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AF 27: Joey Sexton vs. Corvus

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Richard Blonoff

Make America Rassle Again

Two new competitors go head to head as the rascal Joey Sexton goes head to head against the mysterious Anthony Corvus. Will Corvus prove to be the hero that WZCW needs, or does Joey Sexton impress the ladies with a win in his first one on one bout?​

Deadline is Wednesday, September 4th, 11:59PM Central Time. Extensions via request.
The hardest part is the waiting.

Here I am, in the middle of the night waiting on the man that killed my parents. For 5 years, I've been waiting for this night.

When I found out that he was only receiving 5 years in prison for vehicular manslaughter, I went numb. The American Justice system had failed yet again, but this time it was my parents' blood that was spilled.

I knew that I had to do something.

So here I sit, in the back of an empty church 5 years later. The lights have been turned off hours ago, and there's a dampness in the air. It's funny in a way; the Lord's house of redemption and forgiveness has a man bent on revenge inside it's heavy doors. The man that I'm after is almost ready to leave his AA meeting, which I'm assuming is a condition of his release. Justice says that this man is ready to reenter the world after being "rehabilitated" in the correctional system.

I, on the other hand, call bullshit.

Before my parents' death, Mark Allen Davis, 43 of Yelm, WA was arrested for DUI twice. He had been to (and failed) more AA groups than I care to count, and really was just a miserable son of a bitch. But because he was a rich miserable son of a bitch, he could afford a lawyer good enough to keep him out of jail for the rest of his life. He pled down from murder to vehicular manslaughter, was sentenced to 5 years but was released on "good behavior" after 4.

But all the money in the world couldn't keep him away from my punishment.

Tonight wouldn't be the night for punishing though. My plan tonight would be to follow this bastard. To see where he lived. That's the most important part of the hunt. Familiarize yourself with their movements.

See if there's anyone that will miss them when they won't be around anymore.

As he pulls in to his driveway, I have to admit that I'm a little surprised. He's staying at a pretty nice house, two stories with a white picket fence, just like the American dream. It's too late to see his family, but judging by the mini van in the driveway beside his truck, I assume that he's a father.

Which makes my plan more complicated.

2 hours later

The last couple of weeks have been relatively rain free here in Seattle. Personally, I think the wetter the better, but a wise man once said, "it can't rain all the time."

My apartment is dimly lit, and I'm sitting in the office chair that belonged to my dad. On my desk is the contract from WZCW that I was "awarded" after the battle royal on Aftershock. I run my hands over the paper, thinking back on the match in which I won this contract.

Sure, I didn't "win" the match, but what I did do is even better. I was able to be backstage, to see how desperate WZCW really is for justice.

It's worse than I thought.

Even a couple of my opponents in the battle royal itself disgust me. Fallout with his cold glare, scarred mentally and physically. His goal in life is to scar others like him. Dr. Coberer with his snake-like attitude and movements.

And then there's Joey Sexton. My opponent for this week.

See, where Coberer and Fallout are intimidating in their own right, they don't prey on innocent women and young girls that are barely old enough to buy tobacco, let alone do the things Joey Sexton wants to do.

I saw a story in the news the other day that made me sick to my stomach. Another example of American "justice."

A 14 year old girl from Montana was raped by one of her High School teachers. The teacher even openly admitted to the rape. After the trial was over, the teacher was convicted and sentenced to 15 years in prison.
Sounds like justice was served, right?

Not even close.

The judge in that case then promptly suspended all but 31 days of his sentence, and allowed one day of that to be knocked off for time served. Grand total time the former teacher will spend in prison?

30 days.

But the saddest thing of all is the fact that the innocent 14 year old girl that was raped decided to kill herself 2 weeks shy of her 17th birthday.

That was someone's daughter. A granddaughter. A sister. Now, she's just another statistic.

That teacher was a lot like Joey Sexton. He thinks that he's having a good time, so it can't be wrong, right?

All the women that Joey Sexton has preyed upon and harassed are all somebody's daughter, sister, mother, wife, friend. He turned them into victims.

As I sign my contract and fax it into WZCW offices, I can't help but think about my mother, and how she was victimized and turned into another statistic.

At Aftershock 27, Joey Sexton receives his punishment, long overdue.

He faces me. He faces Corvus.
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August 17th, 2013

Joey Sexton drops the mic and walks away, pumped full of adrenaline from delivering an electrifying promo, and blissfully unaware of what awaits him around the corner of the hallway. He rounds the corner and comes face to face with a mysterious man in a suit.

Sexton: Who the hell are you?

Mysterious Man: It doesn't matter who I am. All that matters is who you are. And I know who you are, Skip Rogers.

Joey stops dead in his tracks, and waits for what feels like a lifetime before responding.

Sexton (quietly): Skip Rogers is dead.

Mysterious Man: Indeed he is, but Joey Sexton is alive and well is he not? Our organization has been watching you for quite some time Mr. Sexton, and we are impressed with this metamorphosis you have undergone.

Sexton: Tell me your name.

Mysterious Man: My name is merely Ducard, but I speak for a man named Ra's al Ghul.

Sexton: ...

Mysterious Man: It's a Batman reference. Batman Begins.

Sexton: That still doesn't explain what this is about.

Mysterious Man: It's about you, Mr. Sexton. It's about your story.

Sexton: ...

Mysterious Man: Your story, Mr. Sexton. An epic quest of self discovery! An adventure spanning the globe! A tale of heroes and villains and sexual perversion the likes of which the world have never seen! The story of Joey Sexton must be told!

