ACW Supershow #1

  • Thread starter TheMostElectrifyingMan
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What Show Put On The Best Show?

  • ACW X-Treme

  • ACW Warzone

  • ACW Combat

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ACW Supershow
Las Vegas, NV

*Fireworks explode as In The End by Linkin Park plays. The ACW X-Treme announcers are on camera first.*

*JR is joined by the new ACW X-Treme announcer, The Coach!*

JR: Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the ACW Supershow! I am joined by my new broadcast partner The Coach!

Coach: That's right, the Coach is on Friday nights with JR on the flagship show of ACW! Tonight ACW X-Treme will have two matches.

JR: That's right. The first of the two is a Curserweight Showdown between the debuting Juventud Guerrera and Rey Mysterio. These men trained with each other and will put on an epic match that will truly showcase the curserweights of ACW X-Treme!

Coach: Our main event will be "The Phenomenal" A.J Styles getting an ACW World Heavyweight Title shot against the man whose place I'm taking John Bradshaw Layfield!

JR: Also tonight, there will be an interpromotional battle royal between all three shows. Also, Y2J will represent ACW X-Treme against the new brand's Marquis Cor Von!

Coach: And let's not forget the main event tonight! After all the talk and interference, finally, The Rock will go one on one with Calvin Lewis in a classic two out of three falls match! *crowd goes crazy* ACW X-Treme will sweep this show and prove why we are the flagship show.

JR: I agree, Coach! Now, here are our ACW Warzone counterparts The King and Michael Cole!

*Camera shifts to the ACW Warzone announcers*

Cole: Thanks you guys, Michael Cole here with my broadcast partner Jerry "The King" Lawler!

Lawler: What a show we have tonight! Not only do we have The Semi Finals for The Ruler of the Ring, Batista vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin, we also got a HUGE 8-man tag, Evolution and Edge vs. The Entire Dudley Family and someone else. Who's the mystery partner gonna be?

Cole: I don't know but as JR and Coach said it, it will be The Rock one on one with Calvin Lewis in a 2 out of 3 falls match tonight!

Lawler: I know, and here we go with out first match of the night....

.:{To Be Continued}:.
*The bell rings as Howard Finkle, ACW X-Treme Announcer, enters the ring.*

Finkle: The following match is a Curserweight Showdown! *crowd cheers* Introducing first.......*Booyaka 619 plays as the crowd goes wild he enters the ring.* Rey Mysterio! And his opponent....*Juventud's theme plays (upbeat salsa) crowd cheers as he gets in the ring. Juventud is wearing what he wore as a member of the Mexicools.*....Juventud Guerrera!

Match 1: ACW X-Treme's Curserweight Showdown
Juventud Guerrera v. Rey Mysterio

Mysterio and Guerrera shake hands in the middle of the ring as the crowd cheers. They lock up in the middle of the ring and Guerrera wins the lock up and applies a headlock on Mysterio. Mysterio quickly pushes Guerrera into the ropes. Guerrera comes back and Mysterio hits a hip toss. Guerrera hops up and Mysterio runs at him. Guerrera drops to the mat and hits a drop toe hold on Mysterio. Guerrera holds on to the leg and turns the hold into a STF. Mysterio is in pain as he barely grabs the bottom rope breaking the hold. Guerrera hops up and jumps over Mysterio's back and runs to the ropes. He springboards off the middle rope and hits a moonsault across Mysterio's back. He turns Mysterio over and hooks the leg...1...2..kickout by Mysterio. Guerrera gets up and picks Mysterio up. Then, he irish whips Mysterio into the ropes. Mysterio comes back and is hit with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker! Guerrera then goes to the closest turnbuckle and climbs to the top. He then waits for Mysterio to get up. Mysterio gets up and quickly turns around and hits the ropes! Guerrera slips and hits groin first against the turnbuckle! Mysterio then hops onto the top rope and springboards off and kicks Guerrera off the top rope with a huge enziguri! Mysterio then goes onto the apron and springboards off the top rope and hits a legdrop on Guerrera across the throat! Mysterio pins 1...2..KICKOUT!

JR: Neither of these men will stay down, Coach!

Coach: This is a showdown! The winner could very well be the next ACW Curserweight champion!

JR: I'm sure The Canadian Destroyer will have something to say about that.

Mysterio picks up Guerrera by the hair and kicks him in the gut. Mysterio then hits a sunset flip 1...2..Guerrera pushes forward and counters with a pin of his own 1...2...Mysterio counters into another pin but Guerrera kicks out immediately! Both men hop to their feet and stare at each other as they recieve a standing ovation from the crowd! After a few seconds, Guerrera runs to Mysterio who sidesteps and lets Guerrera keep running to the ropes. Guerrera comes back and is hit with a spinning heel kick from Mysterio! Mysterio then picks Guerrera up and sets him up near the ropes. Mysterio backs up and then runs at Guerrera but Guerrera ducks and tosses Mysterio onto the apron! Guerrera then does a standing backflip that kicks Mysterio in the face and knocks him onto the floor outside. Guerrera then hypes up the crowd as he heads up the top of the turnbuckle. Mysterio gets up on the outside and as soon as he does, Guerrera leaps and takes him down with a flying seated senton! *Crowd chants ACW, ACW, ACW* The ref starts the count but as soon as he gets to 3, Guerrera gets up. He picks up Mysterio and rolls him into the ring. He rolls in too and picks Mysterio up. Guerrera then hits Mysterio a body slam. Guerrera then climbs the turnbuckle........He leaps and he attempts his JUVI SPLASH (450 Splash) but Mysterio rolls out of the way!!!!!! Mysterio gets up and runs to the ropes. Guerrera is on his knees holding his ribs facing the ropes. Mysterio comes up behind him and dropkicks him in the back of the head! Guerrera staggers to the ropes and is between the top and middle rope.......Mysterio runs to the opposite ropes and comes back...619!!!!!! Mysterio is on the apron as Guerrera gets up and turns around....Mysterio hops onto the top rope...WESTCOAST POP! The pin 1...2...3! Rey Mysterio wins the Curserweight Showdown!
Winner: Rey Mysterio


*Petey Williams runs in and attacks Mysterio with the Curserweight title belt. Chavo Guerrero comes from the crowds and attacks Guerrera! Then, Christopher Daniels comes in and helps Williams and Guerrero. All of a Sudden.....


Paul London runs into the ring dressed like the vintage Ultimate Warrior. London clears the ring and comes to the aid of Guerrera and Mysterio. London then grabs a mic....*

London: I am the Ultimate London! *crowd goes crazy* I am runnin' wild on ACW X-Treme and this Friday you will see how Ultimate I am! Williams, you have something I want and I will get it come this Friday. You three goons will feel the wrath of the *stresses his name in a bass like tone* ULTIMATE LONDON!

*The Ultimate Warrior's theme plays as the ring clears and the crowd is still going crazy*

JR: What did we just see here? Was it the rebirth of the Ultimate Warrior?

Coach: We just saw the creation of the Ultimate London! I can't wait until next Friday!

JR: Neither can I, Coach! Let's take you backstage....

awesome awesome u really have some creativety if only i have creativity!
(Lonely Train Hits)
Lilian Garcia: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome....Drew Acklin!

