A Tornado Could Stir Things Up A Bit


Dark Match Winner
As the rest of the IWC contemplates what changes might befall the WWE and the face of Pro Wrestling as CM Punk delivered what might go down in history as the best worked shoot to ever happen, dreaming of the next Austin 3:16 moment and a revitalisation of the glory days of the Attitude era, I took a look at another part of Raw Roulette and found a glimmer of hope for another area of the business. The Tag Division.

Now, of course it certainly helped that the participants of the match were bigger stars. Rey, a veteran with The Miz and Swagger who have both been World Champion in the last 12 months along with the John Cena of the new decade, Alex Riley. But what made the match interesting was that it was a Tornado style tag match.

As I watched, I found myself interested in a tag match for the first time since I was in short pants. I remember the days of old when two feuds would come together and individuals would be paired up, sometimes against their will. Teams like Austin and The Undertaker immediately spring to mind. I always liked those moments but recently, I've been hating them. It just seems predictable and bland. Stale. A word that's been used a lot to describe the product over the past few years. Not good. Not bad. Just stale. It's all been done before and the remedy is to do something new.

I honestly feel that recreating the tag division with Tornado rules would make the match more than just a bathroom break. Away with old fashioned rules designed to slow the match down. No more tag ropes. No more referee's counting to five during double team moves. No more countouts. The action would be fast pace and exciting. The WWE has had a lot of teams that are just thrown together since the Attitude era ended and it's never worked. This could aid that formula. A big guy could handle the big spots like Kane with a chokeslam while a highflyer like Evan Bourne could do something crazy on the outside to incapacitate one member of the opposing team. Teams like the Hart Dynasty or The Uso's could have really got over if this style was in force and we wouldn't have to settle for teams like Santino and Koslov or The Nexus.

Think of those Tag Matches we all remember from the Attitude era. They were all innovative. Ladder matches or Table matches... Combinations of the two. Tag Cage matches. Dumpster Matches... all of these matches used Tornado Rules. If those Tag matches relied on actual Tag's they wouldn't have been nearly as exciting. That has to count for something. Tag wrestling is slow and old fashioned. Today's product is too fast and the Hot Tag is the only bit of excitement in any match today, sadly only half the audience ever watch it because they're busy getting refreshments from the stand.

I was interested to see it show up on the wheel. It's a match type that hasn't been used for so long. I honestly thought for a moment that it was a route WWE were considering heading in. If only.
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This is an interesting concept. Would it work? It is hard to tell. But it is one thing to look at. In particular, the tables and ladder matches of old in the tag team division brought new and exciting innovation to a division that was stale, as it is today. You make an excellent point in saying that the tag team wrestling format is considerably slow at times, and today's product is about getting faster, with smaller, more athletic stars getting their shots, and more flashy and entertainment value entering the product at a fast pace. This could be a true innovative way to revitalize tag team wrestling, and what is the worse that could happen? It fails, and the old formula is returned. With more flashy moves and action taking over, the advent of faster action in the business in general, this former novelty gimmick match could be a possible solution to revitalizing a dying division.
I like you loved this particular match, but i dont neccessarily think it would work as a long term thing. i think the reason, this match brought a certain entertainment to the audience was because it was just a different kind of tag match thats all. We're just not used to seeing it every week.
I too enjoyed the Tornado tag on Raw roulette. I think one of the reasons it was so enjoyable (other than the 4 men in it) was because it hadn't been seen on WWE t.v. for awhile. Would I like to see more of these matches? Sure. Do I think that it could be used as a long term solution to revitalize the tag division? I'm not so sure about that. While I think tornado tags scattered here and there would be cool, it would get stale pretty quick. As has been said countless times... We need REAL tag teams, an actual tag division before any interest really builds.
I am sorry. I am going to get flamed big time for this. What I have to say is this: WWE need tag teams like The American Wolves, SecondCitySaints, The Briscoe Brothers, WGTT, TKoW, etc. Yes, I know the teams I just named are all from ROH. My reasoning is that they make tag team wrestling fun. I know I said "wrestling," and that is something Vinny Mac hates and is embarassed by. Since the E doesn't have those teams, they can make due with The Usos, a reunited Hart Foundation (bring in Teddy :p), Mistico/Rey and my personal favorite would be Danielson/Regal. That's just me.
i have to agree with you, the tornado tag team matchs are more exciting, instead of one guy doing good, then the refs distracted, then one of the wrestlers are suckerpunched by a heel, and then the babyface who was hit gets beat up and then tags and then we get the superman effect on the new guy...... at least with tornado matches everyone is in there wrestling it out. it would defiantly make tag matchs more interesting, and i absolutely loved the tornado match they did on the RAW roulette. i think this idea would work very well, it defiantly wouldnt hurt the tag team division, not in the least.
I don't really think that traditional tag matches should be thrown out the window, but at the same time, I do think the tornado variation should be employed a lot more often. The match was definitely exciting and, with a very stale and uninteresting tag team division that we have right now, it could serve to shake things up. WWE seems to have a tag team formula that they follow, in which one partner gets beat up the entire match and then the other guy gets the hot tag and starts cleaning house. It's a good formula and it could still be utilized in tag matches between main eventers, but letting the actual tag team division use the tornado style occasionally could help to give it an actual identity.

The problem isn't solved there, though; they have to invest energy in building up actual tag teams and giving them storylines. They've been doing this a little bit, though, with teams like the Usos, Slabriel, and now perhaps Hawkins and Ryder. It's a long shot anyway that the division will ever get back to where it was, but they do seem to be moving in the right direction here.
Interesting to bring up an idea like that, but I think the truth is that WWE will not be getting behind the tag division at all again. The WWE has went quite awhile now since anyone cared about the Tag Titles or who they were on, and it seems at times that they just throw the straps on to their main event guys every couple months instead of making new and believable teams. While the formula of making every match contested in the "tornado" format may make things interesting, I think WWE has more issues to work around for the division than just the matches.

With that said, I think WWE should implement a Lucha Libre style into their tag matches also, with when a wrestler is thrown out of the ring, their partner automaticlly becomes the legal man. Just saying, if we do tornado, might as well throw something else new and fast paced in there.

And no, we shouldn't take ROH's teams! They're the only ones left with a good tag division, we don't need WWE watering them down!
Ecw done tornado tag matches all the time and i would welcome wwe tag matches with this format,just what the tag division needs right now to reignite some excitement back. We would also see more double team moves as well, for me which is the whole point of tag wrestling
Its always been a great idea, but why would Vince pay for 4 guys to wrestle regularly like that? Its cheaper to book fewer people, hence the decline in fatal 4 ways, 4 man tags etc...

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