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A WWE Point System: Future Of Wrestling


Dark Match Jobber
To eliminate the need for idiotic storylines, or most stoylines in general, I'd like to see professional wrestling go to a point system. Win by pinfall or submission 4 points, win by countout or dq 2 points, time limit draw each get 1 point, and if you lose your match by any means -2 points. Then at the ppvs, the challengers for the belts would be determined by who has the most points..Face vs. face, heel vs. heel, and you wouldn't have to justify why with an incredibly stupid soap opera type of story. With 4 WWE programs each week (Raw,Smackdown,ECW,Superstars) there's no reason why every wrestler on each roster wouldn't have a chance to gain/lose points each week. There could be some stories going on for nontitle gimmick matches at the ppvs, but the belts would be defended against wrestlers who have the hottest win streaks. It's not a flawless idea, because every once in awhile wrestlers would have exact point totals going into a ppv, but thats where battle royals, triple threats, and fatal fourway matches come into play...I'd like to see this idea tried as an experiment with ECW for awhile and if the fans like the idea, merge the entire WWE into one brand with 4 weekly shows of point competition. Your thoughts?
To eliminate the need for idiotic storylines, or most stoylines in general, I'd like to see professional wrestling go to a point system. Win by pinfall or submission 4 points, win by countout or dq 2 points, time limit draw each get 1 point, and if you lose your match by any means -2 points. Then at the ppvs, the challengers for the belts would be determined by who has the most points..Face vs. face, heel vs. heel, and you wouldn't have to justify why with an incredibly stupid soap opera type of story. With 4 WWE programs each week (Raw,Smackdown,ECW,Superstars) there's no reason why every wrestler on each roster wouldn't have a chance to gain/lose points each week. There could be some stories going on for nontitle gimmick matches at the ppvs, but the belts would be defended against wrestlers who have the hottest win streaks. It's not a flawless idea, because every once in awhile wrestlers would have exact point totals going into a ppv, but thats where battle royals, triple threats, and fatal fourway matches come into play...I'd like to see this idea tried as an experiment with ECW for awhile and if the fans like the idea, merge the entire WWE into one brand with 4 weekly shows of point competition. Your thoughts?

And why don't we just bring back Lex Luger, Stan Hansen, Vader, and Barry Windham back to the title hunt, too. The WCW went to a similar ranking system when Flair jumped ship to the WWE and to be honest, it never really made sense.

Most pro wrestling fans don't want to think about a point system anyway. They have a hard enough time keeping up with storylines and matches, much less how many points CM Punk has going into Backlash. Besides, it's entertainment. Not a sport. Vince made that clear on a number of occasions.

Besides, your idea sounds complicated and tough to keep up with. Sure it could be done, but it would be as over as TL Hopper and Buzzkill from WCW. Remember that dude? Vince Russo's way of making fun of the Road Dogg. lol. But it wouldn't work long term. If it was for a month period to determine a title shot when there are no storyline reasons for anyone to rival with the champion at the time, then it would be OK.
I don't think you can really do this now in WWE, maybe a newer company could try it out, but other than that it defeats the purpose of "legacy". It would make a more legitimate company, but the business isn't legitimate, or MMA.

More tournaments would be a better idea that I think has more practicality, making the King of the Ring matter and other sort of tournaments matter. I'm tired of the same 5 people in the title picture, and having tournaments would create new and legitimate challengers.
Wrestling is fake, you realise that right?
They never really had a point system, sure in the early days it was naturally implied that people were earning rankings based on wins/losses over people above or below them but that hasn't been the case in two decades.

Why would you need a point system in something that is a sports orientated soap opera

The idea of new challengers getting shots rather the same people constanly either thrown in the title picture or putting themselves there storyline wise although a guarenteed payoff does create boredom.

I'm all for tournaments aslong as it's not 1 match per week type crap.

