Admin Interview Applicants - Closing Arguments


Excellence of Execution
This process is finally coming to a close. I have, in my mind, ranked from top to bottom who I think would make the best Admin. However, this is your chance to give your final closing arguments, your last chance to change my mind.

I want to have my decision made (and hopefully make the person a full Admin, instead of a token one...but that depends on atomiconline) by Summerslam. I do need to write up a few things, some helpful welcomes to the next Administrator, but I hope I can get all of that done within this next week.

Anyways, make your final persuasive arguments for yourself here.
I should be admin because I'm the best qualified. Of the three of us, no one is here more often than I am, no one is involved in discussion more than I am and no one compliments you better than I do.

I'm on all day. D-Man and Lee have jobs that cause them to not be on here as often as I am. While this may change in the future, at the moment I'm here more often than either of them.

I post in just about everything here. Live Discussions, the game show, reviews, regular threads, board room, the weekly reviews, bar room/cage and I even annoy prisoners. There is almost nothing that I don't get in on around here in one way or another. As I said in the thread you set up for me, I've done well with the things you've given me around here, so why wouldn't I do well with the big thing?

Finally, I compliment you the best of all three of us. As you've seen many times, I have next to no clue about a lot of the technology based stuff and have a limited desire to learn it. If I were admin I'd certainly try to learn some more of it but you are likely going to know more of it than I ever will so as long as the load of it isn't too much for you, I don't really see a need for me to master the inner workings of it, which is what you were looking for I believe?

As I said, I'm perfect for this job.
From what I gather, this position requires someone that is knowledgeable about everything having to do with the forums. They must make correct, fair, and just decisions on all things without prejudice, favoritism, or being hard-headed. They need to care about the forums and not use their position as a tool to feed their own ego. They also need to be one of the best at what we do here; posting, driving discussion, participating in all things having to do with the forum, and keeping things organized and functioning correctly. Not to mention the fact that this position requires the ability to handle a good amount of responsibilities, provide leadership to others, and to be a team player along side Slyfox in order to keep this place moving in the right direction. All in all, we need to keep this place as being the best wrestling forum on the web and continue to move it in that direction, all while keeping our members happy.

Therefore, here is what I can offer:

First of all, I'm not hard-headed. I enjoy eating a slice of humble pie here and there and I never have a problem admitting when I'm wrong about something. I'm definitely not perfect nor do I act as if I am. Matter of fact, at times, I like being wrong because it gives me the opportunity to learn something new. But that doesn't mean I don't know what I'm doing on the forum. I've caught a lot of flack from others as a result of being "the new guy." But being chosen as one of the top three for this position should more than qualify me as being knowledgeable about what we do here. As I've mentioned before, IrishCanadian didn't know the ins and outs of every function when he was appointed as admin, either. But I think he did a pretty good job. I don't think I'm the only one that sees similarities between IC25 and me and I think that's a very good thing.

Like I said, I'm naturally eager to learn new things. There are many responsibilities that comes with the admin position and I'm ready to take them on. I'm somewhat of a sponge in which I can quickly absorb new information and learn duties at a quicker pace than most.

I can't say this enough - I absolutely LOVE to help people. Besides being a sales manager, I'm also the head trainer of the tri-state area for my day-job. I believe a big part of this position is helping others; whether it be random posters, mods, or even Slyfox. It's all about teamwork and I'm a firm believer in it.

I also have tons of patience. While most members of our staff easily crack and lash out when they're faced with tough decisions, complaining posters, and major problems, I never lose my cool. I take my time, find the correct remedy, and implement it in a way that provides the right solution.

I've been a loyal poster in just about every section of the forum. I enjoy spreading my thoughts and knowledge to all sections so I could be as versatile as possible. This allows me to stay familiar with everything that goes on here and that is a direct reflection on my opinion of what an admin should be doing in the forum.

Just like you mentioned in my admin interview thread, I agree that I am the best compliment to what you do here. Sly, we very rarely disagree. I think that's a HUGE factor in making your decision. After all, I highly doubt that you'd want to promote someone that you'd constantly be in conflict with.

Besides the personal aspect of things, we also compliment each other on the workload side of things. Even though my natural instincts of being a "sponge" would have me eventually learning the technical functions of an admin, as of right now, I'm more comfortable being in the mix with other posters. I love making myself a part of the tournaments, discussions, awards, contests, and the regular threads. I also love meeting, getting to know, and mixing it up with the other posters on the forum. After all, I don't believe you can gain respect from others unless you show them all sides of you. It's not just about how much smarter you are than them; it's also about harmony.

It's been pointed out on many occasions that I don't know everything. But honestly, for the short time that I've been a mod and a G-mod, do you really expect me to know everything? Me neither. And that's why it shouldn't play a factor here. Like I said earlier, I'm naturally a sponge and I enjoy learning my duties. There's nothing that you can't teach me. I may not know everything, but I have the resources and support to help me take on any task. So, I think what you should be asking yourself is if I execute my duties correctly and efficiently. I think the easy answer to that question would be yes.

I'd also like to address the time I put into the forum (or lack thereof). Do I spend every waking minute on the forum? No. Do I have a job and other responsibilities outside of here? Actually, I have two jobs. But I think it's plain to see that it's never stopped me from putting enough time into Wrestlezone. You don't need to be on these forums 24/7 in order to do a good job with them. Sly is a perfect example of that. It's not as if I don't have the ability to be on here more. I choose not to because everything that I need to do on here gets done in the time frame that I've chosen to put towards it. But if the time I've already put in hasn't been feasible, just let me know otherwise.

The last thing I can offer to this position is maturity. I think that this should play a big part in taking on a big position such as admin. Besides being in a position of maturity and leadership during the day, I run my own business at night (my band). If someone is in a position of leadership, there shouldn't be any tolerance for whining, complaining, or being argumentative. We are going to be taking on a job with lots of responsibility. If anyone else's maturity is in question before taking on this position, Sly should think twice about promoting them.

In closing, I offer many things to the admin position: patience, harmony, teamwork, knowledge, dedication, leadership, training, and maturity. Sly, if there is more that you require for this position than what I've listed, I'll gladly step aside for the better man.
1) I'm proven in taking something that not many people were interested in into one of the most popular areas of the forum.

2) Time thing: I've finally got a healthy balance on here, something that I feel for an admin is needed, not too much, not too little.

3) I'm proven in taking criticism on board and dealing with it.

4) I don't keep grudges with posters.

5) I have no bias to help anyone on the forum more than another, something that is needed,

6) With the new shane avatar I'm very approachable and have seen many a person PM me in the past few weeks for advice on stuff.

7) It's a work in progress, and that's the best way.

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