AF 10: Derek Jacobs vs. Joe Mason

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
A triple threat to start off Aftershock 10 will feature the newly debuting superstar called "Joe Mason" who will be looking to take on Derek Jacobs and Mr. Butty, who will be receiving his second chance after no-showing last week's show. If Butty no-shows once more, he will be removed from the WZCW Roster... but if he does show, can he teach the other competitors what a winner looks like, or can Jacobs pick up his first win. Or can the rookie impress us in his first match?

Deadline is Sunday, May 20th at 11:59 PM EST. No extensions are allowed.
“Son of a BITCH!”

(Derek Jacobs punches his locker, leaving a massive dent in the door)

How in the HELL could I lose to such a friggin pipsqueak? That kid isn’t even big enough to hold my jockstrap! And he beats ME? (He sends a trash can flying against a TV) Finally, out of breath, he sits down on a bench and begins to take off his ring gear. Something has got to give. I will NOT be taken for a fool in WZCW. I’m one of the biggest, strongest guys on the roster. I WILL NOT be made into a damn joke!

Derek showers and finishes getting ready. In the hallway, he is approached by of all people, Matt Tastic.

Well, well. Big bad Derek Jacobs. Fancy findin' you around here. Wow. You are a big dude. 7 feet?

Matt gives an amusingly gleeful smile waiting for an answer but Derek doesn't give one.

Yeah. Why?

Why are you losing then?

Tastic is cut off as Derek grabs him by the collar of his shirt holds him to the wall.

You're a small guy. I wouldn't say making fun of me is a good idea.

Riddle me this then, big guy. Why am I on a major match at Kingdom Come while you're on the pre-show? Riddle me this, Why are you playing third wheel to those two nobodies, Bull and West. You're far bigger and far stronger. Why aren't getting the bigger matches?

...I... I...

You get conned very easily. I've seen it. Mr. Butty and now those Hate goofs. You need to start relying on your own strength, Dr. Pain.

Dr. Pain?

Yeah, Dr. Pain. Look at you. You're gonna perform surgery on some bodies, man. You have those scalpel-like arms, razor-sharp biceps and...

Derek tosses Matt around and lets him. He approaches him again, but Matt seems rather unconcerned of the attack.

You know, you are right. I should start thinking for myself. And maybe I should stop relying on other people. I'm strong enough to work by myself. And... Dr. Pain... I like that.

Yeah, work on your social skills. *trips* ow... They're worse than mine.

three days later….

Derek Jacobs is seen in his apartment in downtown Chicago, watching the final minutes of his match with the masked gentleman.

Jacobs staggers over and grabs the Gentleman and goes for a t-bone suplex, but on the follow through the Gent lands on his feet. Jacobs turns around and is nailed by a slap from the Gentleman followed by a kick to the midsection. The Gentleman runs back and nails a wicked running curb stomp to the back of the head of Jacobs, who crashes face first to the mat. The Gent makes the quick cover, shooting the half. 1…2…3!

I had that match won. All I had to do was finish him off. Such BS! ] (Jacobs rises from his couch and walks into his bedroom. A large mirror stands in the corner of his room diagonal from his bed. Jacobs stands in front of the mirror, looking at his massive frame.) I’m one of the biggest guys on the roster. I’m for sure the biggest guy on Aftershock. Why the hell have I lost all my matches so far? (Jacobs Punches the wall in his apartment, putting a hole in the drywall) I’m bigger, I’m badder, and I’m stronger than anyone else on aftershock, and it’s time that I start dominating like the beast that I am. No more hanging around with leeches like Bull and West. No more making myself look like an idiot in front of the entire world. Dr. Pain Derek Jacobs is about to start operating on some asses.

Three days later…

Leon Kensworth walks into a prominent Chicago gym, where a crowd of people have gathered around the bench press station. Derek Jacobs is seen on the bench, pressing at least 500 pounds like it was a bag of feathers. After Jacobs is finished with his workout, kensworth gets his attention.

Mr. Jacobs, can we get a word with you?

What do you want now Leon?

A couple of questions Mr. Jacobs. First, after your loss at Aftershock, you maliciously attacked Matt Tastic, when all he was trying to do was give you simple words of encouragement. Can you explain your actions?

It’s really simple Leon. He was in the wrong place at the wrong time and said the wrong thing. I don’t know if he realized it or not, but I had just been beaten in a fluke of a match by a guy that is the same size as a flea. Whenever people say stupid things, bad things happen, and that was no exception. I don’t feel sorry for what I did; as a matter of fact, I felt pretty damn good about myself.


