Accidental Alts in my IP Address

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City Dweller, Successful Fella
I would like to inform the admins in this thread that this is the only account that I created myself from this address. However my brother also signed up for an account which I thought nothing of until now. Apparently these will be traced and seen as alts eventually and that will not look good for me. Because not only did my brother sign up for WZ from the same IP address, but he also made two account for friends that have trouble with their internet access. Which I knew nothing about until dave told me he matched my IP up with two other accounts as well as my brother's. So of course after hearing this I became quite concerned. So all in all that links four different accounts to my IP Address which looks like I made four different accounts which is not true. The only account I ever made was this one and this is why I wanted to bring this to any one of the admins' attention at Dave's (Death From Above) discretion.

The other accounts linked to this IP Address are as follows:

1. RT

2. Bugs 101

3. Kermit 58585

Get back to me when you can.
- SpoodBeest (Dave Jr.)
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