A Trip Down MTFO Lane


Dark Match Jobber
sooo i was thinking about the gold ole, days. i was a super huge fan of the cruiserweight division back in 02/03 (something like that). back when billy kidman, jamie noble, matt hardy v.1, and mysterio were all in constant wars over the cruiserweight title. what i remember most, was when rey mysterio finally... FINALLY captured the title from hardy v.1. it was an epic moment. mysterio was my favorite wrestler ever. i remember him pinning matt for the 1.2.3 and boom, his first ever singles championship in the wwe. i marked the F out so bad. i was jumping all over my kitchen, turned up the volume on my television, and all that good stuff.

now i'd like to discuss the true moment, a moment where you, the wrestlezone forum member; forgot wrestling was a work, forgot things were scripted, and literally marked the F out.

lets take a trip down mark out lane, and share our stories of amazing moments in the wwe.
Memories...wow, since i started watching WWE about 7/8/9 years ago, so many moments have stuck out, The Big Show vs Kurt Angle/ Mark Jindrak/ Luther Reigns angle was great viewing, The Tranquilizer and head shave was a shocker!
But Defenatly, The Best Moment, Eddie vs Brock at No Way Out 2004 (i think), it seemed so emotional watching it, the Way the Crowd got behind Eddie was great, felt like i was actully there...I'm Just Sayin...
My last and maybe my biggest mark out moment was when Bryan returned at SummerSlam. I hoped for it, but when Miz said he'd be the seventh member, I thought nothing a save the PPV. Well, but then we saw Bryan come out, SummerSlam was saved for me. Not only did he return, they allowed him to show a lot of his fantastic skills and eliminate two opponents. That was a smark dream become real for me.
As an RVD mark I couldn't contain exciement when he got the Money in the Bank briefcase and used it in actual match. Having him win at the original One Night Stand was very apt and deserved... and really it was the only result due to a crowd riot but still when he won I MTFO.

Other MTFO moments include the Hardys vs the Dudleys vs Edge and Christian in Ladder match and the TLC's and Brock Lesnar and Big Show breaking the ring - that was perfect execution on that.
Nice topic to start a Wednesday a trip down ol' memory lane. How about this....


Now I am a 33 year old man, that was June 1998, so I was 20 and had been in the Army for 2 years. I KNEW wrestling was a work for many, many years. But, ladies and gentlemen, wrestling was huge back then and we all watched it in the barracks I lived in. One guy would have RAW on his tv and the guy across the hall would drag his tv around so you could watch NITRO at the same time. We used to pool money to get the PPVs. When 'Taker and Foley put that whole match on we were screaming our heads off. When Mick put his body on the line (for the upteenth time) for the sake of entertainment.... WE BLEW THE ROOF OFF THE BUILDING. I am talking the little guy downstairs in charge of making sure noone is getting in trouble came running and everything. There has not been a moment like that in a long time.

And there you have it.
one that comes to mind for me was when Batista beat HHH in the Hell in the Cell at Vengeance, simply because we thought HHH was going to win this one, but Batista did it, big celebration for all in the living room that night
Well I will put forward 2 such moments:

New Years Revolution (2006)
It was a great moment, you have John Cena who had just won an Elimination Chamber. Blood down his face but yet he still was the WWE Champion. Then Vince walks out and tells us Edge is cashing in. I went nuts, I have been an Edge fan for so long. Then after 2 spears he wins his first WWE Championship. I think what was so exciting for me was I wanted him to cash in early. I had been waiting for so long, and finally he does it. So for the fact it took so long to happen, Edge winning his first WWE Championship made me MTFO.

Survivor Series 2007/2008
Can you guess what happened at these events? Yes, Edge made his return in great fashion. At Survivor Series 2007 Edge, entered Hell In A Cell dressed up as a camera man. He cost The Undertaker his certain win over Batista, plus the World Heavyweight Championship. I had been waiting for months for Edge to return, after having to give up his title from injury. He returns and makes an impact, I didn't think anyone would come in. So the surprise made me MTFO.

