A "WWE.com Exclusive"


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Does anyone else find this funny?

I have nothing against WWE.com (aside from being very slow in updating Superstars profile pics and the new site format making viewing show results a huge chore) and their little "Exclusive" clips they have of backstage interviews and what not are fine but the fact they love using this "WWE.com Exclusive" line is pretty hilarious.

Why? Oh, I don't know, maybe because it's like, who the hell else would get these exclusives? It's not like ESPN is hanging out backstage trying to get a post match interview. Maybe if once, just once, they pretended like there were sports reporters from other companies trying to get interviews with a Superstar after their match then it wouldn't be so laughable that WWE.com refers to any story or video they have as an exclusive. Like c'mon, as if anyone else would be covering it. LOL.

Boy, gotta love WWE don't ya? They'll use any facts or situations they can to try and show how important things they do are. I guess you got to give it to them though, they are trying.

But don't expect me to not laugh at it. :p
It's exclusive as in it is only on WWE.com, and not regular WWE television programming...You really didn't understand that? Or are you just looking WAY too deep into it?

WWE.com exclusives are awesome because if you are craving wrestling related interviews/segments, it really fills the void and sometimes even progresses mid carders.
I get what you're saying, but the whole platform is to push traffic to the website. Keep the viewer inside the loop WWE has crafted. And maybe hey, while you're on the website, you could maybe checkout WWEShop.com, oh look there's free shipping...

WWE.com exclusives are awesome because if you are craving wrestling related interviews/segments, it really fills the void and sometimes even progresses mid carders.

I actually see that as a problem for the midcard guys. I have no idea what the numbers are for the website versus the weekly shows, but it seems the midcard exists exclusively on YouTube clips and Superstars, instead of on the program anyone is actually watching.
I hate the term "exclusive". I get what both of you are saying but it really is annoying. Its like bragging that the wii has the most exclusives. Of course it does, but what does it matter if they all suck? Im sure ive heard it used else where and i always find it annoying.
To be honest, WWE never had to do these types of ploys to get fans to watch back when wrestling was popular. Ratings haven't been all that great at times lately. Which is why WWE is pushing WWE.com so heavily. It's smart because people are freakishly obsessed with the internet nowadays. It's just like anything else the WWE does these days; another clever ploy to garner better ratings. I equate these "WWE.com exclusives" to how WWE announces when someone will return and on which show[RAW or Smackdown]. Back in the Monday night war era, they always surprized people which in turn made the shows more amped up and seemed realistically edgy. When WWE has to resort to making up the "did you know" 'facts' and hyping some "WWE.com exclusive" you pretty much can tell WWE is in a slump.
I hate the WWE.com exclusives, and a lot of the other webshows. I feel that a lot of the stuff they do on WWE.com and YouTube is stuff that SHOULD be on RAW or SmackDown.
I hate the WWE.com exclusives, and a lot of the other webshows. I feel that a lot of the stuff they do on WWE.com and YouTube is stuff that SHOULD be on RAW or SmackDown.

I agree. I don't think they do enough backstage anymore outside of a few shots of the GM's office/room for the night. They seem to forget about certain things and then it completely goes away. They brought it back a little bit with the AJ storyline, which is doing everything right lately...hopefully that carries over into other stories, as well.
To be honest, WWE never had to do these types of ploys to get fans to watch back when wrestling was popular. Ratings haven't been all that great at times lately. Which is why WWE is pushing WWE.com so heavily.

Yes they did. Watch Royal Rumble 2001 and you'll notice everyone has their own website wwfdivas.com, stonecoldsteveaustin.com even righttocensor.com and it flashes on the screen. It was heavily plugged then just as it is now.
I hate the WWE.com exclusives, and a lot of the other webshows. I feel that a lot of the stuff they do on WWE.com and YouTube is stuff that SHOULD be on RAW or SmackDown.

I agree with that.

Some of those backstage interviews/segments they have on WWE's YouTube page would be great for short segments during the Raw or Smackdown broadcast. They actually would give some Superstars better exposure - exposure that they need!

I saw some great clips with R-Truth and Kofi... those guys are pretty over right now with the crowd but R-Truth and Little Jimmy with Kofi beside him are freaking awesome segments and make you care even more about those characters...thus making storylines in which they get taken down by evil heel characters more compelling.

Also saw clips of interviews with Tyson Kidd after he won a spot in MITB. Why the hell wasn't that on SmackDown programming?

And the thing is most of these clips are only 1 or 2 minutes so it's not like it would be very hard to fit it into a broadcast they just need to do it and stop with pointless matches and segments that are good but too long and drawn out!

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