AF 5: Stevenson Marquel vs. Ace Stevens vs. Hiro Kota Koji

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Ok, my first ever official RP for the WZCW forums. Hopefully I did alright... I'd appreciate any and all feedback from anyone who wants to give it - both positive and negative. I really just want to have as much fun as humanly possible, and try to improve every time I post. I welcome anybody who can help me achieve that! I hope you enjoy!

Hiro Kota Koji sits in a wooden chair in a small, white-washed room. There is one over-head light that barely reveals the room's emptiness, save for the masked man in its center. His feet are planted on either side of the chair - knees apart - as he appears to be staring at a black, silk bag extending down from the drawstring in his clasped hands.

Last month I took a journey with my foster parents to visit their home in Japan. The long stretches spent in airport terminals, the excruciating flight, and the unfriendly passengers we met along the way were all worth it once we arrived – tired, but excited. And as always, we rented a car and traveled to the sakura fields that my foster mother used to play in as a child. I believe the Americans commonly refer to the sakura flower as a cherry blossom... I've always found these fields refreshing; for some reason they push back the darkness in my heart and allow me to feel clean again.

As he continues, Hiro unties the knot holding the silk bag together, and begins to sprinkle the cherry blossoms on the floor. The dichotomy is beautiful, and the sterility of the room seems to bring the color in the sakura to life.

The first time I ever went to a wrestling match – it was in the Tokyo Dome back in Japan – the fans reminded me of the sakura fields. On their own they are frail and week, their voices being drowned out by this busy world in which we live. But together, when they see a performer that they really love, they band with each other and create this beautiful field of passion. Together, these fans have that special ability to pull back the dark in me... to allow the good to take over and lead me in the ways of grace.

With the bag empty, Hiro stands from the chair and places the bag where he had been previously sitting. He slowly walks around the room before stopping, kneeling down and examining a particular flower.

The reason I opened with a story about a long, tiresome journey, is that it very much relates to what is about to happen in that ring. My music will hit, I will walk past the curtain and into the light of the Aftershock stage for the very first time. That moment will signify the end of my journey to WZCW, and the start of a brand new one. A journey that will test me like nothing else in the past – one that may very well bring out a side of darkness that I have tried to keep hidden all these years. But I will do my best to keep it held back, because I want to be the hero those people need... Ultimately, it is because I need them. They saved me, and continue to save me every time I see their faces screaming out in one voice for their heroes, or rising up against the villains that populate this business.

Hiro stands up and walks towards the camera, this time staring right into it and getting as close as he can.

Tonight, a long journey starts not just for me, but for Stevenson Marquel and Ace Stevens. Three rookies step into a WZCW ring for the very first time, but only one will have his hand raised after the final count and the bell is rung. I did a little research on my opponents tonight, although I much say Marquel was an easier target to hit. A quick Google search yields just about every police report there is to find about the former criminal. But we all have our moments of weakness – we all have our vices. If there is anyone on this roster that knows what it is like to cary a dark burden inside of their heart, it is me. So I want you to know, Marquel, when we step into that ring tonight... no judgement shall be passed from these lips. I offer only the hand of grace to those who deserve it. But if you cross me... If you turn back to your old ways and let the evil still inside you win, I will put you down the same as I will put Ace Stevens down in our match tonight.

See guys, the difference between us is our passion – our true motivations. I step into the ring with a convict, a former felon, and aspiring rapper. I step into the ring with a joker, a comedian, and a crook. I step into the ring with two men from Brooklyn, New York that have something to prove.

But tonight... tonight you step into the ring with a wrestler. You step into the ring with a man born from darkness, turned by light. A man that will bring the fury of Japan, the swiftness of Mexico, and the passion of Chicago to that ring and leave you devastated. If you have a weakness, and all men do, I will find it your heart and strike you down with it.

Hiro backs up, grabs a cherry blossom from the ground, and holds it to the camera to observe.

This is the cherry blossom, gentlemen. This is the sakura flower, and the passion of my upbringing. On their own they are small, insignificant, and uninspiring.