Then you have 2008, After Hardy was attacked and taken out of the match. Edge runs to the ring and wins yet another WWE Championship. Again he wasn't in the match, not on the card. But once again he brings a huge surprise. After being out for a couple of months, beating Triple H was great. Again being a massive Edge fan for years, I go nuts when he returns. Because of his work when in a tag team, singles, and on the mic. He is Awesome, that is why I MTFO whenever Edge appears.
I remember distinctly the match that drew more emotion out of me than ever before. First, let me give you a quick buildup. I don't remember the year, but the match scheduled for Survivor Series was The team of Luger, Tatanka, and the Steiner Bros. against the Foreigners. It was Crush, Yokozuna and the Quebecers. Well Tatanka got taken out and the American team needed a new member. Luger comes down and announces his new teamate THE UNDERTAKER!!! Taker came down and when he opened his cape there it was....The American Flag. The survivor series match came down to Yoko (who was TERRIFIED of taker and the casket) and Taker, who sat up from 2 or 3 bonzai drops. Ok, now the match was made for the next PPV. I think it was the Rumble back then, but not sure. Taker vs Yoko for the title in a casket match. Just when it looked like taker was finally gonna beat that Fat fuck and stuff him in the casket, every single heel came out from the back to save the win for Yoko. I was sooo god damn pissed off. I mean, I wanted to jump through the T.V. and beat up every heel. Plus, I was pissed that none of the Babyfaces came down to help Taker out. That my friends was possibly my favorite match of all time despite how made I was at the ending!
I would say the biggest mark-out moment for me, was believe it or not, when Daniel Bryan returned at Summerslam. I am a Bryan fan, and to get the news many months ago that he would be in the WWE, I was ecstatic. I couldnt wait to see him get involved in many great feuds. After NXT ended, and the Nexus had arisen, I was even more excited. The fact that he was going to be a huge part in a very huge storyline brought a smile to my face. But to find out a few days later that he had been fired, that nearly killed me. I was very disappointed at the WWE because I knew that they had just lost one of the best wrestlers in the world.

However, then Summerslam rolled around, and we were all speculating who the 7th man on Team WWE would be. Choices ranged from various people, such as Triple H, Vince McMahon, The Miz, or somebody from Smackdown. In fact, pretty much all of the internet dirt-sheets were reporting that it was "highly unlikely" that Daniel Bryan return at Summerslam. When The Miz announced that he was going to be the 7th man, I was pretty pissed off, because now the PPV was pretty much going to die. However, when Cena said that Miz wasnt the 7th man, and Daniel Bryan was, I marked out...Hard. To see him back in the WWE was an exciting moment for me.
My last MTFO moment would have to be SummerSlam last year.. For some reason.. When Jeff Hardy jumped off that huge ladder onto CM Punk through the announce table.. I don't know what it was about that, maybe the camera angles with the shot of the audience all getting pumped in the backgroud, or maybe how we saw both Jeff and Punk go though the table, there was something about that moment.

I mean, I'm what, almost 18 now and have been watching wrestling since I was like 6.. And I reckon, in the last couple of years.. Nothing has really made me jump out of my seat like it used to back in the day.. Except that moment, when me and my two mates all jumped up at that exact moment when it happend and started chanting "Holy Shit!" in my house!

But yeah, Jeff Hardy vs CM Punk.. SummerSlam 2009.. TLC Match.. Swanton Bomb of the 20ft+ ladder.. FUCK YEAH!

MTFO!!!! Lol
Hmm... too many to list them all. These are the ones immediately coming off the top of my head:

1. Paul Heymans 10 minute rant about Vince McMahon, WWF, and "sports entertainment" on Smackdown prior to the end of the Invasion angle at Survivor Series that year. The video is on YouTube. Definitely worth a watch, as Paul E. tears it up. Everything from Vince stabbing other regional promotions in the back, to flaunting his affairs on national television in front of his wife and kids, to how Vinny Mac just had to have "sports entertainment."

2. Anytime Kamala is on my television. It doesn't matter what he's doing, who he's facing, or the fact that I know without a shadow of a doubt he's going to lose. That character is absolutely timeless for me and I'll quite literally root and cheer for him until he's looking at the lights and the referee counts 3.

Edit: Had some others, but I re-read the OP and saw that we're talking about "amazing moments in the wwe."
"How would you like to headline Wrestlemania, one more time, with The Rock?"

