A Serious Debate: Dean Ambrose getting buried?

Prince Vee

Better than I think I am
When Dean Ambrose lost the major PPVs viz., Hell in a Cell, Survivor Series and TLC, he got a name tag for himself losing all the major PPVs. Following the TLC, he lost a final match against Bray Wyatt in the first ever Ambulance match at Raw. Still there were lots of people defending Dean by saying that losing at PPV doesn't mean he's getting buried. I was one among them tbh.

But lately while scrutinizing, I just noted that he's getting buried for some reasons. He was the one who had the greatest pop before TLC. Then the WWE putting down the momentum he had been getting.

The biggest strength of Dean Ambrose is his mic skills. But I haven't seen him cutting any meaningful or not even a promo after TLC. The only singles competition he won against a major star is Bad News Barrett which led to their match at the Fast lane which was awesome, except the ending!!

But that feud became meaningless because WWE was pushing the ladder match! I don't complain about that ladder match. But unfortunately it ends dreadfully awful for Dean Ambrose.

Not getting any wins lately, not use his best strength the Mic skills and getting pushed down to lower Midcard are the reasons which made me think Dean is getting buried... What are your thoughts?
A serious answer:


He is in the hunt for a title that has been given some meaning. He doesn't need to be pushed down our throats rather, this sort being under the radar will make him burn stronger. He is consistently getting good pops and he doesn't need to get on the mic every damn time.

You strike me as a Dean A fan, good taste son! But I tell you what, this year, SSlam's biggest pop will be for Ambrose if he isn't injured and by Mania 32 he WILL be in a high profile feud; I guaran-damn-tee it. He is burning under the radar, thats a big big thing
I don't think WWE had any real plans for Ambrose following his feud with Rollins. With Bray, he won so they could build him up to face the Undertaker- although it was pointless since Bray lost. It's also possible he was blamed for the rather lackluster responses that his feud with Bray got, when it was really the weak writings fault- and bad timing, since the Authority angle was far hotter and it made no sense for Ambrose not to be there.

Then he went on a losing streak. Some believe it will make his triumphant victory that much more awesome, but I disagree. The only way there will be a pay-off is if it is for a meaningful feud. Somehow, his United States Championbship battle didn't feel that meaningful. Barrett doesn't seem as over as he used to be and eventually it became based around Ziggler and Bryan.

Are they burying him? No, Ambrose does at least appear often. Swagger has arguably got it harder as his appearances have become incredible sporadic. Bo Dallas has been buried. Adam Rose has been buried. Zack Ryder has been buried. Even Goldust appears to have been buried. Ambrose is still a solid midcarder, but yes, I think most can agree that he could be better utilized.
He's been consistently on PPV and Raw/Smackdown having great matches. Did you not see that match v Cena last week. It was a good length match, were he had some near falls where he both nearly pinned Cena and kicked out at the last second as well as just putting on an all round great match. If that's being buried then poor Roman was squashed at WM.

Now Zack Ryder was buried. You know, very rarely appears and when he does he loses in 2 mins.

Dean Ambrose is chasing titles and putting on great matches against top stars which couldn't be any further from being buried.

I wish people would learn what words actually mean before banging on about things like this. That's not a shot at the OP, just more a comment towards a lot of fans in general.
You strike me as a Dean A fan, good taste son! But I tell you what, this year, SSlam's biggest pop will be for Ambrose if he isn't injured and by Mania 32 he WILL be in a high profile feud; I guaran-damn-tee it. He is burning under the radar, thats a big big thing

If he's the one to get the greatest pop at Summer Slam, I'm gonna be the one of the happiest Dean fan! But what title scene do you think he would gonna be in? And who would he feud with? Will he be still that crazy Lunatic Fringe? I've a lot of questions! Told ya this is a serious Debate!
If he's the one to get the greatest pop at Summer Slam, I'm gonna be the one of the happiest Dean fan! But what title scene do you think he would gonna be in? And who would he feud with? Will he be still that crazy Lunatic Fringe? I've a lot of questions! Told ya this is a serious Debate!

Ok well let me get to them coz Im a DA fan myself

The IC title hunt (if any) should be his goal although by SSlam don't be surprised if he challenges Cena for the US strap, and wins.

He will always be The Lunatic Fringe, by gawd the amount of plug that they have done for that phrase makes me cringe every time I hear Cole squawk it.

This little detour with Harper is nice, but he needs a meaningful feud and I have said this many a times chasing a title without meaning is hurtful for a man's push. Look at ADR. Ambrose needs a blood feud with someone good at the moment
He's been consistently on PPV and Raw/Smackdown having great matches. Did you not see that match v Cena last week. It was a good length match, were he had some near falls where he both nearly pinned Cena and kicked out at the last second as well as just putting on an all round great match. If that's being buried then poor Roman was squashed at WM.

