Actions/Quotes from WWE Superstars that you still don't understand


The hardcore casual fan
I can't honestly think of a better title for this thread, so let me try and explain. Have you ever seen or heard a WWE superstar say or do something that you still don't quite get to this day? Let me give you guys an example. At WrestleMania IX, after Hulk Hogan wins the WW(F) championship from Yokozuna, Yoko is out of the ring and Hogan points to him (or someone else, I don't know because the camera never shows it) and says: "I told you not to mess with Mother Nature, WOOO!"

Then there's a SmackDown in 2011 when Orton was feuding with Mark Henry. Henry tries to attack Orton, who proceeds to give him an RKO, then he jumps up and does the splits in mid-air. He does something else I can't remember, but basically I watched that, and while I was laughing at the time, I also realized I had no idea what he was doing or why he did it.

So those are just two examples I can think of where WWE superstars have said or done things that just made me go "Huh?" If anyone knows the answers to these, or if you have your own examples of WWE superstars saying or doing things that you still don't get, feel free to post them.
I've never understood why some wrestlers get injured, take time off, come back and then never address the person that injured them.

For example, remember when Randy Orton punted Chris Jericho? I believe he took an entire year off and returned with the "End of the World As We Know It" storyline... while that was a good storyline, it's a bit odd that Jericho never once mentioned the man that put him off the shelf for that long. Another example, Bray Wyatt kidnapping Kane after their Ring of Fire Match at Summerslam. Kane returned as "Corporate Kane" and hasn't addressed Bray Wyatt since. Come to think of it, he would've been perfect as a member of the Wyatt Family, much better than the rushed and frankly terrible "Daniel Wyatt" storyline.
There are so many it's impossbile to remember... you don't get to the the "longest running episodic TV show" without calling some audibles...some blatant and some not so.

In the main WWE does make sense, the Jericho point above for example could be simply called Orton's revenge for the Torch incident/title run... Orton "owed" Jericho and they settled up with that punt.

The one that made the least sense ever was Mania 9... it made NO sense for him to "tell Hogan to go for it" and even less sense for Fuji to make the challenge and Yoko to agree... hell the most sensible outcome was Fuji being Banzai Splashed and all 3 ending the night as faces, that was logical...

Luger being DQ'd for handing Perfect was another that made so little sense and went nowhere really other than Perfect being pissed for losing a year earlier.

Rock having his "Rock Concerts" is perhaps the most stupid, that you'd think he'd stop having them cos someone was bound to debut or interfere... once Goldberg showed up Rock would surely stop trying.

I still expect Kane to pay off down the line AS a Wyatt, that he was all along and helping to "bring the machine down from the inside" as long as he is involved with any McMahon, that is still on the table.
I hated the Anonymous GM storyline as much as I'd ever hated a wrestling storyline.

Sometimes the writing on Raw comes off as a little, er.... "spotty"... but the Anonymous GM thing looked like train wreck.

It was obvious that the writers had absolutely ZERO idea where they were going with this on a week to week basis. They would just write the laptop into a feud with Jericho or Edge just to end the whole idea as quickly as they could the next week. Or the friggin thing would interrupt matches and use taglines like Vince's "no chance in hell" or Austin's "and that's the bottom line" and for what? What were they teasing? What was the payoff? Fuckin Hornswaggle? What's the point?

I've given WWE freebies before, but that was like a slap in the face to me.
I've never understood why some wrestlers get injured, take time off, come back and then never address the person that injured them.

Another example of this one is The Nexus burying The Undertaker at Bragging Rights 2010. There was never any explaination, no payoff, Taker never addressed it when he came back, and Barrett, Gabriel, and Heath had split from the group and formed The Corre by the time Taker returned. I guess WWE were planning on having Wade Barrett take on The Undertaker at Wrestlemania 27 but they abandoned it for Triple H vs. The Undertaker instead.

The Million Dollar Mania set crashing down on Vince. Vince turned up a few months later on Raw without a scratch on him and never addressed the incident either.

