

You don't want it with me.
As we all know by now, pirates set foot on an American vessel for the first time since 1804. The captain of the Maersk Alabama is still being held hostage. He is one of 200 men being held in the area of Somalia by Pirates. Somalia is the Port of Call for most of the pirates in that region. Somalia is a largely poor and lawless nation. These pirates are heroes pulling millions of dollars in booty and ransom. However, they have completely disrupted shipping in the area. There are several options available to the world.

1. Arm ships. The crews of most of these ships are unarmed. They have high pressure hoses and barbed wire at the most. The pirates, meanwhile, have assault rifles, grappling hooks, and rocket propelled grenades. The simple solution seems for the shipping companies to provide weapons for their crews.

There are some problems with this idea. First of all, the probability of escalation is uncountable. Untrained men firing weapons on oil tankers seems like a good movie, however, the highly flammable fumes could ignite with a mere muzzle spark. Furthermore, could anyone imagine the problems associated with an oil tanker full of armed Iranians pulling into an American port? A simple misunderstanding could begin World War III.

2. Military escorts. The idea of adding military escorts in this region seems like a move in the right direction. Armed escorts would alleviate concerns over shipping. However, what nations would participate? Of course, while every nation sits back and bitches about America's policing of the world, they would simultaneously expect America to pick up the risk and the cost. The first time something went slightly off of plan, the condemnation of the world would spill upon us. Then what? We stop, and with no mandate to protect those ships, everything starts up again.

3. Kill them all. The Chinese have struck down a mother ship in the region. The French have stormed the ships. The only thing left is to drop bombs on all the mother ships. Now, I'm not condoning a Global War on Pirates. These guys don't have mountains, mosques, and houses to hide in. We know what to look for. They are in open water. We could drop a few bombs, a few laser guided missiles and be done with the problem. Of course, once again, we solve a problem, and Europe finds a problem with us. At some point, Europe will turn on us, even if we are acting in their interests as well.

Anyone have a better idea? I think that this problem has so many variables at this point, that any actions will be scrutinized and criticized. Someone must act, however, and protect mariners jsut trying to do their job.
the original pirates in the Caribbean and in the Mediterranean were wiped out by a global war on Pirates. They were classified as enemies of humanity and all countries were allowed to do anything to the pirates captured.
This could be done again the problem is that the United Nations is full of pussy shits that wouldn't know immediate action if it came up behind them and bit them on the ass.
As for creating international Incidents that is unlikely if that hunting license is given out by the UN for the destruction of Pirates.
There is other ways of combating the pirates as well, travelling in protected convoys has worked in the past and would work again now. They worked against far more sophisticated enemies, therefore it would work against these fuckers. They don't have the technology for U-boats or subs so they can easily be headed off by armed escort ships to a convoy.
What I find funny is that people's living is based upon sailing the sea, trying to find a ship, board it and take everyone hostage. It's ridiclious. Can't they find better things to do? I understand where they live may make it the only option, but there has to be something else for them to do. I just find it stupid, of all the things to do. As for better ideas, I say arm the ships. You can't ask the military to help them along the way for every ship that goes, unless it's just to a specific place in which that may work. Hmm..
They live in Somalia. They can be priates or thieves on land. At least at sea, they're not stealing from their own people.

And you can't arm the ships. There are two reasons why not. First of all, imagine that an Iranian oil tanker is pulling into the port of Houston with 60 armed Iranians. For some reason, I do not see a happy ending in this scenario. Secondly, if one of these weapons were fired, it could ignite the toxic fumes let off on an oil tanker. This, of course, would sink this ship, leading to immediate deaths and widespread pollution.
Actually i have thougt about that too and maybe it would be a solution for the companies to hire mercenaries or PMCs like Blackwater to protect their ships , it´s certanly cheaper than payin millions of dollars so the pirates release their hostages and the ship itself.
It isn't s solution to arm oil tankers. Oil is flammable in and of itself, and the trapped vapors ten times so. A spark from a bullet could put the whole thing up in flames.

The best solution is to go through with warships, rid the area of pirates, and check back every so often to make sure there's no new ones.
Everyone lay off the Merchant Marine Organizers. They aren't pirates. They are just businessmen using a very effective business model. President Obama said so, so it must be true.

We must be very sensitive to other people's cultures, you see. That's how they are, and we need to learn to embrace their way of life as an alternative to our own. Wouldn't it be arrogant of us as the selfish Americans that we are to judge them for how they choose to run their business?

Capture them, and then force them to compete in a real life version of The Condemned. They could have gimmick fights such as the Sword Fight of Doom, and the what's the Treasure chest match (the winner gets to use the weapon inside of the other).

Sorry... wrestling on the brain.