He lets the flower fall to the ground, and the camera pans back to reveal the entire floor filled with cherry blossoms.

But together, they are strong and full of passion. Together, they are capable of moving the mountains of darkness out of a man's heart. And together... we will win this triple threat match tonight, and move on to the next. Tonight, the “Blue Fang” puts down Stevenson Marquel and Ace Stevens, and draws a few of his sakura to him. And will we keep rolling from match to match, growing our field and increasing our beauty. This is just the first step in a very long journey – one that will change the landscape of this business forever.

It doesn't matter if you're a comedian from Brooklyn, a writer from England, or... the almighty Black Dragon... the sakura fields will blossom, and you will fall to the “Blue Fang”.

Hiro walks past the camera, which is left looking at the dozens of cherry blossoms spread across the very white room.
"It was all a dream, I used to read word up magazine" The Notorious B.I.G/Juicy
The camera opens with a small; skinny man with a suit and glasses on standing on the sidewalk of a Brooklyn street. That man is identified to be WZCW interviewer, Leon Kensworth. Leon is waiting for newly signed WZCW superstar, Stevenson Marquel to show up for an interview/conversation with Kensworth. Leon looks to his right, and he sees a very large man with a hooded sweatshirt and very baggy jeans on, walking to him a slight limp with on his right leg, and that man is Stevenson Marquel. When Marquel walks to Kensworth they greet each other, and shake hands in a way that seemed to catch Kensworth off guard.

Marquel: C'mon Leon, I'll show you around.

The two men start walking down the street, and Stevenson makes a quick stop in front of a very deep; dark alley.

Marquel: Here Leon is where I first agreed to join a gang. I was 14 years old, and the year was 1984. Leon, I turn 42 on February 8th, in one week, that was 28 years ago when I made the wrong turn in life. For 28 years, I walked down the wrong path, and now when you see me walk to that ring on February 14th, it will end this long road of trouble, and complete this long journey back to sanity. I just wish that it didn't take me as long. They say once you get in to the streets, you never leave alive. Sometimes I wish that saying was true for me, but I am just beyond thankful that it wasn't, you know. I always knew these streets would take me the wrong way.

The two continue walking, as Marquel is walking by lots of people, and lowering his hood, and trying to look away from them.

Kensworth: If you knew that than why did you decide to get involved with gangs then?

Marquel: Young and reckless; reckless and young.

The two continue walking, when Marquel stops in front of a local park. He sits on a bench, and invites Kensworth to sit next to him, which he does.

Marquel: Now, I won't get in to much detail, especially with you, but in 1988, I was sitting on this exact bench when I got arrested for the very first time. I saw a couple of my boys in the back of the police car I was about to be placed in, and all three of us were in complete shock man. Because, we were all so young, and when you're young, you think you're invincible, you know man. Being in the back of that cop car for the first time was horrible looking back at it. Of course we didn't think of that at the time though, we were all like, just let us go so we could keep doing our thing. Which is what we did. 4 days later, we were out of the cell, but 4 months later, I found myself back in. Between 1988 and 1990, I found myself locked up 4 different times; all of them were for a total of 10 months, and even after that, I was still hustling like a sprinter man.

Marquel sees another man that he seems to know, and gets up, and slaps hands and hugs him. The man whispers something in his ear, and Marquel thanks him for the presumable compliment that the man gave him.

Kensworth: What were the crimes for? Why didn't you stop?

Marquel: Like most cases, you can't identify the faces, just like Tupac said he sees no changes, I be locked up in cages, everything was like pop, I could not stop, but now for the people I say I'm done, man WZCW gonna be a lot of fun.

Leon looks on in near amazement, as the two men continue walking all throughout the famous city. Many people who they walk by are giving Leon mean looks, and Leon is clearly feeling uncomfortable. They take a left on a random street, and Marquel comes to a quick stop, and puts a blank look on his face, which surprises Leon.