When The Rock came out and challenged Hogan for Wrestlemania, I went ape-sh*t at the TV. When they were on together at Wrestlemania, I went crazy the entire match. Terrible match, but there was something extraordinary about it.

When Foley won the world title on Raw, I went kinda nuts.

When the countdown clock ran out on The Rock and Chris Jericho debuted on Raw, I went absolutely crazy.

And Undertaker being on Lex Luger's "All American" team, that was another good one.

The ECW Invasion, when the ring filled up and the ECW guys turned on WWE guys, that was awesome.

And of course, Brock Lesnar and Big Show destroying the ring. EPIC.
This is a nice thread to start out the day :)

Alright, if you have read some of the things I have written on this forum you will know that I am definitely not Cena's biggest fan in the world, but hater or not, even I had to MTFO when he returned at the Rumble in 2008. It has been written about before, but it bares repeating: Nobody knew he was coming back! That was truly the amazing thing. In the internet age when EVERYTHING leaks out and is known well ahead of time to still have this kind of surprise is unbelievable. I remember sitting on my bed, watching the PPV, but not really watching, you know? I was browsing the web as well. Then his music hit....I literally exploded out of my seat, my laptop went flying, and I couldn't stop bouncing around. It still makes me smile and gives me chills to this day. Well played WWE, well played.


(Skip ahead to 2:04 if you just wanna see his return :) )
My moment for me would have to be hands down Wrestlemania 25. It was during taker/hbk's classic(possibly best match in wrestling history) bout. Undertaker side steps HBK and tosses him over the top rope. HBK then skinned the cat, but taker caught him, pulled him away from the ropes and tombstoned him. He hit this after a chokeslam and the last ride. He pinned HBK with his normal tongue sticking out, arms crossed pin. The entire crowd was counting with the refs count. Everybody there live and around the world thought for sure that was the end of the match. Then.......Michaels kicked out at two. It was the loudest pop I had ever heard during a wrestling match. The undertaker's facial expression was absolutely priceless after hbk kicked out. Jim Ross screamed, "I just had an outer body experience!!!" To me, hbk kicking out at two was the best moment I have ever witnessed, just sick!!!!
I am not one to remember years and such but the smackdown when Hogan and the NWO debuted to detroy the WWE bc Vince hired them... I was at that smackdown taping and it was the first time I ever saw Hogan Live in person... Not only did I go nuts and get goosebumps but the whole arena went nuts when the NWO music hit... so much for them being heels.... I also thought with his age there werent going to be many more HUlk memories little did I know years later he would still be hobbling dow the ramp totay!
This is without a doubt one of the greatest moments in WWF/E history! I was 19 years old... loved watching Chris Jericho in WCW but mostly watched WWF. I was rarely ever on the internet around that time in my life so i wasn't sure what the countdown was about when i would watch WWF programming so when i saw this i was ecstatic. Not to mention he ended up becoming arguably one of the greatest of all time. It's always nice to relive what stated it all and still brings goosebumps when The music hits, seconds later the name JERICHO flashes on the screen and the crowd goes f'n wild!

"...you people have been led to believe that mediocrity is excellence... uh-uh... JERICHO IS EXCELLENCE..."


there are alot of history making moments but here are my fav's (in no particular order)

1) HHH returns after the first quad injury. fucking epic. the entire roof shook in that arena & i remember freaking out when his music hit. he looked like he was ready to destroy the planet.

2) anytime stone cold shows up. anywhere. when the glass breaks, everyone jumps up. (fuck cm punk btw.)

3) HBK wrestlemania 22. vince+trashcan+table hbk+ladder= elbow drop of greatness. fucking awesome.

4) tazz wwe debut @ the rumble vs angle. fantastic. definately wasnt expecting that. the arena was loud & smoky. angle got real nervous, real fast.

5) benoit & eddie title celebration wrestlemania 20. rip gentleman, that will live on in my memory forever. 2 of my all time favorite guys, 2 titles. best friends living the dream. classic.

6) kurt angle. milk truck. fucking hilarious. the alliance looked ******ed covered in kurts favorite beverage. poor stephanie & steve's party was ruined. lol

7) the deadman returns! wrestlemania 20 marked the return of the undertaker & kane was fucking scared. when taker walked out & he was back to his evil self i mtfo. broke the coffee table bc we all were jumping around acting ******ed.

