AF 27: Mason Westhoff vs. Thrash

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Richard Blonoff

Make America Rassle Again

Brother Westhoff represents The Sacrificial Altar against a returning Thrash. After a humiliating loss at WrestleZone weekend, has some time off done Thrash some good, or will Westhoff roll in the name of The Almighty?​

Deadline is Wednesday, September 4th, 11:59PM Central Time. Extensions via request.
Even as he sat back in Texarcana, miles from the place where The Grand Mystique addressed Brother Mason Westhoff, D.C., and David Whitman, Brother Westhoff could not shake two sentences from his head.

“Your tasks are simple for this week. Find what made you all such crucial pieces of The Sacrificial Altar to begin with…”

That seemingly simple order sent Brother Westhoff’s mind back in time. Back before there was a need for a new church in Texarcana and before his opponent for this week, Thrash, was even a member of the WZCW roster, there were two men who stood together to spread the word of The Almighty through WZCW. Those men were Brother Westhoff and Brother Derek Jacobs, collectively known as The New Church. Grand Mystique wasn’t a factor yet. D.C. was a forgotten relic. David Whitman was yet to be anywhere near a WZCW ring. The process of building a new church had Brother Westhoff in a reminiscent mood as it was; the decree from The Grand Mystique only furthered how far it went.

Brother Westhoff, the camera is all set up and ready for you outside.

The thoughts of Brother Westhoff are interrupted by Sister Jessica Malory poking her head into the RV that he is working out of in Texarkana. It takes him a moment to remember that he had requested a camera to be set up, much less that it was to record a message to send to WZCW offices for his match with Thrash.

I’ll be there in a moment.

Brother Westhoff tries to organize his thoughts as he begins to head toward the camera set-up, but couldn’t stop his brain from wandering.

From the day he stepped foot in WZCW, Strikeforce was in his crosshairs. The two men were obviously sinners who deserved punishment, but was the obsession really what The Almighty wanted, or was it what The Grand Mystique wanted? And now that they are vanquished, Mystique has offered little to no direction for Brother Westhoff. Derek Jacobs, a potentially great follower, is gone, Bridge to Salvation Church is gone, Brother Westhoff’s chance in the Gold Rush Tournament is gone; maybe it is time for Brother Westhoff to take his destiny into his own hands.

As soon as Brother Westhoff arrives in front of the camera, which is set up in front of the roped off construction zone for his new church, he signals for the man behind it to begin filming.

I’m going to keep this short because, as you can see behind me, I’ve got quite a bit going on outside of WZCW right now.

Beard, you got lucky last week. You may have been the better man that night, but I am the Prophet of The Almighty, and I will not forget that you took away my chance at the WZCW World Title. As for this week, I face Thrash. Thrash, you are facing a man with nothing to lose and a lot to prove. At WrestleZone Weekend, you left as a joke. At Aftershock 27, I’ll make sure you leave on a stretcher.

The scene begins to fade as Brother Westhoff walks off camera, singing.

“The times, they are a-changin’…”
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