Acklin: Well, hows everyone doing tonight? (Crowd Cheers) Well that’s good, that’s good...I’m here to talk about a lot of things. Due to trades and the expansion, many things were messed up. One big one was Ruler of the Ring. Due to the Quarter Finals on one side of the bracket being whipped out completely....except for one superstar, he has been pushed to the finals automatically with byes. That superstar is Rob Van Dam. (Crowd Cheers) And on the other side of the bracket all that was left was the Semi-Finals, which actually stayed in tact, which will happen tonight, Batista (Crowd Boos) will go one on one with Stone Cold Steve Austin (Crowd Cheers). Now people are saying that they didn’t get a fare chance for the #1 Contender spot. There for I have decided to look for the hardest wrestlers. The Hardest wrestlers will become the #1 contender. But, I said wrestlers, not wrestler. Therefore we could have a Triple Threat Match, a Fatal Four Way, and Hell we could even have a 12 Man Free For All Match!
(Evolution Hits and Triple H goes to the ring)
HHH: Let me make myself perfectly clear, I AM YOUR ACW World Heavyweight Champion. And there’s nothing any of you can do about it. (Crowd Boos)
Acklin: Actually Triple H, I have been getting complaints from X-Treme that the title is the one on there show and your’s means absolutely nothing. (Crowd Cheers) They say when you were traded the title stays with the show, but I believe there wrong. (Crowd Gives Mixed Reaction) You see, He won the World Heavyweight Championship, and X-Treme did NOT strip him of the see he did NOT lose a match...He IS Your World Heavyweight Champion (Crowd Boos). And X-Treme There’s NOTHING you can do about it....
HHH: You're 100% right, I never did lose, and so that means that THE GAME is The CHAMP!
*JBL's theme plays as he steps onto the ramp.*

JBL: Hold on, Triple H! I am the ACW World Heavyweight Champion! I am a wealthy man and above all else, I am a wrestling God! *A.J. Styles music plays and the crowd goes wild!*

JR: Where is he?

Coach: He's in the crowds!

*camera shifts to the crowds and Styles speaks with a mic*

A.J.: JBL, HHH, SHUT THE HELL UP! HHH you were traded because you couldn't be on the top show! JBL, You screwed me out of my title and I want what's mine. I say we settle this in a triple threat match! *crowd goes wild*

*Today It Was A Good Day plays and Boswell appears on the screen.*

Boswell: That's a good point, Styles. So Acklin, how about this. At your ppv, make a match. A.J. Styles v. Triple H v. JBL for the ACW World Heavyweight Championship. However, since Triple H is on Warzone, if he wins he will vacate the title and challenge for your 2nd rate title! *crowd goes crazy* Hey Trips, If you think you will win, well, YOU OUT YOUR MIND, BITCH! *crowd goes crazy.* So, Acklin, the ball's in your court. Do you accept?

JR: Will he accept?

Coach: I don't know but he looks ready to give an answer...

.:{TBC by Drew}:.
Acklin: You know what, Triple H, at Aviln, it will be you DEFENDING YOUR World Heavyweight Championship against AJ Styles, and the man who will be defending his World Heavyweight Championship Just the Big Loser! (Crowd Cheers) And Triple H, if you win, you will have The Undisputed World Heavyweight Championship on Warzone, but if you lose, you have nothing. It's on you Triple H, do you accept this challenge?
Triple H: Damn right I do, I can easily defeat these two wanna bes any day, and a Triple Threat Match is my specialty, as you seen at the PPV a few weeks ago. The Match is On. (Crowd Cheers)
Acklin: And just so you know JBL, AJ, and Triple H, the Match will be a No Disqualification Match. (Crowd Cheers)

Cole: Wow, what a match for Aviln.
King: Two X-Treme losers on our show? Our ratings are gonna plummit! Were gonna be out of a job!
Cole: Folks, don't listen to my broadcast partner, World Title, Triple H, Aj Styles, JBL, Triple Threat No Disqualification match, at Aviln!
JR: Ha! Those Warzone guys have no idea. This debate will be settled once and for all. But who will go into Avlin the ACW World Heavyweight Champion?

Coach: We'll find out later but next, Y2J will face Marquis Cor Von in a hardcore match. ACW X-Treme versus ACW Combat. Will the new show defeat the flagship?

Finkle: Introducing first, representing ACW X-Treme, "Y2J" Chris Jericho! *Y2J's theme plays but as he enters, he is attacked by Cor Von and the match is on.*

Match 2: Interpromotional Hardcore Match
Chris Jericho (ACW X-Treme) v. Marquis Cor Von (ACW Combat)

Cor Von has just rushed Y2J. Cor Von has Y2J on the ground and he kicks him straight in the rib section. Y2J rolls all the way down the ramp near the ring. Cor Von brings a chair from the stage and walks towards Y2J. Y2J is up. Y2J is looking under the ring for weapons and he comes up with a fire estinguisher just as Cor Von gets behind him! Cor Von gets set to hit Y2J put instead gets sprayed in the face with the white foam! Cor Von drops the chair and rolls into the ring. Y2J picks it up and rolls into the ring! Y2J then hops onto the top turnbuckle and jumps and hits Cor Von with the chair! Y2J then hits Cor Von in the left leg with the chair 3 times! Y2J puts the chair over Cor Von's leg and stomps it as Cor Von screams in agony. The chair is still on the leg! Y2J then hops onto the top rope, springboards off and hits the Lionsault onto the outside onto the chair onto Cor Von's leg!! Y2J then signals that the end is near. He takes off the chair and applies the WALLS OF JERICHO!!! Cor Von is screaming in pain......
Cor Von is despratly trying to reach the ropes, but can't make it. He looks to be about to tap, but he decided to grab the refs ankle instead. The ref is distracted and doesnt see Tajiri slid into the ring with a chair. Tajiri hits Jericho right in the face with the chair. Jericho releases the hold as Cor Von releases the ref and Tajiri slids out of the ring

JR: What the hell was that for. Tajiri had no part in this match,

Coach: I guess thats the way Combat rolls. [/B]

The ref seems confused as to why Jericho released the hold and why hes down on the ground. He starts to look around ringside and when he sticks his head out the ring ropes, when he gets hit in the face from a chair shot from Tajiri. He slids in the ring and helps Cor Von up. Cor Von looks at the fallen ref, then looks at Jericho and a smile comes onto his face. He picks up Jericho and asks for Tajiri to hold the chair on the side of Jericho. He goes off the ropes and hit THE POUNCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jericho is down and not moving, while Cor Von is gripping in shoulder in pain.

JR: It was an effictive move but i guess it proves something about Cor Von.

Coach: And what is that JR?

JR: I hope your kidding coach...

Tajiri lfts Jericho onto his knees and hits a chair assited Buzzsaw Kick. He throws the heavly dented chair out of the ring and helps Cor Von over to Jericho. Cor Von covers as a second ref finally comes down to ringside.


Lillian: Your winner by pinfall, Marquis Cor Von.

*Tajiri helps Cor Von to the back as the ref attenends to Jericho*

*Lewis and Race are standing backstage. Both men have microphones.*

Race: Finally, *crowd boos* The REAL Most Electrifying Man Calvin Lewis has come to St. Louis! *crowd boos even louder*

Lewis: That's right, Mr. Race. Tonight, I am gonna beat the Rock and put this rivalry. When my theme music hits, The Rock will know why I am the most electrifying man. I am gonna hit my brand new finisher and it will be over.....

Race: 1....2....3! That's right! We have been training all week and this move is the most devestating move in the history of wrestling! Rock, you are in for a bad night! HAHAHA!

Lewis: See Rock, I have respect for you but your time has past! It's C.L. Time and tonight I put you out!

*Y2J Chris Jericho comes on camera and looks mad and is limping even though the crowd goes crazy for him*

Lewis: You see, unlike Jericho, I will get the victory for ACW X-Treme---

Y2J: What did you just say?!