8) debut of nexus. john cena was destroyed. the ringside was trashed. the air was sucked out of the arena as the fans were silent & nervous. i was screaming in approval because i hate cena. i couldnt believe what was happening. havent seen\felt anything like that in years.
I didn't have the internet when I was a kid... however I knew it was a work. The thing was though, I didn't get any spoilers. like other then me and my friends trying to guess what was gonna happen, we had no idea what was going to happen.

My MTFO moment was one that all of you prolly say coming, but it was when Shawn Michaels returned and joined the nWo. I had been a Michaels fan since my mom put me in front of a tv back in like 93 and told me to watch wrestlemania with her.

I gotta say another one i can think of, even tho I really dont like Cena at all, is when Cena made a Superman return at RR to be the last entrant.... those are the first that came to mind.
My all time favorite since I started watching WWE (2004) is Randy Orton, especially his heel work. SO, my personal favorite would have to be when he reversed the Shooting Star Press into an RKO. I knew something was up when Orton wasn't prefectly in place...but I NEVER thought he would do that. I was waiting for him to dodge it, get up, and RKO Bourne. But to my surprise, he RKO's him out of the sky. I may not have been around to see all of the other bigger moments, but this seems like it would beat them to me. I guarantee you that I will mark out when Miz cahses in and wins the WWE Championship eventually, but even that will not surpass when Orton did that. I wait for the day that Orton hits that on Gabriel during a 450 splash, seeing as there is forward motion in the 450, so it would look more epic to me. :)
Mine would be the night Jericho had "the last Highlight Reel" and he said that he had ended Y2J... I honestly marked out bad... Y2Jericho is my absolute favorite wrestler and I'm happy to see him with any gimmick but man it tore me apart to see Y2J go... especially since I was at the Great American Bash '08 and saw what happened between him and Michaels
Wow, I must be getting old, seeing has half the stuff mentioned here was only within the last 10 years or so. I have been watching wrestling since the 80's.

So some of the becasue moments for me

1. Hogan Bodyslamming Andre
2. WM 4- Savage winning the World title (I was a huge savage fan)
3. HBK-Razor Ramon ladder match- No one had ever seen a match like that before
4. The First TLC match between E&C, The Hardy's and The Dudleys- Just great spot after great spot, not a boring moment during the whole match.
5. Lex Lugar coming out to Bodyslam Yokuzuna on July 4th - Yes as you watch it now it seems cheesy, but back than it was just a WOW moment, because Luger had been a heel the whole time, so he was the last guy you expected to accept Yokozuna's challenge, but when that helicopter landed and he came out you instantly became a Lugar fan.
I marked out badddd when HBK hit his elbow drop from the ladder on HHH when he returned at Summerslam '02. HBK is my favorite of all time and when he came out wearing jeans and shit I was discouraged because i thought it would be a 5 min brawl and that would be it from HBK. But the match turned out to be a classic and HBK proved that he could still be one of the best. I was skeptical because I had heard his back was really bad but when he rocked that elbow drop I knew he was back!
for me the biggest MTFO moment, was chris jericho's 99 wwf debut. Just hearing those words for the 1st time - RAW IS JERICHO - made me mtf out as a 15yr old teenager back then. i'm 26 now and when i youtube it, it still gives me that buzz. This was due to jericho at the time being my fave in wcw and then when i heard that vince had signed him, i was so glad as wcw coverage in the uk in 99 was awful, and the fact that i also knew jericho would end up a world champ in wwf
Hmmmm....Let's see.

Jericho's WWF Debut The whole countdown angle was awesome. I was there live. I have never marked out harder than when Jericho's name showed on the screen.

Jeff Hardy vs The Undertaker; Ladder Match for the Undisputed Championship
So many great creative spots in this match. Everyone knew Jeff wouldn't win, but every time he started to climb the ladder a little bit of hope would spring into mind.

Randy Orton Wins World Heavyweight Championship
That match was great. I thought it could go either way, but when Orton came out victorious i marked out hard.

Nexus Invasion

Totally unexpected. Set up the best angle in recent history.

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