A return we would all MTFO for.

Mr. TM

Throwing a tantrum
I think there is one man out there that we would all mark the fuck out for when he makes his return. Wrestlers have come back, and brought happiness to those who appreciate nostalgia for years. Hogan's returns, Tatanka's return, The Animal's return, whenever those other old guys make returns. But there are always the naysayers out there that disapprove of it. They say things like... "They are taking spots away from the young kids", or "They are killing their legacy".

But the one man whose return would be widely celebrated, I believe it this man:


There is no chance he would be holding back people, there is no legacy to destroy, and who doesn't love the Brooklyn brawler. Now that the WWE has released a lot of the old great jobbers such as Scotty 2 Hotty and Val Venis, we need a person who can go out there and job like no other.

So WWE, bring back The Brooklyn Brawler for the pop like no other.
You may be onto something here TM,

Wikipedia said:
Lombardi is often recognized as the most famous "jobber" in the history of World Wrestling Entertainment. For the majority of his career, whenever Lombardi was seen on television, it was almost a guarantee that he was going to lose.

I would Semi Mark Out for him because he really hasnt done anything memorable in the WWF/E than be a jobber. I would only MTFO for him was if he was wearing a ripped up Yankees shirt

I see where you're going with this however, I would put him on ECW, and have him job to the new FCW guys like Washington,Tatsu,Sheamus,Reks,and Jackson. Even with some of them, he could still last a good 2 minutes in the ring.
WWE doesn't have to bring the Brooklyn Brawler back, because he is already employed by them. He's a road agent and occassionally appears as an on-air talent. He's actually popped up here and there in the last few years (wrestling as Doink, doing segments with Cena, attempting to become Raw GM, etc). As for "MTFO" for his permanent in-ring return? I wouldn't even raise an eyebrow. The man is near 50 years old. Does anyone get excited anymore when Sgt. Slaughter, Rowdy Piper, Jimmy Snuka, etc make a surprise appearance? I sure don't.
Why would people MTFO for the Brawler? We already have Funaki, Jimmy Wang Yang, Kendrick, Chavo, Noble, Charlie Haas, and a sleu of other jobbers now. The Jobber scene is fine right now, and the Brawler would only be "over" for maybe a week or two as a novelty. I would think no one would mark out. He would get a pop, but he wouldn't blow the roof off. He's not coming to win, he's coming to get squashed so why mark out?

A real mark out return would be the obvious choices. The choices are so obvious I won't even state them.
Why would people MTFO for the Brawler? We already have Funaki, Jimmy Wang Yang, Kendrick, Chavo, Noble, Charlie Haas, and a sleu of other jobbers now.

Easy, he is better than them.

The Jobber scene is fine right now

But not great.

and the Brawler would only be "over" for maybe a week or two as a novelty.

Scotty 2 Hotty was over for a long time, and BB is better.

I would think no one would mark out.

You would think wrong.

He would get a pop, but he wouldn't blow the roof off.

I would, and it as just replaced.

He's not coming to win, he's coming to get squashed so why mark out?

The same reason people cheer for Jeff Hardy I guess.

A real mark out return would be the obvious choices. The choices are so obvious I won't even state them.

WWE doesn't have to bring the Brooklyn Brawler back, because he is already employed by them.

But his character isn't used.

He's a road agent and occassionally appears as an on-air talent.

Been a while.

He's actually popped up here and there in the last few years (wrestling as Doink,

Note the difference between the character and the man himself.

doing segments with Cena,

Back when he was a thug?

attempting to become Raw GM, etc).

Would be better than any other option.

As for "MTFO" for his permanent in-ring return? I wouldn't even raise an eyebrow.

Who are you, The Rock?

The man is near 50 years old.

So is Finlay, and who doesn't mark for this old worlder?

Does anyone get excited anymore when Sgt. Slaughter, Rowdy Piper, Jimmy Snuka, etc make a surprise appearance? I sure don't.

The difference is they are ALWAYS on Raw, being fat and drunk. BB is NEVER on Raw.
If they did it right it might work. Have all the jobbers, like the ones mentioned above, all want to beat him but he'll only wrestle one of them and at a PPV. So have all the crappy jobbers do a month long tournament to see who would face him. And they all know they'll pretty much beat the brawler and while they're doing this have the Brawler lose to everyone like Kozlov and Orton and Edge. Brooklyn Brawler would be like King of the Jobbers.
I think there is one man out there that we would all mark the fuck out for when he makes his return. Wrestlers have come back, and brought happiness to those who appreciate nostalgia for years. Hogan's returns, Tatanka's return, The Animal's return, whenever those other old guys make returns. But there are always the naysayers out there that disapprove of it. They say things like... "They are taking spots away from the young kids", or "They are killing their legacy".

But the one man whose return would be widely celebrated, I believe it this man:


There is no chance he would be holding back people, there is no legacy to destroy, and who doesn't love the Brooklyn brawler. Now that the WWE has released a lot of the old great jobbers such as Scotty 2 Hotty and Val Venis, we need a person who can go out there and job like no other.

So WWE, bring back The Brooklyn Brawler for the pop like no other.

I would love to see 2 WWE returns that I think would be interesting:

1. Sid Justice - I know it would be tough cause that accident in the ring many years ago but even he said awhile ago he couldn't pass the wellness test.

2. Macho Man Randy Savage - We all know this will never happen unless Vince and Macho Man make up.
2. Macho Man Randy Savage - We all know this will never happen unless Vince and Macho Man make up.

I'm not really sure about Vince making up with Macho Man but at least he has his DVD out right now. so it's a sort of step in a direction.

As for the Brooklyn Brawler, he's not going back to wrestling anytime soon, I think. What I found out, he's a road agent in WWE. Maybe he;s teaching the roster how to job properly or something. It would be rather awkward for me to walk out and everyone giving him some resemblance of a pop. I just don't see it.
not sure if he is still alive but how about the giant gonzalez to fued with the great khali. LOL. a true suckfest. or since wwe owns wcw bring back robocop.in all seriousness unfortunately even tho i think he is a sellout i think if the rock were to return the roof would blow off.
This has the potential to work. I can imagine it now,the crowd would so speechless BB would enter to the quietest pop in professional wresting history. people at home would change the channel immediately to advert their unworthy eye's from the, no doubt, amazing man on their TV screens.

WWE should give Brawler Cena's music so that kid's in audience cry tears of joy when their new hero arrives.
Sometimes you get a bit of a nostelgia effect from these things, but the Brawler had such an insignificant career that plenty of people won't remember him, not to mention the children who are becoming the target audience will have no clue who he is. It could work ok, but it'd probably be a waste of time.
3 Words....

Rob Van Dam

I don't think anyone would produce a bigger pop. If you don't believe me just watch last years Royal Rumble. They exploded...

The only one who would be close/better would be if the Rock ever returned to the ring, which won't happen.
Everybody seems to have forgotton that The Brawler holds a clean pinfall victory over none other than the "The Game" HHH. Not to many Main eventers on the roster these days can even say that!

maybe a stable of the brawler, barry horowitz and duane gill should challenge legacy for the bragging rights over whos crappier.

no in all seriousness i would like to see any of those guys job at least one last time. not legacy tho.
The BB wouldn't do much except for older fans and even then no one would really get excited.

I would love to see the Macho Man at least one more time even with his big grey beard

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