Sexton: What did you have in mind exactly...


September 3rd 2013

A spotlight illuminates the center of the room, where Joey Sexton and the mysterious man are seated opposite one another. Several cameras surround the both of them, capturing what will undoubtedly be a groundbreaking television event.

Mysterious Man: Ladies and gentlemen I am being joined tonight by professional wrestler Joey Sexton, for the first part in our documentary series. Joey was recently awarded a full time contract with WZCW, the culmination of a journey--

Sexton: Let me stop you right there.

Mysterious Man: Very well.

Sexton: That contract was merely another step in the journey, the culmination will be the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship.

Mysterious Man: Indeed. But an important milestone nonetheless. A milestone you have been working for years to achieve, training all over the world.

Sexton: Indeed.

Mysterious Man: I understand that on your travels you spent a considerable amount of time in Mexico, a country with a rich wrestling heritage.

Sexton: I worked for the legendary Mexican promoter Juan Manuel Rodrigo Lopez Juvitud Psicosis Super Crazy Guerrero, who of course once wrestled as Burrito Mask IV. Not to be confused with Burrito Mask 4, a legend in his own right.

Mysterious Mask: And in his promotion you took part in what was, at the time, the highest profile match of your career. A Hair vs. Mask Match against the extremely popular masked luchadore El Hombre Murciélago.

Sexton: And what a match it was.

Mysterious Man: Let's take a trip back now to Arena México, deep in the heart of Mexico City, Mexico, for this classic match from the career of Joey Sexton. Mexico.

Sexton: Ah yes, I remember it like it was yesterday...30 000 people in Arena México all chanting my name...

Mysterious Man: Does Arena México even hold 30 000 people...

Sexton: ...It did that night.


The crowd roars in approval as the masked man extends his cape and begins his descent from the rafters of the arena. He is dressed in black from head to toe and appears almost demonic in nature, with horns on each side of his mask.

Sexton: During that time, I actually didn't wrestle under the name Joey Sexton. Since I was working in Mexico I wanted a name with more of a Latin flair, so I wrestled under the alias “Carlos Danger”.

Mysterious Man: Fascinating.

Sexton: It really helped me to win over the Mexican audience.

Joey Sexton enters to a loud chorus of boos. He circles the ring clapping his hands, as if to feed off of the energy from the crowd. He takes off the poncho and sombrero he wore to the ring, revealing a pair of extremely tight wrestling trunks with CARLOS plastered across the ass. He gets hit in the head with a piece of trash thrown by a fan.

Sexton: I also wanted to incorporate some of the Mexican lucha libre style into my repertoire, so I began using a new signature move.

Mysterious Man: To those who may be unfamiliar, the lucha libre style is known for being quite fast-paced and high-flying, with some incredibly intricate athletic moves.

El Hombre Murciélago rushes towards Sexton, and flips around behind him, looking for a headscissors takedown. Sexton catches him part way through the move and counters it with a side slam. He points towards the top turnbuckle, playing to the crowd, but is met with another cascade of boos. He climbs up to the top rope as his opponent slowly gets up to his feet. His opponent turns around as Joey flies off the top, soaring majestically through the air. The 16 000 fans in attendance hold their breath in anticipation, and proceed to let out a collective groan as Sexton connects with an axe handle.

Mysterious Man: Absolutely amazing.

Sexton: You know on that night I really learned that if you want to achieve success, sometimes you need to take risks. One of many valuable lessons from my travels over the years. In Japan I--

Mysterious Man: Would you say that this match was one of your all-time favourites?

Sexton: Definitely. My victory of El Hombre Murciélago was one of the defining moments of my early career, and that's why my upcoming match against Anthony Corvus on Aftershock 27 is so important.

Sexton turns and looks directly into the camera.

Sexton: Anthony Corvus, I am going to do to you exactly what I did to El Hombre Murciélago all those years ago in Mexico City--

Mysterious Man: Are you cutting a promo right now?

Sexton looks back at the Mysterious Man.

Sexton: Yeah, I though this would be a good lead-in.

Mysterious Man: For fuck sakes. Alright then.

Sexton faces the camera again. He takes out the mask of El Hombre Murciélago and holds it up to the camera.

Sexton: Corvus, when I look at you I can't help but think of El Hombre Murciélago. You wear black, you hide your face, and you think you're some kind of super hero. Well let me tell you something Corvus. El Hombre Murciélago wasn't a hero, and neither are you. The real hero is the Sexcellence of Sexecution, Joey Sexton. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'm here to bring sexy back and I'm here to save WZCW. I'm the hero this company needs.

You know Corvus, my mentor once told me that to make yourself more than just a man, you must devote yourself to an ideal, and that's exactly what I've done. I'm devoted to the ideal that sex sells, and I have become more than just a man. I have become something else entirely...a legend, Anthony Corvus. Joey Sexton is a living legend.

Mysterious Man: Ha. Batman references.

Sexton: I thought you might like that.

Mysterious Man: Indeed.

Sexton: ...So you thought it was a good promo?

Mysterious Man: Yeah it was good.

Sexton: You're not just saying that right, like you actually though it was good.

Mysterious Man: Yeah really, I thought it was good, I'm not just saying that.

Sexton: You're sure?

Mysterious Man: Yeah I'm sure, it was good Joey, I swear to god--

Sexton: SWEAR TO ME!!!

Mysterious Man: Well played.
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