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Abyss is going Red and Yellow. You watch...


Occasional Pre-Show
I can see it coming a million miles away. With the way Abyss is going on about being able to feel the power of the "Hulkamaniacs" from his HOF ring - he is losing the mask, and when he shows up he'll have bleached blond hair, a big blond mustache, and be draped in red and yellow...

I wouldn't be surprised if they do this March 8th. Abyss will get attacked and unmasked and go running off into the night or something...

Come Main Event time, Hogan will be in there by himself, get beat down, when all of a sudden American Made plays and out comes Abyss, Hulkamania shirt and all.

Hey, they turned AJ into a bad Flair rip-off, so this is clearly the next logical step for TNA. Wish I was kidding, but I really do think this is where this whole Abyss/Hogan thing is going.
IMO if this will happen, this will be the end of Abyss. I like Abyss and by changing him into another Hogan this will kill everything for Abyss. But honestly I don't think that will happen. Abyss will just be an unstoppable force. They will perhaps bring back the old Abyss-- the hardcore Abyss. They can't make him feud with AJ for the title because The Pope is the number one contender right now. And I honestly don't think that he will feud with Ric. He will destroy Ric if he does.

Abyss wont be a rip-off of Hogan. He will be the old unstoppable Abyss. And like I said in one thread that i made, The only thing possible is that Abyss could feud with Joe, not in Red and Yellow, but in Abyss old colors.
He may incorporate red and yellow into his gimmick, but going as far as bleaching his hair and ripping his shirt off etc., that would completely take the authenticity out of the gimmick which any simple wrestling fan could see. They are trying to make him a main eventer, and not some Charlie Haas like dress up gimmick.

They are making Abyss a monster again, and not a Hogan rip off. They will tweak his look, but it will be his own. He’s a flabby bag of shit, so him having a Hulkamania shirt to rip off wouldn’t be the smart way to go. He has a long way to go physically before he can get there.
There's only one thing that Abyss is gonna take away from Hogan. It won't be a costume change, it won't be him coming out to "American Made" or "Voodoo Child", and it's definitely not going to be him ripping off his shirt and bleaching his hair. The one thing you're gonna see that is Hogan-esque will be hardcore no-selling. It's the one thing that Hogan does that will actually work for Abyss' gimmick. If they're gonna re-make him into this unstoppable force due to the "powers" of the ring, this would be the only logical way for it to work without Abyss going overboard.

I would love it. He gets thrown through two tables, then stands back up and Hulks up (or Monsters up, something like that). I think it would really make him look a crapload more menacing to see some guy take that amount of punishment then just stand right back up a few seconds later, and when Abyss gets up, you know you're screwed.
Well with Styles becoming Flair 2.0, I wouldn't be surprised if TNA went in this direction with Abyss by making him Hogan 2.0. He's already coming out to "American Made" so that might be a start. However, I'm not all for the removal of the mask. Abyss might change the mask colour from black to red and yellow. But, with TNA keeping me tuned in every week I guess all I can say is we just have to watch and see what happens next.
I think this is a pathetic attempt at trying to give life to a dead terrible gimmick who is portrayed by a boring entertainer. Has anyone not learn from Kane yet? The Kane/Abyss monster gimmick is only good for a short time and helps a bad wrestler get over. Also Goldberg/Samoa Joe undefeated streak. It helped Goldberg who was average in the ring and terrible on the mic get over. It helped a slugish flabby fat man name Joe get over. After the streak ended they grew boring.

Abyss is out of shape. He is terrible on the mic. At best he should be mid card level. They should've never given this guy a push. He isnt believable anymore as a monster. He has been crying on t.v. and to afraid to even touch a barb wire bat. Flair/Aj are a good combo. Aj is good in the ring but not so great on the mic. Aj Styles is coming along to be a good heel. Why it works is because AJ Styles is TNA's golden boy. Now he has turned bad and that always works. Just look at how it gave life to the stale red/yellow of Hogan when he turned into Hollywood.

Abyss however is terrible in the ring. He is out of shape. I guess maybe he looks like he could contend with the nasty boys. This guy has never had an interesting match that didnt involve bats,chairs,or tables. I thought Abyss was going to stay a poor mans Mic Foley. Hell even Foley worked because he has charisma. Abyss is boring like so many other young TNA talent. I hope they do turn Abyss into red/yellow and it flops horribly just to get this guy off what is other wise a pretty good Impact Product.

The fueds that will get you over are Styles vs Pope, Anderson vs Angle, Bishoff/Jarrett, Flair/Hogan. The greatest fued of all time would be Sting vs AJ now that Aj and flair are together. WHy not start off with that fued since your going up against the WWE monster.

