AF 2: Darren Bull vs. Ryan Raynes

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"The Party Begins!!!"

We go into a hotel room that is real messed up. Once the camera goes inside the hotel room the we see the whole room is beyond messed up. In the bed there is a familiar body slowly getting. It turns out to be Darren Bull and he looks like he has a headache.

Bull: Damn that was one of the sickest parties ever.

We see Darren throwing an empty beer bottle out of the way. He then grabs the remote control and turns off the TV.

Now that I've party up here in the LA, I'm up for my in-ring debut for WZCW. The time has come for the real party to start and there will be no stopping it.

Darren gets up from the bed and goes over the restroom. Once he gets to the restroom he then splashes some water onto his face. He looks at the mirror and just smiles

They say the night might be young but that can't stop me for a second. The reason I don't want to waist a second is because I'm going take this opportunity and take it where ever I want it to go.

He then looks at his reflection in the mirror again. At that moment he takes in a good deep breath. He then decides to look over at the digital clock which is next to the bed and the clock reads 4:39 AM. Then he takes in one more deep breath to relax himself.

The time is close upon all of us. The arrival of the newest, youngest, hottest face that has ever step into a ring. Once upon my arrival the start of something new will begin and there will be nothing able to stop this. I do hope all those stupid, idiot, and ugly looking people will see why I am more than just a another pretty face. But, I really don't care what they think of me cause they can boo me and I will not give a damn.

Darren starts walking back to the bed. He then commences to sit down. He is still is trying to calm down his headache from the sick party.

At AfterShock the journey of Darren Bull begins and not my opponent or those idiotic people can't stop this party that has begun which is in full motion now. There is one thing they are all gonna remember about me and that is I party hard but wrestle harder. That's right "Party Hard, Wrestle Harder".

The camera begins to fade away while Darren tries to sleep meanwhile he starts repeating "Party Hard, Wrestle Harder" to himself.
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