Lewis: You heard me, you got your ass kicked by Cor Von.

Y2J: Listen here, assclown! Why don't you and grandpa go back to the minor leagues you came from! I have been in the ring with the Rock and I've seen you wrestle. From what I can tell, The Rock is gonna kick your ass! *crowd cheers*

Lewis: Oh really?

Y2J: Yes, and after the match you will never *pauses and stresses the next word* EVER be the same ag---

*Lewis decks Y2J and lays him out. Race and Lewis then begin to stomp Y2J for a while until security breaks them up. Lewis and Race head to their locker room as Y2J is being helped up by security.*

JR: My God! What a night! Y2J and Lewis have bad feeling with each other.

Coach: Lewis needs to concentrate and beat The Rock tonight! Next up, is the Jeff Jarrett Kurt Angle match. Jarrett representing Combat and Angle representing Warzone.....*crowd cheers as the camera goes to the ring.*
Warzone vs. Combat
Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Jarrett

(American Hero Hits)
Lilian Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall as a Interpromotional Match, first, from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, weighing in at 250 pounds, he is the only Olympic Gold Medalist in ACW History....Kurt Angle!
(Jarrett's Theme Hits)
Lilian Garcia: And making his way to the ring, representing Combat, weighing in at 230 pounds...Jeff Jarrett.

Angle and Jarrett lock up in the ring. Kurt Angle hits an uppercut on Jarrett. Angle grabs Jarrett in a headlock and Jarrett backs up and uses the ropes to bounce off and gets out of the headlock, whiping Angle across the ring. Angle bounces off the ropes and get hit with a dropkick. Angle gets up and is hit with a DDT. Jarrett signals for the guitar. He wants to hit the El Kabong. The referee says that he can’t use the guitar, so the referee blocks him using it. Angle spears Jarrett down and gets a sleeper hold on him. Jarrett starts to faint. The referee lifts his arm and it falls...1. The referee does it again...2. The referee does it for a third time....and Jarrett holds arm up. He gets up and elbows Angle in the chest, and Angle breaks the hold. Jarrett goes for a clothesline and misses which allows Angle to hit The Angle Slam! Angle starts to laugh at Jarrett as it was so easy to get that on him. Angle gets in his face and continues to taunt him....
Angle is taunting a fallen Jarret. Jarret rolls over to the bottom rope, but Angle comes over and tries to drag him to the middle of the ring. Jarret grabs the rope and Angle cant get him to the center of the ring. Angle locks in the Ankle Lock anyways and the ref begins to count.

1...2...3...4.. Angle releases.

The ref begins to lecture Angle while Jarret rolls to the outside, where he regains his breath. Angle gets free of the ref and goes to chase Jarret on the outside. When Angle gets near Jarret pokes him in the eye and rolls back in the ring. Angles rolls in as well, but Jarret starts stomping on him. Jarret picks up Angle and places his head under his arm, lifts Angle up and then falls, hitting a delayed vertical suplex. Jarret picks him up once more and goes for the Stroke, but angle blocks and lifts Jarret up and hits an Angle Slam. He locks in the Ankle Lock in the center of the ring and after about 10 seconds grapevines it. After about 20 more seconds Jarret taps.

Lillian:Your winner by submission, Kurt Angle.
*Mexican Warfare hits and LAX followed by three men in hoods looking down so that you cant see their faces.*

Konnan: All you American hoes listen up, I have something to say. Me and my fellow Lantino wrestlers, Homicide and Hernadez, would like to say that, alnong with our friends here,

*points to the hooded men*

know whats its like to grow up on the streets. All these other wrestlers grew up in comfort and gyms. We had to learn to fight on the streets. A workout for us was trying to get a piece of bread from another street urchian, just so that we dont starve to death. You made it if you were strong and since we are still here i guess that makes us strong. You people would't have half the wrestlers you have today if they had to grow up like us. You wouldt have Triple Ho, Sting, X-pac, those emo hoes serition, Abyss.

*On Abyss the lights go out and Abyss's music hits. When they some back on Abyss and Serition are in the ring. Serition has Kendo sticks, and Abyss has a barbed wire wraped kendo stick*

Voice from no one in the area: You talk about how you had to grow up fighting for your life. Well these men had to grow up with something worse than no home, they had no love. Not from their parents or gaurdians, but from God. These men had no direction, no religion, and they might as well have not lived...

*Konnan rasies his mic to his lips and interups the voice*

Konnan: For all the world cared, we werent alive, they had familes, they had comfort. We had nothing.

The Voice: Your a bitter man and me and my God's Rejects are going to save you. I know who your friends are and I plan on saving them too. Now why dont you show the world who they are.

*Konnan makes a hand gesture to the hodded men. The Mafia with grown out hair and dirty street clothes are revealed to the men. MVP takes the mic.*

MVP: On the streets of Italy my friends learned to fight. In the ghetto I fought my ass off to survive. If you want to save us so bad, why dont you start on the debut show of ACW: Combat in a ten man tag. Cause we are Hood Life and your rejects dont stand a chance.

The Voice: lets just say im not currently able to compete, but i will accept a 8-man tag, my rejects against 4 of your hood rats, with the wrestler not competing banned from ringside, although i will allow Konnan to be there.

MVP and Konnan: We Accept!
hey all you loyal ACW fans, we are having deficcults with the timeing og this, because when we started it was inconventiant to me, and now its inconvient for them so we may have to wait a few days for this, in the mean time here are the remaining matches

Rhyno vs. Teddy Hart

CM Punk vs. Samolian Joe in a 15 min. Ultimate submission match

Rock vs. Calvin Lewis in 2 out of 3 falls

30 man interpromotinal battle royal

Evoultion without batista w/ edge vs. The Dudleys and a mystery partner

Tista vs. Stone cold in a Ruler of the Ring semi-finals match

ACW world heavyweight title match
AJ Styles vs. JBL

like i said we having time issuses but you gonna have to handle it.
Ack's match is next
Ruler of the Ring Semi Finals Match:
Batista vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin
(I Walk Alone Hits)
Lilian Garcia: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall, making his way to the ring, from Washington, D.C., weighing in at 290 pounds...Batista!
(Stone Cold’s Theme Hits, and the Crowd goes wild)
Lilian Garcia: And making his way to the ring, from Victoria, TX, weighing in at 252 pounds....Stone Cold Steve Austin!

Batista and Austin meet face to face in the ring. The bell sounds and both men exchange rights with each other. Batista grabs Austin and whips him off the ropes. Austin bounces off and is met by a spine-buster from Batista. Austin gets up and is hit with a clothesline, and then another when he gets up again. Batista grabs Austin by the head and knocks his head off the top turnbuckle. Batista grabs both of the middle ropes and nails his shoulder into Austin’s gut six times. Batista grabs Austin and whips him in the opposite corner. Austin hits the corner so hard he falls to the mat. Batista kicks Austin and forces him to roll to the outside. Batista goes through the ropes to the outside and kicks Austin in the gut when he’s on his knees. Batista then takes the top off of the announcers table.

Cole: What the hell are you doing? Get the hell outta here!
King: Easy Cole, you don’t want him coming after you, do you?