WWE will be running fueds with legends like Undertaker vs HBK, Triple H,Cena,Orton and TNA has ABYSS?..lol Its almost laughable. Aj and Abyss styles do not even match up. He will make Aj look terrible. Mr. Bishoff please fire this not talent hack.

I see alot of TNA young talent that should even be aloud to be on TV. Thats why WWE is busy raiding the talent of ROH and not TNA. Vince does not see these guys as a threat what so ever. If they stepped out of line he would smash there tiny company. I hate to say it because aside from Abyss I love the Impact shows. I think the monday nights is a mistake. SO I say yes Abyss go red and yellow and let it completely destroy your career. Your fat, you cant talk on the mic, your character has no interest. So please go red/yellow and leave.
The only thing I'm going to say is that out of all the people Hogan could have given a rub to he choose Abyss? I mean I would have been more comfortable with him choosing Rob Terry or Matt Morgan(At least their physiques match Hogan's old one). Other than that why? Abyss was definitely on his last leg before this crap and he should have honestly just stayed at low mid-card until his future endeavors card was pulled. Or they could have had him turn heel and join up with Raven or something to that nature.

TNA messed up on this one as I'm very sure there are tons of guys in the back that could have benefitted way more from Hogan's HOF ring and could have made the most of the rub that Hogan is going to waste on Abyss. The only thing that can save this angle is Hogan turning on Abyss and joining up with The Band and putting Abyss out of his misery. Yeah nobody wants to see the nWo re-unite(trust me Nash will come back to Hall and Syxx-Pac) but I'm guessing less people want to see Abyss be the new unstoppable Hogan. So that's the only thing that can save this Angle. Eventually both options will run their course I just think I'd be more entertained with TNA's suedo nWo than Abyss being the new Hogan.
I dont think it will happen. Hogan just did a interview for ESPN and one of the things he said was "Abyss, keep the mask on, brother." I can see Abyss snapping and fully returning to his oldself very very soon.
They are trying to turn Abyss back into a monster. They really want him to be an unstoppable force in TNA, and that is where this is headed.

Now, the Hogan ring thing and Abyss coming out to a song that may or may not have been used by Hogan in WCW (I am not sure if that is the one or not) is cheesy. It is Hulk Hogan, once again, shamelessly promoting himself.

I have not been one of these guys to bag on everything Hogan has done. Bring in the Nasty Boys, fine. Bring in Val Venis, fine. Bring in Mr. Anderson, fine. Everything he has done has been fine with me, but it seems that every week becomes a little more revolved around Hogan feeding his ego.

I mean, come on, it's 2010. Are we really supposed to believe that Hogan's HOF ring is giving Abyss some kind of extra power? Why couldn't Hogan have just broke him down, and helped him to shred his weak persona? Why did it have to go that extra mile, of him now suddenly idolizing Hulk HOgan? Hogan is an ego-maniac, and always has been. Is he the biggest name in the history of pro wrestling? Absolutely, so I don't mind him being in TNA giving it an extra push. But come on Hogan, this Abyss thing is cheesy and is going way too far.
I think you guys are looking at this thing all wrong. Abyss in red and yellow? No way that happens. Personally I think Hogan is going to turn on Abyss come March 8 and then run a feud with Abyss culminating in a cage match at Lockdown. Think about it for a second. Hogan has wrestled and defeated all of the so-called giants throughout history. Studd, Yokozuna, Andre, Big Show, Undertaker, Earthquake, Bundy, and the list goes on and on. They are all victims of the Hogan super strength mystique. Hogan loves to pit himself against the BIG BAD GIANTS and then bodyslam their asses. So I think this whole program with Abyss is going to turn into a feud between Hogan and Abyss. In the end Hogan will bodyslam Abyss, proving that he still is an unstoppable force in the wrestling ring. I definitely do not see Abyss becoming the next Hogan.
abyss taking the gimmick of the greatest wrestler of all time would be great. abyss is an unstopable monster like hogan was having abyss get beat down and then hulking up like the greatest of all time hogan does would be great. they are really doing the right thing. hogan and bischoff are genious,but anything to do with hogan has and allways be great. it will really be great when hogan gets a well deserved title run again i would love to see him destroy ajs punk ass
After last night, Abyss has officially made himself look like a big goof, another Eugene...just a joke. When he came out to that horrendous "American Made" music, I was baffled. The guy's another Hogan tool just like many guys have been before him.

