A Subject I'm Really Tired Of Seeing On Here.


2-Time WZCW Mayhem Champion
Anything pertaining to Chris Benoit's death/murder/WWE's response.

More because it's just the same thing over and over and over: "Chris Benoit's evil and he's going to Hell!" "You're a moron."

For fuck's sake people, leave it alone.
But, he's a murderer who commited suicide. Last I checked, you can't attone for your sins if you kill yourself. Hence, he's in hell.
Well get used to it, it's one of the biggest events in professional wrestling history and will be discussed atleast once a month for-fucking-ever. Dude do you know how many Montreal Screwjob threads and conversations I've seen over the past decade on the internet? Holy fuck, I could write a twelve-volume book about the subject based on how many damn Montreal threads I've seen.
Mind you I'd be spending atleast a chapter on the consistency of the cornflakes Bret Hart had the morning of the 1997 Survivor Series.
Just let Benoit....be dead. I am not sure which I am more sick of, Benoit threads or the increasing number of idiotic TNA threads. That section has become laughable as of late.
Just let Benoit....be dead.I am not sure which I am more sick of, Benoit threads or the increasing number of idiotic TNA threads. That section has become laughable as of late.

Too late, I'm already going to Frankenstein that motherfucker. I want to see that match with Punk damn it.
the fuck is it with people thinking the whole "woman/ innocent child murder" is so funny to joke about? Like I get you crave the attention. but shit, people make those jokes ALL THE TIME, so its not like its even out of the ordinary
I was referencing Nick's comment, and a post I saw earlier, not really you.

I agree on the part of the tragedy overlooked. I was looking forward to that Benoit - Punk match more than anything else on the card
...Ya know D-Man, usually when someone says "CLOSED", they close the thread. Just sayin'.

And FUCK YOOUUUU NOORRCCALLLL let me have my jokes about dead women and children and genocides, it's the only thing that keeps me going.

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