A Series of Unfortunate Events

The Doctor

Great and Devious
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Hello, all.
I recently finished rereading this series of books, and it reminded me of just how god they were. Has anyone else read them? What did you think of them?

Also, as anyone who has read the series will know, there are piles upon piles of unsolved mysteries in the books. What are your solutions or theories?
Please put them in spoilers, just to be nice to those who haven't read the books yet.

1. The mysterious man in Book The Twelfth is Lemony Snicket himself.
I believe that he referred to the man ambiguously as not to draw attention to himself or reveal the fact that he was still alive. How else would he know that i the Baudelaire's had gotten in the taxi there would be thirteen more books in the series?

2. The first twelve books were published before the events of Book The Thirteenth took place.
After all why would Lemony Snicket hide letters to his sister in the books when his sister dies in the thirteenth one?

Anyone else? Reviews? Theories? General banter?
The books are good to an extent. When I was younger I loved them, they were second only to Harry Potter and I used to love waiting for the next installment. I love some of the books, but in others the misery, or 'unfortunate events' just get way too much and it takes energy to want to read them. There's only so much misfortune a book can have before it becomes depressing.

I haven't read the books in a couple of years and this thread has made me want to try again, so I might come back and talk more after that.
Well, I never got tired of them because while there was misfortune it was for the most part dealt with in a funny way. Plus, a lot of it was ridiculous. I can see where you're getting at, though. A lot of books just made me want to go "Oh FUCK this, not AGAIN!". I think that's the feeling Handler was trying to instill, though, so I forgive him.

Once you've reread them I'd like to discuss them with you. So, looking forward to it. :)
I haven't read those books since I was about 13-14. We as a class in middle school read them all. I of course got sick of waiting to know what happened, so I went and read them all ahead of the class. I think there were only like.. 9. or some shit. I enjoyed them then, they were pretty good. I might read them again.

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