A statement regarding Jeff Hardy.


Pre-Show Stalwart
This is a statement I am going to make about Jeff Hardy, because I believe it. Discuss your reaction to it.

'If Jeff Hardy leaves during Summer, then returns 2/3 years later then he will NEVER get another WWE/World Title reign or considerable push.'

Basically, I think that Jeff, leaving when his contract expires is hurting him a great deal. The push he is on now, is the biggest he has ever had. If he leaves during that, he is only hurting himself. I myself, am a Hardy fan, despite his poor mic skills I do love his uniqueness and high-flying offense.
Jeff will return in a unidentified amount of time and become the new Kane? Do you not think? I think personally he deserves more but thats just me.

What do you think?
If Jeff leaves and comes back he'll be at the top again. It just happened, and being suspended and getting pushed to the moon is far more crazy a thought than to think Hardy would get a push if he just let his contract expire and returned. Would he hold a major belt if he left and returned? I don't think so, but then again I don't think he desperately needs the belt anymore.
WWE wouldn't take him back (again) simply to bury him. If he leaves and comes back, they'll punish him by making him work his way up the rankings. The more times he leaves the company, the longer his "rehabilitation" period will be each time, but management knows how he gets over with the fans and will eventually grant him his push.

This topic makes me think of William Regal and Harry Smith. After being pushed hard, they were banished and look at how long and hard they've had to suffer to try to get back to where they were. But it can be done.
If Jeff leaves, and then comes back, I think he will go back to the top again. They have done that before with past stars, and they would do so in his case, as well. At least, that is my opinion.

The reason is that WWE is in trouble in the Main Event scene. And as far as I can tell, they are extremely behind in grooming replacements for the pending retirements of Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, and Batista.

Sure, I can see them trying to groom CM Punk and MVP. I also see them giving John Morrison a push, as well. But I think they are behind the 8-Ball and should have began this process some time ago.

Vince may be compelled to try and get Christian pushed to the Main Event, as well. I know many people here feel that he will only be a strong midcarder, but Vince may not really have much of a choice.

I just don't think WWE's future looks all that bright, as far as the Main Event scene goes. And even though wrestling is in a slump now, I only see it getting worse in the next couple years after the retirements. Because I definitely don't forsee the next batch of Main Eventers topping Shawn Michaels or Undertaker in terms of popularity. And therefore, interest is going to die down even more.
If Jeff leaves and comes back, I'd bet anything that he'll be in the same spot he is now. Jeff is too popular and makes so much money that it'd be dumb to not let him keep his spot. It's not like he's being suspended, he's just taking time off. HBK and Taker do it all the time and they never lose their spots. And don't tell me it's because HBK/Taker are legends because Jeff is just as popular as those guys.

This topic makes me think of William Regal and Harry Smith. After being pushed hard, they were banished and look at how long and hard they've had to suffer to try to get back to where they were. But it can be done.

The difference between Jeff and those two is that Jeff is actually over and is a merchandise machine. You can't even compare those two with Jeff.
It's not like he's being suspended, he's just taking time off. HBK and Taker do it all the time and they never lose their spots.

The way I understand it, Jeff is considering leaving WWE when his contract expires. It isn't a case of taking time off, it's that he wouldn't be employed by the company anymore. When Taker and HBK take time off, they are still under contract and the organization can make future plans around them.

The topic at hand explores whether WWE would be willing to bring Jeff back at his current standing if he gets re-hired.
I received a ton of red reps when I first posted my opinion about the Jeff/Matt feud, where I stated it was stupid and that it was just a sidetracking device to keep Jeff from a title win over HHH, and that it would result in Matt going nowhere, and Jeff leaving the WWE. Apparently, I wasn't all that wrong. Sure, the WWE is now putting Jeff back on top, but against Edge, not HHH, they didn't give him the opportunity to win the title at WM 25 like I expected and I'm sure, a lot of other fans also wanted, now he's thinking of taking time off, and I don't blame him at all. His multiple losses to Matt didn't kill his popularity, and I'm sure taking time off won't either, so I can see why he'd leave, if the company doesn't see it fit to put him over at the same level as HHH or John Cena, he's not considered vital, so he might as well take time off to enjoy life.

Peace out.
Well if Jeff does leave ( Which I think wont happen) and does come back to a full WWE contract he will be at the top again. He might not get straight up there but maybe a year or a year and a half he will be, heck he could even go Chris Jericho style.

Anyways Jeff will be at the top again because he is so popular. I mean after 2 years the fans will be wanking upon his return ( well his fans anyways). The crowd would have just missed him to much and he will probably be as popular as ever if he does decide to leave and come back.
No I dont think Jeff would hurt himself by leaving or his position if he came back. I think it would be similar to Jericho. When Jericho came back he had one midcard Feud with JBL and then moved to the ME Jeff would be the same, he would have a pointless fued with whoevers a midcard heel at that time and then go back up to where he is now. The problem is with the WWE, they are going to lose alot of merch if Jeff leaves and they de-mask Rey Mysterio.
I think that if Jeff Hardy left and come back, he would be in about the same place. I think it might kill his chances of ever being World Champion again, but he is and still would be too over to be just a mid-carder.
Jeff should be allowed to take time off without any punishment from "management." Now that I've said that, i think he would be punished at first, especially if he had a few TNA appearances. What would end up happening, however, is that the crowd would be so incredibly hot for him, that WWE would have no choice but to feature him more prominently.
He would get the Christian treatment. He'll return, maybe on ECW or more likely on Raw. If it's ECW, he'll have the title within months. If it's Raw...at least he'll be in the main event.

