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AF 27: Grizzly Bob vs. Theron Daggershield

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Richard Blonoff

Make America Rassle Again

Grizzly Bob suffered an early exit in the Gold Rush Tournament, but he has a chance for some redemption as he takes on a new challenger in Theron Daggershield. Can Daggershield roll an 18 or higher and defeat his enemy, or does Grizzly Bob rebound and capture the win?​

Deadline is Wednesday, September 4th, 11:59PM Central Time. Extensions via request.
Theron's Merry Band of Misfits

Theron (Male Fire Genasi Warblade)

Davivel (Male Drow Cleric)

Sheshmish (Male Orc Swashbuckler)

Kayrentia (Female Half Elf Druid)

Keifasar (Male Tiefling Necromancer)


The party had been up for a couple of hours. Enough time had elapsed for each of them to enjoy breakfast cooked by Davivel and to go through their morning rituals. Kayrentia was preparing her spells of the day over by a tree, enthralled by the beautiful nature scenery. Keifasar was in his tent, presumably feeding his undead pets. Neep was heard saying his name a few times. Sheshmish stood two feet away from the campsite, keeping an eye out for monsters, as he had finished his morning rituals before any of the others. Davivel was reading ancient teachings of deities. Theron had finished his morning training session and was still hungry for more. He walked over to grab his plate and finish what food may have been left uneaten.

Theron: Davivel, is there any food left?

Davivel: (Said while still reading) Did you check the rations stash? I only made enough for one serving for everyone.

Theron walks over to Davivel's bag of holding and searches the one designated for food rations. He finds nothing.

Theron: Guys, we have a problem. There's no more food.

Davivel, Kayrentia, and Sheshmish make their way over to Theron having heard him. Keifasar is still in his tent.

Davivel: What do you mean there's no food? There should still be a week's worth of rations.

Theron: There's not. It is completely empty.

Sheshmish: Give me that!

Sheshmish grabs the bag of holding and searches inside, he too finds nothing.

Sheshmish: What kind of a joke is this!?

Theron: Where's Keifasar....?

Davivel: Still in his tent.

Sheshmish: That idiot gave all our food to his undead pets didn't he?

Theron: I doubt that. They don't eat the same things we do. Although I do think we need to find out if he knows anything.

A rabbit jumps out into the field by the campsite, Kayrentia sees it.

Kayrentia: Hey, look! A bunny!

Theron: Oh, cool. Anyways, if it wasn't Keifasar who else could have taken the food? Let's try to think of other scenarios. Someone obviously took the food. None of us have ever stolen from each other before.

Davivel: There were no disturbances during the night. We have never had anyone lie about events taking place during their watch.

Kayrentia starts walking over to the rabbit as it hops away from the campsite. None of the others notice her leaving.

Theron: Keifasar! Get out here NOW!!!!

Keifasar pokes his head out from his tent.

Keifasar: I'm in the middle of something important. Can this wait?

Theron: No. Come here.

Keifasar: Fine. Give us a minute....

Davivel, Theron, and Sheshmish continue to search through the bags of holding, no food is found. Kayrentia, still following the rabbit, has left the campsite. Keifasar leaves his tent to go stand with the other three. Neep the floating skull follows Keifasar as the Necromancer makes his way to his allies.

Keifasar: Well? I was in the middle of teaching Tricksy Rivers a card trick. This better be important.

Neep: Neep!

Davivel: Hello, Neep.

Neep: Neep!

Theron: Do you have any idea where the food went? All of our rations are gone.

Sheshmish: You took them to give to your pets, didn't you?

Neep floats in circles around Keifasar for roughly 10 seconds, before cowering behind his master.

Neep: Neep!

Keifasar: Can you guys go ONE day without hurting Neep's feelings? It's not that difficult.

Theron: (sigh) Sheshmish, apologize to Neep.

Sheshmish: But Keifasar was the one who-

Theron: Just do it. You don't have to apologize to Keifasar, but tell Neep you're sorry.

Sheshmish: (rolls his eyes) I'm sorry, Neep.

Neep: Neep!

