A touchy subject- Death.


The Arrogant Assasin
Whats everyone heres opinions on death, in all its different forms?
As for me, in the last two days, ive heard of death in three different type of ways- Suicide, Disease, and accident.
My cousins father (not my uncle, my auntie never married him, i barely knew him) died a couple days ago from a diabetes attack in his flat. It was a horrible thing to hear about, and is something that just cant be helped, and im really feeling for my cousin and my auntie right now.
Also, yesterday, in my city of Cardiff, a child died when he got ran over by a bus, in another school. Apparently he was being a bit stupid, messing about in the street, but its still terrible nonetheless.
And walking home from school today, because the bus was late and me and my mates couldnt be assed waiting, i saw the reason for the bad traffic. A man standing on the edge of a flyover, witht he police trying to convince him not to jump, which went on for hours, and apparently they got him off in the end. Though this technically isnt a death, it could have been, so ill include it in the thread.
In my opinion, dying instantly from a disease is a lot worse than slowly, because you dont get to say goodbye, and i feel sorry for anyone who dies this way.
I think dying in an accidnet, no matter what they did to cause it, is the worse possible way to die- no one sees it coming, and itll absolutely destroy a family.
Suicide on the other hand, i think is stupid. Suicide doesnt ever accomplish anything, and in my opinion, if your lifes that bad, do something about it. Move to a different cvountry, get a new job, do something. Suicide should never be an option, and is a cowards way out, and i feel very little remorse for the person who does it, though their relatives i feel so much remorse for because its probably the most sad thing that could happen for a family.
So what do you think?
Death is a horrible thing. My dad died when I was young which sucked, which rarely now can still effect me rarely. I am the kind of person in a hospital I want you to do anything hook me all up to the machines to keep me alive as long as possible.

Another thing is once someone dies I believe instead of having this taboo and dark look on it, although it does suck, but we should celebrate the person's life. When I eventually died I would like all my buddies and family telling jokes about me being dead, it doesn't bother I see it as celebrating my life.
Deaths, in whatever form, always have a profound effect on everyone he knew. I'm not going into detail about deaths in relation to me, because I don't want to get personal on these forums. But, in my experience of 14 years :)blush:), death has completely changed people. A person I know's dad died a few years ago. 9 Months ago they almost died from a resulting drinking problem.

The thing that worries me about death, is not what happens to you or how it could happen (For the love of god, don't let it be painful), but how it would affect people after you die. Death, or more the mixture of shock and grief ensuing the death of someone close to you, can completely destroy you as a person. People are never quite the same after losing someone extremely close to them.

Most accidents that result in death, in my opinion, are tragic. That person needn't have died and could still be here. People dying from disease is inevitable. People that bring it on themselves (For example, from smoking) are still people and should still be remembered. Suicide is proof that when someone dies, people should comfort those close to that person, or it could result in another death via depression.

Honestly, the thought of dying scares me shitless. So why not make the most of it while you can. Which brings me to my last point. Why spend the first quarter of our lives in school? :suspic:
Death really doesn't mean much to me.

Either I die, and since I'm not there anymore to experience anything, it won't mean anything.

Or I go to God.

Or maybe going to God means I become one with God and am not me anymore?

Whatever way it goes, it's just the way of things.

And death isn't a bad thing necessarily. For instance, you have to eat dead things to live. Without death, ironically, you can't live.

You can't have life without death. They're two sides of the same coin.

And the things that are apart of reality, like life and death, are just things we have to accept.
I, being a victim of suicidal depression, can tell you this. Suicide is no easy decision for the person. It comes at a long time of fighting and fighting...only, you just never really win. Or, at least, you don't think you won. People just give up.

As far as Death, meh. I'd like to live on in this world and change it for the fellow Man, but if I die then I die. Can't do much about that. I'll either be proven right in my Deistic faith or I'll be shunned to the fires of whatever Hell awaits me. I'm sure Hell will suck, but I don't have much choice in the matter do I?

I have one caveat, as I always have. Don't cry for me when I'm gone. I'm only one man. Go on and live your life, trying to make everyone around you's day a little better for having been out and about near you. Smile. Laugh. But don't cry. Celebrate my life by living your own. That's the greatest lesson you can get from any Death.
Death isn't really something that worrie's me. Maybe because I have been lucky in my 20 years and have only had it happen once around me, Maybe because I feel like its just part of the journey of life that every one has to take. I know its one of those.

