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AF 25: Krypto vs. Isabel Stone

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the Frog
One of the biggest things that Aftershock has played host to was the Mentorship Program which saw Krypto take the victory against Isabel Stone who came in at second place. After months of Krypto gaining experience inside the ring on his own whilst Stone recently recovered from a career-ending injury and has been unstoppable, these two will meet up for the second time for a replay of that match. Can Isabel continue her hot streak and take the match she could have won or will Krypto prove yet again why he was the winner of the program?

Deadline is Wednesday, June 26th 2013, at 11:59 P.M. (Central Time Zone) Soft Extensions Only.
Memoirs from Missy
What? I can’t have my own spinoff?!

Dear Diary, or anybody else reading through my personal things (i.e. Krypto)

Missy can be seen typing into her computer very grudgingly, irritated by the resident alien Krypto who is in the background constructing things with power tools and obsessing over schematics of some sort.

Krypto: Can you please relieve yourself of your human word making machine and help with me this please. Alhazred must pay for his thievery!

Missy: Not now Krypto….just not now.

Hi! This is Missy, I’m writing this in my personal online journal on Thursday June 20, 2013. I was advised by my doctor after being released from the asy…I mean institution that jotting down my thoughts and feelings would be a good way to keep track of my rehabilitation, or progression as my mother so nicely likes to put it. My doctor also says I should avoid stressful situations ever since what occurred all those months ago, which I’m not fully sure I’m ready to talk about even to a computer screen but hopefully I’ll get there eventually . Anyway obviously if you’ve been following what’s going between Krypto and Alhazred I’ve been doing anything but avoiding stress. A lot of the fans of WZCW think this little feud they have going on is hilarious, it’s all in good fun, they’re just joking around, but that couldn’t be further from the case. I know Alhazred very well and Krypto’s pestering has put him in a blind rage I didn’t even know he was capable of. And over the period of time I’ve gotten to know Krypto there’s something about that Power Glove that has put him on edge, like even more than when he was paired with those Saboteur and Saxton guys (yes I’ve been doing lots of research on WZCW related things, I’ve got a bit too much time on my hands these days). Anyway I feel something bad is going to happen very soon, and I think WZCW officials putting that Glove of a pole for those two to kill each other over has just added fuel to the fire.

Krypto: Aha! It’s finally complete! Marvel in its mystical glory Missy my love.

Krypto backs away from his engineering like table to reveal what seems to be a newly constructed Power Glove made from an old baseball catches mitt, rusty scissors, tin foil, and torn electrical wires from the wall that don’t plug into anything but are there for cool looking effects. All of this is kept together by duct tape and a bottle of super glue, in which half was digested by Krypto.

Missy: I don’t think that’s going function, or even hold together very well Krypto.

Krypto: It must, I know my engineering skills are not that of Alhazred but it will make a nice substitution for the real thing since he took it from me.

Missy: But you stole it from him first….

Krypto: The Power Glove was not truly Alhazred’s to begin with. I came to this planet in search of interesting new things you humans might have acquired or created. Alhazred was just a placeholder for the technology to meet its rightful owner of higher intelligence. It’s irrelevant however, you and all the other inhabitants of the planet shall see at Kingdom Come. For now however I shall test my new invention on my old rival Isabel Stone, and when I’m done defeating her I’ll force Alhazred to watch as I have my way with her in ways unimaginable to the human eye. You know he has a shrine of her right?


Krypto hasn’t taken losing possession of the glove to Alhazred very well lately. He’s been super gluing random appliances in my apartment together all week. It’s like he needs something on that hand in which it used to be on or he’ll die. It’s like the Power Glove is the venom symbiote that once it attaches itself to a host it gives that person remarkable confidence and strength but once it’s gone it leaves the person like a drug addict wanting more. The thing that concerns me the most is how Krypto is seemingly more concerned with this then he is Isabel Stone. He’s facing her this week and while he has beaten her before there’s something different about her lately. When he beat her back at Unscripted they were both two completely different individuals. Krypto was eager and determined to prove he can be something in WZCW and Isabel was the cocky upstart who thought she had the match in the bag. Unfortunately now the tables have turned, Isabel’s recent victories have left her determined and hungry for glory. While the Power Glove has left Krypto thinking he’s a superstar but can he get the job done without the Glove?