Davivel: There's not a single edible substance in any of my bags of holding. Do you know where the food may have gone?

Keifasar: No, I have no idea where the food went. Why do I get blamed for everything around here? How come Kayrentia isn't being interrogated? Where IS she anyway?

Theron: What do you mean? She's right behind Sheshmish.

Keifasar: No she isn't.

Theron, Sheshmish, and Davivel look around to notice the druid is in fact, missing.

Theron: (sarcastic tone) Fabulous.

Davivel: Are you KIDDING ME!? What else could possibly go wrong!?

Davivel screams in frustration and punches a tree stump nearby.

Theron: She probably went off to follow that stupid rabbit she saw earlier.

Sheshmish: There was a rabbit? When did that happen? Hey! Maybe HE took our food!

Keifasar: You go from blaming me to blaming A RABBIT!?

Theron: Alright alright, enough! We have to find her immediately. Let's split up, we can cover more ground that way. Sheshmish, you and I will go west. Davivel, take Keifasar and go east. If it begins to get dark, make your way back to camp.

Davivel: Shouldn't one of us watch the campsite?

Keifasar: Neep can do that. He has Henry and Tricksy Rivers with him to attack any intruders, they will be fine.

Neep: Neep!

Theron: That will have to do. Kayrentia is the least safe out of our party if left by herself. We have to hurry! Let's go!

Theron and Sheshmish head west while Keifasar and Davivel go east in search of the druid. Neep begins floating around the campsite, seeming to take his sentry role very seriously. Scene shifts to a large cabin in an open field. Several hours have passed. Kayrentia stands by the cabin. The rabbit is at her feet, she has tamed it.

Kayrentia: Such a cute little bunny.... I should take you with me.

She looks around and notices that she had wandered way too far from the others, and stares curiously at the cabin. A light can be seen from one of the rooms, and a monstrous growl is heard from inside.

Kayrentia: Maybe this was a bad idea....

Theron and Sheshmish come out from the foliage south of Kayrentia.

Theron: There you are. Don't wander off from the group like that! You had me worried sick!

Kayrentia: I tamed the bunny! I think I heard something growling from inside that cabin though. Can we head back to the campsite? I'm sorry for wandering off.

Theron: I'm glad you tamed the bunny, but you could have been killed. Never go anywhere without at least one of us. Well, maybe not Keifasar.... but Davivel, Sheshmish, or myself should be with you at all times. It's too dangerous for you to go alone anywhere.

Sheshmish: It was really hard to find you too. Your robe is almost as green as the trees and stuff, I couldn't see you at first.

Keifasar and Davivel emerge from the foliage on the other side of the field. They recognize their allies ahead and run up to them.

Keifasar: There she is!

Davivel: Are you all alright? Do I need to heal anybody?

Theron: We're all fine.

The growls are heard from in the cabin again, much louder than previously. All of the lights are now on as well.

Theron: I'm betting THAT might be what took the food.

Davivel: I still have all my spells for the day. If we're going to fight that thing, I'm prepared.

Theron: Let's go in, but everyone stays together.

They go inside. Sheshmish first, followed by Theron and Kayrentia, then Davivel, and Keifasar is last. All signs point to this being a hunter's cabin. A mountain dweller who had to have build the cabin with his own two hands, using the trees nearby. Everything is wooden. The walls, furniture, and floor are all wood.

Davivel: I'm truly impressed by the craftsmanship that whoever lives here must have.

Kayrentia: Be quiet, the monster might hear you.

Sheshmish: Shouldn't you be off chasing bunnies?

Keifasar: Yeah, the bunny that stole our food, according to Sheshmish.

Theron: Shut up! That monster is still in here somewhere. Your arguing is going to alert it!

The growls are heard again, much louder than before. The party ready their weapons. The door in front of them opens, and in walks a large human. He has a long brown beard, brown boots, grey pants, a grey shirt, and brown hair.

Babba Dingo: What are you doing in my cabin!? Nobody trespasses on Babba Dingo's property and lives to tell the tale!