Batista removes the TV Monitors and all the papers and picks up Austin. He bounces his head off of the table. Batista throws Austin into the steel steps with a loud BANG. Batista goes to the X-Treme announcer table and takes that one apart as well. Batista walks over to Austin and picks him up. He throws him one the X-Treme announcers table. Batista goes on the table and sets up for the Batista Bomb. Batista gets Austin up halfway, then drops Austin back down and Austin reverses it and flips Batista over threw the Warzone announcer table Austin falls to the ringside floor as the referee checks on Batista. Austin uses the ring apron to help him get to his feet and walks to Batista. Austin picks Batista up and throws him in the ring. Austin slides in and Batista is slow to get up. Austin bounces off the ropes and hits a Lou Threz Press. Austin jumps up and goes off the ropes and drops a knee. Austin goes for the cover...1....2.....and a kickout by Batista. Austin gets up and grabs his legs and a kick to the groin. Austin yells “What ” to the crowd. Austin grabs the ropes and stomps away at Batista with “What ” chants for every kick. Austin lets Batista get to his feet and gives him the finger, and Austin goes for the stunner, but its blocked by Batista when he pushes him away. Batista goes for his powerful clothesline, but Austin ducks and the referee loses his head. Batista turns and plants a spine buster on Stone Cold. Batista signals thumb down that the end is near. RVD runs down to the ring and starts fighting Batista. RVD tries to kick Batista and Batista catches his foot. RVD hits an Injagury on Batista. Batista falls to the mat, and RVD heads to the top rope. (Crowd “ROB VAN DAM”) Five Star Frog Splash RVD rolls outside the ring. Austin gets up and grabs Batista. Austin gives the double finger and Stone Cold Stunner Austin pins Batista....1....2....3 for the win!

Winner and Advancement to the Finals: Stone Cold Steve Austin

The Aftermath: Austin has a beer-bash and stares down RVD who is on the stage giving the Rob Van Dam taunt.

King: What a match and finish!

Cole: RVD screwed Batista, I guess he'd rather face Austin than him!

King: Yea, and up next, Combat has Teddy Hart going one on one with Rhyno...
Candice(Combat's ring annoucer): The folowing contest is scheduled for 1 fall. Introducing first, The War Machine, Rhyno.

*War Machine hits, and Rhyno sprints down to the ring, slids under the rope, then plays to the crowd*

Candice: Introducing his opponent, Teddy Hart.

*Teddy Hart's theme hits and Teddy Hart comes out, accompined by Bret Hart!*

Torrie Wilson(one of Combats announcers): It looks like Bret Hart has come to support his newphew in his ACW debut.

Joey Styles(Combats other annoucer): For all we know this could be a permant alliance. I guess we'll find out next Wensday.

* The crowd cheers the Harts, but they ignore it. Teddy climbs the staris and goes through the middle rope to get in the ring. Bret goes to their corner and waits for the match to start.*

Rhyno is eying Bret when Teddy blindsides him and the bell rings. Teddy begins to stomp on Rhyno. He picks him up and irish whips him into the corner, then rushes and hits a corner spear. Rhyno stumbles out of the corner and is kicked in the gut by Teddy. Teddy clubs him in the back a few times and climbs the the top rope.Teddy jumps and tries to hit a top rope Fameasser, but Rhyno moves out of the way and Teddy crashes and burns on the mat below. Rhyno is quick to capitlize and picks Teddy up and irish whips him into the corner, then quickly runs into him with a corner clotheline. Rhyno kicks him in the gut then lifts him up and holds him there. He falls, hitting a delayed vertical suplex. Rhyno gets in the corner and calls for the GORE. Teddy stands up and is hit with the GORE. Rhyno goes for the cover.


Bret pulls the ref out of the ring and hits him with a clotheline. Rhyno goes out of the ring to argue with Bret. Bret backs up as Teddt corkscrews out of the ring onto Rhyno. Bret and Teddy roll him into the ring. Bret walks over to him and crosses the legs and then flips him over, locking in the sharpshooter. Teddy climbs the ropes and hits the Hart Attack 2.0( at the bottom of the page) dropping the elbow on the back of Rhyno's head. Bret releases the sharpshooter and goes and rolls the ref back into the ring as Teddy goes for the cover. The ref is barely consious and counts slowly.


Candice: Your winner by pinfall, Teddy Hart.

Torrie: He didn't do it fair, but he did get the 1 2 3.

Joey: He did indeed Torrie. It looks like the Harts are a danergous pairing.

*The crowd boos the Harts as they walk to the back. Rhyno slowly gets up, holding his head. The Harts stop at the top of the ramp and them and Rhyno have a stare down. Teddy shrugs and walks to the back after a while, followed by Bret. Rhyno heads to the back.*

TBC by... someone
Finkle: The following match is for the ACW World Heavyweight Championship! *crowd goes wild* Introducing first the challenger.....*AJ Styles's theme plays*.."The Phenomenal" A.J. Styles! *crowd goes crazy as he enters the ring* And his opponent....The ACW World Heavyweight Champion...John Bradshaw Layfield! *crowd boos as JBL gets out of his limo and enters the ring.*

Match 7: ACW World Heavyweight Championship
John Bradshaw Layfield (c) v. A.J. Styles

JBL looks directly into Styles's eyes and smirks. Styles then slaps him right across the face and the match is on. Styles irish whips JBL to the ropes but JBL comes back and hits a shoulder block. JBL then drops 3 quick elbows across Styles chest. JBL then picks Styles up and tosses him out of the ring through the middle ropes.

Coach: I don't think Styles is ready for this match, JR.

JR: It's not over yet!

JBL then goes outside the ring to continue the attack on Styles. JBL picks up Styles and punches him right in the face. JBL then tosses him into the guard rail. JBL then goes back into the ring and waits for the ref to countout Styles. The ref's count is at 8 but Styles makes it into the ring. As soon as he gets in the ring, JBL continues his assualt. JBL picks up Styles throws him into the corner. JBL then hits him with some strong back elbows and a few knee lifts. Styles falls to the bottom turnbuckle. JBL then backs up and puts his arms in the air as he runs and smashs Styles head into the turnbuckle with a knee to the face. JBL then drags Styles to the middle of the ring and pins 1..2..shoulder up at 2. JBL picks up Styles by the head and puts him over his shoulders in oklahoma slam position. JBL then runs but Styles slides out of the grab and dropkicks JBL into the turnbuckle. JBL hits his head and staggers backwards into a school boy by Styles 1..2..kickout. Styles then gets up quickly and hits JBL with a kick to the ribs. JBL is on his side near the ropes so Styles runs and baseball slides JBL under the bottom rope to the outside. JBL uses the apron to get up but when he does, Styles baseball slides him again. JBL gets up again and moves away from the apron. He then taunts to the crowd about how smart he is. While he does that, Styles runs to the ropes and hops onto the top rope. JBL turns around and Styles takes him out with a top rope cross body!

Coach: Did you just see that JR?!

JR: I did! Styles is one of the most athletic men on the whole ACW roster and this match is heating up!

Styles gets up and rolls into the ring and then he rolls back out to break the ref's count which was at 7. Styles watches as JBL tries to get to his feet. JBL gets up and when he turns around, Styles hits him with a standing dropkick. Styles then hops across the guard rail into the crowd! Styles then springboards off of the guard rail and hits JBL with a leg drop! Styles then drags JBL back to the ring. Styles helps him up and rolls him into the ring. Styles quickly covers 1...2...Kickout! Styles then picks JBL up and throws him into the turnbuckle. Styles then runs and hits a monkey flip! Styles then runs to the corner closest to JBL and leaps onto the top turnbuckle. Styles leaps with his back towards the ring and hits JBL with the SPIRAL TAP(Corkscrew Senton Bomb)!!!!! Styles covers 1...2...SHOULDER UP!