Marquel: I'm sorry Leon, I get a little emotional whenever I come here........ You know they say once you get shot you've done it all............ Well in this spot I guess I could say that I've done it all.

Leon covers his mouth with his hand, as Marquel is clearly trying to stay strong, and choke back tears. There is another long pause before Marquel continues on with his story.

Marquel: Leon, I just want to tell you this, I don't tell this story too often, and some spots are still a little bit blurry, so be lucky I'm telling you this. The year was 1993, and I was just going among my business you know. Just making money and enjoying life you know. I was walking down this street with I think 5 of my boys, my friends I was with. We walk past this here apartment, and we see a few guys who well, we weren't too buddy, buddy with. They had guns, and so did we, and flashed towards each other. After we flashed for a couple of minutes, the streets cleared man, no one was around because everyone knew what was going down. Our brothers knew, and so did theirs, and no one came near this block you know. It looked like we were going to go by free without any shots, but one of my boys who I'm still pretty close to this day, even though he's in the penitentiary now, and is not sure if he's still reppin' anymore, turned around, and fired at one of their guys. I couldn't and still can't tell if he popped him or not, because the next thing I knew was that uhhhhhhhh...... was that I got shot in the leg. I think I was the only one out of everyone in the situation that was harmed, but I still don't really know. The next thing I knew was that some guy in a vehicle came rolling by, and surprisingly picked us up. It was a pretty old white guy, and I had no clue why he would even do that. Apparently he saw me get popped, and wanted to help for some reason. He took us to a hospital where I was treated. I'm not sure of the details from there, but I do know that the random white guy that picked us up I still keep in touch with, and I credit him for legit saving my life you know. I'm so lucky. I was arrested right when I got out of the hospital, but at that point I was just happy you know man.

Leon's eyes are glued on Marquel.

Kensworth: That's incredible man. I'm shaking.

Marquel: That's how I got this scar too man. Scary stuff right here you know.

Marquel lifts up his pants to show a huge wound on his right leg, and the reason why he walks with a limp. Stevenson motions that it's time to continue on, and Leon follows him.

Marquel: Leon, it was moments like these that make me feel so happy that WZCW accepted. I feel like I can spread my story around, and tell people that there is good in everyone, even someone like me.

Kensworth: Stevenson, I have to be honest with you, I was pretty nervous when I heard that I was assigned to be with you for this, but right now, I couldn't be any happier; you really are making my day.

Stevenson nods, as they keep walking. They stop a little while later, and they go walk up a very old apartment, as they get closer they can hear all different types of music and yelling. Stevenson just closes his eyes and takes it in for a moment, before he takes a seat next to Kensworth.

Marquel: A little while after I was shot, I thought, is this really what I want? I honestly wasn't sure. You know, everyone has someone or something to turn to when they're down you know, and until after I got shot, I really wasn't quite sure what that thing or person was. Well, I did find out, and that was music. You know, I always liked rap music man, but once I started paying attention to the lyrics, and the meanings of the rhymes that these beyond misunderstood human beings were spittin' I knew that this could keep me sane. The thing is though, it did. Guys like Eazy E, Biggie, Tupac, and Nas really kept me in tact. Whenever I was having trouble I would just non stop listen to raps from those four and more for hours and hours. It kept me chill. When Eazy E and 'Pac died, I didn't know what I was going to do. They each had such and impact on me, and you know, I really can't think of anything to say about them dying man, you know. Now, you might be thinking why are we stopping here, and why am I spittin' this story to you. Well, rap kept me sane, I was clean once I found Big, 'Pac, and Eazy, even though there were more, those 3 kept me off of the streets you know, and it was in this very apartment, in my boy's room on the first floor, where he doesn't live there anymore, he moved to like Chicago or some place like that, but back to this, I was in this very apartment when I found out that Biggie was dead. I was just in complete denial, and I was near crying, because at that point, I knew that I would stir back in to trouble. Which I did. Maybe 2 days after Big died, I found myself doing my thing back on the streets, and honestly was more active than before I got shot you know.

