Additude era was organized chaos?


Sliced Bread...............
Okay with the roster distro everyone talks about I decided to do alittle research into the roster in 1998 the hight of the additude era and what I found was quite intresting. I used a color coded system where blue means main event, red means upper mid card, and green means midcard non stable, purple means stable/tag team, yellow means announcer/wrestler, orange means jobber, and gray means not featured for some good time.

The WWF roster for March 1998 was as follows: "The Heartbreak Kid"
Shawn Michaels, The Undertaker
, "The King of Harts" Owen Hart, Jerry
"The King" Lawler
, "Bad Ass" Billy Gunn, Savio Vega, Henry O.
Hunter Hearst Helmsley, "Goldust" Dustin Rhodes, Leif
, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, Phineous I. Godwinn, Big Van
, Justin Bradshaw, Mankind, "Marvelous" Marc Merro, Faarooq,
"The World's Strongest Man" Mark Henry, Barry Windham, Kane, "The
Road Dog" Jesse James
, Philip LaFon, Doug Furnas, Flash Funk, "The
Rock" Rocky Miavia
, Mosh, Thrasher, Brakus, Tiger Ali Singh, Hawk,
, "The World's Most Dangerous Man" Ken Shamrock, Scott Taylor,
D-Lo Brown, Brian "Chainz" Lee, 8-Ball, Skull, "Too Sexy" Brian
Miguel Perez Jr., Jose Estrada Jr., Jesus Castillo, Taka
, The Patriot, Recon, Kurrgan, Sniper, Max Mini, El Torito,
Jackyl, Jeff Jarrett, Glen Kulka, Steve Blackman, Aguila, Adam
, Terry Funk, Pantera, Jauques Rougeau, Carl Pierre Oulette,
Ricky Morton, Robert Gibson, Erin O'Grady, Vic Grames, Paul Silvia,
Mike Droese, John Tenta, Dan "The Beast" Severn, Mens Teioh, Shoichi
Funaki, Dick Togo,
X-Pac, Val Venis, Steve Regal
*The patriot and jessie james is purple and tripple h is red the link thing messed that up

In my opinion I think this was just organized chaos that worked out in WWF's favor since it added so much unpredictibility. What I want to know is from this method of analysis do you feel this is the formula to good wrestling (ideal formula) or just organized chaos. Feel free to tell me if I screwed up a wrestler in the wrong category.
I think you need a bubble color. That is, mid-card wrestlers who were just about to burst into the main event. Triple H comes to mind. In 98, he was heavy into DX, and while HBK was the leader, Triple H was on the verge. I am not totally comfortable calling him a midcarder, but nor had he quite become main event yet. He is a tweener. Her certainly belongs in a higher tier than Ken Shamrock, Jeff Jarrett and Goldust. Maybe that means simply changing Shamrock, Jarrett and Goldust to green, rather than red. The difference between upper mid-card and mid-card, based on the colors you chose for certain wrestlers, blurs the line considerably, so I guess, a little more detail as to what each color means? What is the difference between green and red, for example? What threshold did a wrestler have to pass, in order to get one color instead of another? I think overall, its a good scheme, I am just a little unsure what the parameters you used were.

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