Krypto: Of course I can, I’m Krypto, the interstellar traveler, master of the extraterrestrial rim job, sexual sav-

Missy: For the last time Krypto can you please stop reading my personal thoughts over my shoulder, shouldn’t you be working on your new glove?

Krypto: I’ve told you already it is complete and ready for the decimation of Isabel Stone.

Missy: Can you just go feed Mister and give me some time alone please?

Krypto: You are correct I feed Mister; pussy must always be fed on time.

With that the alien scurries out the room finally leaving the school girl to her own piece of mind.

People have been constantly asking me why I put up with Krypto’s antics and why I’ve been with him. And when I say “with him” I mean his friend, contrary to what he’s been taunting Alhazred with we have not slept together. Except for that one time we both fell asleep after the glass of milk, which is weird because I only took one sip and I was out, and the next morning my pelvis was sore and I was missing a whole bottle of Ambien. Anyway I guess the reason I’ve been hanging out with him instead of Alhazred is because he’s a breath of fresh air. He might be a bit disturbed and sexually frustrated but at least he’s himself 100% of the time, which is why I don’t want to him to get hurt, not by Isabel Stone, not by that big scary monster Facecrush, and definitely not by Alhazred. I’ve been meaning to call and explain to him myself why I’ve been so distant but the doctor advised me to avoid Alhazred, they said they pinpointed the cause of what…what happened to my connection to him. Now I have to tell him where I’ve been all this time in front of the whole WZCW universe or else he’ll kill Krypto, and I don’t want that to happen. He might deserve a good smack across the head but he doesn’t deserve to die. Much to my dismay, it seems I will have to appear on WZCW television and plead that this match at Kingdom Come not happen. Not just for Krypto’s well-being but I don’t want Alhazred going to jail for murder, or accessory to murder as he’ll probably just get Facecrush to do it for him.

Krypto: Well Mister has been fed; shall we begin planning the celebration party for when I smash Alhazred to a bloody pulp?

Missy: Krypto I need you to focus, I need you stop looking forward to Kingdom Come for just a second and get ready for Isabel. Yes you’ve beaten her before, yes you defeated Grizzly Bob, yes you’ve done a lot of things in your time on this planet a lot of people said you couldn’t do but that doesn’t make you an unstoppable force of nature. That willpower and determination you had when you wanted to beat Isabel at Unscripted, you need to get that back because this ignorant confidence will not work this time around.

Krypto: You don’t think I know good Isabel is? I know how good she is, we basically broke into the company together with the Mentorship program and since then we’ve both gotten exponentially better. I hate her because she’s always going to be a rival of mine but I need her around because she’s always going to be the driving force behind me becoming better. The last few months even when we’ve had no real interaction besides a tag match and an over the top rope battle royal but I’ve always made sure I watch her from the corner of my green little eye. If she steps up her game, I step up my game, if she gets a win I better at least get a two and a half count. I could either let my latest squabble with Alhazred completely engulf my mind or completely block it out in preparation for Isabel. Both are the wrong choice of options. Alhazred will be my biggest test to date so on Aftershock I'm going to prepare for that by beating my biggest test of the past. The thing I don't think you realize is that while we are both much better than we were before I've become a house hold name while she's struggling to find a place on the card. She beat Amber Warren and Sandy Desserts, I beat a better rookie in Grizzly Bob and beat the person whose is Sandy's superior in Steven Kurtesy. She beat Ricky Runn, I did it first. She won the Mentor Program....oh wait....she didn't, I did. I was better then and I'm better now, the only difference now is that I don't have to convince anyone or myself for that matter that I can win. I'm walking to Aftershock not only to remind Isabel I will always be her superior but to show Alhazred he will be demolished at Kingdom Come.

Missy: I really don’t want that match to happen Krypto.

Krypto: But it has to Missy, the Power Glove will be on a pole, and with any luck after my match I can convince Isabel to slide down one naked.

The resident alien then exits the room, poorly made replacement glove in hand while Missy turns back to continue typing.

Well I hope if Alhazred does try to kill Krypto he can control that big monster of his, the last thing we need is Isabel breaking her spine again.
Chapter 8: Revise​

*singing* It feels so right, now hooold me tight!