Now Zack Ryder was buried. You know, very rarely appears and when he does he loses in 2 mins.

Dean Ambrose is chasing titles and putting on great matches against top stars which couldn't be any further from being buried.

I wish people would learn what words actually mean before banging on about things like this. That's not a shot at the OP, just more a comment towards a lot of fans in general.

That's the only thing nagging me too much because he puts on some high profile matches with high profile superstars but he doesn't seem like winning any of it. I can't see him grabbing any title soon. I too just wish that he is getting ready for something big! I just hope he won't get buried!
He isn't. He is, however, just going through the motions which can't be a good thing. Indeed, his stuff in the ring can be very formulaic and is becoming tedious. He needs to bring it from that aspect. They probably didn't want to push him at the same time as others. Reigns, Rollins, Bray and Rusev all had big feuds and Ambrose simply wasn't in the mix.

He had a big feud with Rollins and they decided to end that with Bray. A big feud with him and, indeed, he lost that. Bray had bigger things planned so that was understandable.

Ambrose was in the last 5 of the Rumble. He had a singles match at Fastlane for the belt and was a vital part of the IC title build up. He had a big match with Cena on the Raw after Mania too.

There have been positives for Ambrose and he is unfortunate that there are others in better positions. I foresee a big Summer for Ambrose and he is arguably the favourite for MITB. He could also easily win a mid-card belt as well.

He isn't being "buried". He simply isn't at the forefront of the WWE's plans but he has always been given something. Something is better than nothing and all his matches have been competitive. Even when losing to Bray or Cena, he has been made to look great. His time will come soon enough.
I highly doubt it. While I do believe that Ambrose is ready to a much greater degree than Roman Reigns, I get the notion that they're building Ambrose up.

If they wanted to bury him, then why give him a strong, competitive match against John Cena for the United States Championship? If they wanted to bury him, Cena could've won in 3 minutes flat, or less, with little to no trouble. Losing to Cena clean after a competitive match in which both men look like stars isn't being buried, not by a long shot.

They also could've had in flat out lose to Luke Harper instead of simply having him powerbomed through the announce table. They're probably setting up some sort of Tables Match between Harper & Ambrose for Extreme Rules.

Ambrose has been featured on ppvs consistently, he gets a strong response from fans, he has strong matches on television and fans know he has the goods on the mic. With Money in the Bank coming up in a few months, Ambrose is probably one of the favorites to win. The only other favorite that springs to mind at this point is Roman Reigns but, frankly, Reigns doesn't really need it. He had a title match and he'll find himself back there eventually again.
A serious answer... No.

First... go look up the word "buried" in the wrestling dictionary. Then go stand in front of the mirror in your bathroom and slap yourself about 46 times. Over and over. There is nothing that grinds my gears more than people using words in which they don't know the meaning.

Dean Ambrose is on television every single week. Dean Ambrose is always in a feud. Dean Ambrose is always doing something interesting. Dean Ambrose just had a pretty good match with John Cena. Dean Ambrose is in the hunt for the IC Title. Dean Ambrose is not, has not, will not be buried. Thank you for being one of the millions... AND MILLIONS of wrestling fans that have no frocking clue what the word "buried" means. Now go stand in the corner with a dunce cap on. You can't have a "serious debate" about anything when you're using words incorrectly.

Sorry... that was my "buried" rant. It's the thing I hate most in this world. However, what I will give you is that as much as I love Ambrose, he has not advanced up the card since The Shield split and that sort of worries me. As someone above stated... he is kind of going through the motions. Has good TV matches, gets great pops, puts on a solid show... but never wins a match that counts. Yes it's wrestling. The wins and losses don't count. They do however matter in the scope of character development and advancing up the card for your career. I would think Ambrose is a MitB favorite this year. But there's a lot of other guys in that mix too. You can't count out Bryan, Ziggler, Wyatt, Sheamus, or Rusev. I'm sure I'm even forgetting a few names. Ambrose could grab the briefcase and it could be a huge step forward for him. He could also not grab it and be stuck in mid-card hell for another year. He's just not at the front of Vince's plans right now.
I'm a huge Ambrose fan and have been since he debuted with the Shield. I'm also pissed at the way he's been booked lately, but consoling myself with the thought that something better is on the horizon for him.

He has been featured in PPV's and on RAW and SD, so he's getting the exposure that keeps him relevant. Not happy about the losing streak, but I think the WWE will reward him. One of the WWE's biggest issues seems to be that they can't seem to focus on everyone at the same time.