Stevenson quickly gets up and storms out; away from the apartment, as Leon gets up, and sprints towards him.

Kensworth: Where are you...... I mean we going?

Stevenson continues walking at a fast pace, but slows down a bit.

Marquel: I was all good, just keeping out of trouble in my hood, until you left, I felt like I was ripped away like a theft, I'll be missing you came out, and all I did was fuckin' shout, I loved the song, but since you weren't here I just felt wrong, biggie biggie biggie you hypnotized me, but when you left I just didn't know who to be, whether to be on the streets, or stay at home making beats, maybe I made the wrong choice, I'd do just about about anything to hear your voice, live once again, I always considered you my fuckin' close friend, even though I never knew you personally, I dedicate this one to you homie.

There is a long silence, as Leon is seeming to take in Stevenson's words, as Marquel himself is trying to cool down. They keep walking, as Marquel decides to focus on WZCW.

Marquel: I'm in a triple threat. Hiro Kota Koji seems like a chill guy, a chill guy who says he'll extend his hand to me. If he does, I will gladly accept it, but he has no clue where I'm from. I know I'm going to have to focus to beat him though, as he is a very skillful wrestler, and could easily upset me. Hiro, I'm ready for you. Than there is Ace Stevens. Wow! I never thought that he would be here in WZCW too.

Kensworth: Stevenson, I mean, I understand that you are both from Brooklyn, but do you care to go on further about that statement, please?

Marquel: When Stevens was a lot younger, and I was a lot, well younger as well, I knew who Stevens was. I've seen him perform before. It's actually pretty funny though that he is know throughout Brooklyn for good reasons, and I'm known throughout the city for bad reasons, yet I'm taking a good road down to the company, and he's taking a bad road. I mean, you know when you've known who someone was for so long, and then after a very long time since seeing of him, or even hearing of him, he is your first obstacle to the road of forgiveness for me for just about everything that I've done in my past is just a very interesting coincidence. When I step in that ring with Ace though, I'm coming for him, and showing him that his little fears of the Brooklyn bad boys have come true, and that I've had power over him back when he was a comedian, and I was on the streets, and now when we both find ourselves in WZCW.

Kensworth: I'm guessing your pretty confident going in to this match then.

Marquel just looks at him, as they stop in the middle of a pretty crowded street.

Marquel: When I get in the ring with Ace, I'm going to smash my fist in his face, as for Hiro my boy, imma make you my toy, I might have grew up, a fuckin' screw up and got introduced to the game, and then I fuckin' blew up, but I'm still here now, showing all of my family friends and fans how, to get back on the right track, while your back is against the wall, when you're surprised you didn't fall, when you lost your will, you enter something you want without any skill, man wrestling is getting me to a place, where I can actually look at my face, in a mirror unlike before, where I was rotten all the way to the core.

Marquel pauses, as Leon nods his head up and down; approving the rhyme Stevenson just laid down.

Marquel: Well Leon, I think I only have one more story to tell you this time, but if you ever want to just walk around and talk again, than hit me up, and I'll be down.

Kensworth: I will Stevenson; I've enjoyed this. Now, what's that story?

Marquel pauses, and takes a massive breath.

Marquel: Well, I really don't tell this one too often either, but I've pretty much opened up just about everything to you, so I might as well. The year was 2004, and I was hustlin' more than ever you know. Staying loyal with my boys, and I honestly thought that this is what I was meant to do. I was as cocky as ever, and everyone on the streets knew who I was, and feared me. I was with a very large group of guys walking down this very crowded streets with lots of people around both on the sidewalk and in vehicles on the street. This is where it gets a bit blurry, when we walked down this very block, all armed with weapons, and we saw some more guys who we weren't too friendly with, and who we were very "upset" with at the time. We all drew our guns at them, but then one of our guys took one of my very close friends who we were with, and brought him over with the guys we were pointing at. There were maybe 10 innocent people calling cops at the time, and I was angry, so I fired. The next thing I knew, I was in a hospital bed with cops and doctors surrounding me, as I was fading in and out of consciousness. I thought I was cooked man, I had no clue what was going on, and was on one of those machines that help you breath man.

