AF 10: Hunter Jackson vs. The Masked Gentleman

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
Despite Hunter Jackson walking out on Aftershock last week, he will be competing this week against the newly debuted rookie, the Masked Gentlemen without any strings attached. Both men are renowned for their professional passive fighting techniques and should be an interesting match to watch. Can the gentleman create himself a winning streak or will Jackson show that he is made for singles competition?

Deadline is Sunday, May 20th at 11:59 PM EST. No extensions are allowed.
We open up to a rooftop a top of France. Many flat blue rooftops a top of the purest of white or the lightest of brown buildings. Dirt collects around the sides around the windows. To top it off, a brick chimney atop every roof. This particular rooftop has a sign of patriotism in the form of the french flag, the blue, white and red flowing in the wind atop a metal pole right next to the window. beyond the buildings lies in the background none other than france's most famous land mark, the Eiffel Tower with the left side lighted up while the right is somewhat taken by the dark as the sun sets. Atop the rooftop stands two men, a wrestler, dressed with one of his usual all white suits, with a black undershirt underneath his light blue dress shirt, with a white bow tie, his normal red mask he usually uses in matches around his eyes, his normal white walking cane and a white top hat to complete the picture. A second man, an interviewer stands behind him, also dressed in a suit. His suit however is brown with a blue dress shirt and a striped red tie. In addition to the suit, he wears a pair of glasses to help him see. Unlike the wrestler, however, due to all the jumping and risk it takes to get to this particular rooftop they are on, the interviewer is out of breath, resting himself on the side of the chimney, while the wrestler known as Le Gentleman Masque rests upon his cane, looking at the Eiffel Tower at the edge of the building.

Leon Kensworth: Mister.......Masque......why........are France.......

Le Gentleman Masque remains silent, continually staring at the Eiffel Tower as Mr. Kensworth still tries to catch his breath.

Leon Kensworth: Mister......Masque......why did you drag me here?

Leon Kensworth manages to calm down as the man he is set to interview, The man known as The Masked Gentleman turns around to face him.

The Gent: My apologies, Sir Kensworth. I did not mean to drag you around my country this much. However, I was hoping instead to drag a Miss Serra or a Miss Madison. I am sure your interviewing skills are terrific, however, I was hoping for some possible romance, and while I apologize, you are not my type.

Leon Kensworth: So, Mr. Masque, I take it you know about your match at the Aftershock before Kingdom Come.

The Gent: Indeed I do, Mr. Kensworth. The fact I am allowed a match right before Kingdom Come despite being the newest member to the WCZW roster touches my heart greatly. Considering who I'm putting away this time, it seems like such an opponent can only BE taken on at such a great event such as this.

Leon Kensworth: Huh?

The Gent: You see, when I asked who my opponent was, I was not expecting it as I'm not too familiar with this member of the roster, but after some research, I know that this may in fact be the most important match in my career.

Leon Kensworth: Well, it is the show right before the big show, Kingdom Come.

The Gent: Indeed, and I know who my opponent is. Who is this villain you ask? Despite an impressive list of acomplishments that dates back decades ago, including an impressive number of quotes and references by popular media, his current status being in WZCW sickens me.

Leon takes a moment to reflect upon what was said and see if he heard him correctly.

Leon Kensworth: An impressive number of quotes and references from decades ago?

The Gent: Yes, yet despite a rather large following of followers, based on what has clearly happened to him, I cannot allow this to continue.

Leon Kensworth: With all respect to Hunter, are we talking about the same person? Both he and you are relatively new here.

The Gent: Why, who else would we be talking about? None other than my opponent, popular journalist and writer, Hunter Thompson.

Leon Kensworth: Ah. Wait. What?

The Gent: It saddens me to know a classic author has risen from the dead against his will as what I can only take as part of a nefarious plot, but let it be known, if it takes all I can, I will make it so that he shall rest in peace. A bad name for Mr. Thompson shall not come posthumous. Not only that, the one who broke the laws of nature to resurrect him in your current state shall be punished as well.

Leon Kensworth: A-hem. Sir?

The Gent: Yes, Kensworth?

Leon Kensworth: How should I put this? Your opponent is NOT Hunter THOMPson. His name is Hunter JACKson.