I can already see it. March 8th and the finish will be Hogan dropping the old leg on Ric Flair and Abyss following suit with the leg. I'll be laughing, I know that..
After last night, Abyss has officially made himself look like a big goof, another Eugene...just a joke.

Ding Ding Ding, we have a winner!

Again, this is the prime example of the future of TNA. Which is, no future at all. Someone argue again to me how this is better than DX, Santino Marella, Hornswaggle, and the such. It's a laughable debate. Anyone buying that TNA is actually turn Abyss into anything resembling Abyss of 2006 is the biggest and dumbest TNA mark of them all.

Time is going to prove me correct.
honestly i was happy to read a few days ago that abyss was going to be a unstoppable force again but after last night after he came out to thaat music i didnt know what to do laugh or feel sorry for what there trying to do with him honestly are you serious? if they want to do this right they should make him a non mic wrestler that has some evil ass undertaker like music haha cuz the new thing i dont know if there gonna take him seriously as a hogan wanna be
Hogan is said to be a big fan of Abyss. One reason is that Hogan does like big guys, always has. If the idea is for Abyss to become the "next Hulk Hogan" along similar lines to AJ Styles becoming the "next Nature Boy", then it's going to be an absolute train wreck. Abyss as he is right now is just plain awful. The neurotic/child-like aspects that have been incorporated to Abyss' character have been nothing but a reasonf or me to change the channel whenever he comes on. The ONLY time I've found Abyss interesting was back when he was this near invincible monster. Now, if the idea is ultimately for Abyss to revert back to a similar character to what he used to be, then I think it has at least some potential.

What I ultimately think is going to happen is, come the March 8th episode of iMPACT!, Hogan will turn heel and turn on Abyss. The March 8th espisode of iMPACT! hasn't generated nearly as much buzz or excitement as the January 4th show did and something "memorable" needs to take place in order to give the show some teeth I think. While the tag match between Hogan & Abyss and Styles & Flair will probably be awful, it'll draw some attention because lots of fans haven't seen Hogan in a wrestling ring as a wrestler on live television for a long time. However, I just have a feeling that Hogan is going to turn on Abyss. For a long time now, TNA has done this long running storyline with Abyss in which he's constantly turned on by these friends/mentor characters. It happened with Stevie Richards, it happened with Foley and I just think it's going to happen with Hogan.

At this point in time, however, I'm not too excited about the potential prospects for Abyss.
abyss comming out to hogans music is lame, but its not to far from the current abyss character, just a little while ago abyss was idolizing Mic Foley donning the flannel shirt. His current character is very "clingy" and hopefully its just the final step before he snaps or something going back to his monsterous ways, that I hear he was really good at.

And on a side note, the global champion or matt morgan would have been the only two perfect canadits to be a hogan 2.0 and come closer to pulling it off then AJ to flair.
After last night, Abyss has officially made himself look like a big goof, another Eugene...just a joke. When he came out to that horrendous "American Made" music, I was baffled. The guy's another Hogan tool just like many guys have been before him.

I can already see it. March 8th and the finish will be Hogan dropping the old leg on Ric Flair and Abyss following suit with the leg. I'll be laughing, I know that..

I disagree. Hes stopped that clapping crap, hes stopped that pulling hair crap, he cut a pretty chilling promo, and looks like hes not afraid of anything, most importantly hes looking like his former self. Its one show btw too, let it play out.
I don't know bout anybody else, but when real american played, and he got in the ring, flair made me laugh my ass off when he asked him about coming out to that music.

I really hope abyss doesn't change his look. i wish he would go back to wearing the jumpsuit again. maybe have hogan betray him, or have him lose and have hogan tell him that hes not worth a damn and take the ring back, and then have abyss return in the jump suit and be an unstoppable monster.
Personally, I think you are all being worked.

Yes of course it's an awful gimmick. You think it's here to stay? No.

