Aces&Eights theories....


Dark Match Winner
Im really liking the Aces and Eights angle on TNA. I think it is one of the best is a while and that they are playing it out correctly with all the mystery and the cliffhangers. I first thought that Jarrett was behind all of this as most do/did. But tonight I came up with an interesting theory and I want to know what the IWC thinks and what there newest theorys are. I havent seen much up on this subject at all? Maybe most are sick of the invasion angles but I have always enjoyed them NWO,ECW,Nexus....the WCW to WWE invasion had a lot to be desired but we all know that and its a whole other thread. I think if its done write with some new twists this could come off as a hugely sucessful angle for TNA.

This may be a group of guys from FCW and WWE that were let go and the storyline would be that TNA wouldnt hire them either. They approched Sting when he was in charge and Hogan when he took over and neither would hire them. Now they are back for revenge. The angle could also include Bischoff where he was about to sign most of these guys when he lost power, now he is leading them back as the leader of the group. I dont know if TNA could afford to hire 7-10 former WWE employee's. That seems to be about how many there are but TNA is even doing a good job keeping the number of gang members a secret. I have a feeling that they dont know exactly where this angle is going and are possibly still looking to finalize contracts on some of the tallent involved. Another reader suggested that it may be 10 guys made up of 2leaders (The Aces) and 8 "followers"....not a bad conclusion.

Im now thinking.....John Morrison, Chirs Masters, Luke Gallows, Chavo Guerro, Brett Dibiase, Wes Brisco, Michael Tarver, David Hart Smith, Vladimir Kozlof, MVP, Brian Kendrick, and Dustin Rhodes (With Rhodes possibly the 2nd ACE and Bischoff being the 1st Ace. These names wouldnt/shouldnt cost TNA alot of cash but would work in the angle. Batista would be a great add to this stable but I doubt that will happen. For sure I didnt hit the nail on the head with the names, but I bet some will be a part of this angle regardless how it plays out. I believe that I am forgetting another FCW second generation star that was dropped by WWE and has the potential to be a part of this. And there are surley some more Former FCW talent that could be added to this angle at really low cost to TNA who is looking to get more youth into there roster. (Gut Check)

What are the veiws on this angle? Is mine possible and logical? Who do you think will be under the masks???
I really like the Aces and Eights gang also ZMan. Although there has been many attacking/invading gang type groups in the history of wrestling, this one is another slant on it. For example nWo were known famous wrestlers coming into a company. the Nexus was this rookie group coming in attacking established stars to take their spots. Speaking of taking spots, that's what Generation Next in RoH was all about. But all of them didn't wear masks.

Most stables consist of the main eventer and the tag team, and possibly the enforcer... but this gang we have no idea what it is about, who is in it or if there is a leader. It's something new and it's great that they attacked Sting (wished they kept it to Sting and not involved Hogan) but they look to be a group out to attack the company from it's very top.

Kind of like a terroist group attacking TNA's "government". Having the number of the gang being a mystery also just brings even more depth to it. I think it is a great idea and hopefully there is a really good pay off. Bischoff or Jarrett are the prime suspects to ebing behind it, but whoever are under the masks need to be put over by the angle.

The guys being ex-WWE guys wanting to get into TNA or not being signed by TNA etc. I don't think is the right way to go. If they are ex-WWE talent, then bring them in under new gimmicks much like Elijah Burke was brought in as the Pope. A whole new gimmick and recognisable only as TNA guys not from the WWE or being ex-WWE. I think this angle needs to eb all about TNA and not mention other companies for this to be successful and for TNA to make their mark using them.

From the very first attack, I have always thorught one of the guys was Luke Gallows. A really big guy. In Ring Ka King he was this Sons of Anarchy biker character called Isiah Cash. I think he could be the "field general" of this group with the brains being Bischoff/Jarrett. The other guys could be just big powerful wrestlers from OVW backing Gallows/Cash up. Gallows/Cash could then get into big time brawls with Sting at BFG and then go on to be a big time player with such a great debut, much like Kane has always been at the top of the card since his debut.

Sting can defeat Cash at BFG but with an impressive showing can go on to top card feuds against guys like Joe, RVD, Hardy or James Storm.

Whatever they choose to do, I hope it is beenficial to TNA and create a few new "TNA Original" stars out of this angle.
Could this be a possible way of fitting Joey Ryan back into TNA as well? I don't think Bischoff will have anything to do with it, I think he's done. So that leaves only Jarrett...

Yeah one of the guys looked like Gallows to KINDA looked like Kendrick but he was way more jacked than I remember Kendrick being. That's what I love about this angle they have done a very good job keeping the guys identities secret.
Theory #1 - Generic Faction

NWO/Nexus rehash looking to take over an organization. In TNA's case, this may be an opportunity to take things further than ever before where the invading faction does take over and rebrands the product. TNA/Impact Wrestling is a terrible name. This is a chance for them to change it.

Theory #2 - Jarrett

This is the most popular theory, Jarrett is just pissed and feels disrespected so he goes after the organization to punish it for exiling him and not putting him or his dad in their Hall of Fame first.

Theory #3 - Bischoff

Please God No.

Theory #4 - Batman Parody

Just a gang of guys who want nothing but chaos. No titles, no power, they just want to create chaos and bring down TNA in the process.

Theory #5 - GSB's Wetdream

Aces and Eights is known as Deadman's Hand. The UT is known as The Deadman. The UT is sending his minions to take down Sting and TNA until Sting is allowed to get out of his TNA contract for one night in order to meet the UT at WM29.

Theory #6 - See my signature
i have a few theorys of my own which i would at this time like to share.

theory 1

i think it is possible that aces and 8's are wrestlers from ovw. my reason for this is that since gut check started. you have had alex silva and taeler hendrix both ovw wrestlers as gut check contenders. what if the other wrestlers at ovw were turned down for a spot on gut check and hold sting and hogan to blame. know that they have taken out the icon and the hulkster. they want to take tna apart piece by piece until there is nothing left. i think this theory is one off the more likely ones. as ovw is a offical territory of tna.

theory 2

like GSB said double j is pissed and wants revenge on tna for him not being the first person in the tna hall of fame. so jeff hires former tna talent who like him. blame sting and the hulk for no longer having tna contracts. and know jeff and his band of merry men have come back to tna to course trouble and get jeff his company back. with jeff promising them all contracts if they get the job done.

theory 3

it is more or less the same as theory two but this time its not former tna tallent that jeff has brought in but former wwe and ring ka king guys that have be turned away by tna and not offered contracts. so oncwe again jeff and his band of merry men go off and course no end of trouble for tna while trying to get jeffs company back.
After watching the footage of the latest attack over and over again in slow motion....IDK Y but I am totaly obsessed with figuring out who these guys are. Im deff agreeing with the many that Gallows is a part of this. I seriously think the smaller thin guy in the latest attack with the black n white bandana on his head seriously looked and moved like Sean Waltman. There is another guy who really looked and moved alot like Konan. Both possibilities that I didnt see in my first observations. The blonde guy could be one of a few guys.....Billy Gunn, Morrision with a dye job, Jerry Lynn (Or is he too jacked up?) and I havent seen Masters is RaKingKa but did he grow his hair? I think this guy may not be jacked enough to be Masters but then again he may have been off the juice for a while. There were deff no african americans as a part of the six that attacked A Double and Roode this week. I gatta take a look at the OVW roster and see if there is any potential matches there.

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