Theron: One of my allies got lost and we found her just outside your cabin. What type of beast is that making those noises?

Babba Dingo: That would be my dire bear. He's hungry and it's just about feeding time. I should feed him all of YOU! I hate intruders!

Theron: Probably not a good idea. None of us taste very well.

Babba Dingo: We'll see about that. Come on in here, Barry! It's dinner time!

The growls are heard again, coupled with loud footsteps. They get progressively louder until the dire bear runs into the room on all fours, scene fades out with a mosaic animation into a battle scene. Battle music from Final Fantasy begins to play in the background.



Kayrentia immediately seeks a spot on the battlefield where the bear is not within close reach of her. She begins casting a spell. The dire bear growls and tries to claw Theron. Theron manages to evade the attack, invoking an attack of opportunity and it hits. He slashes at the bear with his Falchion. Sheshmish launches an attack at the bear with his Scythe, he hits. Davivel, not needing to heal anybody yet, shoots from his bow at the bear. He misses. Keifasar finds a spot at the opposite side of the battlefield of where Kayrentia had gone, and begins casting a spell of his own. Theron with an adrenaline rush goes into a rage. His hair and eyes glow bright red while his sword catches on fire upon impact as he slashes furiously and lands a critical hit on the bear. The bear screams in agony. Theron's eyes, hair, and sword regain their normal appearance.

Kayrentia finishes casting her spell. 6 bolts of lightning crash in through an open window behind the bear, electrocuting it. The bear has now lost half of its health. The bear makes an impressive leap and lunges at Keifasar. It claws at him, injuring the Necromancer greatly. Keifasar missed when attempting an attack of opportunity. Davivel turns to face Keifasar and casts Cure Light Wounds on him, restoring his ally back to full health. Sheshmish, now out of range, throws a small Throwing Axe at the bear, it hits. Keifasar finishes casting his spell, he summons Neep the floating skull! Neep teleports into view and floats around the bear for a few seconds saying his name over and over, then teleports out of sight. The attempt to lower the bear's armor class failed. Theron runs up to the bear to slash it, risking an attack of opportunity, Theron is clawed by the bear but his attack hits.

Kayrentia gets prepared to cast her lightning spell again. The bear claws at Keifasar again and succeeds in landing the blow. Davivel gets within range to heal Keifasar with Cure Light Wounds again, Keifasar regains some health. Sheshmish is in range now and attacks with his Scythe, a critical hit! The bear is in agonizing pain and lays down. Keifasar goes into a defense stance. Theron slashes at the bear, attempting to finish it off. He misses.

The music stops, the screen fades out with a mosaic animation, and it shifts back to the room in Babba Dingo's cabin.

Babba Dingo: Stop! STOP! That's enough! Don't kill him!

Noticing that his bear is about to die, Babba Dingo orders him to stop attacking the Merry band of Misfits. They put away their weapons. Kayrentia, showing her appreciation for all creatures of nature, rushes up to the bear. She casts Cure Light Wounds on it. Babba Dingo turns to face Theron as Davivel walks over to the bear to assist Kayrentia in nursing its injuries.

Babba Dingo: Impressive. You nearly killed my dire bear, had I not ended the battle you surely would have. Your group is different than most who get lost out here.

Sheshmish: You wouldn't happen to have any food, would you? A rabbit stole ours.

Babba Dingo: What....?

Kayrentia: (still sitting with the bear, nursing its wounds) Ignore him, Mr Dingo.

Davivel: Well, he's half correct. Our food really is missing.

Babba Dingo: I'll tell you what I can do. Prove yourselves as true men and I'll not only feed you but answer any questions you may have. Let's all go out into the back.

They all go outside. There's an axe sitting on a tree stump and several trees are standing tall behind the stump. Birds can be heard chirping.

Babba Dingo: If you're a real man, you'll be able to cut down 2 trees, one after the other, without taking a break. Who wants to try?

Keifasar: I'll go! Is it ok if I use my special Death Spoon to cut the tree down?

Babba Dingo: No! You're using that axe, right there. That way I know you can't cheat.

Keifasar: Fair enough.