JR: I thought this one was over Coach!

Coach: JBL is a wrestling god, this match is not ending without his hand being raised at the end.

Styles looks surprised that JBL kicked out. Styles gets up and picks up JBL. He kicks him in the gut and runs to the ropes. He attempts a clothesline but JBL goes behind him and counters into a back suplex! JBL gets up and turns Styles on his stomach. Then, JBL applies a camel clutch in the middle of the ring! Styles tries to get to the ropes but JBL won't let him. Styles looks like he's fading. The ref goes and picks up Styles's arm and it falls. He does it again and it falls again. It does it a third time but Styles's arm stays up! Styles then puts his hands on the mat and starts to push up! He has lifted JBL off the mat! JBL then breaks the hold and clubs Styles across the back! JBL then starts arguing with the ref saying that Styles tapped out when he touched the mat. Styles then gets up and runs towards JBL he leaps for a flying forearm but JBL moves and Styles hits the ref! JBL then runs to the ropes. Styles turns around and JBL comes back and hits the CLOTHESLINE FROM HELL! JBL pins 1...2...3...but the ref is down and there is no one who can count the three. JBL gets up and starts to revive the ref. JBL then turns back to Styles. He picks him up and sets him up for a powerbomb! JBL lifts Styles into the air but Styles hits double axe handle to JBL's head and escapes. Then, Styles kicks JBL in the gut and sets up for a powerbomb! However, Styles puts his legs over JBL's arms! He tries to lift JBL but he can't. Then, the crowd chants "A.J., A.J." Styles tries again and he has JBL straight in the air with his head facing the mat.......Styles jumps and hits the STYLES CLASH!!!!!!! Styles rolls into a pin.....the ref crawls over....1.....2......3! New ACW World Heavyweight Champion!
Winner: A.J. Styles - New ACW World Heavyweight Champion

*A.J. Styles Theme Plays. A.J. Styles rolls out of the ring and heads up the ramp. The ref catches up to him and hands him the belt. Finkle annouces Styles.....and NEW ACW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION and the crowd goes absolutetly nuts. Styles then puts the belt around his waist and goes into the crowd. They all embrace him as he walks through.*

JR: New Champion! New Champion! Styles did it! By God he did it!

Coach: JBL was robbed! He had the pin and the ref was down!

JR: That may be the case but the fact is that ACW X-treme has a new World Heavyweight Champion! However, Next up is Warzone's 8-Man Tag.

Cole: Thanks JR, Ladies and Gentlemen, Warzone's Main Event...

No Disqualification, Fall Count Anywhere, 8-Man Tag Team Match
Triple H, Ric Flair, Randy Orton, and Edge vs. Bubba Ray, D-Von and Spike, The Dudley Boyz and a mystery opponent.

(You Think You Know Me Hits)
Lilian Garcia: The following contest is a no disqualification, fall count anywhere 8-man tag team match scheduled for one fall, making his way to the ring, from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, weighing in at 240 pounds....Edge.
(Evolution Theme Hits)
Lilian Garcia: And his tag team partners, weighing in at a combined weight of 744 pounds, the team of “The Legend Killer” Randy Orton (Crowd Cheers for the hometown hero), “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair, and “The Game” Triple H....Evolution.

(Drop The Bombshell Hits)
Lilian Garcia: And there opponents, from Dudleyville, weighing in at a combined weight of 720 pounds, Bubba Ray, D-Von, and Spike, The Dudley Boyz!
Lilian Garcia: And there tag team partner.......

(Real American Hits - Crowd goes Balistic!)
Lilian Garcia: From Venice Beach, California, weighing in at 275 pounds......HULK HOGAN!
(Crowd Cheers)

The Match:
(Fans chant Hogan, Hogan, Hogan) Hogan and Edge start the match. Hogan grabs Edge and whips him off the ropes. Edge holds on the ropes and slips outside. Edge yells that he doesn’t want to face Hogan. Spike sneaks up behind him and throws him in the ring. (Crowd Cheers) Edge gets on his knees and crawls to the corner. Hogan starts to beat away at Edge with rights. Hogan tries to whip Edge into the other corner, but Edge gets Hogan in the corner. Edge starts to stomp away at Hogan and backs up. Hogan starts to get up and Edge taunts him. Hogan catches Edge with a few jabs to the stomach. Hogan grabs Edge by the head and puts him in his corner. Hogan tags in Bubba Ray. Bubba starts beating down Edge. Bubba picks him up and bounces him off the ropes. Bubba misses the clothesline and Edge bounces off the other ropes and hits a spinning heel kick Edge gets up and hits an Edgeacution Both men are down as the referee starts to count.....1.....2.....3.....4....and they start to crawl to there corners. Edge tags in Flair and Bubba tags in Spike. Spike runs toward Flair, ducks, and knocks Triple H off of the apron Spike punches Orton but he doesn’t fall. Spike gets Flair and whips him off the ropes and hits a standing dropkick. Triple H gets in the ring and plants a facebuster on Spike. Hogan gets in the ring and starts fighting Triple H. Bubba and D-Von go after Orton on the outside. Spike tries for a Dudley Dog on Flair, but when he gets to the top turnbuckle, Flair nails a low blow on Spike. Flair grabs him and throws him to the mat. Flair tries to pin using the ropes....1....2....and the referee sees and stops the count. Hogan and Triple H are fighting by the announcers table and Triple H knocks Hogan’s head off of it. Triple H grabs the ring bell and DING off of Hogan’s head. Meanwhile, Orton is trying to hold off the Dudley’s. One punch on Bubba, one on D-Von, another on Bubba....Bubba blocks one punch and he and D-Von fight back. Bubba Ray and D-Von double clothesline Orton over the barricade into the audience. D-Von goes under the apron and looks for a table. Flair drops a knee on Spike back in the ring, and Edge comes over and stomps away at Spike. Bubba rolls in the ring and starts hammering on Ric. Triple H gets in and hits Bubba from behind. D-Von throws the table in the ring and starts fighting with Triple H. Orton jumps back into the ring and spins around D-Von and RKO!

Cole: This is all out madness!

King: Can we please get more officials out here?
Orton starts to work on Bubba with Edge as Spike is trying to hold off Flair. Triple H goes outside the ring and looks under the apron. Triple H pulls out a sledgehammer. Triple H slides in the ring and hits Bubba in the gut. Orton throws Bubba over the top rope and goes to fight him outside. Spike dropkicks Flair over the top rope to the outside and Edge clotheslines Spike out of the ring as well. Triple H sees the table in the ring and sets it up. While this is happening, Spike is using the steel steps to get up and Edge heads for the spear on Spike. DONG Spike moved and Edge is knocked out cold. Triple H has set up the table and put D-Von on it. Triple H climbs on the table and lines up for the pedigree.....


Cole: What now!

King: Its The Rock!

Triple H drops D-Von and gets off the table. Triple H starts swearing and staring at the stage. The Rock never shows but Hogan rolls back in the ring. Hogan points at Triple H (Crowd: YOU ) Hogan shakes his finger and Triple H goes to punch him and Hogan blocks, and Hogan lays three punches on him. Hogan bounces Triple H off the ropes and Hogan goes for the boot, but Hogan misses and Triple H hits a neck breaker. Hogan and Triple H get up and Triple H whips Hogan off the ropes and a Boot Hogan bounces off the ropes and the LEGDROP Hogan pins Triple H....1....2....3!

Winners: The Dudley Boyz and Hulk Hogan.

Aftermath: Hogan makes his way up to the stage and Triple H gets on the mic.

