AF 10: Anderson P. Styles vs. Daniel Dela Cruz

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
Styles and Cruz have had an amazing run thus far in their early career, picking up wins in almost every match they've had and gaining notoriety with the fans. These two competitors will meet each other in the ring to definitively decide which one of these rookies is better. This is definitely a match to keep your eyes on.

Deadline is Sunday, May 20th at 11:59 PM EST. No extensions are allowed.
"Mr. Dela Cruz"
The video opens up to a living where we see some family portraits or a lack there of hanging on the wall. We see about two portraits hung on the wall as the cameras scan through it before audio can be heard of a very familiar movie playing on TV, Home Alone 2. The cameras go closer to where the TV is where it spots a couch. The cameras move forward to see Daniel Dela Cruz sleeping like a baby with a bowl of cheetos on the floor. Home Alone 2 then starts its famous scene where the machine guns start. At the sound of this, Daniel wakes up but seems to have fallen back asleep when the scene was over. However, the phone rings and with its constant noise, Daniel has no choice but to get up and answer it to stop the sound.

(This whole conversation was spoken in Tagalog, but was translated into English)

Daniel: Hello?

???: Hello? Daniel!

Daniel: Celine? Celine? Is that you?

Celine: Yes, it's me.

Daniel: Wow! I'm glad you called. I miss you terribly but isn't it really early there?

Celine: Yeah, but I just wanted to see how my big brother was doing.

Daniel: Well, I'm pretty fine. Just have some Home Alone 2 on the TV at the moment while eating some cheetos. How's everything there?

Celine: That's kind of the reason I called Daniel.

Daniel's eyes widen at the moment that he heard this.

Daniel: Oh..uhm, what's wrong? Are you okay?

Celine: Yeah, I'm fine. It's just that you know how dad isn't too thrilled that you're wrestling right? Well, I convinced him to watch your next match!

Daniel: What? Really? Man, that's great. Looks like I really have to win this one now. With dad watching, it'll add immense pressure but hey, nothing I can't handle.

Celine: You sure about that?

Daniel: Yeah, yeah. I got this one little sis. Don't worry about me. Just make sure dad watches my next match. Tell him that if I win, I'll personally grab a mic and dedicate the match for him. Hopefully creative allows that.

Celine: Alright then. No pressure right? I gotta go now, I'll call you some time soon. Hopefully after your match ok?

Daniel: Sounds good sis. Be good to dad, don't give him too much headaches cause you know, that's sort of my job.

Celine lets out a small chuckle at her brother's comment.

Celine: Haha. Good luck out there. I'm sure you'll do great. I love you bro, bye!

Daniel: Love you too, bye.

Daniel drops the phone and before he knew it, the information that his sister just gave him sunk in. He then starts breathing kind of fast at the thought of his father watching him. Especially if he loses, he'll doomed to see his father look at him with pity and anger. Daniel then calms down a bit and runs to his laptop. He goes on to check on his opponent, Anderson P. Styles.

Daniel: Hmm, looks like this guy will be my toughest opponent yet. He possess a lot of submission moves and he has an MMA background. We'll just see if he can counter my high-flying attack and if he can actually ground me.

Daniel then scrolls down for more information.

Daniel: We're about the same size so this'll definitely be a hotly-contested matchup. But I think I should be fine as long as I don't give him any openings. And even if I do, I have some tricks up my sleeve to counter him. With this win, I'll finally get to show dad that he raised a failure and that there are some good things about me. It's time to change dad's perspective on me.

Daniel then feels even more motivated and decides to call his best friend, Jacob.

Jacob: Hey Daniel!

Daniel: Jacob, mind helping me train again? This next match is really for all the marbles for me. My dad is watching this match and I really wanna prove to him that his son is someone he can be proud of and to undo the bad things that I've done in the past. This one is for my mom too, you know how much I miss her man.

Jacob: Yeah, yeah. No problem Daniel. I'll be there right away. Let's go get you that win!

Daniel: Thanks man, see you soon.

As soon as Daniel drops the phone, he springs to his room to pack some gym clothes. He turns off everything at home and bolts out the door. The final image we see is of the Dela Cruz family portrait with Daniel's dad carrying Celine while Daniel has his mother hand around his.
A man sitting in a large and red leather chair in the center of a room with a hardwood floor, a fireplace behind said chair, and pictures of the same person with different dead animals as well as shaking the hand of three different presidents. The fireplace was the only thing crackling as the man sad thoughtfully, with a hand under his chin. Anderson Styles remained quiet, his attire consisting of a business suit that he’s known to wear outside the ring save for the jacket. Styles turned and looked at the camera that was there. With a smile, Anderson pretended to feign innocence when he saw the camera pointed at him.

Anderson: Hi! I didn’t see you there.

Cameraman #1: Didn’t you ask for me? Something about cutting a promo?

Anderson nodded as he briefly thought over last week. It wasn’t the time to discuss such a matter so he left it as just a brief flashback.

Anderson: …I know.

Anderson looked to the pictures to his right and the cameraman waited patiently for him to start. Anderson quietly walked over to a picture that had caught his eye and he took it off the wall. Motioning to the camera, he turned towards it and showed the picture for all to see: a picture of Anderson taking Joseph Greaves down.

Anderson: Last week, the WZCW faithful went in and they watched a master class in outmaneuvering a rookie. They saw how an experience hand remained calm, displaying patience and prudence when it comes to impudent rookies. The young man that I faced last week and I engaged in the greatest match of that card and I bet that I’m right. I daresay that the young man is better for it.

With a content sigh, Anderson put the photo back on the wall and felt glad that he did such a great thing for a young wrestler. Anderson felt that he had beaten sense into that young man and would be a better person for it.

Anderson: With that, my victory established the fact that all are welcome to this fine country of ours and make something of their future. They’re all welcome to our land to try their hand at this piece of Americana. They can create a future for themselves and create a legacy that will endure for a very long time.

Turning around, he looked at the room full of photos, all memories of something he had gone through : pictures of him wrestling in a green ring in Japan, a ring that was full of logos from his time in Mexico, the time he donned the singlet and ear protectors in his time as an amateur wrestler.

Anderson: That brings up a very good way to talk about this week’s match.

The cameraman takes a few steps back as Anderson watches a blank spot on the wall. It appears to fit a picture frame perfectly.

Anderson: Usually, I take the time to run down the opponent I’ll be facing for this week, but not this week. Today, I’ll be paying my respects to a man who wants to make it in this business, not out of a superior motive except being the best in this business.

Anderson nodded as he remembered the information he got on Dela Cruz: A young man that wanted to make something of him and picked Professional Wrestling to do it. There are times where a man makes a choice and must live with it. For that Anderson, respected Daniel.

Anderson: I respect a young man that wants to make something of himself and wishes to do it on american soil. I but once again, I face down a rookie; A young man who went the same road as I did and worked in the smaller promotions before coming here.

Anderson remains quiet as he looks at the room. The room was his pride because of the pictures he had of his battles in wrestling, amateur or professional.

Anderson: You are a young man whose better off in the air, but I will ground you. It doesn't matter what you want to do, I will not let you do it. I will simply keep you grounded and get you to make a mistake.

Anderson’s face is serious as he looks at the camera while walking to the center of the room, a man amongst his prizes.

Anderson: We will have the best match on the card, and you will have a chance to prove your heart in that ring, Daniel. I got no doubt that you will be one of the best wrestlers in this industry and no one will deny it…but not this week.

Anderson placed his hands in front of him as the cameraman remained quiet, not unlike the last time where he had chatted with Anderson. With the solemn look on Anderson’s face, the cameraman cut the video.
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