Keifasar goes over to a tree with the axe in hand. He swings, and makes a tiny hole in the trunk of the tree. He takes the axe back to the stump and stands by his allies.

Keifasar: Well, Necromancers really aren't gifted in something like this anyway. I guarantee you I could get more than 2 trees had you let me use my special Death Spoon.

Babba Dingo: I don't know what is, and I personally don't care. Who's next?

Davivel: I'll try.

Davivel grabs the axe and goes over to the same tree Keifasar made the tiny hole in. He starts out on the opposite side of where Keifasar had cut. The Drow is able to finish cutting the tree down, but he is too tired to go on with trying to chop down a second tree. He takes the axe back to the stump and stands by his allies.

Davivel: That was tougher than I thought.

Kayrentia: Is it ok if I try?

Babba Dingo: Well, sure. Give it a shot, pretty lady.

Kayrentia grabs the axe, she has trouble holding it, but drags it over to the tree next to the one Davivel chopped down. She takes a deep breath and hacks 4 times. After that she is worn out and gives up.

Kayrentia: Can somebody help me please? I am about to drop this thing, it is so heavy.

Sheshmish: Oh, come on. This is pathetic. Let me show you all how this is done!

The orc runs up to grab the axe from Kayrentia just as she drops it from being too tired. He stands on the opposite side of the tree from where she hacked. Sheshmish waits long enough for the druid to return to her allies before he tries to chop the tree down himself. He puts the axe down, cracks his fingers in both hands as well as his shoulder joints, picks the axe back up again, attempts to make a huge hacking motion into the tree.... and botches it completely. He misses. His allies and Babba Dingo all laugh at him. He throws the axe down onto the ground and stomps back to the others.

Sheshmish: You know what? Forget this! It's a stupid challenge anyway.

Keifasar: You sure showed us how it was done there, didn't you?

Babba Dingo: Real men wouldn't quit. That just leaves you then, Red.

Theron: The best should always be saved for last. Here goes.

Theron takes the axe and after taking a brief moment to concentrate, chops down a tree faster than Davivel did. Knowing he is the only one left who can complete the challenge, he moves over to a second tree without taking a break. He hacks at the tree and although it takes him longer due to fatigue setting in, he accomplishes the goal. Two trees cut down without resting.

Babba Dingo: Well done, you've earned my respect. You and your friends may join me for a feast tonight. I have more than enough food for everyone. Today's hunt was highly successful in terms of spoils and I had a surplus even before then. Is there anything about the area you wish to know before we eat?

Theron: Do you know anything about the ruins nearby? We were asked by Redbeard of Wheloon to investigate it when half of our team was lost in our last attempt.

Babba Dingo: Redbeard sent you, eh? Come to think of it, I remember seeing a bunch of crazed cultists having some sort of ritual in there once. They were worshiping some piece of elemental gear.

Davivel: Wait, I've heard about those. There are 7 pieces of elemental equipment. Each of them is blessed by Mystra and represent a different element. Fire, Water, Wind, Thunder, Ground, Shadow, and Holy. Our former companion is a Paladin of Mystra and she had mentioned those to me once. As did the cleric who taught me hundreds of years ago.

Theron: That explains Redbeard's quest that he gave us. He had said monsters in the ruins were acting suspicious. We should go grab that piece of elemental equipment.

Babba Dingo: Good luck with that. It would take someone VERY stealthy to get past all of those cultists to try to take the item.

Sheshmish: Challenge accepted. I'll get the artifact, and I'll do it while crab-walking my way through that crowd!

Babba Dingo: Do you have a death wish, Orc? That would never work.

Keifasar: So.... Am I the only one who is hungry?

Theron: We all are. Let's go in and eat. Babba, would it be alright if we took some of the leftovers for our rations?

Babba Dingo: Be my guest. I have enough to feed an army. But first, we feast!

They all go into the cabin for the feast. Scene fades out.