Stevenson is shaking all throughout his arms.

Marquel: I later found out that I was shot in the stomach 3 times, and was a very lucky man. I also found out that I was arrested again for more than one charge. I have no clue what happened to everyone else that was involved in that, and still don't to this day. It also left me with this.

Stevenson lifts up his shirt, and removes multiple bandages to reveal his stomach which looks like jello. Stevenson is showing lots of pain by pointing it out.

Marquel: When I was in jail that time, I knew that I was done. It wasn't that I didn't want to be involved with that anymore, I mean all of those guys were my brothers and they stuck by me, but I just didn't want to get shot anymore you know. I then discovered wrestling in the prison, and was hooked from the first match I saw. Now, what do you know, I'm here.

Kensworth: It bizarre isn't it? I mean this time 10 years ago you were in trouble with the law; this time 20 years ago, you were in trouble with the law, and now look where you are.

Stevenson smiles, and chuckles for a little bit.

Marquel: I know man, and I couldn't be any more happy. Would I take anything that I've done back, no not at all. Am I saying that gangs are bad? No. I don't think gangs are bad at all. I'm just saying that I'm happy that I'm free.

Leon nods his head up and down again.

Kensworth: I am to my friend, I am too.

There's a long pause. Leon realizes that the tour is done, and starts to walk away by himself, before Stevenson grabs him on his shoulder, and stops him.

Marquel: When I got shot both times I was at a massive low, now letting it all out let me know that this is my show, I've been rapping for so long, just call me King Kong, you now know so much about me, from whether I was in jail or I was free, I just want to say thank you Leon you're now my bro, I would definitely do this again that's fo sho.

Stevenson and Leon shake hands; this time Leon wasn't surprised by it, and the two part ways. After a few steps, both men look back at each other, and smile.
Ace Stevens
This Is Wrestling

Ace Stevens is sat on a long, brown leather couch in the lobby of some arena. It doesn’t matter which arena. It could be the American Airlines Arena in Miami or it could be the Staples Center in Los Angeles. He could be sat in Chicago’s Allstate Arena, or the Target Center in Minneapolis. It could even be the world-famous Madison Square Garden, in his beloved New York. All that matters to Ace is that this arena is where his journey in WrestleZone Championship Wrestling begins. This is the place where he makes his mark and becomes...

“Hello there, sir.”

A small Englishman interrupts this thought. With his small stature and seemingly mild-mannered attitude, he seems to be different from Ace in almost every conceivable way.

“You talkin’ to me?”, Ace asks, in an aggressive, and almost offended manner.

“Yes, sir. My name is Lewis Middleton. I’m your personal assistant.”

Ace rises from the comfortable leather couch, his six foot three inch frame dwarfs the much smaller Middleton. As Ace looks his new assistant up and down, he states “They said I was gonna get an assistant, but I assumed it was gonna be some broad with a huge rack.”

“I’m sorry to disappoint.”

“What did you say name was again?”

“Lewis Middleton.”

“I think I’m gonna call you Lulu.”

“Sir, if you don’t mind, I would prefer Lewis.”

“Whatever, Lulu. So what’s today got in store for me?”

“Well, you’re match on Aftershock is at nine o’clock. The only thing you’re booked for before that is an interview with Leon Kensworth. That’s in thirty minutes.”

Silence befalls the situation, as Stevens eyes his new assistant quizzically.

“You don’t know who I am, do ya’?”

“You’re Ace Stevens” says Lewis, as he consults the file he is clutching.

Ace points to his face, “yeah, but come on, I’m Ace Stevens”.

“I can’t say that I know what you’re getting at, sir.”

“Do you own a freakin’ TV? I’m Ace fuckin’ Stevens!”

Taken aback by the sudden eruption of anger, Lewis begins to respond, “Sir...”

“I don’t wanna hear it, kid. Go away, do a Google search, watch a TV, read a magazine and understand who you’re now working for. While you do that, Lulu, I got some business to take care of.”


