guy who I beat in my debut match.

It's called you moron or you can ask Ace about that.

Lets see how lucky I get when I beat your sorry ass again just like Jackson and Lighting. But, this time I'm going to make sure you can't party anymore.

We see Bull to get some anger in his eyes.

You know what West I'm not gonna be sorry about kicking yours, Jackson's, and Lighting's ass all over the arena. I know you are afraid of me cause......

You know Bull just shut it and suck my........

Strongs get in here and get rid of these pre-modana bitch out off here. NOW STRONGS!!!!

So, you need your little bitches to fight your fights for you now.

Strongs comes in running and grabs West before something starts, Strongs takes out West and leaves him outside. But, we can hear West yell out this " See you in AF. You pice of BULLSHIT."

We see Bull pissed of as hell while he mudders out this words " West I might party hard but I for sure wrestle harder than all three of you combined." The scene starts to fade away while we just take a clare at Bull's facial expression.
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