We had the run up to Mania and Reigns and Rollins were featured heavily, because of the main event and MITB status. Ambrose got the ball rolling in the IC title hunt and did a great job of it, but he was rewarded with a loss, and Reigns and Rollins both got a win really.

The thing with Ambrose is he seems to be able to bounce back from a loss where others wouldn't be able too. There will however come a point, where the fans might lose interest if he doesn't start winning.
Losing isn't buried. U.S. Title matches vs John Cena isn't buried. Zack Ryder was buried. Disappearing from storylines is buried.

Ambrose is extremely over and WWE has been using him to put over top heels. His character is lacking direction. The story they are telling seems to be that of a man who can't seem to get the job done. Ryback suffered a similar problem during his first year. He went on a PPV losing streak that eventually lead to a heel turn and more losing. Ambrose may be headed for a heel turn. I've said it a million times, there are too many babyfaces in the upper card and not enough heels.

Bryan kind of hijacked the IC title match at mania. I thought Ambrose was being pushed into that spot. The story they told sure seemed to point to Ambrose winning until Bryan and Ziggler got involved.

Let's see where this mini program with Luke Harper goes. Ambrose should be seeking revenge, and the outcome will set up Ambrose's trajectory. The singles title scenes are all fairly crowded at the moment. I think a heel turn might be something to consider in order to get Ambrose into relevant storylines, but I'm also saying that because the midcard is overcrowded with faces.

Unfortunately, we may be looking at a few more months of Ambrose in the lower card. The OP is clearly an Ambrose fan and may be crossing the wires of buried vs his boy not picking up any credible wins. I'm an Ambrose fan too. Of all the Shield guys, I think he'll take the longest to reach the title scene. The triple threat between three of them is just too good of a story not to happen. I'd give Dean another year until he's in the main event. I also think we'll either see him pick up steam winning as a face vs Harper, or we'll start to see the frustration show.
Not by any stretch of the imagination. How can he be getting buried when he doesn't even look bad?


Dude is not on a losing streak either. He lost to Cena and didn't win a ladder match, that's a losing streak?

He just got power bombed through a table on SD last week and was written off RAW, he'll be back soon.

He has been showcased ever since the Shield broke up, he's always doing something, no way he's being "buried".
This topic again??

Dean Ambrose is and has been getting what is called the slow burn push. It is the kind of push that tests the fans' patience but it usually ends in a glorious fashion, take for instance, the recent Huge Daniel Bryan push which ended in a huge title victory.

Ambrose has been regularly featured on both shows, and has been kept "strong" for the most part, but always with the fans left wanting more... His pops have cooled down post the Rollins feud and his brief Main Event run, but it hasn't been extinguished completely, and I'd say leading into and out of Mania, he has actually got back some momentum once again.

I fully expect Dean Ambrose to join his former Shield brethren, Reigns and Rollins, in the Main Event scene come WrestleMania season of 2017. Believe That!
It does kind of seem that way, however as Navi was saying WWE can't focus on all their guys at once, it'd just be a giant clusterf***. I'm not too worried right now, but if this continues throughout the year, I'll be a little more concerned. Right now, WWE kind of has their hands full with concentrating on bringing up the new guys, Cena, Bryan, Rollins, Reigns, and Orton, among a few others. I can wait a little longer for the payoff, I just hope it will be worth it.

The above might've only been on Smackdown going into the last Rumble PPV, but what it showed was that Dean Ambrose can always be plugged back into a feud with Seth Rollins when the time is right, and due to that feud's immense success(to the point of Main Eventing a PPV over Cena-Orton), more than likely the majority of fans will eat it up big time!

Unless Ambrose is taken off TV completely or made to look like a complete joke, I'm confident he is going to get into the Main Event scene sooner rather than later. At this point, Reigns and Rollins are the guys WWE is high on, with Wyatt and Rusev behind them, then there is Dean F'n Ambrose to come!
I personally don't think he's being buried. Consistently on tv in high profile matches.even now I seems like they're building a comeback feud against harper what with him powerbombing him first through a ladder and then the announce table.
There is a big difference between burying someone and having no idea what to do with someone.

MVP went on a losing streak for months and months. They made fun of him for it on commentary. That is burial.

CM Punk when he got drafted to Raw in 2008 won Money in the Bank, had a lackluster World Title reign, held the Intercontinental and Tag Titles for a while. Really just drifting around until he started the Straight Edge Society. That was because WWE didn't know what to do with him.

And Dean Ambrose is simply drifting around because WWE don't know what to do with him. He had his feud with Seth Rollins, and it was good. It also helped that it was the obvious feud for both guys at the time. Then Ambrose was the unfortunate victim of circumstance in that WWE needed Bray Wyatt to win a decent feud before challenging Undertaker. And then, as is customary in this day and age for people that WWE doesn't know what to do with, Ambrose chased midcard titles for a while.