Also we don't need to go back to the days when random people faced each other every week with no ryme or reason for it other than a hypothetical point system.
There's only so much mat wrestling you can have and expect it to still be top flight entertainment. There'd be no way to incorprate special matches if fueds are non-existant. Your idea leaves random gimmick matches at PPVs- an idea which is absolutely ludicrious, the same guys the WWE wants at the top will get the points necessary to contend in title matches.

Basically you don't like storylines, which run rampant in the WWE (and have since wrestling entertainment has been going, evolving more and more as time goes on.) If you don't have a taste for the storylines find another promotion. To me the best part of the matches are the buildup/shock/dream matchup elements that go into it. Sure we'll get great random matches every once in a while, but for the most part the best thing that goes into the match is the story behind it and understanding why the competitors hate each other. You'd see very stale performers if all they did was wrestle, and basically see the same worked matches weekly on free TV programming.
A point system is not really what wrestling is build on nowadays. Is about the characters and the storylines.

In the very end it is all about a rivalry or some kind of story that could be about one (the underdog, the "employee of the month") or about the two guys in the match.

TNA, WWE and almost every company around the World works like that, and it is what works.

If it was only about random matches no promotion would be able to incorporate something else, it will be like Olympic wrestling all the time and well an, that is not very interensting if you watch it over and over and over again.
Perhaps the idea could be implimented for the cruiserweight division. 2 reasons this may work. They get very lil in the way of storylines anways, so points could keep interest without much effort. Secondly, fans can easily keep track of the 10 or so cruisers, ecspecially with a quickly done graphic of rankings before each cruiser match.
Perhaps the idea could be implimented for the cruiserweight division. 2 reasons this may work. They get very lil in the way of storylines anways, so points could keep interest without much effort. Secondly, fans can easily keep track of the 10 or so cruisers, ecspecially with a quickly done graphic of rankings before each cruiser match.

I agree. Maybe have a points system for the smaller titles (which, in itself, would be a storyline and defeats the purpose of what this poster is trying to say) or for the womens' championship. But, i don't think it would work for the upper mid-cards and main eventers. Always keep them in feuds. I think the storyline and "soap opera" parts of the show make fake fighting interesting(if they could be constantly done right).
Saying Professional Wrestling should do away with storylines is one of the dumbest ideas I have ever heard. It has been sooooooo much more successful with the introduction of over the top soap opera type feuds and storylines that throwing it away would only mean one thing, the death of professional wrestling.

The point system you suggested though, would make for an ok story line if someone was to vacate a title and they tried to have a tournament to find someone to replace it. It'd be a lot of fun to see someone just get beaten out, maybe a surprise wrestler, like Shelton Benjamin, securing the number two spot, and seeing how low Santino's score could go would be pretty funny. I think this tournament would allow the WWE to give someone who's been floating around on the upper mid-card (Shelton, MVP, Morrison, Punk, Kofi) the chance to get into a World Title Shot, though the whole thing could work for the IC or US belt as well.
Might sound like a good idea in theory and possibly if pro wrestling wasn't a work but doing away with storylines doesn't really make sense as this essentially would be re-writing the fundamentals of the business. Plus, it is the storylines that make us want to watch the title matches, it's what makes us want to watch heel champions like Edge or Orton get their ass kicked. A point system would take away the drama and intensity of feuds imo and as much as I like a good wrestling match, I also like a storyline to accompany it. Again, decent idea if pro wrestling were a 'real' competitive sport but given that it is not, I don't think a point system would work.
It's not really professional wrestling you're after here, more a legitimate wrestling competition. The WWE's main purpose is to entertain, and how do they do that? By using 'idiotic' storylines. And why's that? Because we like them. If there's no storyline there isn't really a reason for matches, other than for the sake of them happening. Once a year this is fine - the King of the Ring competition for example, but with the pre-determined matches, this would be pointless and would lose the WWE a lot of viewers.

You're forgetting that the wrestlers aren't actually wrestlers in the sense you like to think - as much as I hate referring to them this way they are entertainers, and they, and McMahon, acknowledge that.

