Abyss has new music...

TNA cross the line

Pre-Show Stalwart
Last night on Impact before the Abyss vs James Storm match TNA debuted Abyss' new theme music and overall im not a fan of it, I like his original music he has always had or has had for the past few years. Its not as bad as his abyssamania theme but i just like the original. What are your opinions?
I feel it is a bit of a shame that his music changed. Before his song was identifible now it seems to be generic. In fact that was my favorite song in TNA. The rest (with a few exceptions) are kinda lame.
Last night with the debut of his new song Abyss official lost the last thing he had going for him,right along with his crediblity l______l
His old theme was, In my opinion, the best in TNA. It seems like they don't even care what they do with Abyss anymore. "hey let's give him hogans old theme. Naw screw that lets make his attire have muted barney colors".
TNA doesnt put any effort into their stars entrance music. I think its because the impact zone is so small and crammed, you can barely hear the music on TV sometime. TNA needs to bring in someone from the music that can work on entrances how do they get the money you ask? Get rid of Rob Terry why is he on my TV I would rather watch Orlando Jordon try to molest his competition. :banghead:
Truth be told I did not recognize that his music changed right away. I guess that by changing his music they are trying to make Abyss seem more relevant, especially now that he is running around with Immortal again.
TNA doesnt put any effort into their stars entrance music. I think its because the impact zone is so small and crammed, you can barely hear the music on TV sometime. TNA needs to bring in someone from the music that can work on entrances how do they get the money you ask? Get rid of Rob Terry why is he on my TV I would rather watch Orlando Jordon try to molest his competition. :banghead:

They had someone there who could have done the music. Jimmy Hart. He did a lot of the good WCW themes.
Abyss' music should NOT have been changed. is his music awesome, no, but it fit him, this new music in my book didnt fit him and sounded more generic, the old Abyss music sounded like a monster was coming.
Yeah this music seems strange. Its not really that good, its very generic and the bells just seem to move his charachter into an even stranger direction. Hes always been called a Kane ripoff, now hes got bells in his theme? I mean you want to move him away from the "monsters" the WWE has.
I think he should go back to having Hogan's "American Made" theme from WCW because he is part of Immortal. Abyssimania is still running wild brother!

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