Now, the WWE knows they've got a talented guy in Ambrose. McMahon has said as much. But Ambrose really needs something to sink his teeth into. He needs his own version of the Straight Edge Society. Until then, he'll just be drifting around unfortunately.
There are a few things going on with Ambrose, but nothing that should be too alarming.

We've spent the past decade watching the WWE do nothing with the mid-card belts. If you couldn't get yourself in the mid-card title discussion, then you were basically worthless. When we see Ambrose not really involved in the title picture, we apply that line of thinking and consider him 'lost.' In truth, we're starting a new era of the mid-card belt. Both mid-card titles are currently being held by main event talents and getting the necessary TV exposure to bring them back to relevance. While Ambrose was a perfect candidate for both mid-card belts a month ago, he's now a notch below where he needs to be. That's not because he took a step, but instead because the titles took a step up. That part isn't necessarily Ambrose's fault.

...but he's not completely blameless here. Ambrose has the talent. His mic skills are as good as anyone's in the company. His ring work is solid, too. But he's gone down a dangerous path with his current gimmick. Playing a loose canon gimmick in the WWE is going to naturally invoke memories of Brian Pillman. Unfortunately, with PG restrictions, Ambrose can't play the character even remotely similar to how Pillman did. So instead of playing a lunatic who is capable of doing anything - Ambrose is playing a lunatic who is capable of saying anything. And again, with the PG restrictions, the watered-down content of what he's saying makes him come across more comedic than dangerous. If he's going to play a loose canon, he needs to find a way to come off more dangerous and less like a clown looking for a laugh.
It always amazes me how people don't grasp what is in front of their faces.

They CAN'T push everyone at the same time. There are only so many chances at one time and right now, like it or not, is Rollins time with Reigns and Wyatt both ahead of Ambrose, Barrett, Ziggler and everyone else who might be considered "worthy".

They're not being "buried" just not featured in the main event. Barrett is getting the IC title shot and arguably for a reason... so he can lose to Bryan in a strong match (remember how good their match on SD was some time ago) and that puts him into MITB contention... something Ambrose will also be in contention for.

Think back to the Attitude Era, they couldn't push everyone at the same time... Austin came first, then Rock, Then Foley THEN Trips, Angle, Jericho... Ambrose is exactly where Jericho was in 2000, he is WAY over but not the right guy to be in that main event right now. Trips was back then, when Jericho had that title win that got reversed, the crowd went NUTS... they wanted it, but the WWE didn't... but teasing it proved that he was at the level talent and overness wise... but the pieces weren't there... cue a year later and the 2 Man Power Trip v Jericho and Benoit feud allowed Y2J to step up enough to finally get his moment, beating both top guys on the way up...

Ambrose may well be due for the same, but not right now... he has to be patient and so do you as fans of him... There are several guys WWE wants to get over to the point they can main event... Rollins has done the best of all of them so far in terms of progress and work so he rightfully is at the top of that tree... Wyatt is second on balance and Reigns is there on what the company want... Ambrose is no higher than 4th and maybe as low as 6th or 7th depending on what happens with guys like Balor when they come up sooner rather than later.

I liken him to a modern Jake Roberts, he's the kind of guy who is gonna be over no matter what, he doesn't NEED a World title right now and may never need one. After all if EVERYONE gets it eventually, it becomes worthless... if some "great" guys never do, then the title becomes more coveted, valuable and impressive when/if he does win it.
let's start ambrose movement for his burrial. wwe now realize fans not takeover them. best example is Bryan. so they won't give wwe whc title opportunity.
Dean Ambrose his real name is Jonathan NO Good! His mic skills suck and in ring skills he is a the 3rd worse from the shield followed By Reigns who lacks mic skills and in ring skills he deserves to get buried he is not good! Seth Rollins is the best out of the 3 he has it all in ring skills and mic skills
Nine days ago, Dean Ambrose was in a major match against John Cena on Monday Night Raw with a close near fall and Cena congratulating him after the match. This is after being in a title match at Wrestlemania and, as the opening poster says, losing in the main events of two pay per views. Let me reemphasize that. He was MAIN EVENTING pay per views late last year, then he was in the final five of the Royal Rumble as the second to last face standing.

If someone thinks Ambrose is getting buried after being put in those spots, you either don't know what burying means, aren't paying attention, or are stupid.
Buried is like being in the doghouse for doing something wrong. He's not even close to that. Ambrose hasn't won a lot but they've kept his face out there. I don't think it's his fault just that the WWE is trying to give some kind of push to too many people at once, maybe to justify their salaries.

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