A sense of nostalgia.


Why do you think the ECW fans, go to WWE arenas, and chant ECW!!!ECW!!!ECW!!!ECW!!!ECW!!!? I've been thinking on this for quite sometime. I've come to the conclution, all wrestling fans have a sense of nostalgia. Wrestling evolves every 3-10 years.

Just look, 70's was technical. 80's was hogan, entertainment. 90's we had technicallity of Hart/HBK, and the attitude era. '00 is where my sense of nostalgia holds. For me. I just call it wrestling. Its entertaining, and a little technical. I have no clue what era to call it. I just call it wrestling. Much like you might call your era, if you were born in the 80's early 90's late 90's or The wrestling era :)

Take you Hulkamaniacs, I'll use Ricky as my example, just because I KNOW hes older and watched it back then. Ricky, probably likes more wrestling that is like the 80's because thats his era. It would probably be more entertaining to him, to just hear someone how flashy they are. Like flair, "the Jetflyin, lemosine riding, kiss stealing, wheelin dealin, son of a gun!!" If a rookie came out, all flashy, and could back it up, saying "Yacht ridin, Cadillac driven, Armoni Suit wearin, boob feelin, Thugnasty son of a gun!" Ricky, would probably be entertained. (Note: My Promo's aren't good but you all get the point?)

Take you early 90's fans. You'd be heavily into factions more than likely. NWO, 4 Horseman, and The Hart Foundation ran wild from 90-97. So probably Legacy, Evolution, Team Canada, MeM, would entertain you greatly. Your sense of nostalgia, would make it to where you are more entertained, by tag matches, and large factions. I can't really think of any AMAZING singles stars, that these factions didn't overshadow.

Take you attitude era fans. They are the ones who yell ECW!!!ECW!!!ECW!!!ECW!!!ECW!!!ECW!!! at the wrestling arena. These guys are the ones who complain, about how shit wrestling has gotten. They want to see UFC, and beatdowns in the ring. Not good ol' fashion wrestlings. These people were the start of amazing cashflow, and the end of it.

For me, I like powerhitting type werstling. John Cena makes me happy. Theres an attitude that goes on in their wrestling, yet they don't sink to the level of cursing, drinking, and just plain trash, that the attitude era did. I am part of this era. I will always like guys like JBL, HHH, Cena, Batista, Orton, because of such things. My wrestling Nostalgia years from now, will probably be along the lines of, newer guys. As they are the most entertaining to me. WWE has been bringing in tons of new talent since the Attitude Era died out, and those wrestlers left. Some made it, some didn't.

So there you have it. What do you think about your wrestling nostalgia. And do you even think its real? Is my conclution wrong as to why those ECW!!!ECW!!!ECW!!!ECW!!! guys go to matches?
Milk[lw];979533 said:
Take you early 90's fans. You'd be heavily into factions more than likely. NWO, 4 Horseman, and The Hart Foundation ran wild from 90-97. So probably Legacy, Evolution, Team Canada, MeM, would entertain you greatly. Your sense of nostalgia, would make it to where you are more entertained, by tag matches, and large factions. I can't really think of any AMAZING singles stars, that these factions didn't overshadow.

I agree 100%. This is me. I want factions, I want Double J to get a flashing hat, I want the bad guy, I want Yokozuna plus so many other things. I would be happy only watching Wrestlemania 9 - 14.
I'd have to say I'm all for Attitude. When the world of wrestling was on fire with. Not only because we had great action and entertainment but because there was alot more people involved. Think about it you had WWE, WCW, ECW and so many people where into it. And wrestling was huge it even went into mainstream with mankind being in food commercials and so on. There was so much more activity and it was great you had everything you needed to be entertained. Now I'm a younger fan (i was around for the Attitude era) But remember more of the end of it (00 to 01) Which in there we saw TLC great hardcore match's and great entertainment. I loved the end of attitude. Because it had the best of everything with all stars at there peek. Plus the shows looked good and the stage lighting and pyro looked new and sleek to fit the show you had that big feel atmosphere. when you had rock, HHH, Stone cold all at there best along with coming stars from WCW, ECW like Booker T like RVD and so on. I had the greatest pleasure of seeing Summerslam 2001 live as a kid. All those great match ups

RVD V. Jeff Hardy in a freaking ladder match

Stone cold V. Kurt angle

Rock V. Booker

Brothers of destruction V. DDP/Kanyon

and more.

Now WWE is more glits and glamor raw is only worth watching to me is to see Shawn, HHH, Jericho or Orton....or Santino Marella.

But thats my opinion.

speaking of nostalgia...does anyone think that part of koko b. wares getting into the hall of fame had to do with his name being mentioned on the USA network show Psydh...this guy has been in lost in obscurity for over a decade now yet he's in the hall of fame and he was far from great...what got him there? he wasn't the first black anything unless i'm mistaken, other than the psych reference what else does he have? fact that he's that old, a wrestler, and still alive?
I know that i am nostalgic for the Monday night wars.
It was the type of era where anything could happen, if you missed raw or nitro, you probably missed something good.
Who was going to jump to another company this week.
Nowadays if you miss raw or Smackdown, no big deal theyll show you what happened 10 times next week.
I guess im nostalgic for the unpredictability.
It's all about how the 80s worked! The choices we had and when the WWF was too cartoonish, we had Florida, NWA, WCCW, and many more regional territories. A new guy we read about in PWI would show up in the NWA from Florida. The phrases were cool but it was all about how REAL it was or how they made it seem. Man, I miss World Championship Wrestling on Saturday evenings with the NWA. If we could only get more choices and make wrestling seem REAL again, and to hell with Sports Entertainment and the people who choose it over old school, promo-driven, talent-driven "wrasslin"!!!!!

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