Le Gentleman Masque takes a pause to reflect upon the fact his opponent is not dead, let alone undead, but very much alive. Gentleman Masque remembers what he has seen so far of his opponent at the show where he debuted, before speaking up once again.

The Gent: Ah...that is someone I AM familiar with. The American Shaolin Warrior? I see.

Leon Kensworth: Any words on Mr. JACKson?

The Gent: I guess there is one thing. Mr. Jackson, from what I know, I have seen you compete in matches with your partner, a Mr. Jack Sinner as part of the Shaolin Jacks. However, just recently you walked out on your partner not even explaining why. What inspires you to at least not tell those you once considered friends? Could you be possibly heading down a different path? If such is the case, I only wish to help you. I wish for no man to have fallen down a similar path that I did, and if that means I have to finish him off at the most anticipated Aftershock of the year, I will certainly do so.

Le Gentleman Masque raises his cane up into the air before continuing his speech.

The Gent: I look forward to taking on Mr. Jackson in the match. But while those in my match shall pay their dues, I'd like to let the ressurected Mr. Thompson know this, you have escaped this time, BUT MARK MY WORDS, THOMPSON, if there is one thing I DO know about you, it's that you're out there and once I find you, I am coming for you for when you do your next misdeed. I swear it. Adieu, Mr. Kensworth.

Le Gentleman Masque puts a grin on his face as he twirls around his cane, before resting in on his shoulder, then stepping upon the edge of the rooftop and jumping from it. Kensworth puts on a shocked look on his face as he looks down from the rooftop to see the person who took him to this rooftop to interview disappeared leaving only slowly falling towards the brick road at the bottom his calling card, the small replica of his mask. A sudden realization sets in to him as he realizes he only got to the top of the roof via tricky maneuvering of the man he was set to interview, and said man was familiar with the area.


Leon Kensworth: peels his head away to look around the buildings in hopes that maybe he'll reappear.


Leon realizes he's left on his own, sighing while staring towards the sunset.

Leon Kensworth: ...Dammit.
The camera turns on and we see Hunter sitting in his locker room meditating. Sitting across from him is Master Feng who is quietly talking to him.

Master Feng: Hunter you were well on your way to enlightenment when you first got her to WZCW but then you got caught up in a tag team with Jack Skinner and you lost your way. That is why I had you walk out on him last week. The path to enlightenment is a solitary one and as much as you like to help people they can not walk it with you.

Hunter takes a deep breath and opens his eyes looking at his Master with a calm look in his eyes.

Hunter Jackson: You are right Master. I got here and was distracted my the bright lights of WZCW. Instead of continuing down my path like you told me to I got sidetracked and for that I apologize. I will work harder to follow your teaching I promise.

Master Feng closes his eyes and takes a deep breath preparing to meditate himself. He stops all of a sudden and talks again.

Master Feng: you asked me earlier why you weren't on the Kingdom Come card and this is most likely the reason why. Had you stayed on your path I have no doubt you would be on the card in some way instead of being on the aftershock before hand

Hunter tilts his head and gets a thoughtful look on his face as he looks at his master.

Hunter Jackson: Again Master you are right but I think this is the best thing for me. I came to WZCW planning on being a singles star but I can side tracked. On Aftershock I am facing a new comer called The Masked Gentleman. I know in my heart this is what is supposed to happen.

Master Feng closes his eyes and takes a deep breath as he starts to meditate. Across from him Hunter does the same thing as Master Feng starts talking.

Master Feng: Hunter I want you to tell me about your opponent. Winning this match will be your first step back on the path to enlightenment and in order to do that you have to know your opponent.

Hunter takes a deep breath and is quite for a few minutes. When it looks like he is not going to say anything he starts talking in a calm quite voice.

Hunter Jackson: The Masked Gentleman is french when he was younger he was a master thief but was caught in a police sting operation. He was rehabilitated and he decided to come to WZCW and wants to show everyone what it means to fight like a gentleman.

At that Master Feng opens his eyes and looks right at Hunter.

Master Feng: That is all well and good but you have something he doesn't even if it isn't complete and that is inner peace. His past and desire to fight makes you the better man. Keep your inner peace and you will win this match I know it.

Hunter looks at his Master with a thoughtful look in his face. As the camera fades to black they both go back to meditating in order to prepare for Hunter's match.
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