I grab Justin's collar and pull him close to me; he in turn wraps his arms around my waist as we dance to the "Across the Universe" sound track. Sam and her current boyfriend James dance as well, giggling madly. This is celebration on my revenge. My revenge over Ricky Runn is complete. Phase One: Dance Party.

*singing*Tell me I'm the only one, and thennn I might! Never be the lonely one, so hold me tight! Tonight! Toniiight, it's yoou. You you yoooou.

Justin plants his lips on mine and kisses me before I can keep singing. I kiss back and pull him down closer to me. We're both full of energy and excitement. Today is a good day!

An hour or so later Sam tuns off the music and decides it's time to go torment the town.

Sounds like fun. What do you think babe?

Mmmm, I like the idea.

James's face goes blank just the tniest bit as he has yet to figure out that we are not nice people. We clean up, dress up and hit the town. It's already dark at this point but we continue to walk. The first thing we find is a couple, both wearing Ricky Runn shirts.

The boys sees me first and gives a warning to the girl. They both stare at me so I smirk and walk up.

Scared that I'm here to beat you both?

Girl: What do you want with us?

Just to talk, don't get your panties twisted. You two are Ricky Runn fans?

They both seem to grasp that they're treading on dangerous ground here. What they don't know, but my friends do, is that this will be one of the worst nights of their lives.

Boy: What's it to you?

What do you like most about Runn?

He's funny. He's cute in his promos, he makes good jokes, and besides, he always wins because his opponents get immobilized. Like you did a few months ago.

Strike One.

Do I look immobilized? Do I really? Because I'm standing on my feet, my neck feels great and I'm intimidating you both.

Hey, why don't you mind your own-

The boy has now stood up to defend his girlfriend. Justin steps towards him and the boy goes down like a rock. hey both stare at us like we're going to kill them. I lean to the girl who's eyes are reddening like she's going to piss herself. I smirk.

Tell me, what makes you so special?

I-I s-sing...

Sing for me then.

The girl stutters out a few bars of "BlackBird" and I scoff.

You're as pathtic as Ricky Runn.

The girl slowly begins to cry and me, Justin and Sam and her boyfriend leave to keep walking. Justin and Sam snicker while the boyfriend stares at his shoes. Yeah, loser had no idea what he was getting into.

It's not too long until a frisbee nearly hits me in the face. A boy of sixteen in an alien costume runs up and scoops it up.

Boy: Sorry miss! I was trying to contact my leader, Krypto. You see, I've been trying to tell him that Isabel Stone wants to...

The boy realizes in the light who I am and stops dead. I smirk and lean towards him.

What do I want to do? Tell me.

You... You want to... To... Destroy!!!

He pulls out a fake ray gun and pretends to shoot me in the forehead. I look at the light on my head then snatch the gun and snap it in half. The boy stares at me horrified and I smirk wider.

How right you are. I do want to destroy Krypto.

As I predicted, the boy runs away as fast as he can. I toss the broken gun into a bush and we continue walking peacefully for the rest of the night. Let's face it, would you want to mess with us?

~Two Days Later~

Izzy! Izzy!

Oh. Dear. GOD.

Sam and I are sitting at the coffee shop sipping lattees when Becky runs up and plops herself in a chair next to me. I glare and she has the good sense to move away from me.

Izzy, I got you another match.

It better be a good one Becky. Or I might have to make an example out of you.

She actually rolls her eyes at me before continuing.

I put you against Krypto. Remember him? The guy that beat you in the mentorship program? Or should I say thing...

Thing actually describes the cretin perfectly. When?

Next AfterShock. Be ready.

Usually Becky waits for a "thank you'' but she must know it'll never come so she just gets up and leaves. Krypto. There's some revenge I never thought of before. I need to kick his ass for somehow winning that damn program. Over ME.

No one beats Isabel Stone that easilly.

Sam and I smile at each other then speak in unison.

Revenge time.

And thus our quest begins.

~Night Before AfterShock~

Justin and I once again lay in bed together, both reflecting on this past week. While Justin is exaughsted, I'm pumped. I'm ready to fight RIGHT NOW.

And yet Justin coaxs me to sleep with a slow Beatles song. Crap.

Here you go Isabel. A treat for you.

I look up and a flying saucer hits me right in the face. OW.

Of course, when I wake up, it's morning.

Dad really is going to be a bitch to get rid of. But no matter. It's time to kick some green ass.
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