Furthermore, what would the prize of this be? The WWE championship? It seems a lot to go through, and then would the title only be changed once a year/season? Or would it be changed every time there was a new person at the top of the 'league'? Again, really quite pointless.
I agree. Maybe have a points system for the smaller titles (which, in itself, would be a storyline and defeats the purpose of what this poster is trying to say) or for the womens' championship. But, i don't think it would work for the upper mid-cards and main eventers. Always keep them in feuds. I think the storyline and "soap opera" parts of the show make fake fighting interesting(if they could be constantly done right).

There is no cruiserweight division. Get over it. It's gone, it's not coming back, and that's because no one cares without the stories. No one wants to watch small Hispanic men do gymnastics in their un derwear based purely on the merit of their flips. People want storylines. WWE is prime time television, and even the reality shows have stories.

The point system is a terrible idea. For one, wrestling is fake. The show is centered around the story. The fight is either a plot point or a climax. Secondly, if the WWE wasn't careful, Miz would win three matches in a row and suddenly be a title contender. You couldn't give anyone a midcard push because they might win too many matches to stay in the midcard. Next, is a win over DJ Gabriel really worth as much as a win over Undertaker?

I think this is a bad idea. I have a better idea. If you don't like wrestling, don't watch it.
There is no cruiserweight division. Get over it. It's gone, it's not coming back, and that's because no one cares without the stories. No one wants to watch small Hispanic men do gymnastics in their un derwear based purely on the merit of their flips. People want storylines. WWE is prime time television, and even the reality shows have stories.

The point system is a terrible idea. For one, wrestling is fake. The show is centered around the story. The fight is either a plot point or a climax. Secondly, if the WWE wasn't careful, Miz would win three matches in a row and suddenly be a title contender. You couldn't give anyone a midcard push because they might win too many matches to stay in the midcard. Next, is a win over DJ Gabriel really worth as much as a win over Undertaker?

I think this is a bad idea. I have a better idea. If you don't like wrestling, don't watch it.

Whoa, buddy. Don't get your panties in bunch about this. I actually just meant the womens' title or one of the lower titles like the intercontinental or u.s. title. Not only that , but I basically said that I agree about how you need the storylines and such. At least the original poster is trying to come up with ideas for wrestling instead of just bitching about others' ideas. Yes, i don't personally think this idea would work out to well, but, maybe they should try it on the womens' division. Who knows. Also, about your last comment, everyone on this forum likes wrestling, or they wouldn't take the time to register and comment here. It's just that everyone in the world needs an excuse to bitch about something. Especially things they're interested in. So give them a little slack.
If there were a Cruiserweight Division, this could've worked. Like the previous pster said...they didn't get any love from creative anyways. But since there isn't a division, no way to try this idea out.

I remember back in the day there use to be a 'championship commitee' decision every now and then. It's the easiest way to throw in the odd challenger here and there. That way someone on a hot streak can be recognized, or someone who had a successful midcard title run can be placed in the high spot without having some convoluted story on how it 'got personal'.

You wouldn't do this all the time but once a year..if it can further or start a program.
Whoa, buddy. Don't get your panties in bunch about this. I actually just meant the womens' title or one of the lower titles like the intercontinental or u.s. title. Not only that , but I basically said that I agree about how you need the storylines and such. At least the original poster is trying to come up with ideas for wrestling instead of just bitching about others' ideas. Yes, i don't personally think this idea would work out to well, but, maybe they should try it on the womens' division. Who knows. Also, about your last comment, everyone on this forum likes wrestling, or they wouldn't take the time to register and comment here. It's just that everyone in the world needs an excuse to bitch about something. Especially things they're interested in. So give them a little slack.

I only quoted you to make a point. There are no cruisers left. There will never be a cruiser weight division. It died when Hornswoggle became champion, and it became less legitimate than the Hardcore belt.

I still think that the point system is a bad idea. I would take a convoluted story line over some system that rewards you equally for a win over Edge or a win over Jamie Noble. I don't think you could give anyone different point totals either because there would always be bitching. I think that thre is no room for defined rankings. It removes too much spontaneity. After a PPV, you could check WWE.com and pick half the show for the next night.

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