Triple H: Hogan .....Hogan You....Me....Next Monday....One on One....I’ll kick your ass.

King: Did you hear that! Triple H vs. Hogan on Warzone this Monday!

Cole: Yes, and coming up next folks, Combat's Main Event, a 15 Minute Ultimate Submission Match!

[To Be Continued]

Candice: The folowing is Combat's main event and is a 15 minute Ultimate Submission Match. Introducing first, The Samoan Submission Machine, Samoa Joe!

*Joe's Gonna Kill You hits and Samoa Joe comes down and gets in the ring, and does his finger thing as he gets a huge ovation from the crowd.*

Candice: Introducing his opponent, he is drug free, alchol free, and his only addiction is competion, CM Punk!

*This Fire Burns hits and CM Punk comes out and is doing his wrist strech. The crowd is chanting " Joes gonna kill you". Punk enters the ring and starts a stare down Joe. Punk slaps Joe and they quickly start trading tights and lefts.*

Joe and Punk are trading rights and lefts in the middle of the ring, until Joe, with his superior strengh, gains the upper hand. Joe kicks punk in the gut, then hits a huge uppercut to a bent over Punk, sending him to the mat. Joe picks Punk up and irish whips him into the ropes. Punk ducks the clotheline attempt by Joe, and coming back hits a dropkick on Joe. Punk waits for Joe to stand up and then goes for a high kick to the head. Joe grabs the leg when its gets near his head, but Punks brings his other leg up and hits a hurricanrana. Joe is laying in the middle of the ring dazed as Punk climbs to the top rope with 11:00 left. Joe uses the ropes to climb to his feet. When Joe is most of the way up, Punk jumps and hits a side kick to the head. Punk picks Joe up and hits a eurangi, then locks in the Anaconda Vice.

Joey: My god, look at the pressure Punk is putting on Joe. I think were going to see tap number 1 here Torrie.

Torrie: Maybe Joey, but Joe is a tough guy, so you never know.

After about 30 seconds, Joe rasies his hand like hes about to tap. Instead Joe reaches over and hitsPunk in the head, causing Punk to loosen up the hold. Joe hits Punk until he realses the hold. Punk is laying on top of Joe stomach down. Joe rolls out and then grabs Punk and locks in the rear naked choke.

Joey: A minute ago we were talking about Joe tapping out, know it looks like were talking about Joe tapping, know the tables are turned.

Torrie: I told you Joe was a tough one.

Punk is fading, until hes forced to tap out with 7:43 left. Joe celebrates for a bit until he turns his attention back to Punk. He attempts to whip Punk into the corner, but punk weakly reverses. Joe is in the corner and Punk runs in and hits a Knee to the head folowed by a bulldog. Both men are down in the center of the ring. After about 8 seconds Joe begins to use the ropes to get to his feet, and rests in the corner. 7 seconds later Punk uses the ropes to pull himself up across the ring from Joe. When Punk gets to his feet, but is still holding the ropes, Joe rushes and goes for a clotheline. Punk pulls the rope down, sending Joe to the outside. Joe climbs to his feet as Punk goes off the ropes. Punk jumps over the ropes and hits a flying crossbody to the outside. 5:00 left. Punk gets up then picks Joe up. He slams Joes heand agaisnt the barricade a couple of times, then whips him into the annouce table. Punk gets up on the ring apron and goes for a dropkick. Joe moves and Punk lands stomach down on the annouce table. 2:00 left. Joe pulls Punk off the table and throws him into the ring. Joe gets on the apron and goes for a legdrop. Punk moves and Joes crashes and burns. Punk is quick to roll over and lock in the Anaconda Vice. Joe grabs the ropes after about 25 seconds. 1:00 left. Joe and Punk get to their feet. Punk kicks Joe in the head and hits a eurangi. Punk has the Vice locked in. The clock is counting down

5...4..3...2...1..0, Joe taps.

Punk celebrates, under the impression its gonna go into overtime. The ref comes over and tells him he lost. Punk angrily pushs the ref out of the ring and stomps on Joe's head until he starts bleeding. He then heads to the back. Eventually Joe goes to the back too.

30 man interpromotinal Battle Royal next.
Finkle: The number one entrant is......*HBK theme plays as the crowd goes wild!* "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels! *New Age Outlaws theme plays...* And number 2...."Road Dogg" Jesse James!

Match 9: Three Brand Battle Royal
1: Shawn Michaels 2: Road Dogg

HBK and Dogg shake hands in the ring. HBK then tells Dogg to double team the number three entrant. Dogg nods his head and agrees. HBK turns around and faces the ramp. Dogg then gives HBK the finger behind his back! Dogg then rushes HBK and tosses him over the top rope!
ELIMINATED: Shawn Michaels

HBK is stunned. Dogg looks at him and yells "I Quit. Fuck you, Shawn!" HBK snaps and he slides back into the ring and goes after Dogg! HBK clotheslines Dogg over the top rope(HBK is out, so Dogg is still in)! They are beating each other's asses ass the screen reads 3..2..1..brrr!

*Mick Foley's theme plays as he enters the ring*

Foley slides into the ring as Dogg and HBK are still fighting. HBK gets the upperhand so Dogg kicks him in the balls and slides into the ring. He is yelling insults at HBK not even noticing Foley Standing behind him. Dogg turns around and is clotheslined over the top rope by Foley!

HBK gets up and goes after Dogg again. Officials break the two men up and send them to the back as the screen reads 3...2...1...brrr!

*Undertaker's theme plays*

Foley looks ready as Taker enters the ring. The two men exchange punches and Taker wins the exchange. Taker then grabs Foley by the throat and chokeslams him! Taker then picks him up by his hair and chokeslams him again! Taker picks him up again and tosses him over the ropes. The screen reads 3...2...1..brrr!

*Goldberg's theme plays as the crowd goes wild*

Goldberg enters the ring and looks face to face with the Undertaker. Taker then grabs him by his throat. Goldberg just kicks Taker in the gut and runs to the opposite ropes. He comes back and levels Taker with a SPEAR!!! Goldberg is pumped but he doesn't notice that Taker sat up! Taker is now standing behind Goldberg! Goldberg then turns around and is hit with a throat thrust that sends him over the top rope and onto the apron. Goldberg starts to stand up so Taker runs and hits a big boot that makes Goldberg fly headfirst onto the guardrail! The screen reads 3...2...1...brrr!

*X-Pac's theme plays as he enters the ring.*

X-Pac looks terrified as he slides in the ring and looks at Taker. He tries to kick Taker in the ribs but Taker catches his leg! Taker the grabs X-Pac's throat and chokeslams him over the top rope and onto the floor!

Taker takes a rest in the corner as the screen reads 3...2...1..brrr!

*Rick Steiner and Scott Steiner both run into the ring after seeing what Taker has done to everyone else.*

JR: They can't do that!

Coach: They just did!

Taker sees them coming and meets them both with right hands. Scott gets up first and attacks Taker from behind as he was picking Rick up. Taker is on the mat being stomped by The Steiners. All of a sudden, the arena goes dark. A thunderbolt strikes the ring! The lights come back on and Taker is tossing Rick Steiner over the top rope as Scott is shaking on the ground as if he was hit by the thunderbolt! Taker then picks Scott up and throws him over the top rope onto Rick. The screen reads 3...2...1...brrr!
ELIMINATED: Rick Steiner and Scott Steiner

*Chris Masters's theme plays as he enters the ring.*

Masters sees Scott being taken out of the arena on a stretcher still shaking. Masters gets into the ring and sees Taker. Masters then hops over the top rope and onto the floor! Chris Masters eliminated himself as he runs backstage.
ELIMINATED: Chris Masters

Taker then rests in the corner as the screen reads 3...2...1...brrr!