Meanwhile, in the real world.... Theron Daggershield (real name Shawn Daggers) is sitting in the middle of a wrestling ring inside an empty arena, mentally preparing for his first 1 on 1 match in WZCW. His eyes are closed as he sits with his legs crossed like an X, the crimson d20 in his left hand, his gigantic prop sword in his right hand. He takes a deep breath, opens his eyes, and faces the camera.

Theron: You only make a first impression once. In my last match I faced off against not one, but 5 others in an epic contract battle royal. I almost had the win, but I slipped up. I got caught up in the moment and failed my spot check at the most critical moment. I cannot let that happen again.

This is all I have ever wanted to do with my life and I'm lucky to be here. I can't let the fans down. My opponent this week is someone who I have respect for. I've seen his matches before, and I know we can put on a great one for the fans tonight.

I'm not afraid. Not even in the slightest. Why, just the other day, I proved I can be just as much a mountain man as the next guy. I chopped down two trees without taking any breaks and I nearly killed a gigantic bear. It's my opponent who should be afraid. I may be new to the roster, but this is hardly my first battle. That bear was nothing compared to the ferocious other beasts I have slain.

Theron opens his left hand to show the crimson d20 and looks at it, then looks back at the camera.

Theron: When you get into that ring with me, you're getting into the ring with a warrior's warrior. I'm THE WARBLADE THERON DAGGERSHIELD!

Theron rolls his crimson d20. It lands on a 15.

Theron: Not bad, Grizzly Bob. That fails to hit my armor class though. I'm surprised you didn't put more stats into your strength score. Might want to re-do that character sheet. Ok, my turn.

Theron rolls his crimson d20. It lands on a 20. Theron makes a wide grin.

Theron: That's a crit threat! Let's see what happens....

Theron rolls again, it lands on a 12.

Theron: Well, you lucked out that time. No critical hit damage.... HOWEVER.... That still hits you.

He stands up and points his prop sword at the camera.

Theron: I'll see you in the ring. May the best man win.

Fade out to black.

Bear Hug said:
Grizzly turns around, only to find Deedee slumped on the hood of his car. For the first time since they had met, the fiery female looked completely at peace... except for the snoring. Grizzly smiled, gently placed her on his shoulder and started the long walk back to his home.
Deedee wakes up alone on a massive mattress, her honey blonde hair smelling of smoke and diesel. Her stout legs swing over the logs that constitute the bed frame and she sits up. Her hands flail distractedly at a bedside table, giving her reason to pause.

No alarm clock, no reading glasses, no coffee-stained copy of Cosmo...

She is not at her own home.

This realisation hits her moments before the hangover does. She slumps back down on the bed, temporarily putting aside the social question of where she woke up in favour of the more pressing biological issue of her splitting headache. The oversized, downy pillow does provide her with some comfort as she clutches her forehead. Peering through the gap between middle and index fingers, she spots a faded piece of paper and a jug filled with a reddish liquid next to the bed.

Made your elf ass hum.
Fixed you Bloody. Marry bitch.
Broke fat into ridge swell.

Groggily she rubs her eyes, smearing her eyeliner even further. She gives the cryptic note another go.

Make yourself at home.
Fixed you a Bloody Mary pitcher.
Breakfast in the fridge as well.

After recalling a farmers market, meeting a gruff woodsman who turned out not to be Ultimate Red and a vague amount of liquorice-laced moonshine, Deedee stumbles to her feet. The vermillion rays seeping in through the cracks in the wooden walls are coming from the wrong side. It isn’t a beautiful daybreak. Instead, it is a setting sun.


Whistling a merry tune, Grizzly Bob swings open the heavy cabin door.

Grizzly: Home, sweet home...

The unfamiliar sight of a woman in his home greeted him, more so than the lady herself. Grizzly’s gruff chequered shirt hugged her loosely. Dwarfed by the flannel ensemble, the burly broad almost appeared dainty – except for the axe that she was brandishing.

Grizzly: Hello Deedee, looks like somebody’s been in my wardrobe. Raided my shed, too, by the looks of it...

Deedee: I needed a shower and a change of clothing. What’s a gal to do? Now you’ve got yerself some explainin’ to do, mister, before I cut off what’s botherin’ you!