But seriously, ever thought of arming them with weapons that aren't likely to blow things up, like darts that shoot out toxins that kill. But no, with Americans blowing things up always has be on the agenda...
Capture them, and then force them to compete in a real life version of The Condemned. They could have gimmick fights such as the Sword Fight of Doom, and the what's the Treasure chest match (the winner gets to use the weapon inside of the other).

Sorry... wrestling on the brain.

But seriously, ever thought of arming them with weapons that aren't likely to blow things up, like darts that shoot out toxins that kill. But no, with Americans blowing things up always has be on the agenda...

Well, the darts idea is good. Except if we fire darts at them, they will shoot guns at us. I think we just need to suspend the shipping lanes and clean it out.
Then they could have armoured rears and fronts, so therefore they won't be carrying actual guns that can hit the goods/oil etc, but still have some protection at both sides of the boat.
I say that their father's should have hugged them when they were growing up. Or, maybe they should have gotten an education and gotten a job. Then again, who can really blame them? They are doing something relatively easy and stress free, not killing anyone (as far as I know), and making a killing. It sounds like a wonderful life to me. Besides, if Blackbeard is some sort of icon, why does everyone dislike these guys? ;)
I think people should be enlightened to the fact that the pirates, you know, kind of RULE Somalia in an anarchist sense. The best and most effective solution would be to help end the political anarchy and instability in Somalia
1. Arm ships. The crews of most of these ships are unarmed. They have high pressure hoses and barbed wire at the most. The pirates, meanwhile, have assault rifles, grappling hooks, and rocket propelled grenades. The simple solution seems for the shipping companies to provide weapons for their crews.

There are some problems with this idea. First of all, the probability of escalation is uncountable. Untrained men firing weapons on oil tankers seems like a good movie, however, the highly flammable fumes could ignite with a mere muzzle spark. Furthermore, could anyone imagine the problems associated with an oil tanker full of armed Iranians pulling into an American port? A simple misunderstanding could begin World War III.

Exactly. We could arm ships, but a lot of nations have laws against armed vessels entering port. So every ship would have to ditch their weapons before they leave port or start another international incident. That's just what we need right now, India pissed off at China because China detained some of their sailors for having guns. It's stupid arguments like that that blind us from solving the really big problems.

And, as you say, those boats have really volatile substances. Weapons should be no where near most of it. I don't think sailors would simply be idiots with guns, but adding more armed non-military people into the mix won't help at all.

2. Military escorts. The idea of adding military escorts in this region seems like a move in the right direction. Armed escorts would alleviate concerns over shipping. However, what nations would participate? Of course, while every nation sits back and bitches about America's policing of the world, they would simultaneously expect America to pick up the risk and the cost. The first time something went slightly off of plan, the condemnation of the world would spill upon us. Then what? We stop, and with no mandate to protect those ships, everything starts up again.

They've tried this, like France for instance. Or was it the Canadians? Can't remember. Anyway, they raided a pirate vessel that was attacking a ship, but because it was not in their national waters, they had no legal standing to detain the pirates. The nation took their guns and sent the pirates on their way. The UN has to get on this, and I mean get on this. No "wah, stop this shit guys. I mean really, it's just not nice." I mean, set up a UN naval escort for the ships and have them escort the ships. They can be manned by whatever mix of nationalities for all I care. They have guns, and big ones at that. It could work.

3. Kill them all. The Chinese have struck down a mother ship in the region. The French have stormed the ships. The only thing left is to drop bombs on all the mother ships. Now, I'm not condoning a Global War on Pirates. These guys don't have mountains, mosques, and houses to hide in. We know what to look for. They are in open water. We could drop a few bombs, a few laser guided missiles and be done with the problem. Of course, once again, we solve a problem, and Europe finds a problem with us. At some point, Europe will turn on us, even if we are acting in their interests as well.

Eh...I don't like indiscriminate bombing. Like, carpet bombing Somalia for instance. But if there are ships out in the water, we know for a fact they're Pirates, then lets get old school WWII on their asses and launch an air attack against them. Would be rather easy, shooting down skiffs and mother ships with our jet fighters.

If a pirate ship just attacked a ship, and we have it tailed or marked, I see no problem with launching a military attack against it. Of course, the first time we make a mistake and attack a non-Pirate ship, shit will hit the fan. But shit always hits the fan when you're the United States. You think we would be better at stepping to the side of the fan by now.
Me dressed up as Captain Jack Sparrow:

[Fancy Dress Party]
[/Fancy Dress Party]

Personally, I find it hard to call these so-called Somalian "Pirates" by that name. Yes, technically they may be... but I can't get the stereotypical image out of my head enough to accept it.

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