AF 2 : Mick Overlast vs. The Internet Warrior

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Mick Overlast is sitting in front of his locker, texting away on his phone. It's been a few days since his victory at After Shock over Jack O'Lantern, and he's been getting belated congratulatory texts. His concentration is broken by the sound of footsteps entering the locker room.

Becky Serra: Hi...Mick? I'm not bothering you, am I?

Overlast glares at Becky and is unable to remember her name, but he gives it his best shot anyway.

Overlast: Not really, Brenda. What do you want?

Serra: It's Becky. And I'm here to talk to you about your win over Jack O'Lantern.

Overlast pays Becky no mind, looking down at his phone while responding to her.

Overlast: Brenda, Becky, who gives a shit? It's not like we talk anyway. By the way, where's Kensworth? He usually handles my interviews.

Serra: He's busy doing something else tonight, actually.

Overlast stops texting and looks up at Becky, genuinely surprised.

Overlast: He has a life? Hm, wouldn't have guessed. So what do you wanna know?

Serra: Well, how did it feel to pick up your first victory here in WZCW?

Overlast: I'm really not that affected by it. Jack O'Lantern was never really a threat to defeat me, and I blame this company's incompetent management for not at least giving me a real test. When your best chance to beat me is trying to hit me with a pumpkin, you don't have much of a future in this business. Unfortunately, a lot of these creepy emo parasites are finding their way into WZCW lately. My goal is to exterminate them and the other bottom-feeders by any means possible. My win at After Shock was just the first step in accomplishing that goal.

Serra: Talk about being a part of the inaugural After Shock.

Overlast: I'm sure you're happier about being a part of it than I am since you can sit at the announcers' table now like a big girl, as opposed to solely conducting interviews with guys that only give you the time of day because they want to bang you. Frankly, my being on the first After Shock was nothing special to me. I have much higher standards.

Becky is caught a little off-guard by the response, but quickly fires off a follow-up question.

Serra: So I'm assuming you're not too happy with being in a match on the upcoming After Shock against the Internet Warrior?

Overlast: First off, this company is making a gigantic mistake not putting me on the card at All or Nothing, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised. We're on the road to Kingdom Come...why would WZCW actively promote someone who's trying to change the company when it can bury that person on the C-show against yet another jobber? I get it. Unfortunately for the Internet Warrior, he will have to suffer the consequences.

Earlier, I mentioned not being surprised by my kicking Jack O'Lantern's ass the other night; what also didn't surprise me is that the Internet Warrior lost again. When I found out that the Internet Warrior is my next opponent, I chuckled and shook my head. Why? Because he's never won a match here in WZCW! He's been on his back a lot, which I'm sure you can relate to, Betsy.

Becky is starting to get visibly annoyed with the insults, but maintains her composure as best she can.

Overlast: Let me ask you something...have you seen the movie Rudy?

Serra: A couple times, yes.

Overlast: you'll understand what I'm about to say. You see, the Internet Warrior is WZCW's version of Rudy – a no-talent fanboy that wants to prove that he can hang in there with the best in the land. He's been taking his beatings on a show-by-show basis. And now he's going to get his chance to fulfill his dreams against the greatest wrestler this company has to offer in myself.

So now we have our ultimate underdog story playing out on After Shock. Picture this: the Internet Warrior miraculously has me on the defensive, preparing to hit his finisher in the center of that ring. The mindless drones in the audience are erupting, wildly chanting “Warrior! Warrior!” at the top of their lungs in hopes of spurring their guy to pull off the upset. Just as he lifts me up for the Time 4 Bed, I get out of it and proceed to beat the living hell out of him.

The crowd, so active seconds before, quiets down to the point you can hear a pin drop. Some fat, socially inept kid in the front row takes his Internet Warrior mask off, watching his hero get pummeled within an inch of his life. I then hit the Overlasting Impression, and make the cover for the 1-2-3. There is no raucous celebration, no victory lap for the Warrior while joyous music plays in the background. Instead, a lonely, little man lays in the middle of the ring, looking up into the lights of the arena with tears in his eyes because his dream of becoming relevant in the wrestling industry is destroyed. Now THAT is what I call a happy ending.

Overlast stands up with a satisfied grin on his face and gathers his belongings before leaving the locker room, abruptly ending the interview and leaving Becky sitting alone.
Psychological warfare is as much a part of wrestling as headlocks and arm drags. The Internet Warrior is not very good at these types of tricks, or, at least, not intentionally. Knowing this, of course Warrior is going to try his hand at getting into the mindset of his opponent. Will it work? Only time will tell.


Standing in the backstage interview area, we find Johnny Klamor standing with his guest, The Internet Warrior. Klamor has a look of disgust on his face, while Warrior counters with his best attempt at a look of apathy.

Ladies and gentlemen, my guest, the winless wonder, The Internet Warrior.

Klamor seems pleased with his introduction of Warrior, who gives no response.

This week on Aftershock, you face Mick Overlast, who won last week, something you seem to be incapable of doing. What are…

Let me stop you there, Klamor.

Klamor looks over at Warrior with a look of simultaneous anger, shock and confusion. Warrior, unfazed by Johhny’s reaction, continues on.

I’ve listened to what Mick Overlast has had to say during his time here in WZCW and he might have a point. I’m an Internet wrestling fan; I know what goes on around here. We need change around here. Mick may be just who we need to bring that change.

The look of disbelief remains on Klamor’s face and, for once, he seems speechless.

You’re joking, right?

The Warrior stares over at Johnny for a moment, then bursts into laughter. Klamor’s facial expression shifts from the confused look to full-on anger.

What the hell is going on here? Start explaining, before I go out there and hand you your next loss.

Warrior wipes tears from his eyes as he tries to regain his composure and continue with the interview.

Calm down, calm down. I was being honest when I said that I’ve been watching Mick Overlast for a couple weeks now. I was also being honest when I said that I’m an Internet wrestling fan and know too much about what goes on in wrestling companies. The rest of it, however, is what Mick wants us to think. Follow along, Johnny, we’re going for a ride.

Klamor looks as though he is going to be sick. Warrior is either oblivious or doesn’t care, and continues to speak.

Mick Overlast is about to participate in his third match in WZCW. Yet, he believes that he deserves a spot on pay-per-view at All or Nothing. I might buy into his conspiracy theories more if he wasn’t so delusional. Or boring. He’s also very boring, which, of course, is something I would never accuse you of, Johnny K.

My lunch is going to end up like one of your matches: lost.

See? Thanks for proving my point. Wrestling is built on larger-than-life characters that stretch what you believe to its limits, not boring guys complaining about how the man is keeping them down. I plan on going out in front of the greatest fans in the world and have some fun kicking your butt around the ring. Maybe, if you’re lucky, I’ll dislodge that stick from it.

Warrior heads offstage with a giant smile on his face. Klamor looks straight into the camera with a look that suggests Johnny wasn’t joking about vomiting.

Ladies and gentlemen, I can only say one thing after that interview. Go Mick Overlast.

The scene fades to black.
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