Bob is taken aback by the sudden threat to his future offspring.

Grizzly: What’s on your mind?

Deedee: I wake up in a strange man’s cabin in the middle of nowhere with a rec’lection of how I got here that’s foggy at best. THAT’s what's on my mind! I swear, if you did sum’thin’ to me... I’m not the kind of trailer-skank that’d give the likes of you the milk for free without you buying the cow!

Bob doubles over and slaps his knee, bellowing with laughter.

Deedee: And WHAT, may I ask, is so gosh-darn funny?

Grizzly: You don’t remember?

Deedee’s eyes narrow even further. Axe in hand, she steps closer to Bob.

Deedee: I don’t remember WHAT?

Grizzly: We had a couple of drinks, you passed out on my truck, I carried you home on my shoulder like a sack of yams, tucked you in and I slept on the couch, next to Digger. He wasn’t crazy about sharing his bed, either. Apparently I snore.

Deedee: So that’s why my gut’s a li’l sore?

Grizzly: I swear I never laid a hand on you except to give you a place to sleep.

Deedee tosses the axe aside. Its handle falls limply to the floorboards. She studies Bob with her eyes and realises that there’s no deceit in him. Her full lips form first a smirk, then a giggle and soon she and Grizzly were sharing a hearty laugh.

Deedee: I mean... Imagine how I felt...

Deedee wipes a laughter-induced tear from her cheek.

Grizzly: I wouldn't dream of takin' advantage of a fine lady such as yourself. That's just not how we do things in my house.

Deedee: I should’a known. Look at you! We sure had fun, though, didn’t we?

As they fall silent once more, their smiling eyes meet.

Deedee: Say, where’d you sneak off to, anyway?

Grizzly: Told you I’m a workin’ man. Had myself a match.

Deedee: And?

Grizzly: It was fun. We stuck it to each other good.

Deedee tilts her head to one side.

Deedee: That’s not what I meant, pumpkin. How did it go?

Grizzly: Oh... that...

Grizzly lets out a giant sigh, as only a giant of his calibre can. His hairy chest swells, but retracts again.

Grizzly: I lost, but never you mind that. It was a helluva fight and the good folks who supported us got to see a big ol’ brawl.

The next silence would not be as satisfied as the first. Even in the sweaty mountain air, if felt cold somehow.

Grizzly’s grin gradually vanishes, but Deedee puts a gentle hand on his arm.

Deedee: You know, pork chop... You ain’t a good liar. Why don’t you tell me how you really feel?

Stoically, Grizzly nods at her.

Grizzly: Actually, it hasn’t been goin’ great for me. On a bit of a losin’ streak, to be honest.

Grizzly takes his leave of her and moves to his “kitchen” – an assortment of appliances, stacked on a high counter in his living room. His thumb finds the kettle’s switch.

Grizzly: Cuppa Joe?

While Bob fiddles with the cups and coffee, Deedee drapes herself onto a comfy rocking chair.

Deedee: Milk, no sugar.

Grizzly: First I had a huge match-up against a guy I respect – The Beard. We had some great scraps before and it culminated at Kingdom Come. You see, that’s the huge event every year-

Deedee: I know about Kingdom Come, silly.

Grizzly: Anyhow, it was a big contest that I lost. I also couldn’t go by the title “manliest man in WZCW” anymore. Normally I wouldn’t mind losin' a silly nickname like that, because my manhood don’t come from guzzlin’ beer and shootin’ guns, but every time they call him that, it reminds me of how I came in second and it stings a little, you know?

The water comes to a boil. Grizzly unplugs the device and pours two scoopfuls of instant coffee.

Grizzly: Then management creates the Gold Rush Tournament – winner gets a crack at the champ. My match gets switched last minute and I go up against Mikey Stormrage and I lose that too!

The milks swirls into the pitch black drink, before colouring it muddy.

Grizzly: All of a sudden, they tell me this week I’m back on Aftershock, right where I started and they send this new kid up against me. Really nice kid, by the way, but green as a John Deere on St Patrick’s Day. I’m thinkin’ to myself: “Golly, how did this happen?”