*Mr. Ass's Theme plays as he enters the ring.*

"Mr. Ass" Billy Gunn enters the ring and goes right after Taker. Gunn hits a few jabs and then kicks Taker in the gut. Gunn then hits Taker with a huge snap suplex. Gunn then drops his knee into Taker's face! Gunn then celebrates but once again, Taker sits up! Taker gets up and Gunn hits him in the gut. Taker shakes it off and tosses Gunn into the corner. Taker starts pummeling Gunn as the screen reads 3...2...1...
BUZZ (One of a Kind Hits) RVD makes his way to the ring while Undertaker beats on Mr. Ass in the corner. RVD gets in the ring and hits Undertaker from behind. RVD punches at Undertaker head and bounces him off the ropes and Taker jumps and hits a flying clothesline. Taker and RVD get up and Taker hits a boot on RVD. Mr. Ass jumps on Takers back and gets a head lock. Undertaker reaches for Mr. Ass’s head, and pulls him over onto his back. Taker bounces off the ropes and plants a legdrop. The crowd counts down from 10 for the next opponent.....BUZZ (Test Hits) Test races to the ring. Undertaker punches away at Mr. Ass in the corner and RVD gets up and WHAM Test with a devastating clothesline. Test starts choking RVD with his hands. Test then gets on top of him and starts punching away at his face. Taker grabs Mr. Ass by the throat, and lifts him up, but Mr. Ass kicks Taker in the stomach. Taker drops him and he bounces off the ropes and Fameasser Test picks up RVD and whips him in the corner. Test tries to eliminate RVD and BUZZ (Boogeyman...Hits) Boogeyman swirms to the ring and slides in with a hand full of worms. He heads to Mr. Ass who is stomping away at Taker and shoves them down his throat Boogeyman hits a pump handle slam on Mr. Ass and picks him up and tosses him to the outside.

Mr. Ass is Eliminated.

Undertaker looks at Boogeyman in a confused and disgusted way and give him a boot. Taker goes to help Test, but RVD gets down inside the ring. RVD punches Taker, then Test, and tries to hold them off and get out of the corner. BUZZ (Mr. Kennedy....Hits) Kennedy rushes down to the ring and starts attacking the Boogeyman. Kennedy knees him in the stomach and puts him against the ropes. He backs up and runs at Boogeyman and hits a clothesline that knocks him over the top rope.

Boogeyman is Eliminated.

Kennedy starts to take on RVD and Undertaker is working on Test. Kennedy tries to kick RVD in the groin, but RVD catches his leg and hits a spinning heel kick. Taker backs Test in the corner and jabs at his stomach. Taker starts to punch him in the head and BUZZ! (MNM Hits) Nitro comes out to the paparazzi’s and slowly makes his way to the ring. Nitro slides in and RVD comes and kicks away at him. RVD goes and bounces off the ropes, and Test comes from behind and boots him over the top rope with a huge clapping noise.

Rob Van Dam is Eliminated.

Nitro and Test both go over and start beating on Taker, with help from Mr. Kennedy. Kennedy goes to the center of the ring and looks up and grabs the mic that was dropped from the roof. “Ladies and this....” Kennedy heads to the corner that the Undertaker is in and gets on the 2nd turnbuckle. Kenned bashes Taker over the head seven times with the mic, causing Taker to get busted wide open. “You all here in St. Louis........just witnessed.....MIISSSTEEERRRRR......... KENNNEEDDYYYY!....... KEEENNNNEEEUUGGHHH! Undertaker grabbed Kennedy by the throat, but Test and Nitro started hitting away at him so Kennedy was released. Taker tries to fight all three but is overwhelmed. BUZZ! (Lashley’s Music Hits) Lashley rushes to the ring to help The Undertaker. Lashley gets in and pulls Test off of Undertaker. Lashley starts working on Test. Nitro tries to come over and SPEAR on Nitro. Test runs at Lashley and Lashley throws him over the top rope.

Test is Eliminated.

The Undertaker works on Mr. Kennedy while Lashley works on Nitro. Undertaker gets Mr. Kennedy upside down and Tombstone Piledriver! Lashley elbows Nitro in the head and whips him at Taker who delivers a chokeslam to Nitro. Lashley goes to grab Nitro and Undertaker grabs him by the throat and another Chokeslam! BUZZ! (Rikishi’s Theme Hits) Rikishi walks to the ring and gets in. The Big Kish see’s the carnage and looks Taker. Rikishi walks to Mr. Kennedy and drags him to the corner. Rikishi lays him on the mat and goes to the 2nd turnbuckle. Rikishi jumps off and lands on Kennedy. Taker picks up Nitro and throws him in the corner. Taker gets in the opposite corner. Rikishi walks up to Taker and starts to whip him toward Nitro and Taker keeps hold and whips Rikishi into Nitro. Nitro starts to walk out of the corner in a daze and gets superkicked by Rikishi over the top rope.

Nitro is Eliminated.

Rikishi turns and superkicks Undertaker. Taker goes down and Rikishi walks over him. Rikishi sits on him and crushes Undertaker. Lashley is starting to get up in the corner and BUZZ! (World’s Largest Love Machine Hits) Viscera starts to run (...his speed) to the ring. He gets in and stands face to face with Rikishi. The crowd chants “Fatties Fight....Fatties Fight.” They start to go at it as Lashely walks over to Taker. Lashley picks him up and gives him a pump handle slam. Kennedy gets up and grabs the mic from the corner. Kennedy runs and hits Lashley between the eyes. Kennedy starts stomping away at Lashley. Undertaker sits up (crowd cheers). Viscera and Rikishi see’s this and starts beating on Undertaker. They pick him up and throw him back on the mat. They hits a double leg drop on Undertaker. The Fans count down until the next competitor....5....4....3....2....1....BUZZ! (Hurricane’s Theme Hits) Hurricane runs to the ring and slides in. Hurricane runs at Kennedy and Kennedy grabs the top rope, falls to the ground, and Hurricane *Flies* over the top rope to the ground.

Hurricane is Eliminated.

Kennedy beets down Lashley with stomps and kicks to the chest. Viscera and Rikishi pick up the Undertaker and whip him off the ropes. They try for a double clothesline but Take ducks and bounces off the other ropes and hits a double clothesline of his own. Kennedy picks up Lashley and Lashley spins and hits a neckbreaker. All five men are down in the ring for about twenty seconds. Undertaker sits up again and gets to his feet. Viscera and Rikishi get up and Taker grabs both of them by the throat. They kick him in the gut. BUZZ! (Big Show’s Theme Hits) Big Show runs to the ring. Rikishi and Viscera bounce off of opposite ropes and try to squish Undertaker, but he moves and they collide and bounce off of each other onto the opposite ropes. Big Show gets in the ring and runs at Rikishi and clotheslines him over the top rope.

Rikishi is Eliminated.

Big Show runs to the other side of the ring and kicks Viscera over the top rope.

Viscera is Eliminated.

Lashley tries to hit a spear on the Big Show, but he runs into a brick wall. Big Show grabs Lashley by the throat and chokeslams him over the top rope all the way to the floor.

Lashley is Eliminated.

Kennedy is in the corner as The Undertaker punches away at him. Big Show comes over and helps Taker beat down on Kennedy. BUZZ!

We are sorry but the rest of the show will not be posted due to a lost feed.

