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Cena's Little Helper

Mid-Card Championship Winner
I passed my one-year mark here on WZ. Milkyway!!! recently made a very thoughtful thread on those who have influenced him here on the boards. So, I thought I'd take the time to talk about those who have influenced me for better (and worse) on these forums. I'm going to add honorable (and dishonorable) mentions to this thread tomorrow, so don't get your panties in a bunch if I don't mention you tonight. All right, here goes:

1) Afro-Ameri-Spawn: He hardly ever posts here anymore, but this man influenced my posting style more than anyone else here. For all of my supporters (and detractors), thank him for the tdigle that is now on these boards.

2) Y2Jake: The funniest man to ever grace these boards, period. I'm not even going to go into detail about him, because everyone already sings his praises (they're all true).

3) IrisCatnadian25: Don't tell him, but I actually like him a lot. When he green-repped me for the first time, I thought it would be the start of a beautiful e-friendship. But, then I asked him why he loved watersports and scat porn so much, and things went downhill from there. Even though he doesn't believe it, I have a lot of respect and admiration for him.

4) jmt225: My e-twin, 'nuff said.

5) Becker: One of my homies on these boards. Really, really good guy too.

6) Murfish: My mentor, who did so much for me that I can't even begin to express my gratitude.

7) mysterio_fan: I like him mainly for his biffle, although his stories about his booty shorts are quite funny.

8) TM: A man whom I didn't get along with at first, but whom I got to know and ended up liking a lot.

9) Marquis: He likes the Miz, I hate the Miz. But, we have a mutual respect for each other, and he's a bright kid with a bright future ahead of him.

10) Milkyway!!!: As much as MSN is thought of as the devil on these boards, I have gotten to know a few of you on these boards through it. Milkyway!!! is one of these few. He has some pretty outlandish wrestling opinions (especially about HBK), but I can't deny that he's a smart, driven young man whom I wish nothing but the best for (except when it comes to convincing people that his views of wrestling are correct).

Special Mentions coming tomorrow.
you have influenced me to keep my standards of girls I date absurdly high, with your sigs TSnugs. Thankyou for that. I think.
Congratulations Diglett. Like you said, mutual respect, but you are also one of my favorite posters here.
Congratulations tdiglely. Do you mind if I call you that?

You're one of my favorite posters on these forums and I hope to see you stay here for many more years to come.
My anniversary came and went with little fanfare. I've actually only consistently posted for 8 of the 13 months I've been here though, so you know, not much to be said.
Here Are My Honorable Mentions:

TheOneBigWill: Should really be in my first list, as he influenced my posting more than anyone else besides Spawn. I haven't talked to him in ages, however; hopefully, I'll talk to him again soon.

48.7: Smart kid who's good to go.

Little Jerry Lawler: Contributes so much to the forum and hardly ever gets recognized for it. I would actually not be surprised in the least if he was on a short-list for wrestling mod spots.

DJ: As I already said in an earlier thread, smart, civil guy who expresses himself well and whom I would like to see around here more often.

Lil Wes: Good guy.

justinsayne: Tough love the right way.

Spunky: Shares my sense of humor, so of course he gets a mention.

Scotsman Dave: I red-repped him once for making a joke about Jeff Hardy and his drug addiction. He PMed me about in a very civil manner and I felt very immature afterwards. He changed my outlook on red repping, and I'm glad that he's a regular.

Shocky: Extremely intelligent poster, and willing to listen to anybody. Also, I didn't get to say this in his farewell thread, but I find him to just be a solid person as well, as evidenced by the fact that he's helping to raise his girlfriend's kids from a previous relationship (it takes a real man to do that).

fromthesouth: Cool cat.

NightShiftLoser: Cool cat.

xfearbefore: Cool cat.

Mighty NorCal: Yeah, we got into a huge flame war once, but I like and respect him. Also, I can't deny the admiration a lot of posters have for him.

If I think of more, I'll add them.
Congrats to you, TDigle. As a poster, you're one of my more respected of the bunch, and you're one of the best posters on here. Congrats to you, sir
Mighty NorCal: Yeah, we got into a huge flame war once, but I like and respect him. Also, I can't deny the admiration a lot of posters have for him.

I think we both had some misconstured images of each other. After the flame war, we worked towards improving our interpretation, especially after some good, respectfull debates.
I think that having a flame war with someone who ends up being one of your favorites is rite of passage around here.

And thanks for the mention TDiggity. Sorry about that one thing, but everything has been civil and I admire your intelligence.
^_^ Thanks Tdigle, it means a lot. Even if you insulted my wrestling views. Whats wrong with my Shawn Michael views? Seriously, I thought I made a thread about this. The reason I made the Michaels threads were to drive discussion out of boredom.

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