This is, of course, assuming he parts on good terms. If he storms out, burning bridges, then I doubt he'd even be invited back. But if he leaves, and everyone understands it's to take a break so that he doesn't die when he's 40 year old, everything should be fine if/when he comes back.
Let'S face it, if Jeff decides to leave and take a couple of years off, good for him, he's still going to have a spot on the main event roster when he comes back. Just look at Chris Jericho. The guy took 3 or 4 years off and then return and in the spend of one year became one of the biggest heel in the wwe and got a ic title reign and 2 world title reign during that period of time. So if Chris can came back and get a big push like he did, Jeff will probably get the same type of push coming back unless the fans stop caring about him but i doubt it.

The fact is that if Jeff is burn out and want to take a break, he'S going to take it one way or the other so i rather see him take a break on his own terms by not resigning then having him being forced to resign because of the fact that he'S getting a huge push and then go back to is old demons and screw up and get fired during a big push and probably putting his life in danger because of it.

Jeff will not lose is spot if he take a break, it will still be there and the wwe knows it, so i say Jeff, do whatever you want and whatever you decides, the fans will support you.
If Jeff leaves and comes back after a couple of years, it will do his body good and either he will be pushed back into the main-event or will go the Jericho route and flounder around for a while before contending for championship titles.
If Jeff doesn't re-up his contract and indeed comes back in a few years, he'll be back where he is now quickly, unless he effs up pretty hard during his hiatus.

Look at how many people in the audience have the arm-sleeve things on and other Jeff merchandise. That alone will get him a push from Vince. Plus, he is uber-over and would be maybe even more so when he came back, as people wouldn't have seen him for a while.
I think the whole reason the rumors are flying that they are going to screw Jeff over if he tries to come back is because they have to be worried. Undertaker and Shawn are in their last years, and Batista is claiming he's almost done(thank god), so the WWE needs Jeff more then ever, yet he's willing to pack up shop and leave. So they're threatening him, but the fact of the matter is, that when he wants to come back, unless something drastic happens he'll get a push to the main event in no time because they'll still need him.

I'm just hoping he takes less then a year to realize he loves wrestling too much to take more time off.
This is a statement I am going to make about Jeff Hardy, because I believe it. Discuss your reaction to it.

'If Jeff Hardy leaves during Summer, then returns 2/3 years later then he will NEVER get another WWE/World Title reign or considerable push.'

Basically, I think that Jeff, leaving when his contract expires is hurting him a great deal. The push he is on now, is the biggest he has ever had. If he leaves during that, he is only hurting himself. I myself, am a Hardy fan, despite his poor mic skills I do love his uniqueness and high-flying offense.
Jeff will return in a unidentified amount of time and become the new Kane? Do you not think? I think personally he deserves more but thats just me.

What do you think?

I agree with you.

1. His fan base is definitely younger than most wrestlers' fan base. The people that mark out for him have short attention spans. If he leaves and comes back, some of these people eill get nostalgic, but most of the people who cheer him will have moved on or left wrestling.

2. His biggest selling point is that he's a daredevil. The toll that takes on the body is immeasurable. If he quits, he will do noting but age during his prime. He wouldn't be able to come back and capture everyone's imagination by putting his life on the line in every match.

3. There are a lot of up and comers. Say he leaves for 18 months. In the next 18 months, Shelton Benjamin will have had a main event chance, Jack Swagger will be moved up, CM Punk may finally become a legit main eventer.

4. Jeff hardy has benefited from the brand split more than any other wrestler. The tag titles are gone, unified. There is talk of unifying the heavyweight titles on Batista. If they are united titles, it seems as if the brand split may end. If this happens, HHH and Vince will keep certain guys at the top. Even if HHH likes Jeff personally, there just wouldn't be room for him, especially if he left and came back.

He would come back like a house of fire, but he would get lost in the shuffle. Jeff needs to stay on TV to stay over because of the fickle nature of tweens.
Here is my statement regarding Jeff Hardy, he should be in ECW. Jeff really could be the heart and soul of the show. There is no reason he couldn't hold on to the ECW world title for a lengthy amount of time. Now that ECW has the likes of Christian, Swagger, and Helms it would make sense. Hardy isn't much of a draw in the main event scene on RAW/Smackdown. He is "Extreme" in every sense of the way. Jeff is perfect for the ECW show.
ECW stands for Entertainment Championship Wrestling. E...C....W... is dead. Plus the ECW Title is worthless. It's just a paper title. It's basically the top WWE Developmental Title. Christian just has it to give it credibility. Jeff is right where he should be. Unfortunately the brand split is killing the WWE. There aren't enough guys for a WWE Title and a World Heavyweight Title. Same goes for the US and IC Titles. There needs to be a WWE/World Title unification match at WM. ECW can stay on as it's own developmental entity. That way there would be a great main event scene with Jeff, Edge, Batista, Randy Orton, Cena, Big Show, and Jericho. Then you could just have the IC Title and have guys like Santino (as a technical submission serious competitor,( an art he can actually do), MVP, Matt Hardy, Rey Mysterio, William Regal, Kofi Kingston and Miz compete for it. Jeff also needs a huge win over Triple H or Batista. That would cement his legacy as greatness. However it probably won't ever happen and Jeff won't ever be taken seriously be WWE Management. I love Edge and all, but Jeff should've pinned Triple H to win the title. That would've made it mean so much more.

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