A Starr is born

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Getting Noticed By Management
Has anyone else seen those "at bound for glory: A Starr is born" advertisements on impact? Is that in reference to Austin Aries coming back as Austin Starr like rumors have it?
I have no clue... I was wondering the same thing. Thats a MASSIVE push for Austin though, if theyr'e going to name a PPV after him. He honestly needs it though.
I think it is Aries... He's probably going to be in the X-Div Title match...
Man if he does come back at Bound for Glory in the X Division championship match that would be great. He is such a great performer.
Yeah I think even the Observer acknowledged it was Aries' new gimmick called Austin Starr, which sucks cuz Austin Aries its such a kickass name :'(
Yeah i can see a 4 way for the title at BFG or even a 6 way...

Four way-Senshi-Sabin-Williams-Starr

Six Way-Austin Starr-Senshi-Sabin-Petey Williams-Sonjay Dutt-Jay Lethal
^^Sucks they're doing an Ultimate X at No Surrender. Cuz, That 6 way you said, would've made for a great Ultimate X. Even the 4 way too
Austin Areis is a great wrestler, he definately deserves to make it huge in TNA, hopefully the give him a good push, i'd really like it if he won the X-Division title.
DisturbedEwok said:
^^Sucks they're doing an Ultimate X at No Surrender. Cuz, That 6 way you said, would've made for a great Ultimate X. Even the 4 way too

I'd like it either way even if its not Ultimate X...The ultimate X at no surrender will be the main event...imo since jj will not be defending the title and can be a great match!
Aries rocks I saw him wrestle at R.O.H. first English show the other week and him and Roderick Strong vs. The Briscoes was one of the best live matches i've ever seen.
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