My prediction is on the 8th, Abyss will turn on Hogan during the match and beat the Hell out of Hogan, thus returning to the old Abyss. Hogan is smart enough to know that what they are doing with Abyss is absolutely awful. Therefore, they aren't going to do something like this unless there is a purpose behind it. And it's not to be Dave Sullivan 2.0. The likely scenario with him being the reported "unstoppable force" is him getting enough confidence from the ring that he turns evil and in the process, attacks Hulk ... Lord of the Rings style.
No way that is going to happen. However funny and entertaining it would be, there's just no way. I think they may actually be serious with the whole "Abyss is fucking unstoppable" thing. I mean really, why not? The fans like him and it never hurts to have a prominent big guy in your company. They are building Abyss more as a top, monster face. Not Hogan V2.
MY GOD what a horrible Idea that would be. Abyss is dirty, harsh....just one of the best gimmicks TNA has had for over 3 years. TNA is fine with TNA just the way he is. He has never been mentioned as problem nor should he (outside of those pathetic taser shot while dealing with Dr. Stevie, but most definatly not his fault.).. If anything, he needs to trim down to be considered a major player again....which can be very easily done given a 2 month program with a hot (not a big) TNA star. Heel or face, it doesnt matter. He is just that valuable and that adaptable. He is like a young TNA version of Kane, and to mess that up would be very damaging to anything TNA would want to do.......ESPECIALLY HIM IN RED AND YELLOW!!

It might sound silly but if there are any big guys in TNA who could pull it off...Id wager Hernandez could the best. He got the right energy, charisma......and he is one strong S.O.B. Tho I wouldnt want him doing that either.....

......ReD n YellOW is dead...even HOgan doesnt wear it anymore. You want a Hogan v. 2.0.......get a time machine.
I really hope this doesn't happen. When I heard Hogan's old WCW music last night, I almost spilled my apple juice because I was so in shock of what I was hearing. Abyss's character has been screwed up enough over the past couple of years, and this would bury him. I really can't picture Abyss wearing the red and yellow, and doing Hogan's poses. It would be one of the most bizarre things I've ever seen. It's okay when another wrestler gets in the ring and poses along with Hogan once in a while because this is something that happened in WWE a lot, but to have another wrestler do it constantly as a part of their character? No.

I hope this all one HUGE swerve. I'm hoping come March 8th Abyss will go ape shit, and turn against Hogan during the tag match. That would be awesome, and it would help put Abyss over in a big way, and hopefully TNA won't screw up his character again from there.
No, he isn't becoming Hogan 2.0, or whatever you want to call it. The point is that Hogan thinks the only way to get this guy over is by having Abyss WORSHIP Hulk. It's Hogan's ego...again. Hogan doesn't think he is the biggest thing in wrestling..he thinks he IS wrestling.

Abyss was annoying for quite some time now. Pulling his hair out, crying, whining, and every other whacked out thign he did. He was trying to imitate Foley. My problem is the fact that Hogan doesn't think Foley is big enough, or popular enough to get Abyss over. He wants to change Abyss' idol to himself, making it look like NO ONE but Hogan could make this happen.

Hogan has done some good things in TNA, and I am not a Hogan-hater. I am not a huge fan either, but I respect the guy. I just wish that he could understand that it is NOT all about him and his popularity, especially not among these TNA fans. In the end, I highly doubt Abyss will wear any red or yellow crap. I think Hogan is genuine in wanting Abyss to be a monster again, but I think the way he is going about it makes him look bad. It makes him look like his ego has gotten bigger and bigger over the years.
I hope it doesn't happen but I wouldn't be surprised if it does. Hogan is convinced he can make him into a major star. I don't think making him come out to Hogan's old music, and dressing him like him will work. Then again he's been ripping off Mick Foley/Mankind's gimmick for years.
While it might be good for TNA as it would cause some people to change channels to watch it, it's not good for Abyss himself if he's going to become a Hogan clone. Look at how Styles is doing as a Flair clone, not that great. Both guys are better off being themselves. I would be all for Abyss going Red and Yellow if it was just a temporary thing as it would be entertaining and amusing.... but he can't stay that way for very long. If he's truly going to be built into "the invincible force" or whatever it was, then he needs to go back to being an unbeatable monster. None of this weird character traits we have seen for over a year, and not a clone of either Foley OR Hogan.

I agree with what others have been saying. Some type of big swerve is coming on March 8th. TNA needs something great to compete with Raw, and they are doing just that if they build up a good swerve. Go ahead and have Abyss go in as a Hogan clone, but have him turn heel and become an unbeatable monster, there's the "invincible force" that they are looking for, it also gives TNA a great main event for that week, and all without ruining Abyss' character. I think it would be a great way to go, and probably what TNA is going to do because even they know that making Abyss a Hogan clone will fail. Oh wait, I forgot that this is TNA we're talking about, LOL!

I have a bad feeling though that he might truly be turning into a Hogan clone. He's got Hogan's ring that is (kayfabe) increasing his power in the wrestling ring, and coming out to Hogan's WCW "American Made" song. I'm hoping that TNA does not mess this up because it could turn into something HUGE and awesome, or it could flop terribly and ruin Abyss.

Let's just wait and see what happens.

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