“Ladies and gentlemen, I am stood here with one of WrestleZone Championship Wrestling’s newest talents, Ace Stevens.”

In a fairly uncharacteristic move, Ace shakes the hand of Leon Kensworth in a strong, yet friendly manner.

“OK, Ace, tonight you face two fellow debuting talents on Aftershock in a triple threat match. What are your thoughts on your opponents, Hiro Kota Koji and Stevenson Marquel?”

“Hiro Koja Koti...”

Leon Kensworth interrupts in a very unconfident manner.

“Sorry to interrupt, but it’s Hiro Kota Koji. Not Hiro Koja Koti.”

Ace looks at his surroundings, seemingly trying to find someone or something.

“Yo, Leo, were you talking to me?”

“Um, yes...” replies Kensworth, unsure of what the 'correct' answer is.

“Oh, sorry. I thought you were saying that to SOMEONE WHO GIVES A DAMN ABOUT SOME ASSHOLE’S NAME! I could call him Pope John Paul II and it still wouldn’t change the fact that I’m going to beat him tonight!”

After that rather sizeable outburst, Ace re-adjusts his leather jacket and combs his hair with his silver hair comb.

“Now - as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted - Hiro Koja Koli ain’t got nothin’ on me. I’m Ace Stevens. Everyone knows who I am. Who, exactly, knows this pretend Japanese luchador? Who cares about a guy who tries to be something he’s not? Back in Brooklyn, we had a word for people like that. It wasn’t “fake” or “phony”. It was “asshole”.”

“Do you not feel that that is a little harsh on Hiro Kota Koji?”

“Perhaps you’re right, Leo. I guess I can’t blame him for trying to be something else. He is from Chicago, after all. If I was in his shoes, I’d go as far as to pretend I was Canadian. I’d go to the ring in a Mountie uniform on the back of Zamboni whilst mispronouncing words, if it meant people didn’t think I was from Chicago.”

“And Stevenson Marquel? What are your thoughts on your fellow Brooklyn-native?”

“Y’know, I could talk about how I knew Stevenson Marquel back in Brooklyn, but that wouldn’t be interesting for anyone, y’know? Let me put it this way. You look at Marquel and Kilo Hota Koji and think they’re cut from the same cloth, correct? But I look at Stevenson Marquel and see someone who’s pretended to change. His “I’ve found the light” shtick his heart-warming, sure. But I can see through it. I look into his eyes, and I don’t see no Martin Luther King. It might not be apparent to you, but when I look into his eyes, I see that violent thug that terrorised my neighbourhood back in the day. I look into his eyes and I can see that Marquel didn’t have nothin’ drilled into him in prison. Well, not nothin’. You hear stories about showers and stuff, don’t ya’?”

Believing the interview is over, and wanting to end on a high, yet controversial note, Ace begins to walk away.

“Before you go, Ace, I have to ask you about one more thing.”

“What? I’ve got a match to prepare for, Leo.”

“Just one more question, please.”

“Come on then. Out with it.”

“Well, Hiro Kota Koji and Stevenson Marquel both have experience between the ropes. You, on the other hand, have come straight to WZCW from the world of comedy. Do you not feel that you’re at some sort of disadvantage?”

“Disadvantage?! Are you serious, man? Sure, I might not be experienced. I haven’t worked for some crummy independent promotion before this. But “disadvantage”? Wrestling’s about winning, and that’s something I know a lot about. Let me show ya’.”

Leon Kensworth gives a look of intrigue, as Ace combs his hair back.

“Say Leo, could you tell me the time?”


Leon pulls back the left sleeve of his jacket to reveal... nothing. His wrist is completely bare.

“Looking for this?” Ace asks, while holding Kensworth silver watch in the air. “Now translate that into wrestling.”

Ace walks away, leaving Kensworth in shock, awe and minus one watch.

“I’m gonna keep this, by the way” shouts Ace, as he walks off into the distance.
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