Suicide would have to be the worse form of death though, at least with old age, or even Illness, you can ( In a way) get used to the idea or at least know its about to happen. but with Suicide most of the time its the person that looks the happiest that ends up committing it. so it eats at you. You wish there was something you could of done, or atleast known there was something wrong.

What about murder? That would have to be the worse one. They didn't have no choice in if they lived or not, but somebody else did and they choose death. I have seen families where someone died in an accident and others with Suicide. they eventually move on but its alot harder when they die, becouse of a druggie wanting his next hit or something.

CardiffCam said:
In my opinion, dying instantly from a disease is a lot worse than slowly, because you dont get to say goodbye, and i feel sorry for anyone who dies this way
I guess that depends on whose side of the fence your on. Yes, i agree if your partner/family Dies of an Illness all of a sudden before you can say goodbye could be devestating but what if you was the one with the Illness, Would you rather a slow and painful death or a quick and painless one. I know wich I would prefer. and you think my family would agree in the long run. who would want to see the person suffer just so they can spend more time with them.
Suicide isn't necessarily the 'cowards way out', it's not an easy thing to think about or decide to do. And your suggestions for change amuse me. Move to a different country? It's hardly that easy, especially considering money worries can be the cause or a factor of suicide. Getting a new job, also not that easy considering the current economy. While I dislike those who do it when they have a husband/wife/children, you don't know what most of these people are going through.
Suicide isn't necessarily the 'cowards way out', it's not an easy thing to think about or decide to do. And your suggestions for change amuse me. Move to a different country? It's hardly that easy, especially considering money worries can be the cause or a factor of suicide. Getting a new job, also not that easy considering the current economy. While I dislike those who do it when they have a husband/wife/children, you don't know what most of these people are going through.

I agree with HBK-aholic on this one. For some people, suicide is the most appealing alternative; whether we want to admit it or not, the directions our lives take depend on so many factors that we have no control over. Although I don't want to deviate from the original topic of this thread, I had to come in here and respond to HBK-aholic's post; as much as it pains me to say it, money, or material comfort, is one of the biggest factors in determining whether or not one can have a meaningful existence.
Im really confused as to what the OP wants here. What is my opinion on death? Ummm...its inevitable? Yea, there we go. You are gonna die, and so is everyone else, so have fun while you can. The day approaches.

Suicide? Meh, fuck it. If someone is so miserable, its their life, they can do what they want. I know people will come out with all this "oh, but their loved ones!!!" stuff, but think about it. What if they just LOST all their loved ones in like, a house fire or something? Also, if those loved ones loved them OH so very much, why would they want the people to keep living such a tortured existance? Let them go, if they want to go.

People say its the cowards way out, so thats why you shouldnt do it, and blabbity blah. Well, I have news for some of you....get ready for it....

Some people are cowards.
I’m confused about what the OP wants too so I guess I’ll just give my opinions on death.

Death is something I used to be afraid of but now it’s something that encourages me to live life to the fullest. Every time I’m invited to go somewhere with someone, I’ll go if I can and just have fun. I know everyone has heard it before but it’s really true. Life is too short…

Death is all around us. Everyday people die whether it’s by natural causes or by natural disasters like we see all of the time and we saw more recently with the Earthquake that hit Haiti. It’s going to happen to everyone on one day or another so there’s no point in living life angrily and wondering “what if…,” so I’m not afraid of it and I’m not afraid of talking about it. So I have fun with everything I do, or at least I try, and even though there are bad things that happen I know that they aren't as bad as I think and they could be much worse.
I first learned about death when I was five and it was something that scared the shit out of me. The thought of dying used to make me cry at night. My first real experience with death was about five years ago when I was in the seventh grade. My grandpa died at the age of 80. Obviously, it sucked. I was also afraid of the same thing happening to me. But as the years rolled on, death didn't really bother me as much as it used to when I was a child. I'm 17 now and I'm always being told by the elderly that I'm still young and that I should treat everyday like it's my last. I'm taking that advice to heart and I am grateful to be alive. Life's too short so I savor every second of it.
I noticed a couple of people questioning what i want from this thread.

Basically, I'm asking if you feel things like suicide are right or wrong, if you've ever experienced the death of a loved one, which death you would consider to be the worst kind and which the best (as far as a death can be) kind. A pretty broad subject I know, but its just something that crossed my mind as a whole and i didnt want to do about 5 different threads on the same subject.

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