The results of the last 2 matches are as followed:

Chris Benoit of ACW Combat wins the battle royal after the whole Combat roster rushed the ring.

Calvin Lewis
defeated the Rock in the first fall and third to win the match. Afterwards, The Rock left Lewis laying on the mat after a Rock Bottom.

This Friday on ACW X-Treme, the Rock v. Calvin Lewis match will be posted in its entirety at the end of the show.

This will never happen like this again and we sincerly apologize.
The following is the Rock / Calvin Lewis match. Only the first and third falls are in full due to technical difficulties. This match should help bring some closure to the Supershow...

Main Event: Interpromotional 2 out of 3 Falls Match
The Rock (ACW Warzone) v. Calvin Lewis w/Harley Race (ACW X-Treme)

The Rock and Calvin Lewis look each other in the eyes as the crowd goes wild for this final confrontation. The crowd is obviously on the Rock's side as they are chanting his name as Lewis and Rock lock up. Lewis just pushes Rock to the mat and taunts (with his arms folded and nodding his head). Rock gets up and is pacing back and forth. Then, he tells Lewis to lock up again. Lewis gets ready but Rock kicks him in the gut and lands a DDT. Rock then flips up and sets up for a Rock Bottom! Harley Race then gets up onto the apron and gets Rock's attention. Rock then decks Race off of the apron! When he turns, Lewis runs and hits a dropkick that sends Rock over the top rope! Lewis distracts the ref while Race is stomping Rock. After the 5th kick, Rock grabs Race's foot, pulls him in and hits a huge clothesline! As soon as Rock turns around, Lewis runs and hits a Swanton Bomb over the top rope and onto Rock! Lewis gets up and then picks Race up. Then, he picks up Rock and throws him into the guard rail! Then, Lewis stomps him repeatedly. After the 7th stomp, Lewis rolls into the ring breaking the ref's count at 8. Lewis rolls back out and rolls Rock back into the ring. Lewis then climbs the turnbuckle and waits for Rock to get up. Rock does and Lewis leaps....right into a ROCK BOTTOM!!!!!! Race quickly hops onto the apron and distracts the ref. Rock has a three count but the ref is distracted. Rock gets up and drags up Lewis too. Lewis falls to his knees. Rock then grabs his head but Lewis hits a low blow on Rock! Lewis then picks him up and hits a Death Valley Driver! Lewis climbs the turnbuckle and leaps and hits the WEST PHILLY STYLE! He pins as Race drops from the apron 1...2...3!
FIRST FALL: Calvin Lewis via Pinfall

*The Rock wins the second fall with the People's Elbow tying the match at one a piece.*

Lewis is using the ropes to get up as the crowd goes wild for the third and final fall. Race has been ejected and it is The Rock versus Calvin Lewis one on one finally. The Rock looks pumped as Lewis looks tired but ready. The match starts again and Rock walks towards Lewis. Lewis then explodes out of the corner and hits Rock with a monster clothesline! Lewis picks Rock up and throws him into the corner. Then, he hits Rock with 3 body punches to the ribs and two jabs to the jaw. Rock staggers out of the corner and Lewis springboards off of the middle ropes and hits Rock with a dropkick to the back of the head. Lewis pins 1...2...kickout by The Rock. Lewis then gets up and runs to the ropes, he tries a springboard moonsault but Rock moves out of the way! Rock uses the ropes to get up. Lewis gets up and runs at Rock. He attempts a clothesline but Rock ducks and flips him over the top rope. Lewis lands on the apron. Rock then turns around and levels Lewis! Rock then goes outside of the ring and picks up Lewis. Then, he irish whips him hard into the guard rail. Lewis is pleading for a time out and Rock just spits on him! All of a sudden, Kurt Angle makes his way ringside! Rock sees him and goes after him! Lewis meanwhile gets up and slides in and out of the ring to break the ref's count. Rock levels Angle but when he does, Lewis sneaks up behind him. Lewis gets set to club Rock in the back but Rock turns around and kicks Lewis in the gut! Rock then hits a Manhattan Drop and a clothesline! Rock then runs into the ring and begins to taunt with the fans. Angle is up and he picks up Lewis and brings him back to the ring. Angle then hops onto the apron and distracts the ref! Just then, Harley Race makes his way through the crowd and slides into the ring. Race has brass knuckles on his hand, he turns Rock around and levels him! Lewis then gets up and heads to the top turnbuckle! Lewis leaps and hits the WEST PHILLY STYLE! The cover 1...2...KICKOUT!!!!! The crowd is going wild! Lewis looks amazed that someone kicked out of his special. Lewis gets up and picks up Rock. Lewis irish whips Rock to the turnbuckle. Lewis runs after him but Rock quickly moves out of the way! Rock then grabs a staggered Lewis and plants him with a DDT! Rock springs up and "smells the air" as the crowd is absolutely nuts right now. Rock sets up for the Rock Bottom.....Lewis gets up and turns around....ROCK BOTTOM!!! Rock pins 1...2...KICKOUT!!!! Rock looks amazed like Lewis did earlier. Rock then sets up for another Rock Bottom. Lewis gets up and turns around Rock goes for it but Lewis kicks him in the gut first....then Lewis hits the ROCK BOTTOM!!!! Lewis pins 1...2...KICKOUT! Lewis gets up and is pissed. He starts to argue with the ref as Rock gets up. Rock gets up and stands behind Lewis. Lewis turns around and Rock kicks him in the gut! Rock irish whips him to the ropes and when Lewis comes back Rock hits a spinebuster! Rock then goes to where Lewis's head is! Rock kicks Lewis's arm to his side....The crowd is going nuts as Rock throws his elbow pad into crowd.......Rock runs to the ropes comes back and hops over Lewis........He runs to the other ropes and comes back.....THE PEOPLE'S ELBOW!!!!!!!! Rock pins 1...2...KICKOUT!!!!!!!!! The crowd is amazed as Rock looks frustrated. Rock picks Lewis up and irish whips him to the ropes. Lewis, from out of nowhere, ducks Rock's clothesline attempt and then springboards off the ropes and hits a moonsault on Rock! Lewis then holds his arms in an X shape across his chest. Rock gets up and Lewis kicks him in the gut. Lewis then puts Rock in torture rack position.....He spins Rock in the air and drops him on his head as Lewis sits down like a powerbomb! Lewis pins 1...2...3! Calvin Lewis has defeated The Rock!
THIRD FALL: Calvin Lewis via Pinfall
Winner: Calvin Lewis

JR: What was that move!

Coach: He told me earlier that he calls it the 60th Street Plunge (A sit-down, spin out powerbomb that lands the victim on their head from torture rack position)!

JR: My God! What a move! More importantly, ACW X-Treme has come out on top! Wait a minute. What the hell!


*The crowd applauds as Lewis and Rock shake hands in the middle of the ring. You hear Lewis say "One More Time in the Future." and you hear the Rock respond, "You bet your ass!" Lewis's new theme "Breathe" by Fabulous plays as the camera fades out.*
^ seemes like it would of been a great 2 out of 3 falls match... Lewis's new finisher sounds reallysick. Stil cant believe u guys wold have Lewis beat The Rock though.. thats just blasphempy!!... bt this should really put Lewis up there in World Title contetion.. cos they dont get much bigger than the Great One!
Rock vs. Lewis --> good back and forth action with Calvin winning

bad move!! The Rock Should have won but I'm guesssing ur reeely making Calvin Lewish one of ur TOP guys! because if you could have beaten the Rock...then that is a very great achievement to achieve
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