Deedee: I can understand that you’re not a broody kind of man who dwells on past mistakes too long, but you gotta acknowledge where you’ve been to understand where you are now.

Grizzly: I know, I know, but I don’t think I’ve EVER had such a rough patch.

Deedee: Well, Bobby Boy, then from here there’s but one direction and that’s up!

A certain change befalls Bob. His deep baritone picks up. Deedee notices.

Grizzly: Did you know that the next pay-per-view’s going to be called “Redemption”? Now, I’m not one for astrawl’gy an’ all that hocus pocus, but if Redemption isn’t a sign of things to come for ol’ Grizzly Bob...

Deedee: First things first, though...Who’s this new guy?

Grizzly: Theron Daggershield - he’s got guts, I’ll give him that! He has a strong sense of right and wrong and he genuinely likes doing good to help his fellow man... or dwarf. He's good people, even if he's a little off the deep end with all those geeky games. In his mind he’s a chivalrous knight on quests about princesses and monsters, magic and what not, but if that kiddo needs a dragon to face, ol’ Bob here is happy to oblige.

Grizzly looks disdainfully at his cup and takes an unflinching swig of the hot drink. Extremely interested in Grizzly’s change in attitude, Deedee clasps her fingers around the armrests of her chair.

Grizzly: You see, I’m hurtin’ right now. I’m a bear with an arrow in its backside. The way I figure, that makes me more dang’rous than I’ve ever been!

The southern woman jumps to her feet.

Deedee: Is that so, big guy?

He turns away from Deedee, mistaking her reaction for caution.

Grizzly: I didn’t mean to fright’n you, Dee, and it breaks my heart that a stand-up guy like Theron has to be at the receivin’ end of my temper, BUT I’M PISSED OFF, DAMMIT!

Grizzly’s fists hammer down on the counter. Glasses shake and spice bottles spill over. With his hands still pressed against the linoleum, he peers at Deedee from over his shoulder.

Grizzly: He’s in the real world now and all the dice rolls in the world ain’t savin’ him. HMPH! He’ll be in that ring with ME and when it’s just the two of us, there ain’t a soul alive that’d be able to save him from the ass-whoopin’ that’s comin’ to him. No amount of luck or charisma is gonna be comin' to his aid. In a fight, a man is only as good as the fight in his heart and the power of his arm!

Deedee fans her somewhat heaving chest.

Grizzly: No knights, no monks, no Houdini pixie dust in there... it’ll be just me, sluggin’ it out on his nerdy hide.

Deedee strides over to Grizzly. Though only through his peripheral vision, he was hypnotised by the metronomic wiggle of her hips. He swivels toward her, blushing a ripe red hue.

Grizzly: Now I feel silly, gettin’ all riled up like that in front’a you. My pappy always said: “Son, in the presence of a lady-“

His voice trails off as Deedee dips her index finger into her mouth. Plump, pouty lips cover it as she slowly pulls it out again. She touches Grizzly’s own lips with it, hushing him. At that moment, all of Grizzly’s pent-up frustration seeped away, if only for a moment. Deedee’s bronze skin, flushed cheeks and soft blue eyes had him at full attention. Right then and there, he didn’t have a care in the world.

Deedee: Don’t say another word, sweetie... or else I won’t be responsible for what happens after. If a rough... rugged... man gets all angry like that... That’s the fightin’ spirit I want to see!

Playfully, she curls one leg backwards and starts to topple towards Grizzly, forcing him to catch her in his burly arms. When he does, however, Deedee takes a step back, chuckling.

Deedee: My, oh my! It seems like I DO have you at full attention...

Deedee starts s******ing as Grizzly looks down.

Grizzly: Oh ho, lookout! Looks like I got a li’l TOO excited.

Grizzly clears his throat, unsuccessfully trying to alleviate the awkwardness of the situation.

Grizzly: So, uhhh... Let me drive you home?

Deedee: I think that might be for the best, hun.

Grizzly feels a firm new confidence as his heart courses blood through him.

Grizzly Bob is on the rise!
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