The fake Kane in 2006. That all ended the night after Vengeance with no explaination from either Kane, but I've read recently that Kane was considering retiring that year, so WWE brought in the new Kane to replace Glenn. And the story behind it was that the fake Kane was actually the real Kane and Glenn had imprisoned him years ago and stolen his identity, which is as dumb as fuck for so many reasons.

Another Kane mystery is when he explained the whole Katie Vick story, saying that he had a relationship with her and he was involved in a car crash with her, but I remember Paul Bearer mentioning that he had kept Kane locked away in a dungeon since the fire from his and Taker's childhood.

There's Stone Cold Steve Austin and the briefcase at King Of The Ring 99. It was obvious why it was done and that whoever did it was working with The McMahons, but we never found it who it was that was moving the briefcase up out of Stone Cold's reach during the match.

And I'd love to know how Edge & Christian went from being brothers to best friends.

One of the more recent ones is that terrible Big Show storyline from last year.

"If I don't do whatever the mean ole Authority says they'll fire me! *sobsobsob*

"Oh what, they actually fired me! Apparently I can sue them for the whole company now! But nah screw owning a huge company that earns millions upon millions of dollars, I'll settle for my regular job and a title shot where the Authority has been stacking the deck in Orton's favor for months". :banghead::banghead::banghead:
One thing for me is how Shawn Michaels got so broke he had to work for JBL. Lol ome of the dumbest stories ever because he should certainly be well off enough to survive for life and if not he's best friends with Triple H who could loan some.

I remember hearing that the hidden illegitemare son would have been Mr. Kennedy. I'm a huge Kennedy mark and think he was a huge star in the making. Kennedy said he was never told he was going to be it. Hornswoggle kills me because he's always the fucking plan b. Then they took it away and made Finley his dad.

Did they ever explain how Kofi went from Jamaican to West Africa accent to no accent
Vince McMahon's exploding limo.

No really, Vince...where WERE you going to go with that angle had Benoit not killed his family and himself?
Vince McMahon's exploding limo.

No really, Vince...where WERE you going to go with that angle had Benoit not killed his family and himself?

I'd just read it was the way to write the Mr McMahon character off TV for good. It still seems stupid to me, because Vince would obviously still have been seen alive and well at WWE Headquarters and making statements to the press for WWE about the company finances (as he still does to this day), there was no point in actually "killing" the character, as he clearly wouldn't have been dead. If he had wanted to stop appearing on TV, then JUST STOP WRITING ANGLES WITH THE CHARACTER IN THEM.
Hmmm, about quotes, you probably have to watch most of the famous Superstars using their catchphrases and then judge them.

-Do you smell what the Rock is cooking? It is kinda weird when you hear it at first time, I was like wtf is he talking about?

Quotes are really hard to notice though, because you eventually get the meaning since you get used to them.

As far as actions go, there are so many. A lot of them are connected to incomplete storylines. As someone said, someone gets injured, they take time off, and when they come back, they don't go after the one who hurt them, as if it never happened. HUH?
Other times are when botches happen, and the guys try to cover their botch up by doing something that seems even more botchy.

What really bugs me a lot of times is when they take some sort of break during the match, mostly because of discommunication. I don't remember where it was or who was facing who, but some guy was supposedly trying to kick the other guy, but because of miscommunication, no one kicked anyone, resulting in both guys pausing their action in the middle of the ring, doing nothing. AWKWARD.
Dean Malenko during his Double Ho Seven gimmick. I never understood it...Arguably one of the best technical wrestlers in the 90s to early 00s. Who I know had a great run in ECW but also a memorable feud against Chris Jericho in WCW for the Cruiserweight title. That was definitely a low spot in career for the "Iceman" or "Man of 1,000 holds". At the time he was Light heavyweight champ and went on to feud with Lita for a date with her in which he gave her a title shot. Which resulted in him winning a date with her, but to this day I never understood...why?

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