Matt Tastic walks in on the interview casually speaking.

Because I don't recall anything out of the ordinary the other day. Mr. Jacobs, I must say you are truly a strong, fierce guy. But you lack direction. Yo need a GPS, buddy.

Derek looks angrily at Matt, but stops as Matt speaks.

No, no. Pay no attention to me, people. I'm just a spectator. Go on.

Very well... Secondly, you have been placed in a match on the next episode of Aftershock against a man you have some history with here in WZCW, Mr. Butty, and another newcomer in the form of Joe Mason. What are your thoughts on this matchup?

Triple threat once again. You know, the last time I was in a triple threat match, I tried to play it smart team up with one of my opponents and take the other one out. It bit me in the ass, I’ll admit that. This time my plan is simple. No alliances, no buddy buddy crap, just me destroying two victims. Joe Mason, with you it’s nothing personal; but with Mr. Butty, (Jacobs looks into the camera, his eyes cold and calculating) I told you before that I never forget, and I don’t. I always take pleasure in the pain of others, and with you, it’s going to almost be orgasmic. And you can bank on that.

Well, kinky plan there big guy. I hope it goes over well. But if I were you, using one guy to beat the other sounds like a pretty sound deal. Didn't Butt-head use you to win a match once? And all you can think of is hurting him? Come on, bro. Expand. Think of something more devious.

Like what, smart guy?

Use HIM. Beat both. This isn't your first three-way rodeo after all.

Whatever. I'll do things however I see fit. Don't get in my way or I will hurt you again.

The fact that you reject me is heart-breaking enough. *sob* Good luck out there, Dr.

Matt walks out as Derek and Leon look on perplexed.

OK... Thank you for your time Mr. Jacobs. And good luck at Aftershock.

With a body like this, I don't really need luck. Mr.Butty and Joe Mason are being led to the slaughter this week on Aftershock. And I’m the butcher.
Scene takes place in the Davis home, a small, run-down mobile home just outside of New Orleans, Louisiana.


Joe Mason, 13 years of age, is sitting down on his worn-out couch his stepfather purchased from GCF earlier in the day. Joe is adjusting the antennae to his television, desperately looking for a TV show to watch. It is 10 P.M., and his mother and stepfather at this time are at a drug house in a nearby neighborhood. Finally, after fiddling with the antennae to the television for some time, he finds a local channel, showing an amateur wrestling tournament taking place at the New Orleans Arena. Mason is content with this channel, and goes into his bedroom and grabs his stuffed tiger, which he has named Tony and has dubbed his best friend, and settles back down on the couch to watch.

Joe: This seems like an interesting show to watch, right, Tony?

Tony (voiced by Joe): I do like wrestling, Joey.

The “pair” continues to watch until it ends; Joe is absolutely mesmerized by the tournament, wishing to himself he could wrestle in that arena one day. Just as it goes off the air, the sound of a jalopy pulling up by the mobile home resounds throughout the area. Panicked, Joe quickly turns off the television, but it is too late as his mother, Sarah, and stepfather, Doug, enter the house.

Doug: What the hell are you doing?! I told you to get to bed before we got home!

I…I didn’t know when you would get home, Doug…

Show some respect, boy! My name isn’t Doug to you; I’m either Dad or Mr. Davis!

Sorry, Mr. Davis…

Just go to bed before I get pissed! Now!

(Whispering to Tony) I thought he was already pissed…

Joe begins to walk away, but Doug jumps into his way, face blood-red with hatred.

Are you sassing me, boy?! And why the heck are you talking to a freaking stuffed animal, anyway? You are 13!

Doug snatches Tony out of Joe’s hands, fueling Joe with anger.

Doug, no! Leave my friend alone!

Doug pulls out his pocketknife and cuts Tony open, rips out the stuffing, and throws the whole mess out of the window.

Tony! Why?!


Boiling over in anger, Doug brings his arm back and swings, backhanding Joe in the face and knocking him out.
Scene goes black.

Scene restarts five years later, in the New Orleans Arena.


Joe Mason, now age 18, has just won his fifth consecutive state championship in high school amateur wrestling of the state of Louisiana.

Interviewer: Joe Mason, you have just won your fifth championship. How do you feel?

