A Wrestlemania 30 Twist


Lost Cause
At Wrestlemania 30, like a lot of people, I was annoyed by two results; Brock breaking The Streak & Cena beating Bray Wyatt. In retrospect, Brock winning made sense with his victory at Summerslam & what his title run could do for the company now & in the long term.

Regardless of all that, here's a scenario. What if Brock had destroyed Cena at Mania & Bray had broken the Streak? Brock could have used the momentum of toppling the 'face of the company' on the biggest stage possible while Bray could have been set up as Taker's successor, instead of being buried by Cena & lost in the rubble.

Feel free to slaughter all this, but it's just a theory...
It would have been too early for Bray Wyatt. The rest of the IWC would've gone bonkers.

Brock beating Cena is fine, but The Undertaker should have faced someone like Kane and beaten him, then announce that his streak will not be tampered with, because he's retiring. The Shield could've faced The New Age Outlaws and X-Pac.
I would have rather seen Bray given the reigns "too early" than someone breaking the streak who didn't need it at all (Lesnar). On top of all of that, I would have rather seen the streak never broken and Taker being in some sort of feud that culminated in his demise at a different PPV (namely a revival of Unforgiven). But his health didn't permit such so we ended up with what we got at WM30.

As for the WWE WHC, Bryan should have dropped it due to injuries, and then a tournament or battle royal should have been put in place for the championship. The winner would be a fresh-WWE champ who's transitional and has either the crowd's respect or deserves it. I'm leaning towards the return of heel Sheamus working with The Authority or a face Mark Henry finally getting his "thank you" WWE title run. They could have had a 3-4 month reign where either guy would be once again booked as a tough badass champ (who can deliver believable tough-guy promos) and then fell to Brock Lesnar at Night of Champions or Hell In A Cell.

If Brock would have defeated Sheamus or Henry for the title, Brock (Heyman) would be the top heel in the company and it would allow The Authority to be eventually written off of TV shortly after since their role would be effectively replaced by Brock & Heyman. This would easily last the 3-4 months leading up to Royal Rumble where Brock could spend feuding and destroying Cena. Afterwards the victor of the RR match (the 1st contender for the title match at WM) could start a feud with Brock next.
Nah, breaking the streak is a huge burden for everyone. After almost 6 months, I can say that Lesnar breaking the streak and eventually become the WWEWHC the way he did was the best choice.

Now, as far as Bray goes, I was always saying that he should win the match at WM almost clean, then Cena could win the second match and then have a last match where Bray could go over. Cena could even go over at WM, but Bray should get the upper hand in the end. They completely screwed it up.

What you are saying could be achieved if Bray wasn't buried by Cena. There is no need for the WM twist, just a different result at that LMS match...
The fact that Brock Lesnar is regarded as "Beast" and legitimate monster makes him defeating The Undertaker's streak the best logical choice. The Undertaker has been regarded as something more than human for the last two decades and Brock Lesnar was the perfect choice to break the streak if you absolutely wanted the streak to end. Should it have ended? Who knows. I do know that the streak was important to hardcore wrestling fans but I'm not sure it meant that much to the casual fans.

Bray Wyatt has a long career ahead of him and instead of being a successor to The Undertaker, I'd like to see him march a new path with this character. People always want "the next (insert name here)" and when that person doesn't deliver they turn on them. Instead, what they should do is embrace the past and let it be the past. Let the new character breathe and be its own thing. The outcome is irrelevant as Bray Wyatt was elevated to a different level just by working John Cena at Mania.

In the end, none of it matters. Vince and his group run their company how they see fit. Regardless of how we feel, most of us don't have a stake in the WWE's future other than our entertainment. The good news is we have plenty of other entertainment choices to choose from. I would say just enjoy the stuff you like and don't let the stuff you don't like bother you. It's really not worth the headache.
As good as Bray Wyatt is he hasn't really been around that long, I have seen so many new potential main eventers in the WWE over the years, It wasn't that long ago they were pushing Nathan Jones as the next main eventer imagine if he had of been the man to end the streak or someone like him who has not long afterwards disapeared from the wrestling business, It wouldn't have said much for the Undertakers legacy looking back but Brock at least is a legimate main eventer.
Brock wiping the floor with Cena wouldn't of had the same effect if he did it at WrestleMania instead of SummerSlam for the title. Also, I don't know how big Bray going over Taker at Mania would have been for him. We on the message boards are already saying that Reigns is getting pushed too fast despite him having the best build out of everybody in the Shield, imagine how fast ending the streak would push Wyatt. I wasn't a fan of the streak ending as much as the next guy but, in hindsight, if the streak had to be broken, the WWE did it the right way and have so far followed it up nicely.

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