I feel great. It’s all because I sat down with my best friend one day to watch this same tournament, five years ago…

Joe appears to lose all consciousness, as though he is deep into his memories.

May I ask who your best friend is?

This question snaps Joe out of his trance, and obviously does not please him; he begins to turn away sulkily, but thinks it better to just answer the question.

Was, rather- he is no longer with us.

I’m sorry to hear that. When did he pass? What was his name? Am I being too personal?

He was being much too personal, but Joe wasn’t going to be the first to tell him that.

No, you’re fine. He passed that night, actually. His name was Tony, and he was my stuffed tiger.

Oh… cool story, bro.

The interviewer walks away from Joe with a befuddled look on his face as the scene goes black.
Scene restarts five years later, at Tulane University, from which Joe Mason, now age 23, has just graduated with a Master’s Degree in Architecture.


In this time period, Joe has won five consecutive collegiate wrestling tournaments in the NCAA. In this scene, Joe sits in his dorm room with his roommate, Michael Solomon.

Man, I can’t believe I have gotten this far.

Michael: It’s amazing, man. I don’t know how I got here either. I’m no good in either academics or athletics, but you… you have both, bro! I’ve known you for five years, and you show promise. But- there’s one thing, Joey.

Michael walks across the dorm room to Joe’s bed, sits next to him, and puts his hand on his shoulder comfortingly.

What’s up, bro?

You’re too good to have a career building things. Pro athletics is where the money is, bro. Haven’t you considered pro wrestling?

The question catches Joe completely off-guard.

Well, it’s a bit different than the amateur stuff I’m used to, Mike.

Well, true, but you have the determination to get through it! I know you can! And if something goes wrong, you have architect to fall back on. And, most of all, you got me, bro. I’m your best friend. I’ll always support you.

Joe sits in silence, considering all that Michael has said. Finally, after a long moment of silence, he stands up abruptly and starts pacing around.

…You know something? You are right! I can do it! And you always have my back, bro! I know you got me, and I got architect if I need it. Thanks Mike! This day, I promise that before you know it, I will become the greatest pro wrestler the world has ever seen!

Scene goes black.
Scene enters the present. Joe Mason is backstage in his locker room preparing for his WZCW debut match, when, suddenly, there is a banging on the door. Joe opens it to find a local security guard, who is holding a gift box.

Guard: Joe Mason?

Yeah, what’s up?

I have a gift for you, sir. The sender requires he stay anonymous.

Joe opens the box to find a stuffed tiger, identical to his old Tony. He becomes completely befuddled, as he has no idea who could have possibly sent that to him. As he sets the stuffed animal down and begins to lace up his boots, Michael Solomon enters the room.


Joe hops up and embraces Mike in a powerful hug.

Good to see you, too, bro.

Wait, Mike… Are you supposed to be back here?

I… got around. But let’s not worry about that, shall we?

Mike then notices the stuffed tiger sitting on the floor. He walks over and picks it up.

Is this yours, bro? Didn’t know you played with stuffed animals.

Joe ignores the comment, but becomes slightly confused, as he figured he would’ve given it to him; though only Doug and Sarah knew about Tony… Joe shakes his head as a physical representation of clearing his mind.

Oh, whatever, Mike. So how are you?

Not as good as you, obviously. So, what’s your first order of business?

Well, listen here. I worked my tail off to get here, man. I’m not taking this debut match lightly. I’m in a whole new world. But do you want to know something, Mike?

What, Joe?

Michael has a befuddled look on his face as Joe abruptly starts pacing around, similar to the way he did in their Tulane dorm room so long ago.

I feel that people on the WZCW roster are being taken for granted. Some of them are put into matches with opponents they have no business facing; wastes of their time, if you feel me. I believe that it is my duty to ensure that these men, whose names shall go unmentioned, as well as myself, are put into matches we deserve. Tonight, I am making a name for myself. I am the Master of Submissions, Joe Mason… and I will make either Butty or Jacobs tap out, whoever I get my hands on first, and show everyone that I mean business. This, Mike, is the rise…

Rise, Joe?

Yes, Mike, this is the rise- from the Royal Bottom to the top! Before you know it, all eyes will behold me with the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship draped over my shoulder! And I will see to it that the contenders to this title are the ones that deserve it! I am here to bring honor to the complacent WZCW! Let every man get the chance he deserves!

Unsure of what Joe is continuing on about, Mike slips out, a confused look on his face, just as Joe is called to prepare for his entrance.
Scene ends.
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